(CBC.ca) As the result of political pressure brought to bear by B’nai Brith — an international Jewish supremacist group — Arthur Topham, a Canadian dissident who was convicted of an online ‘hate crime’, now faces strict new probationary rules on his public expression concerning Jews after allegedly breaching his sentencing conditions:
Arthur Topham, who ran a publication from his rural home near the central Interior city of Quesnel, was convicted in 2015 of communicating online statements that wilfully promoted hatred against Jewish people.
As part of his sentence, Topham was forbidden from publishing or publicly posting information about “persons of Jewish religion or ethnic origin.”
But In October, a provincial court judge ruled Topham had breached that condition by creating new posts throughout 2018.
Late last week, the judge sentenced Topham to a 30-day conditional sentence and three years probation for the breach, placing strict new conditions on Topham’s public posts.
For the next three years, Topham is forbidden from publishing or printing publicly any reference to or information about the Talmud, Zionism, Israel, and the Jewish religion, ethnicity or people.
Topham is also forbidden from publicly posting the names of people he knows to be of Jewish origin.
According to court documents, he will still be allowed to publicly name his wife and her family, but not to mention their ethnicity or origin. During his original trial, Topham told the court his wife is Jewish.
In addition to the terms of his three-year probation, Topham will serve a 30-day conditional sentence, with a nightly curfew and a requirement to remain in B.C. He’s also prohibited from having weapons, liquor, or alcohol.
“Justice has been served,” said Ran Ukashi, National Director with B’nai Brith, a Jewish advocacy group that’s been closely following the case.
“It serves as a deterrent for others, to realize there are consequences, there’s a price to pay,” said Ukashi.
“There are limits to … free speech and promoting hatred against identifiable groups is not on,” he said.”This person has been given opportunity after opportunity to not behave this way.”
A retired teacher now in his 70s, Topham was first charged in 2012. A website he produced featured frequent posts with anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and demonized Jewish people, according to evidence at his trial.
At his original trial in 2015, Topham’s lawyer argued the posts were political satire, did not incite violence, and included materials that could easily be ordered on Amazon.
Topham’s case was the first hate crime prosecution in B.C. in almost a decade.
It drew support from the Ontario Civil Liberties Association, which champions free speech, as well as from self-proclaimed “white nationalists,” who attended Topham’s jury trial in the Quesnel courthouse, 700 km northeast of Vancouver.
Paul Fromm helped to fund Topham’s defence and covered his trial through video blogs from Quesnel. Monika Schaefer, who served jail time in Germany for Holocaust denial, also attended court.
For an in-depth background report on the plight of Arthur Topham, please read Lasha Darkmoon’s essay here.
“Violence” as defined by the court — at the behest of international Jewry — is any comment or fact that the Jews do not like and want suppressed.
The Jewish supremacists at B’nai Brith fear that if the public ever found out about the monumental crimes and lies committed by Jewry, they would rise up with torches and pitchforks and demand revenge — as if they were still living in Medieval Europe.
But the Jews don’t need to prove that there is any real victim here — not one single hair on the head of a Jew anywhere in Canada — or the entire world for that matter — was harmed by anything Arthur Topham has written, and yet we are led to believe that he has virtually precipitated another metaphysical “Holocaust”.
And the court would have us believe that Topham — whose wife is Jewish — would say or write anything that would endanger the life of his own wife — “logic” that would make even George Orwell raise an eyebrow.
Topham’s sentence is clearly a warning to everyone — don’t read about, write about, or even think about the Jews unless it’s in a fawning, laudatory manner — and even then, you still might manage to offend them.
Even the slightest criticism of a Jew — no matter how meticulously factual and warranted — is apparently prima facie evidence of intent to commit murder.
In fact, don’t even try to best a Jew in a business deal — that is now considered an act of “economic genocide,” according to German courts.
We encourage you to read Arthur Topham’s website, radicalpress.com, and decide for yourself if he is trying to expose Jewish lies and criminality or surreptitiously inciting others to commit violence against said Jews.
