(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) The results of a new survey by Pew Research are causing many Jews to fear “another” Shoah could be around the corner — as nearly half of adults in the U.S. — angered by the radicalization of the Left — now support some version of Christian Nationalism:
Forty-five percent of American adults believe the United States should be a “Christian nation,” according to the results of a new survey published Thursday by the Pew Research Center — the latest data point finding modern support for Christian nationalist sentiment that could threaten Jewish life in a pluralistic nation.
But Pew respondents had varying opinions on what exactly the term “Christian nation” means.
Those who supported the idea “see a Christian nation as one where people are more broadly guided by Christian values or a belief in God, even if its laws are not explicitly Christian and its leaders can have a variety of faiths or no faith at all,” Pew researchers Gregory Smith, Michael Rotolo and Patricia Tevington wrote in a summary of their findings.
Pew found that most people who support the idea of a “Christian nation” also reject specific ideas behind Christian nationalism, such as that of the federal government declaring Christianity the country’s official religion or advocating Christian religious values. A majority of all respondents also wanted to keep churches out of politics and believed Supreme Court Justices should not allow their religious beliefs to influence their decision-making.
A Pew spokesperson told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that the survey didn’t include any questions about Jews and therefore couldn’t offer insight into what its implications toward Jews would be. Pew crafted the survey in an effort to understand the recent growth of Christian nationalist sentiments among some politicians and members of the public.
Still, the concept of a “Christian nation” is a dangerous one for Jews. Christian nationalism, which holds that the United States should base its laws and identity around Christianity and discourage or reject other religious beliefs outright, has a strong historic overlap with antisemitism, and its most vocal modern-day adherents also spout antisemitic beliefs.
One of the 20th century’s strongest American proponents of Christian nationalism, minister Gerald L.K. Smith, was a virulent antisemite and Nazi sympathizer who partnered with Father Charles Coughlin, distributed antisemitic literature nationwide and supported the deportation of all “Zionists”; his final act was to build a massive statue of Jesus Christ in Eureka Springs, Arkansas…
…The country’s most prominent antisemites and white supremacists are also Christian nationalists. Nick Fuentes, the founder of a white nationalist political group who has connections to Greene and fellow Republican Rep. Paul Gosar, has declared that “we need a government of Christians” and said “Jewish people can be here, but they can’t make laws.” Andrew Torba, the openly antisemitic founder of the social network Gab who has ties to current Pennsylvania GOP gubernatorial nominee Doug Mastriano, has said he pushes Jews to “repent and accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior.”
A number of mass shooters in recent years, including the perpetrators of the 2018 Tree of Life synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh and the Buffalo supermarket shooting earlier this year, also authored manifestos voicing support for the so-called “replacement theory,” which has its roots in Christian nationalism and holds that Jews and other minority groups are plotting to overthrow America’s white Christian majority. Fox News host Tucker Carlson has also endorsed the theory on his show.
Meanwhile, the label “Judeo-Christian” — commonly employed by Republicans to describe the idea of Jewish and Christian unity over general Christian principles — has been embraced by right-wing Jewish politicians in recent years.
Most respondents who supported the idea of the United States being a “Christian nation” themselves identified as Christian and Republican, according to Pew. One in six Jewish respondents supported the idea of the United States being a “Christian nation.”
A very similar political reaction occurred in the Weimar Republic — Jews pushed the German nation far to the Left, destroying the economy while giving rise to all sorts of deviancy, which created a natural blowback against these nation-wreckers — had it not been for Jewish radicalism, there would not have been an Adolf Hitler in response.
Yet anyone — even a Jew like George Soros — who even suggests that Jewish behavior provokes any sort of negative response to is immediately smeared as an “antisemite” and will have their lives destroyed until they atone for stating the obvious — by visiting Auschwitz or washing a rabbi’s car on the Sabbath.
Jews — by their own admission — have pushed the idea of “separation of church and state” in order to ensure that America never becomes the Christian nation that it was intended to be.
