Canadian Prime Minister continued his campaign to replace the country’s “aging” White population with brown Third World migrants as the Somali Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen announced that Canada intends to welcome another million “refugees” over the next 3 years:
In his 2018 Annual Report to Parliament on Immigration, the country’s immigration minister, Ahmed Hussen, revealed plans to admit as many as 1,080,000 new permanent residents from 2019 to 2021, with the upper target for 2021 being 370,000.
This equates to 84,000 more people than the 286,000 who were welcomed as permanent residents in 2017.
Introducing the report, Hussen, who originally came to Canada as a Somali refugee, said: “Immigrants and their descendants have made immeasurable contributions to Canada, and our future success depends on continuing to ensure they are welcomed and well-integrated.”
According to the report, one in five people living in Canada was born outside the country, while more than 6 million new immigrants have arrived since 1990.
Immigration is seen as key to helping strengthen the Canadian economy. With the average immigrant being young, it can help to tackle the challenges of an aging population.
The report says the worker-to-retiree ratio is predicted to reach 2-to-1 by 2036, compared to 4.2-to-1 in 2012.
Just under half (48%) of the highest target of admissions for 2021 will come under economic programs — to fill skills gaps in the labor market.
“Growing immigration levels, particularly in the Economic Class, will help us sustain our labour force, support economic growth and spur innovation,” the report said.
“With an ageing population and low fertility rates, immigration plays an important role in ensuring that Canada’s population and labour force continue to grow,” it added.
In the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report 2018, Canada ranked 12th overall, with a perfect score of 100 for macroeconomic stability, as well as coming top of the countries with the most diverse workforces.
…Canada is seen to be a world leader in terms of its immigration policies, with the UN’s High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi praising the country for its “extraordinary generosity, openness, and willingness” to help displaced people.
But Canada’s new pledge is just a drop in the ocean compared with the numbers who need to be resettled. The UN Refugee Agency said the total number of people who were forcibly displaced reached a record 68.5 million in 2017, while the number of refugees needing to be resettled had climbed to 1.19 million by the end of 2017.
China recently announced that its population decline is “unstoppable,” yet no one either in China or at the U.N. is demanding that the Chinese start importing millions of Arabs and Africans to solve their population problem. No one is smearing China for being “too Chinese” and “xenophobic”. With China’s decline and India’s population growth, the simple solution would be to flood China with Indians living right next door. But no one is proposing such an idea because that would threaten China’s valuable and historic cultural heritage, something White countries clearly lack.
Up until 20 years ago, Canada was one of the Whitest countries in the world, but the nation wreckers didn’t like that, and even with a stagnant economy crippled by socialistic tax structures, they flooded White Canada with millions of instant welfare dependents with high fertility rates from the Third World. Large Canadian cities have literally turned brown, with crime levels rapidly increasing as the tax base shrinks. And the solution: more migrants, refugees and welfare careerists.
I wonder (not really) how Trudeau’s lot (I won’t dignify them by calling them a government) will react when they finally realise – too late – that most of the imported savages have no desire to work, no intention of working and no usable skills.
That’s the intention though, to eliminate the White Race and replace us, but only temporarily, with unprincipled savages that will return to their own countries once the gravy train stops.
The devil’s gargoyles want to destroy civilisation, something only White People are capable of creating and maintaining, and take the world back to the stone age. It’s all (((their))) undeveloped minds can cope with long-term.
I also wonder how the black immigrants (as distinct from other races) will cope with the Canadian climate, especially once the power goes out, if there aren’t any skilled White People left to keep things running.
Here in much more moderate Southern England, Pakis already complain that our winters are “too much cold bloody”, and they’re not even black. I wonder what the blacks think of the winters in Canada.
Douchebags like Trudeau, Merkel, and Macron need first hand experience with the ‘cultural vibrancy’ they are forcing upon our people…sooner than later!
Justin Trudeau admitted that he was mixed race himself, which explains his innate hatred of the White race. This is what happens when White people allow themselves to be ruled over by non-Whites–they will always betray and undermine you.