This is no surprise to me. Why? because Canada is full of nazis. Everyone knows how nazis went to brazil and america after the war, but few know that nazis also went to canada and russia. And Nazis, zionists, and jews ARE THE SAME THING: anti-white militant supremacists. We call them Nazionists. So its no cohen-cidence that Israel is doing everything the Nazis did, that jews are inherently intolerant of criticism and free speech, and Canada is now turning into the Gestapo..Britain is also like canada and the U.S now and this needs to stop.
Christians For Truth
If you want to read more about Arthur Topham or other free speech issues in Canada, we recommend Monika Shaefer’s excellent site:
A condensed and edited version of an interview with Greek Holocaust denier Konstantinos Plevris, the first Holocaust denier in history to be tried in a court of law and found ‘Not Guilty’ — much to the anger and alarm of organized Jewry.
Great news! One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind! Awesome interview: Confessions of a Holocaust denier! Don’t miss, fun for the whole family, and don’t forget grammie! https://www.bitchute.com/video/t35fobmNC68Q/
Interesting and thought provoking article. I have a few observations and questions.
“Violence” as defined by the court — at the behest of international Jewry — is any comment or fact that the Jews do not like and want suppressed.” Really??? Does that imply that I, as a Christian, can go after jews who call me and mine Goyim? Isn’t that jew name calling inciting organized violence against me and mine? Are we all human, or are some of us really lower forms of life? Whose god has defined any religious group as ‘the chosen ones?’ Do torah jews and talmud jews both agree on this negative approach to life? Are there jews who do not believe in this legal mockery against Topham?
Freedom of speech is a demanding freedom – it demands that the individual who wants his own freedom of speech speak loudly and clearly his own thoughts, just as Topham has done. If governments are installed in order to defend and protect the individual (the world’s greatest minority), from harm created by the group, doesn’t that tell us that governments must protect the individual’s freedom of speech above all other natural freedoms? However, if governments are installed merely to use gang warfare, force, and violence to control the individual and thus force his compliance to their illegal set of rules, then there can be no free speech. Anywhere. Is this what talmud judaism wants? Or do they want to be the only organized gang that is allowed free speech. Isn’t denial of free speech one of the cornerstones of communism, a talmud creation?
There is/are no human DNA marker(s) that define(s) a voluntary religious preference, so there is no such thing as the ‘jewish race’ in spite of what we have been told. Being a jew, and practicing its rules of conduct is a voluntary act by adults, and yes, I understand that like all political and religious ideologies, the young are vulnerable to early life religious and political teachings. Perhaps there should be a separation between church and state. Gee, what a remarkable concept. Ah, but in Canada, that does NOT appear to be the rule of law. Jews rule.
And that brings us to the legal system in Canada, and in all western countries, as well. To suggest that talmud judaism and political zionism now controls most, if not all, western executive, legislative, and judicial parts of government, would not be a stretch of the imagination. And, unfortunately, any time a religious or political minority controls the majority of human life, as we see in most western countries in 2020, there can be nothing but human difficulty. If the political zionists were more Christ-like givers, rather than takers, there would be fewer problems in human life. But they are not, so there is. BTW, there were difficulties when the Catholics controlled much of life also.
The only peaceful solution to all of this divisive and mob generating hatred coming from the shadow rulers of government, is to leave people the hell alone. So what if someone calls out the talmuds for their actions against the Goyim? There will be those who will listen to these alarms and those who will not. Humans follow a bell shaped curve in many respects, and there will always be victims of controls by others. Is human life now to be controlled only by the takers in life? Why do the talmuds call themselves ‘the great destroyers?’ Why don’t they call themselves the great builders? The answer is simple – they are, in fact, largely and self defining destroyers. Go read the protocols and the Babylonian talmud if you have questions. Both are available online.
So, those are my few thoughts. I have more, but don’t want to overload the comment section. I am a supporter of every human’s freedom and individual liberty. I do not support slavery to any religious cult, Satanic or not.
Have a nice day.
