B’nai B’rith International — one of the most powerful Jewish supremacist, pro-Zionist groups in the world — has expressed disingenuous “outrage” after some public figures openly questioned the sincerity of the help provided by the Israeli Defense Force rescue squads during the disaster in Surfside, Florida:
Anti-Israel activists took to social media to accuse the Israel Defense Forces of exploiting the collapse of the Champlain Towers South in Surfside, Fla.
Rafael Shimunov, a political activist from Queens, NY, questioned the motives of involvement by the Israeli military. He tweeted: “I really don’t understand the IDF’s involvement in rescue attempts of people tragically crushed under buildings in Miami. Their expertise is crushing buildings with people in them, not rescuing them.”
He added: “As if we don’t have any expertise or technology here in the US. Using these tragic deaths for pro-Israel propaganda is just quite something. These forces are literally stepping over buildings they crushed with children in them to go to Miami and do a PR stunt.”
A rescue delegation from the IDF’s Home Front Command was sent to Surfside to assist in the search and recovery mission. The delegation arrived within 72 hours of the building’s collapse, helping first responders using 3D mapping and conducting a humanitarian effort to support the families of the missing.
B’nai B’rith International was “outraged and disgusted” by the tweet and retweet from Shimunov and Sarsour.
“This horrific statement comes as families are mourning the loss of loved ones and hoping for miracles in the tragic building collapse that still has 113 missing in the rubble. The IDF has worked tirelessly, as Lt. Col. Oz Gino told Hamodia, ‘on the pile as if everybody is alive,’” wrote B’nai B’rith International president Charles O. Kaufman and CEO Daniel S. Mariaschin.
“The tweet is not only deeply insensitive but anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic,” they continued. “A people that, sadly, has had to deal with bombs from Palestinian terrorists is now told it has the temerity to help people in Florida based on their own tragic experience.”
It would be understandable if the IDF dispatched help to a disaster in a Third World country that lacks the expertise, equipment, and logistics to deal with such a situation.
But the U.S.A. is the most technologically-advanced country in the world with highly trained disaster teams that are perfectly capable of dealing with such the situation in Surfside — without the help of the IDF.
So if the U.S. didn’t need the IDF’s help, why were they sent? And who made the decision to send them? And who in the U.S. government made the decision to allow them to participate in the rescue operation — and why?
That the governor of Florida and presidential hopeful — Ron DeSantis — is an unapologetic Zionist who has made “antisemitism” and criticism of Israel illegal in Florida might explain how quickly the IDF’s offer of “help” was greenlighted.
It’s no secret that the IDF’s recent slaughter in Gaza has been an unmitigated public relations disaster for Israel — and Jews worldwide — after they wantonly murdered dozens of Palestinian women and children — and then cynically claimed that they were “defending” themselves against “terrorists.”
The IDF has a full-time army of keyboard warriors whose job it is to monitor the entire internet — and especially major social media outlets — to cast Israel in the most positive light — and even make them look “cool.”
It should be no surprise that the cyncial concept of “public relations” was invented by a Jew — Edward Bernays — Sigmund Freud’s nephew — who ruthlessly exploited the ignorance and malleability of the public to “turn mold into gold” — to sell the most unpalatable ideas and unsympathetic people to the unwashed masses.
If Israel truly wants to clean up its public image, they need to stop bombing the Palestinians into the Stone Age and stealing their land — and then pathetically try to convince the world they are doing it in “self-defense” — no one except their rabid, blind partisans is buying it.
Israel will never convince the world that they are “defending themselves” as they constantly annex more and more Palestinian territory — confirming the truth of the Polish proverb, “The Jew cries out as he strikes you.”
Israel is not popular among secular Jews worldwide — so Jews themselves need to pressure Israel into behaving differently — they need to renounce Israel until they change — because Israel’s ruthless and cynical behavior puts Jews everywhere at risk of reprisals — as we’ve seen recently.
They can continue their cynical gaslighting by calling everyone who criticizes them an “antisemite” — or they can change their behavior — it’s really not more complicated than that.
But creating unnecessary complications is a Jewish specialty — made popular by Rube Goldberg.
And the superfluous presence of the IDF in Surfside is just another needless complication of a simple rescue operation.
