(Global News.ca) Pinecrest Nursing Home in Bobcaygeon, Ontario, is ground zero for a coronavirus outbreak where 22 residents have died and one-third of the staff members are isolating after coming into contact with COVID-19:
“They’re treating it like a hospice, like there’s no hope like they have stage four brain cancer and they just have to keep them comfortable because there’s nothing they can do,” says Tanya Bartley, whose grandmother passed away at the home at the end of March.
Edna Bowers lived with dementia and began exhibiting symptoms of the virus along with dozens of other residents who have been treated at the home and not transferred to hospital.
Global News has obtained documentation from health officials sent to long-term care homes saying seniors in nursing homes should be kept comfortable if they contract the virus and not taken to hospital as there’s little that can be done beyond comforting measures.
“They don’t play god. Everybody is the same. I don’t care if it’s a two-year-old, a 10-year-old, a 20-year-old, middle-aged, elderly. I don’t care,” added Bartley when she heard of the directive.
The letter, dated March 23, 2020, was written by Dr. Allan Bell, a medical director and chief of emergency medicine at Quinte Health Care (QHC) in Belleville, Ont., a region in eastern Ontario that services hospitals in Belleville, North Hastings, Trenton and Prince Edward County.
It outlines suggestions on how to prepare long-term care administrators for potential COVID-19 outbreaks in their respective homes…
The letter outlines why hospital visits are not recommended, citing a lack of medical treatment beyond supportive care and limited options for frail patients.
“Our critical care colleagues are of the strong opinion that ventilator treatment will not make a survival difference to patients who are frail and ventilator support is very unlikely to be offered,” and goes on to state “for those residents who go on to develop respiratory failure, care needs to focus on the provision of comfort to ease suffering at the end of life.”
Global News reached out to Ontario’s Health Minister Christine Elliott, who said she was unaware of the directives, adding that no one would ever be denied health care in an emergency room setting.
The Health Minister is playing semantic games here: the whole point of the directives is that the elderly shouldn’t be brought to the emergency room at all — they are to be ‘kept comfortable’ and left to die at the nursing homes.
Apparently, the annual flu vaccines are not euthanizing the elderly at the rates that they had hoped.
Now if a senior shows flu-like symptoms in a nursing home, even without being tested, they will be presumed to have COVID-19 and will be given cost-effect palliative hospice care (i.e., high-dose morphine) instead of expensive ICU respiratory care.
Remember: when you demand national health care for all, you are ultimately giving the State the right to decide who lives and who dies, based on what saves the taxpayers the most money.
And since the vast majority of national health care budgets go toward treating the elderly with chronic diseases, euthanizing them under the ‘fog’ of an exaggerated ‘pandemic’ is all being done for the ‘greater good’.
Welcome to the God-less socialist paradise you demanded.
Treasonous Trump betrays Americans to Israel:
This just keeps getting better
Hospitals say feds are seizing masks and other coronavirus supplies without a word
“Trump and other White House officials, including his close advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner, have insisted that the federal government is using a data-driven approach to procure supplies and direct them where they are most needed.”
Kushie is a kike
The ZOG steal from the goy to give to the kikes. This is the epitome of f up. Thump is a kike
Time to stop this!!!! Thump is past his due date
We owe a lot to the vulnerable elderly, our progenitors who gave us life. We should give them everything they need to live comfortably and safely, with the best health care available. They’ve worked their entire lives, nurtured families, paid their taxes, helped build our nation. We should be far more grateful to them.
The idea that their are bureaucrats trying to figure out ways to kill them off to save money is purely satanic. These bureaucrats should be arrested and charged with premeditated murder, and be punished to the fullest extent allowable by law.
Free government run health care works well in all white nations. But then mass amounts of immigrants come and abuse the system, and there’s nothing left for the native whites of Canada.
It only works well in theory. Sure the non-white immigration issue helps to overload the system, but gubmint-run anything is never a good idea, even if it’s in a homogenously white country. Unless that gubmint is indeed subservient to the people (the auspice under which the united States was founded), any power structure is exactly that – POWER – which can corrupt even the finest of white Christians. Again, Amerika serves as a prime example.