Arthur Topham did the “unthinkable”. He republished Theodore Kaufman’s 1941 vitriolic, racist, anti-German screed, “Germany Must Perish” and merely substituted “German” for “Jew”, i.e., “Jews Must Perish”. It was a brilliant strategy to allow Jews to look in the mirror and see their own hypocrisy–but Jews were offended by it, and the original article dismisses the idea that Topham’s “antisemitism” was “satirical” in nature, as a defense.
You can read “Germany Must Perish” here:
Lanny Jay
Topham’s greatest crime was out-smarting the Jews. Jews think they are the “kings of comedy” but they are often tone deaf to satire, especially when they are the object of the satire. Topham’s simple, elegant strategy exposed them, and hell hath no fury like a Jew scorned.
You can talk to me about the Jew any time. I have no problem using their name as they are for the race of people that defines who they are.
New World Ebola
How long will Europeans tolerate a small minority of parasites controlling their banking, media and politicians?
So long as tyrants such as Mark Malloch Brown – George Soros – Rothschild, and other Globalist Racketeers and their media are able to maintain their controls, NBE, there is not likely to be a general awakening among our White people.
“He rigs elections from Venezuela & Estonia to USA
He rigs electronic voting machines owned by him, George Soros and Mitt Romney”
“Under the color and protection of the Queen’s Privy Council, Malloch-Brown directs a vast empire of banks, multi-national corporations and NGOs (non-governmental agencies). These organizations are peopled with bankers, accountants, attorneys, hedge funds, film and TV producers, advertisers, public relations specialists, social media drones, radio and newspaper executives, politicians and corporate officials in a Gordian knot of interrelationships.
Hundreds if not thousands of U.S. public and private officials participate in Lord Malloch-Brown’s dark web. Those officials include such notables as Larry H. Summers (World Bank, IMF, Square, 2008 “bailout,” more), Sheryl K. Sandberg (World Bank, Treasury, Facebook), Frank Giustra (Clinton-Giustra Enterprise Partnership), Bill and Melinda Gates (UN Eugenics) Foundation, Quantum Fund and Open Society Foundations (George Soros).
At its heart the Fed is controlled by an unpaid Woodrow Wilson debt obligation to the Rothschild family. The Rothschilds control the Bank of England, hold multiple “honours” and are members of the Queen’s Privy Council.”
The jews generally follow the influence of Jewry, the globalist factions of the jewish international banking consortiums, and are promoters of ideas which fit Jewry’s overall plans. Those, too, are generally adverse to all others and especially White people who are more inclined to challenge their power structures, whether those are jewish or Freemason types of structures. The jews act as a buffer to anyone who is capable of threatening the power of those internationalists, and in turn they are protected by those same structures which have been built into our societies. The jew is the low one on that totem pole, and always have been the sacrificial goats to protect that power and the structures while they continue to tear down our structure to replace it with theirs and the globalists. That, I believe is one of the main reasons that Jewry and it’s jews constantly challenge our way of life. If we are allowed to break the power of the individual jews by simply stating truths, we would next be a challenge to the main structures of Jewry’s control.
Thus, Mr. Topham is a threat to them.
“BIS is owned by the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, Bank of Italy, Bank of Canada, Swiss National Bank, Nederlandsche Bank, Bundesbank and Bank of France.
Historian Carroll Quigley wrote in his epic book Tragedy and Hope that BIS was part of a plan, “to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole…to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements.”
The US government had a historical distrust of BIS, lobbying unsuccessfully for its demise at the 1944 post-WWII Bretton Woods Conference. Instead the Eight Families’ power was exacerbated, with the Bretton Woods creation of the IMF and the World Bank. The US Federal Reserve only took shares in BIS in September 1994. [14]”
Christ Is King
I don’t get it: he doesn’t like jews, but his wife is jewish…?
keith w
I don’t think Topham “doesn’t like jews,” rather, he doesn’t like their lies and manipulations, which you’ll see that he exposes on his website. Jews call him an “antisemite” not because he “hates” them but merely criticizes them. Jews take all criticism as “hate”.
