(Information Liberation) Jamie Drummond — the co-founder of Bono’s NGO “ONE” — told the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade and Defence that Europe needs “energetic” Africans to replace aging White Europeans:
“Africa’s population is soon going to “double” and “whatever the circumstances” will mass migrate to Europe — “and that is a good thing,” according to the executive director of Bono’s “ONE” NGO.
“As Africa’s population doubles, a lot of them, whatever the circumstances, will be coming to Europe, as economic migrants or as refugees, they will be coming, many of them,” ONE co-founder Jamie Drummond told the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade and Defence last year. “And that is a good thing.”
“Because we will be senile,” Drummond said. “We will be senescent demographically. We’ll need their youthful energy to do stuff. So, that is just what the economic statistics tell you and the demographic data demands, you know, demography is destiny.”
He continued: “Europe and Africa are going to have a very close 21st century. The question is what kind of closeness will it be. And these kinds of investments through the aid program but also into people’s minds and ideas about who we are gives less succour to the xenophobes and populists who will otherwise do very well in the political climate over the next couple of decades if we don’t get this right, and I think we should all be quite worried quite frankly if we don’t make these investments, and we don’t also make the investments not just in aid but in other policies like transparency.”
Last week, Bono wrote a column underscoring his belief that diversity is Europe’s “greatest strength.”
If Africans were capable of replacing White Europeans, then Africa would look like Europe right now — and they would have no desire — or need — to migrate to Europe to have a better life.
Based on his rambling, incoherent statements, it’s Jamie Drummond who sounds senile and needs replacing.
Why doesn’t Drummond move to Sierra Leone and put Bono’s millions to work?
The jewish Karl Marx invented the lie that all humans could be reduced to inter-changeable economic producers — and the jewish Franz Boas created a fake “science” called “sociology” to “prove” that all people, regardless of race, were equally capable of equal outcomes.
And yes, Bono has coincidentally admitted that he may have jewish ancestry himself.
Apples don’t fall from the proverbial tree, Bono-Marx, a messianic nation wrecker who uses his celebrity influence to deify Blacks and denigrate Whites.
What Bono is effectively advocating is the overthrow of the Irish people with Africans, which is treason against Ireland and genocide via race replacement of the historic Irish people.
If the Irish politicians had any backbone, they’d haul him into court and put him on trial for high crimes and misdemeanors.
I agree with Karl the Hammer… “diversity” is our death and they know it, it’s why they want it, strategy of the Jew to democide the white people. They and all sympathisers need to hang, urgently!
Never have I hated a miscreant more.
Time to replace Bono. Kick him out of Ireland. He could help more Africans in Africa.
White Willy
f’you bono, come and get me
Theresa Venedam
Can you start with yourself that would be great thanks.
Bono, you really are the world most insignificant, slimy little c**t. Sorry did i say c**t? i meant C**T.
I don’t think bono even qualifies as a cynt…all that Ireland has been through and they would let a POS threaten and endanger Ireland more…force him being disallowed in your country by law. I am a part Irish American and I care more about Ireland than a lot of the traitors that are criminally roaming around.
Those who seek #WhiteGenocide prefer mixing to displacement. Their object is not to SUBSTITUTE, their object is to DESTROY.
And since he’s white, he should volunteer first
Clem Camara
Reference to bono – This (man???) Was and is, a low life, who lived his life in a world of filth, with no moral standards, promoting terrorists and killing of people, now he qualifies to promote replacement of poeple ???, singing does not make you a god, the one who should be replaced is him, he carries the mark of the devil, and does the devils work, the world will be a better place without him, so get lost bono or whoever you are, and this is putting it mild terms
Marcel H Matte
Sean Penn and Bono……did either graduate from high school……it seems there are very very very few people with even average IQ in the entertainment industry…….certainly not entertainers……yet the left wing talk shows keep asking for them to repeat the talking points their agents give to them……that is how you get new gigs in the liberal entertainment industry…….just blindly quote the political talking points of the wicked leftist elites.
Greg Hurles
If The Zionist Who Push ( Diversity Is Our Strength ), Send All Those Africans To Israel!!!
Why do you bother with idiots like Bono? His mind has been altered by drugs etc. He is not able to think clearly and rationally, he needs treatment, he cannot be taken seriously. Poor guy, he needs our prayers.
No wonder people turned on this clown. It’s Bozo not Bono.
Imagine this thing just walking up to you at the bar and saying this. 130lbs of genital warts, hanging on a glass skeleton, promoting your genocide and destruction of your family’s future. How do you think that story would end?
a slap in the face so his brain stops wondering of.
And I promote replacing him with just some air. As long as the boy is gone and I don’t have to worry about running in to this thing in the wilds and being forced to chastise him for his promotion of my genocide.
Bono, the world may fail tomorrow. Are you sure it’s smart to talk like that in the middle of our countries?
David Foot
Decolonization was a marxist catastrophe of 1945, patriotic Russians put their country before marxism and treasonous Brits at Westminster put marxism before their country!
Example the Rhodesia “bread basket of Africa” turned in to the Zimbabwe parasite of Africa requiring 3.5 billion dollars in aid a year!