Our health should NEVER be in the hands of a political entity!
I’ve learned to identify wickedness with jewry, as they are one and the same. Just a few days ago the Covid 19 cases numbered 275,583 with 7051 deaths. That’s still only 2.5% death rate, whereas a week earlier I calculated 1.8% death rate. The NWO Kabbalah jews are up to something.
I suspect that the illnesses that will come from 5G are going to be blamed on Covid 19. The jewish media has already created a strawman by writing stories that we claim 5G causes Covid, making us all look stupid. They will not state it correctly which is the illnesses caused by 5G (not Covid) WILL BE blamed on Covid.
The NWO takeover has got to be almost here, and I mean within a few months or few years. It will be the worst time in the history of mankind, but for jews it will be the greatest time ever as they celebrate our destruction. Can’t wait to see the look on their faces on judgement day when God opens up the gates of hell to cast them all in. Would love to see the look on their faces then.
Tyler Vincent
Why are you so attached to promoting 5G, a Jewish creation? 5G was birthed in Israel…
5G is antagonistic to hemoglobin our oxygen absorbing molecules. The number one danger you hear about 5G is when the frequency band reaches 60 GHz the ability for a person’s hemoglobin to bind with oxygen is hindered as was mentioned to congress here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DCVLF5U-SU&t=282
COVID-19 attacks the 1-Beta Chain of Hemoglobin and Captures the Porphyrin to Inhibit Human Heme Metabolism, hindering oxygen absorption and carbon dioxide removal
Quoting article above “Attack of oxidized hemoglobin by viral proteins leads to less and less hemoglobin that can carry oxygen. The invasion of viral proteins on deoxidized hemoglobin will cause less and less hemoglobin that can carry carbon dioxide.”
Basically 5G and the virus are doing the same thing, one targets the body from outside one from inside. Exceptional circumstances such as this demonstrate why 8% of our so called “junk” DNA consists of “viruses”. The virus is helping the human gnome to rapidly adapt to the frequencies used by 5G and its antagonistic effects upon hemoglobin. Some variation of this will happen to the genome of all creatures that utilize hemoglobin [basically all life]. That is why you see tigers, cats, and dogs also becoming infected. https://www.rt.com/usa/485042-tiger-coronavirus-bronx-zoo/
Expect the virus to get worse and continue to mutate if 5G becomes more prevalent
Sign the 5G space appeal, https://www.5gspaceappeal.org/sign-organization
Excellent comment, though I think you misunderstood Stevie’s comment – he’s on the same page you are. It’s seems many of us here are too. I am convinced COVID-19, while a real virus, is merely the scapegoat and precursor to the coming ‘real pandemic’ which will occur when (((they))) fully roll out 5G…
Excellent explanation! For me, 8 live in Minnesota and it’s almost all of a sudden we are finding deer in “zones” suffering from chronic wasting disease. And it’s mysterious, and they don’t know what’s causing it, but don’t eat that deer, and the only way to test for this disease is its brain. Like rabies. It’s all very odd!
Jennifer Hurt
I think what most people don’t understand..and I work in a nursing home and love my residents like family, is that the already have paperwork legal paperwork in place that they decide ahead of time if they want to be DNR or DNI or full code. Most all of them have decided they do not want to be full code meaning no tubes, no ventilators. By sending them to the hospital what can the hospital do for them besides those things? So the only options are if you don’t want to be in a ventilator and tube feeding is to hope they pull through this. If we send them in to get those things we go against their wishes and I think that is where the problem is coming in.
Jennifer, a lot of evidence has come out that putting COVID-19 patients on ventilators is actually killing or harming them. It doesn’t help because it doesn’t address the problem. These people are getting the seasonal flu–do old people not want to be treated for the seasonal flu?
They are dying through medical mismanagement–from the very top, not from the workers like you who are following orders.
For many of them, a simple anti-malarial drug would save their lives–nothing to do with DNR. They should have given this anti-malarial drug along with some zinc to all nursing home patients as a flu preventative. Make no mistake–the DNRs are an excuse to withhold simple treatments that would save their lives from dying of the flu.