Christ Is King
Whilst I know what you mean, and I am in agreement with you, and I agree with you regarding Topham’s stance and feelings on the matter… but seriously, what does Topham expect of jews? Does he expect that they can be Caucasian? They are very different to us sheep. Is his wife completely different to other jews? It just boggles my mind!
For example: To me it is like if I were to hate dogs because they do things that dogs do… like run round ceaselessly, bark all the time, jump on the bed, dig in the garden, poo everywhere, sniff peoples bums, etc, and yet I still had a pet dog. A dog won’t stop being a dog because it can’t not be a dog.
A snake is always going to be a snake. A leopard never changes its spots. Jesus told the jews what they were… more fool us sheep for not listening to Him.
I have sympathy for Topham… but my sympathy only goes so far.
Christ is King….
Are you suggesting his wife is hindering his life somehow?
Heard of Tanstaafl? His wife comes from ‘jewish’ lineage. He does some great work exposing the JQ. Although not a Christian.
I’m not sure your overall point. Are you wondering why he doesn’t leave his wife?
Interesting story from my personal life — My very first girlfriend, whom I had sexual relations with, turns out was half-jewish. She only found that out about 15 years after our relationship. I only bring up ‘sexual relations’ as that if she had become pregnant, I would have taken her for a wife (although technically she was already my wife by ‘one flesh’). Perhaps we had children together and then I discover she had jewish DNA. Are you of the perspective that I should have then abandoned my family because of the small % of jewish DNA?
Ironically, my second girlfriend growing up was jewish. Or so we thought. When her father died, in his will, he told her that she was adopted.
My point —- when we talk all things “jewish”, we need to keep in mind that we are talking about DNA. Both of my former girlfriends, for all tense and purposes, look very much Caucasian. No jew tell at all.
Back to Topham………………….maybe his wife doesn’t have any jewish DNA in her at all. How would we know? Are you aware of Topham’s wife? Does she ‘push back’ on him or influence him in a negative way?
I’m not really sure your point. But I agree with you that if Topham thinks he can change the nature of the Edomite…………….he is barking up the wrong tree.
What do you know? I’m curious your POV.
I agree, westwins, I see this view point among many racial Christians and WNers–that somehow because a White man has a Jewish or other non-White spouse that he is somehow incapable to “doing good works”, or that all his good works are negated by his choice of spouse. This is foolish and short-sighted. Topham has done more for his race than most Whites you’ll ever meet–he has stood up to the evil Jews and not backed down. We need to focus on what he’s done right, and done for all of us, rather than focus on the one thing that we may disagree with.
Christ Is King
Westwins and Mantz: all I am saying is that I think it is strange that he has a jewish wife and speaks of jewish evils. To me that is just weird. Just my opinion.
I wouldn’t say it is “foolish and shortsighted”, because I am not saying that Topham or other Christians or WN cannot do good because of the race of their spouse. I am not saying he should abandon his family. All I am saying is to ME it is just unusual. I don’t like the chinese way of doing things… so I try not to have much to do with chinese people… let alone take one for a wife. That that is just how I am.
Topham can do what he likes, and I don’t much care what he does, really. I just thought it was funny that he doesn’t like the things jews get up to, which we all know that they can’t help but do – because a snake can’t help being a snake – and they do the work of their father, Satan – and yet he takes one as a wife! Doesn’t that make you laugh? It made me laugh heartily.
Thank you Mantz.
Christ Is King
Oh, sorry I forgot to answer another of your points, Westwins: I haven’t the foggyest notion of Topham’s wife at all other than what it says in the article above. 🙂
Yes, Christ Is King, you are correct in that having a Jewish spouse will definitely change your worldview–and may become a stumbling block to understanding certain truths that you might reject because of being committed to someone who is Jewish — or any other race. That’s where ignorance is bliss–staying ignorant of the ramifications might be the best choice. I’ve known others in that position, and I’ve never felt compelled to tell them what the Bible really says about it–they wouldn’t believe it anyway….
Christ is King…
I suspect he married his wife BEFORE he awoke to the Jewish Question.