In a truly Christian nation, there is no room for Jews — as true Christianity is implicitly anti-Jewish, witnessed repeatedly in the New Testament — and any kind of reconciliation between Christians and Jews always results in only Christians compromising their faith — to the point where evangelical Christianity is almost indistinguishable from the aims of Judaism and Zionism.
But from the survey’s results, Jews need not panic — even many Christians don’t want a real Christian nation — they don’t want to give up all their vices and depravity — such as legalized gambling, prosperity gospel, and free access to pornography — rather, they just don’t want trannies in their children’s bathrooms — or be told that it’s “not okay to be white” — at least not quite yet.
The Real Donald Trump.
As a similar awakening of people had happened in England:
Jews in London:
“There had been a community of Jews in London since the Norman period. William the Conqueror was familiar with the small Jewish community of Rouen in Normandy and knew they had techniques for handling money. He encouraged them to come to England and they formed their own, largely insular, community in London, creating families that survived for two centuries. Jews mingled with English, French, Norse, Danes, Germans and Flemings in what was a very cosmopolitan town. They were worldly, scholarly, cultivated, sophisticated, and numerate compared to the general population, and wealthy. The community must have existed in France for a long period because at the time of their arrival they spoke in a form of medieval French and had French names.
During the medieval period the Christian Church forbade usury, the lending of money for interest. It was a rule that did not apply to the Jews, who were sophisticated in methods of giving credit, so they became useful to the monarchs, aristocracy and merchants as a source of finance, as did the Knights Templar in the 12th century. Rates of interest could be as high as one hundred percent and borrowers mortgaged their land to Jewish lenders as security. Although Jews were barred from owning the land, they could arrange where necessary for a third party to acquire it in return for clearing the debt of a borrower. There are surviving records that show transfers of land for that reason.”
“With many of the country’s upper classes in debt to them, the Jews were always a source of resentment. In part, that stemmed from a general antipathy towards, and the misunderstanding of, interest payments in a Christian society when usury was not common. The Crusades instilled in people an animosity towards non-believers. At the coronation of Richard I at Westminster Abbey in 1189 officials, misunderstanding their motives, barred Jews from entering to present their gifts and had them stripped and flogged. The violence spread from Westminster to London and rioting took place in which 30 Jews were killed and their homes burnt. Richard of Devizes described it as a “holocaust”, from the old French word holocauste, which itself is derived from the Greek word holokauston. Some of their number sheltered in the Tower of London for protection. Englishmen attacked Jews around the country, including the entire community of York, who decided to commit suicide rather than fall into the hands of the mob.
The King, who needed the Jews’ finance, sought out and punished the ringleaders.”
Page 3:
Edward issued an edict that all Jews were to leave England by All Saints Day, 1st November or face death….
As a final tragedy, one of the boats commissioned to carry them [jews] from England hit a sandbar in the Thames Estuary. The captain, Henry Adrian, asked the passengers to disembark onto the sand. As the tide rose he refused to let them board again and told them to part the water like Moses. They all drowned and Adrian made off with their possessions.”
Al Liguori
Since it was disappeared from YouTube I have been unable to find another source of a Rabbi Yaron Reuven video wherein he stated:
Gentiles hate Jews “for no reason” …“because it’s in their DNA” …“no different from gravity” …“it’s natural law” …“people are born with antisemitic feelings”
Esau HATES Jacob for NO reason • Jews are steeped in this psychopathology their entire lives
disappeared from (((YouTube))) formerly at https://youtu.be/6FKsJFGVja8
If anyone has or can link this video, I would be most appreciative. I have begun archiving suppressed documentaries and other useful evidence. I would like to archive this particular video. http://judaism.is/documentaries.html
Thank you in advance.
Al Liguori, not sure exact what video you are referring to with Rabbi Yaron Reuven, but we backed up one of his videos that went viral. Perhaps this is the one you are looking for?
