On Monday, the California state Assembly passed ACR 99, a resolution offering several opinions about the LGBTQ community and then concluding by asking religious leaders with “moral influence” to affirm homosexuality and transgenderism:
WHEREAS, The California State Legislature has found that being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) is not a disease, disorder, illness, deficiency, or shortcoming; and
WHEREAS, Major professional associations of mental and physical health recognize that being LGBT is part of natural variations that occur in sexual orientation and gender identity, and recommend responsive services that foster self-acceptance and skills to cope with social stigma and discrimination; and
WHEREAS, Practices or therapies that attempt to create a change in a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity are often referred to as conversion therapy; and
WHEREAS, Some family, caregivers, and communities promote conversion therapy when a person is known or thought to be LGBT; and
WHEREAS, California law recognizes that performing conversion therapy on young persons is ineffective, unethical, and harmful; and
WHEREAS, Conversion therapy has been rejected as ineffective, unethical, and harmful by leading medical, mental health, and child welfare organizations in the United States; and
WHEREAS, The stigma associated with being LGBT often created by groups in society, including therapists and religious groups, has caused disproportionately high rates of suicide, attempted suicide, depression, rejection, and isolation amongst LGBT and questioning individuals; and
WHEREAS, The State of California has a compelling interest in protecting the physical and psychological well-being of minors, including LGBT youth, and in protecting its minors against exposure to serious harms caused by family rejection and attempts to change sexual orientation or gender identity; and
WHEREAS, In a pluralistic society, people differing along spectrums of political and religious perspectives share a common responsibility of protecting the health and well-being of all children and vulnerable communities; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate thereof concurring, That the Legislature calls upon all Californians to embrace the individual and social benefits of family and community acceptance; and be it further
Resolved, That the Legislature calls upon religious leaders with conviction to counsel on LGBT matters from a place of love, compassion, and knowledge of the psychological and other harms of conversion therapy; and be it further
Resolved, That in addressing the stigma often associated with persons who identify as LGBT, we call on the people of California–especially its counselors, pastors, religious workers, educators, and legislators–and the institutions of California with great moral influence–especially its churches, universities, colleges, and other schools, counseling centers, activist groups, and religious centers–to model equitable treatment of all people of the state…
The “religious groups” being blamed here are clearly Christians, but they coyly avoid stating the obvious so as to not appear to be singling out any particular religious denomination for persecution.
Of course, there is zero scientific evidence to support this preposterous idea that homosexuals commit suicide because Christians disapprove of their lifestyle. However, a plethora of scientific studies have shown for over a 100 years that homosexuals suffer from much higher rates of psychological and emotional disorders.
And even though societal acceptance and “normalization” of homosexuality is at an all-time high, the suicide rates continue to climb.
A recent study concluded, for example, that a high percentage of children with “gender dysphoria” also suffer from autism, again, affirming the connection between mental health problems and sexual identity problems. And while this current House Resolution isn’t legally enforceable, it is setting the stage for the next obvious step, which is to criminalize any criticism of homosexuality, even if that criticism is scripturally-based, effectively criminalizing aspects of Christianity.
You may think that’s fear mongering, but Christians have been thrown in jail in Bolshevik Canada for this ‘hate crime’ already.
As much as I don’t believe fear-mongering propaganda, behavior like this makes me think that California may very well fall off the west coast .
White Identity
Don’t forget Islamists recognize the gay as satanic evil worthy of death as well, but we won’t mention them because they haven’t been fooled into a non-violent stance by wolves in the pulpit preaching a false ‘Jesus’ who loves everything on 2 legs, and will totally launch perverts from a roof given half a chance.
RogueOps Novels
In Latin, the root of western language, the word for “left” means “sinister”. Christ separated the sheep on His right and the goats on His left -Matthew 25: 31-46. The left always stands for evil…
I Dunno
German is the root of English- not Latin. English is not a Romance language, such as French or Spanish.
Actually, English is a derivation of many Aryan languages, with Latin being a main contributor. I majored in English and specifically took Latin to help with my understanding of the language I had aspirations of teaching one day…
Leviticus 20:13 cures the suicide problem…
People, the (((government))) is rapidly moving towards making Christianity a capital offence in this country, as it has been in others in times past. This time tho, we are better armed, or should be. Ammo up and get ready…
Yeah, Luke, one of the ways they will eventually criminalize Christianity is to declare many passages of the New Testament to be “antisemitic” and once Federal “hate crime” legislation is enacted, they can start prosecuting Christians who quote any passages that the Jews don’t like, like John 8:44.
And Christians are being hoodwinked into substituting the Noahide Laws from the Talmud for the Ten Commandments, and once the Noahide laws become legally enforceable, Christianity will become literally a capital crime of idolatry. It’s coming, people.
Bolshevik Revolution Part Two.
I think the “Counter Culture Revolution” of the 1960s was America’s Bolshevik Revolution, and yes, it was also dominated by Jews, like Abbie Hoffman, Bob Dylan, Jerry Rubin, Daniel Ellsberg, Noam Chomsky, and Saul Alinsky…
Yes but minus the executions. Which are coming.
Heck — “punch a n.azi” is already acceptable social behavior.
Some day soon — Caucasian will = n.azi by default.
Unless perhaps you have pink hair, holes in your ears and so many tattoos you can’t tell what race a person is.
The Bolsheviks executed 50,000 mostly White Americans in a proxy war in Vietnam, televised it for all to see, and also led the “anti-war” movement at the same time.
Chesterton said — “….The Bolsheviks executed 50,000 mostly White Americans in a proxy war in Vietnam….”
Good point. Not too long ago I was sick and binge watched Ken Burns documentary on Vietnam. Ken Burns sucks btw.
However…………….I saw an interesting scene……..
Just as the Americans entered the war, the South Vietnamese government put on this elaborate welcoming party. Standing on the beach welcoming the soldiers departing their boats, were a dozen or more fairly attractive young Vietnamese girls.
What happened next?!!!
What do they say — “chaos is the Jew’s seed; War is her harvest.”
The Jew gained so much by all the wars they have manipulated us in. Makes me want to vomit.