Mr. Topham thinks much as we all do, that foreign peoples with harmful agendas should not be allowed to control the thoughts and interfere with the freedoms and livlihoods of his own formerly free people.
Why should he, or anyone else, not name the jews when it’s obvious that they do so?
“Levant facetiously states in his forked-tongue way: “This is Canada — not Gaza” knowing damn well that THE WHOLE WORLD IS NOW GAZA not just Palestine and all because the Zionist Jews have been allowed to build up their Big Brother media network of deception and lies into a monopoly and use it to twist the minds of good, honest people who were raised up to believe that their media was independent and free and that it would give them historical truth and not fill their replica heads with prejudicial lies and and their hearts with hatred.”
[Topham’s article of July 27th, 2014]
Christ Is King
Agreed, and good on him for that! I admire what he has done and is doing.
Rabbi Glickman
Canadian judges, like the others, don’t want their kiddie diddling to become front page news. Totally understandable. It’s best for all that way.
I just couldn’t get “Germany Must Perish” out of my mind for SOME REASON. Not counting the endless hate speech toward, for, about ‘Whites’ that has, was and currently is in FULL FORCE.
I want to expose what a so-called Christian who has the website ‘TruNews’ by the name of Rick Wiles presented yesterday (24 Nov 20). He consistently mentions the dastardly jew and all their machinations. He consistently mentions the criminal Christian ‘zionists’ (by name and picture) who support the ‘zionist’ jews & israel. But as my radar has shown for many many months catching his lies that he forgets about…even after I exhorted him to ALLOW the Christian donors to watch ‘Sacrificing Liberty’ in which they produced…FOR FREE instead of the extorted prices to watch it…God has exposed him one more time. A BIG ONE MORE TIME. If this isn’t in-your-face betrayal and a treacherous slap in the face to the Sheep who have supported this liar, take a watch:
The title alone says it all. But I encourage everyone to watch it as it starts in the beginning. ALSO let me alert those who believe this liar…I was censored (as many times before) online chat while the video was ‘live’. In fact I was KNOCKED OFF LINE by them. As The Almighty is My Witness I have been hoping for the exposure to the sheep but was dumb founded when it came in this BIG. Any Christian sheep who still follow this liar has no hope for Salvation. All Glory to God through Jesus Christ and the mask tearing of the Holy Spirit.
Make note as this liar always says, ‘God told me to do it’. Judas Wilestein sheds crocodile tears at the destruction of churches and the ‘communism’ behind it while his donor mammon fills the organ thieves of NY. Disgusting doesn’t fulfill the description of this abomination.
Patrick White
That is absolutely astonishing. We have reached a new low of servitude to these foul, power-obsessed inbreeds.
If I put Exodus 22:18 and Acts 13:6 together, is that inciting violence against Jews? Just reading the Bible!
“There are limits to … free speech and promoting hatred against identifiable groups is not on,”
So jews can no longer promote hatred of Whites now, right?
Rabbi Glickman
Not so fast there….
We know, Rabbi Glickman, those crimes against jews are always so very serious.
“More Than Six Acts of Antisemitism a Day, New Audit Reveals”
“The 2019 Annual Audit of Antisemitic Incidents, produced by B’nai Brith Canada’s advocacy arm, the League for Human Rights, recorded 2,207 incidents of antisemitism, an increase of more than 8 per cent compared with the previous year.
Such incidents included:
· An assault against a visibly observant Jewish man by a Montreal taxi driver.
· A Toronto woman being spat on after being accosted with antisemitic abuse by her neighbour.
· A group of Hasidic children in Outremont, Que. being sprayed with tar by a construction worker.
· A physical attack against two young observant Jews in a Toronto area public park.
Other incidents included:
· A workplace supervisor abused a Jewish employee in Montreal, verbally harassing him and then throwing a coin at him.
“B’nai Brith is urging government officials to promptly adopt the steps outlined in our Eight-Point Plan to Tackle Antisemitism in order to put an end to this abhorrent trend.”