We didn’t need Israel’s help in Florida to locate people in a collapsed building . As the article says : It’s a publicity stunt to make Israel look good. We have Police from 50 states , from all of our cities, our National Guards from 50 states in our various cities, our various Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force Reserves in our various cities , our Emergency Response teams in various cities, towns, communities in our 50 states and Fire Departments from 50 states in all of our cities to call upon. If requested, the citizens of Florida would have helped and the work went faster.
This is all to make Israel look good, give it publicity, and make her noticeable to the public and create a do good image of her. Look at the pictures of the dead, dying Palestinians, Syrians ,those scared, missing arms , legs, deformed, burned, their homes burned, destroyed, left homeless, fatherless, motherless, childless, their future destroyed, economy, infrastructure, , families destroyed, distrupted etc. etc. Years ago, you could see the Jews using phosphorous bombs on the people of Gaza. I don’t know if they are still doing it as it was protested about. Some of the explosives against Gaza seem so violent ,like they may be using miniature Nuclear bombs against the people of Gaza in their planes or shells. It’s not impossible when countries developed them for other weapons. Israel conducts vicious retaliation against the Palestinians for what is called home made rockets. But that’s what their Old Testament god tells them to do :destroy utterly.
The Jews show that they will destroy the world if they have to, to gain control of it. This is supposed to be the region of the world where the final battle is to take place. No wonder the United States cannot be friends to the world, but always keeps enemies so that like WW1, WW11, Korea, Vietnam, the Middle East War, and others , we will be ready to fight and die when our leaders tell us to. Apparently the Jews are working to bring things to a head in the Middle East with our government officials continually calling out Russia and China and Iran as enemies, like they did to Iraq and Saddam Huessin and when the World Trade Center was destroyed, they had an excuse to go to war on a lie and we never protested and the lying, deceitful George Bush Jr. said that you weren’t patriotic if you weren’t supporting it. And we conducted the war viciously. Videos and articles showed American pilots trying to do as much destruction as quickly as possible as the war was declared to be a 100 hour war. Articles even told of specially designed tanks with bull dozer attachments used to bury Iraqui soldiers alive in their trenches. And we used air fuel bombs and carpet bombing in desert warfare. I believe climate change is nothing more than the Globalists, Elitists, because it’s more than the Jews, to get the world and enviroment cleaned up for them, so they will not need the whole world as slaves to keep them in power , such as digging coal , oil, etc. so they are setting up things that what they do need they can have a population they can control , with the least use of minerals, and resources and manpower .
Videos over the years have been put on the internet of Iranian’s, even Iraqui’s being asked what they thought of America and American’s . And it was that they loved American’s , clothes, music etc. We hate because we are taught to hate. Just like the Blacks of today crying racism when the Civil Rights laws and Lyndon Johnson put the Blacks and minorities first and Whites took a back seat while the Blacks of today , are the results of that favoritism , but deny it because they seek superiority over the White Worlds which they claimed suppressed them . The Blacks of today are different than the Blacks of 60-70 years ago. White’s were slaves too .Aleister Crowley ,who called himself the most wicked man in the world made a remark in one of his books that while traveling on a ship , there was a group of White women ” probably bound for the harem’s of the Middle East.” A Baptist minister wrote a book about his experiences, and of seeing women prostituting themselves and described them as being or probably being prostituted by their Jewish men to make money.
All the White’s and women supporting these various groups believing they are fair minded will see the day when we suffer like we stood by and helped by our indifference led the people of Rhodesia and South Africa to lose the civilization they created. It doesn’t matter to the Blacks that the Civil War was fought by many nationalities and people’s for and against slavery, and no matter how they suffered before and after it, all people’s suffer in their own ways throughout history, they are still cheering today when civil War statues are being removed , not caring that they are symbols to represent the people’s ,sacrifices , and memory of those who died but like many veterans, unless hero’s are unknown.
Please, bear in mind that “antisemite”
is the preferred kosher spelling
of the word anti-Semite.
How much did it cost? Hey its Israel remember.
The 51st state owns Florida with Miami like jew heaven so what didya really expect? Twas 911 style bigboy insurance scam & coverup
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
Some claim that McAfee’s Dead Man switch was in that building & the IDF USAR was there to retrieve that file AFTER they had the building WTC’d.