Al Liguori
Thank you. Those are helpful… but the one I am attempting to re-locate has Reuven stating that Gentiles hate Jews “for no reason …because it’s in their DNA …no different from gravity …it’s natural law …people are born with antisemitic feelings”
His is such a transparent pretense that it can awaken a fence post to the JQ. It is on my short list of things I really regret not archiving immediately. 🙁
On a different subject, today I made extensive updates to my ethical vaccines http://judaism.is/ethical-vaccines.html and kabbalah http://judaism.is/kabbalah.html pages.
Al Liguori, we ran an article in 2019 about a Rabbi Zalman Melamed who said Gentiles hate Jews “for no reason …because it’s in their DNA …no different from gravity …it’s natural law …people are born with antisemitic feelings…”
But there was no video of this interview — unlike the Rabbi Reuven comments. Read it here:
Hope this helps.
Al Liguori
Yes indeed, helpful. Thank you and added here: http://judaism.is/antisemitism.html#selfdelusion
It’s odd that Reuven says and has archived all kinds of nutty satanic (read “Jewish”) stuff, but that particular video is one he has disappeared. May he was embarrassed at the risible transparency of his self-delusion. Who knows what goes on in the minds of Satan’s monsters?
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
church of england has been infiltrated by common purpose , common purpose backers rothschild bankers, a simple search on google maps street maps reveal its london hq and other locations
Welby’s Church of England 2021: £Trillions for Gaia Greed but Peanuts for the Parish Paupers
CofE Covered In Blood And Gore, Church of England has invested £150 million with Generation Investment Management, a London based hedge fund owned by David Blood, ex-Goldman Sachs, and Al Gore, racist and genocidalist.
presentation exposing the magnitude of self-serving corruption amongst those who purport to be Civil or Public servants. As this presentation unfolds you will be shocked at the amount of public funds being syphoned away into the private accounts of political sychophants.
corruption of common purpose https://youtu.be/bBus_HuilfM
if i find more will add here
Johnny Rottenborough
A leading member of the club of Christians who don’t want a real Christian nation is the Archbishop of Canterbury. Speaking in 2013 after the murder of a soldier by a Muslim, Welby said: ‘The kind of country I want to live in has as one of its best examples what goes on in this area [the Southall district of London]. I don’t want to live in something that is monocultural.’
According to Wikipedia, Southall is 35% Sikh, 25% Muslim, 18% Hindu, 13% Christian.
Steven Fowler
All the more reason the Church of England, Scotland, and so forth need to be purged of those that wish the destruction of traditional Christian ways and who support multi-cultural, multiracial nightmare being pushed on our lands.
Johnny Rottenborough
Steven Fowler—The Church of England’s bishops justify the multicultural, multi-racial nightmare in a 2011 theological statement:
‘2 According to Scripture the existence of the different nations of the world is part of God’s providential ordering of human history and the nations will enjoy and contribute the riches of their diversities to the life of God’s eternal kingdom. However, this biblical teaching does not support the idea that any nation is superior to any other, or a notion of separate development involving the segregation of people belonging to different tribes, nations or religions.’
The Church of England and other denominations have been supporting the nightmare and betraying Christ since about 1950, the beginning of mass immigration.
The theological statement downloads here:
Very many people have the false belief that a government acknowledgement that America is a Christian nation involves a concept of force, and undue pressures being used against them and their individual choice to believe as they may choose. Nothing could be further from the truth.
It is deceptive jewish intent to force everyone into accepting Noahide dhimmitude which is the real danger to all people in a “US” run by jews.
Shown Here:
Statute at Large 105 Stat. 44 – Public Law 102-14 (03/20/1991)
Christianity is all about individual choice. A person must accept Christ on their own, and no one else can make, or force, that choice for them. That is what America has always been about, along with the moral mores that enables our nation to be great.
Right, according to Noahide laws, Christianity is considered idolatry, and the punishment for idolatry is death. So much more Jewish liberalism and “tolerance”….
Correct Vance, But it is EVERY NON-JEW, including athiests and agnostics in every nation, and it is not just the Christians only whom the jews intend to enforce these against.
