To the delight of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, a powerful Jewish supremacy group, Peter Kellow, an architect who called Jews “inventers of European racism,” has been banned from his profession by the U.K. licensing board:
A professional conduct committee of the Architects Registration Board of the United Kingdom decided last week to oust Peter Kellow from its listed of licensed architects, the Jewish Chronicle reported. The delisting means that Kellow may not identify as an architect in that country, but he may continue to work in his profession and use an alternative title, such as architectural consultant.
The action against Kellow, which is unusually harsh, was based on the committee’s decision that Kellow was guilty of “unacceptable professional conduct” when he posted in April 2019 on Facebook.
It was “not far from the truth” that Jews “were the inventers of European racism for they asserted they were racially different to the rest of us,” Kellow wrote. He added: “Judaists have got themselves into a lot of trouble thougout [sic] history being subject to pogroms, ghettos and expulsions. I am not saying this was justified, but why do we see this consistent pattern?”
Kellow insisted during a committee hearing last week that he is allowed to express his personal opinions and is the target of a “witch hunt.”
“The posting did contain a link to his profile which clearly described him as an architect,” the committee wrote in its decision, according to the Chronicle.
Kellow was “erased from the Architects Register for an inappropriate social media post,” the Board said.
There’s nothing more offensive to the Jews than the truth — and they want the world to know that if anyone dares tell the truth about them, they will be ‘unusually‘ punished to discourage others from doing the same.
It’s a historical fact that the Jews — Leon Trotsky in particular — who was indeed to the first to bring the accusation of ‘racism’ into European political discourse.
And it was his fellow travelers — communists, socialists, and anarchists — who accused anyone who opposed them as ‘racists’ because they all just so happened to be of the same race — Jews.
So, yes, the original European ‘racism’ was actually antisemitism — there really were not other races in Europe at that time — prior to when the Jews began to systematically ‘enrich’ it with the Third World.
And once the Bolsheviks had usurped power in Russia, they made it illegal to even notice that most of the genocidal revolutionaries were racial Jews.
Those same Bolsheviks now have Merry Old England in a stranglehold, and anyone who dares notice, like Kellow, will lose his job, his family, and his life eventually.
And that is no exaggeration, ‘hate crimes’ will soon carry the death penalty — especially antisemitism, which even President Trump has endorsed.
The Jews are not messing around — while they demand tolerance from everyone else, they will crush anyone who questions their version of reality.
But time is short for the Jews — Revelation 12:12 — and they know it, which is why they are accelerating their destructive agenda.
Christian Lend
Jews and Judaism is racism to the core because they adhere the Talmud, Kabbalah, Zohar, Schulchan Aruch, Kol Nidre!
I forgot to mention that I emailed the board that banned Peter Kellow to let them know that their decision was tantamount to political persecution, which in effect say more about them than Peter Kellow who just expressed his opinion and told the truth….Jews have been and are still the nr. 1 group who demand special above others treatment based on their supposed god chosen and victim of Christians status.
I am sure this guy can win the case if he charges these supremacist with political persecution and violation of rights. Here we have the Communist News Network settle a defamation case with Nick Sandmann a 16 year old who happens to be Catholic and was subjected to the character assassination attempts in America….
Now, I think this architect has an interesting case to charge these supremacist Jews with human rights violations. I came to the same conclusion….Leon Trotsky invented the word RACIST as a weapon to psychologically torture Christians. Jews consider themselves a ‘god chosen, racial, ethnic minority’among Christians and based on those factors they deserved special treatment and legal protection. You don’t have to be a rocked scientist to figure it out. I hope this architect finds the courage to let the ball roll and give these RACIST supremacist Jews a taste of their own medicine, dictators.
Trotsky wasn’t the first to coin the term ‘racism’. Here’s a good explanation of earlier uses of the term. Of course, for Trotsky ‘racism’ really meant antisemitism:
Thanks for sharing Chesterton, it supports my position that non-Jewish radicals opened the floodgate for Jewish radicals to run with things they put in motion. That’s why nobody can effectively challenge the Jews who use Racism as a psychological torture weapon. Nobody knows about Charles Malato but they know about Trotsky, the same with Karl Marx. The whole world know about Marxism Europeans embraced the death and destruction ideology like manna from heaven.
The equality for women concept also came from a French man but nobody knows about him. The father of human rights is Francisco de Vitoria, a Catholic from Spain, but Jews are always front and center pretending to be the saviors of the oppressed people of the world.
The racism of Trotsky may mean anti-semitism but Jews are not a semitic people in the sense of the word that claim is also bogus. Europeans who don’t know their history give it the power that it has. Look at all the law popping up in Western countries to protect the god chosen…..who have embraced the ideology of Karl Marx that is the road map to destroying western civilization.
I don’t get it… Western countries Nationalism is seen as something bad and dangerous. But I was born a nationalist, but the Marxist garbage was used to destroy my country of birth, in name of liberating it from colonial oppression, which in turned displaced me from my homeland.
Already in America this happens. A young woman , Carrie Bowe , who made a tasteful and professional propaganda film with other young women (all from the SOuth) with an irrefutable message about “racism”. She was summarily dismissed from her position of spokesperson for West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey without trial or appeal. SUbsequently, Bob Whittaker (presidential nominee for the Freedom Party) sent to him an open letter asking for an explanation with a justifiable reproach . Ignored of course. As was the firing of Carrie Bowe , who was condemned without defense not of practicing witch craft but Nazism. Totalitarianism is here . And most like it .
Paul, supremacist Jews persecuting people in America with has been going on for a longtime, members of Congress and any other who dare to question their cruelty…..and they do so with impunity, thanks to their perverted laws that gives them government protected minority group status. Here is an interesting case……” Kansas Jewish college student, 19, wins state House primary despite admitting to harassing girls online: Aaron Coleman, the great-grandson of a Holocaust survivor, said he was inspired by the 2016 presidential campaign of Bernie Sanders”……
Jewish supremacist American communist liberties Union engaged in the persecution of Kris Kobach who challenged their open-border immigration agenda and they did with impunity… money talks the other hand is getting Kris Kobach in the bag: “At his Park Avenue penthouse — 62 floors high and with a sparkling nighttime view of the Manhattan skyline — billionaire Peter Thiel last fall introduced to his friends an immigration hardliner who he would back with over $1 million to try and transform the Republican Party.” ……