In 1997 again another landslide and out come the marxists destroying the unity of the UK, Labour gave us Sturgeon!
UK never had a Senator McCarthy, we desperately need something like that to address scum like this who want to endow us with corruption and ineptitude which is the statistical average we can expect of what he wants, take a look at a map, don’t take my word for it.
No words. Oh, apart from TWAT!
Are these people retarded? Africa hasn’t been able to take care of its own people in over 4000 years! Without colonization, it would still be an unconquered jungle. The last thing Europe needs is a bunch of low-iq savages turning the place into a hellhole – like they do everywhere they go on Earth!
The Africans can stay in Africa. Europe is for Europeans and Europeans alone!
Bono can go to Africa if he likes it so much and get Aids and rape babies with the other savages.
Apparently this fool has never seen the ‘youthful energy’ of Africans. Shootings, stabbings, acid attacks, mall rampages, burning trains and other critical infrastructure.
New World Ebola
bono needs to get transported
What a load of rubbish !! These people have no idea how the other half live. What is wrong in staying where they are in their own countries? That’s why we have passports to visit other places. If the want to immigrate, they should do it the right way like anybody else does, not storm the walls and put their will on to others. This bloke is a moron
Herpa derpa, We need to wipe out the white people. this will be our final solution. We will target them based on their skin color and replace them with darker ethnicity through a forced eugenics genocide since we are nazi. Praise Bono
Ricky Bernard
Bono is just an idiot and a racist , maybe we should replace Africa with white Europeans
…already tried and it was hopeless, you can’t do anything with them, even their females say this, they’re just drinking, and sleep, and get stoned.
Has this guy ever been to Africa? What do the men do there all day with their ‘youthful vigor’? They sit around, get drunk or high, and chase tail while the women work.
These African ‘economic migrants’ come to Europe for a ‘free lunch’ so they won’t have to work. Many are shocked and offended to find out people here actually have to have jobs. They will contribute nothing.
Perhaps Bono should adopt them all and house them in one of his mansions?
Bono is just “holding up his end” in his satanic contract
Bono’s allegiances are far darker than to George Soros. He is a general on the front lines of the Hell’s armies.
G Reaney
I have a hard time swallowing what the likes of Bono and his associates come up with, their lives are detached from our reality. They say bring these migrants over here too replace our old, and some say care for our old would benefit us, but what about the migrants parents and older generation, who is going to look after these people, or are they comping over here, which would the mean there would be no advantage to the migrants coming in the first place. Global warming damage to our environment and energy use is as much down to over population as anything else, of which Africa is a major problem not a solution, and need more help across all its issues. As for our old , they need to be better connected to services and technology that helps them in and outside there home, and doesn’t rob them of there dignity .
If Bono and Co want foreign worker from Africa or anywhere else let them employ them and stop the sanctimonious lectures. I don’t need these people to tell me what is the right thing too do.
Bono needs to live on one of our many council estates for a year or so and see “diversity” first hand.
He’d soon change his mind then.
cosMIC jester
Diversity isn’t a strength–it causes conflicts. Peoples are tribal & that’s why nationalism brings them together. These vile SJW schlomo bolshevik & their fascist far left lobotomized loony lemmings need to be dealt w/ now while we still have the numbers. The last OY VEY needs to be implemented ASAP.
Kevin Barry Lynch
Yes not only a term but a treatment too !
As an Irishman that also enjoys Rock & Roll my instincts as a young musician growing up in Co. Donegal always told me there was something just not kosher (ha ha) about Bono…years later I randomly bumped into Mr. Paul Housen in NYC’s debauched velvet rope night club scene. My thoughts of him were confirmed…Stand-offish, arrogant and not a true Irishman like myself…He immediately realized I was a White Irish Republican Nationalist…my name gives it all away ! Anyone with basic knowledge about Irish history in particularly the 1916 uprising that led to Irish independence can easily spot this….My full name is “Kevin Barry Lynch”, and Bono is a traitor who needs to be brought to task..Thanks for this article..I wish all my countrymen would wake up to this and also the other traitor Irish Jew Bob Geldof…They’re not loved in Ireland, but not for all the correct reasons…mostly hated for their cocky arrogant know it all personalities.
Welcome to ROTR Kevin 🙂 I too am a musician, and even before I came to the full understanding of race, culture, and religion, I couldn’t stand Bono’s ‘politics’. I just ‘love’ how these jewish celebrity traitors can spew their garbage anywhere and everywhere, but (once) high profile musicians/celebrities like Phil Anselmo make pro-white statements at a concert and you’d think he murdered a jew on the stage! Every traitor to our people, our culture, and ultimately our God will be ‘lynched’…by Him!
Meg Eddy
Extremely well said. Thank you
Karl the Hammer
Those who say ‘diversity is Europe’s greatest strength’ are only ever serving an agenda. What self-thinking person with any knowledge of European culture and history would make such a patronizing statement?
Without diversity, Europe survived and thrived for thousands of years, building marvels, nations, and modern civilization as it is today. Diversity will only serve to dismantle Europe and bring the dissolution of its people, a process we see taking place already.
Racial diversity does not enrich cultures, it kills them.