“…. Rabbi Schneerson said non-Jews should be compelled to follow the Noahide Laws by “force” if possible, if not through “pleasantness and peace”. He also said non-Jews adhering to the Noahide laws would “constitute a ‘complete victory’ over these nations” If a non-Jew sees another non-Jew breaking a Noahide Law and does not put him to death (presumably by a Noahide court), s/he is to be put to death. Jewish courts are said to be obligated to try non-Jews. Jews say there are good reason to implement the Noahide death penalty now. Other Jews have made it clear that Judaism is not just a national religion but “universal” in the application of the Noahide Laws.”
What doesn’t cause antisemitism?
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
Jews want to label the Bible as being anti-Semitic. So the next step is to label our religion & faith as also being anti-Semitic?
“…..Jews need not panic — even many Christians don’t want a real Christian nation — they don’t want to give up all their vices and depravity — such as legalized gambling, prosperity gospel, and free access to pornography — rather, they just don’t want trannies in their children’s bathrooms — or be told that it’s “not okay to be white” — at least not quite yet……………”
Nailed it!
Another reason they don’t need to panic is that during that time — early 20th Century — people could openly talk about the JQ.
In 2022 — that is almost impossible. This is our biggest obstacle.
I used to say a decade ago — “….. if we cannot discuss the JQ in a pubic forum without consequence, our children’s children will forever be under their yoke of complete control.”
And I just don’t see that changing anytime soon. I hate to say it, but we can put most of the blame on evangelical christianity — aka “christendom”. Pretty much every Brick and Mortar church that stands on earth today is guilty of this crime.
West….unfortunately the Jews don’t want us to believe there is even such a thing as a “Jewish Question” even though they were the ones who first coined that phrase. Marx and Herzl.
It is to the Jews’ benefit that we can us openly discuss the JQ because they have shown an inability to ask the right questions about themselves or accept the truth about themselves. When they forbid us to discuss it, it creates resentment toward them, and that resentment leads to….
But “there’s nothing more offensive to a Jew than the truth”….Jews are the least self-aware people on earth, much more in a cult of personality than Christians ever were….
Hi Mike ……. thanks for responding …………….
You said — “….It is to the Jews’ benefit that we can us openly discuss the JQ because they have shown an inability to ask the right questions about themselves or accept the truth about themselves. When they forbid us to discuss it, it creates resentment toward them, and that resentment leads to….”
Could you elaborate? I’m confused as to what you are saying. It almost seems like you are saying the opposite — “it is NOT to the Jew’s benefit…..”
Just to add to the conversation ……………. I know there was a time when we could and were openly talking about the JQ. I think of Charles Lindbergh’s speech (at a college I think) and it seems from the audio that the audience was more against Lindbergh than it was for him.
I wish we had Video. We could see who was sitting in those chairs. I would HOPE that it was mostly non-whites. But that was like 1941 I think. So, I would have to assume those naysayers were ourselves. Pretty sad if true. Who is running to Ursula Havebeck’s defense??? Hardly anyone. As just another example.
This is Supernatural what is happening to us. It is certainly not Intellectual. We have lost our way — just as the Scriptures predicted. We love ourselves and sin too much to “count the cost”. And “oh boy” what that cost will be.
“…..in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God; and those who do not OBEY…..” 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 (my paraphrase)
You’re right, West, it’s both a benefit to the Jews that we openly discuss the JQ because it allows them to know where they truly stand in relationship to the Christian nations where they live — and a curse.
But it’s also not to their long-term benefit because it shows them that they really have no place in our nations as long as we remain truly Christian, that is, anti-Phariseeism, anti-Talmudic, the basis of Jewish identity.
We must always compromise ourselves to accommodate them.
It’s a one-way street.
If they were to allow us to openly discuss the JQ, they would soon be packing their bags, as all carpetbaggers do when the heat gets turned up.
We should NEVER compromise and a huge problem are these jewish zionist shills like the obese scumbag Hagee (IIRC) who cries for Israel like a baby in his “sermons” which are nothing less than pure propaganda. They probably got him on audio and video with an underage girl on one of his many visits to israHell.