Cody Payant, a Saskatchewan People’s Party of Canada (PPC) candidate, defended comments he made on social media in support of the use of “hate speech” as a way of reducing rather than inciting violence:
Some groups say they fear the comments could incite violence.
“Our country could use more hate speech, more offensive comments, more ‘micro-aggressions’, more violation of safe spaces with words and more critical thinking,” Cody Payant wrote on his Facebook page and Twitter account on July 16.
“Words are not violence and when we don’t have them to debate and articulate our thoughts when communicating, then all we have left is guns,” he added.
Payant was nominated in May to run under the PPC banner in Saskatchewan’s Carlton Trail-Eagle Creek riding. He is listed on the party’s website as an official candidate.
Payant said he wrote the post partly in defence of Lindsay Shepherd, a former Ontario teaching assistant who was briefly barred from Twitter following an acrimonious online exchange with Jessica Yaniv, a transgender activist.
…In an interview with CBC News on Tuesday, Payant said he stood by his post and expanded on his intended message.
“Words are a tool,” he said. “Words are what we use to resolve conflicts in our society, so that suppression of free speech or suppression of expression is kind of an authoritarian tool.
“So if I had the choice between free speech and the alternative [violence], the alternative is always much worse.”
“It’s better to have people voice their hate and face criticism for it than to have their feelings lead to violence, Payant said.
“Hate speech is best said out loud in the public square so it can be criticized and then broadly rejected by reasonable people in society,” Payant said. “It’s part of how we become well-adjusted people and how we communicate effectively as a society and how we resolve conflicts, and when we don’t have those words then all we have left is guns.
“Words are used to resolve conflicts without resorting to physical violence.”
Payant is calling for a level playing field, a White concept, which is why he must be silenced by the establishment media whose primary role is to censor and enforce conformity via group-think. As England has ratcheted up its enforcement of hate speech laws, violence has skyrocketed in the multicultural paradise of London with over 750 violent crimes committed every day. Everyone in England knows this violent crime is committed by non-White invaders, but to point that out allegedly “incites” more violence and will land you in prison along with these violent murderers and rapists.
Canada continues to publish sensationalized reports of ‘huge’ increases in so-called ‘hate crimes,’ which make it sound like Canada’s Jews are about to be rounded up and put in gas chambers if something isn’t done to silence this dreadful boogeyman known as ‘hate’ speech.
Citing facts, even if true, can now be criminal in Canada if they hurt someone’s feelings. If having your feelings hurt is a form of punishable violence, it trivializes real violence, and will only serve, as Payant rightly points out, to increase social tensions because no one is ‘allowed’ to discuss anything without someone being offended.
What is ‘Hate Speech’ anyway, if government protected minorities who cry victim of hate speech call for the genocide of others and engage in violence and oppression with the help of the government?
Speak freely and the ramifications may offend people. Good. Now you can fight about it and know where we stand. Do not speak freely or at all and eventually you will lose your right to do so because you don’t stand for anything. If you don’t have anything to fight for you don’t have much at all. America and Canada need to merge and ally and then ally with Russia and create a new Christiandom in the west. America, Canada and Russia are majority white and Christian right now.
I always thought the state institution of “hate crimes” (theatrically parodied as “thought crimes”) was the epitome of tyrannical evil. I was ringing the alarm bells when it started as “political correctness”, but I was just a conspiracy nut…
This sounds like the thing in 1984 where everyone gets enraged
wow! a canadian with at least a modicum of sense… he won’t last.