Canadian political leader, Travis Patron, who was arrested on February 15, 2021 allegedly for “hate speech,” has released an official statement about his ordeal. We have transcribed it here for ease of reading. The original statement can be seen below.
Patron Held As Political Prisoner For Over 48 Hours By Government Of Saskatchewan
Thursday, February 18th, 2021
Fellow citizens,
On Monday, February 15th, I was abducted from my place of residence, pulled away from my loved ones, and subjected to conditions of arbitrary containment. I was told I was being arrested for so-called “hate speech”. Yet, I have received no satisfactory response to my objection that the Provincial Government of Saskatchewan has no right to police my speech. Indeed, they lack the jurisdiction to do so and to proceed in these matters as they did was entirely unlawful and perhaps even criminal.
I was held in custody for over 48 hours at the Carlyle RCMP detachment without any ability to communication outside the administration who was responsible for holding me against my will. I, a federal party leader, was denied by my abductors all requests for a pen and paper to write a message in the name of diplomacy. After I specifically asked for the lights to be kept off in my cell so that I could sleep comfortably, the exact opposite was done, and I was shrouded in bright light with a camera pointed at me the entire time. I was told that if I did not agree to their release conditions, I could be held in custody (without trial) for a years time as well as transferred to other locations. Their release conditions included a ridiculously-broad and unjustified stipulation that I cannot “publish anything, directly or indirectly, online.” Obviously, I did not sign anything.
I made it clear that I did not understand why I was being held in custody and against my will. I made it clear that I do not believe I have done anything wrong. I also demanded to someone the Provincial Government Of Saskatchewan considers a Judge, that I be released from unlawful custody immediately. The Provincial Government of Saskatchewan lacks jurisdiction to proceed on these matters and has no right to police our speech.
Interestingly, some of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officers seemed to be uncomfortable with this whole affair and uncertain as to what offense I had committed or why I was in custody to begin with. It seems there may yet be a remnant of integrity and critical thought left in the force, but it is currently under the heel of a reckless and unconstitutional administration backed by a media propaganda machine that twists the truth and deceives the public in a malicious way.
The mask has now slipped in Canadian society. We clearly do not live in a “free and democratic society.” Let this be a wake up call to many of you who seem unable to see past the lies of your culture. If you do not take a stance now these conditions will quite likely get worse. Fortunately for us, and by the Grace of God, the ability for the satanic Government of Canada to exercise their will against us is limited because we have been granted a degree of jurisdictional independence. Those who think hiding and complying with each new demand is the answer are in for a very rude wake up call and when that time comes (and it quite likely will) our constituency will not act favorably toward those who have neglected our struggle this entire time. Those who watch these developments with apathy should not be surprised when they are judged harshly.
It is my hope that anyone reading this message how understands how dire this situation is for the sake of our freedom. Although I am rather shell-shocked at this whole ordeal, I ultimately recognize it for what it is: a test. This is a test of willpower, faithfulness, and discipline. If I may say so myself, I think I fared quite well.
As far as I understand, no charges have been lawfully made in the matter. We reserve the right to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law those who falsely claim otherwise.
Please consider this fair notice.
In your service,
Travis Patron
Truth Matters
Are Jews The Israelites Of The Bible? (Christian perspective)
keith w
This article you cite gets some things right — that the Jews are not Israelites — but gets a lot of other things wrong, like the Jews are descendants of the Scythians. Wrong. Scythians are descendants of the lost 10 northern tribes of Israel, aka the Cimri, Cimmerians, etc. Most White Europeans are descendants of these people who migrated up through the Caucasus, aka Caucasians.
Also, this article claims the Israelites disappeared. Wrong. Christ said he came only for the lost sheep of the House of Israel. If Israelites disappeared from history, then Christ was a liar, and He obviously wasn’t.
Jews are not legitimate descendants of Ashkenaz, just because they appropriated that name. Ashkenaz was White and unmixed. Jews are not, therefore cannot be legitimate descendants of Ashkenaz, just like they cannot be descendants of Israel. Same reason, even though they claim to be. The are name changers, personally and tribally. Protean. Opportunists.
Democracy and freedom of speech is one thing, but for Canadians it should not extend to hate speech because never forget how the last time Canadians were allowed to speak freely about jews, it ultimately ended up with jews being rounded up in camps in the Yukon as forced labor to make maple syrup, given nothing to eat but poutine, beaten with hockey sticks by sadistic guards, with many of them turned into Canadian bacon. Though the jews did admit that even while committing all these atrocities, the Canadians were extremely polite the whole time.
It’s good to see that Patron hasn’t backed down yet. Hopefully he takes it to trial. The interesting thing about Canada’s hate speech law is that one of the allowable defenses is if what was said is true. It would be hilarious if it ends up being a case of putting the jews on trial and introducing evidence of whatever Patron has accused them of.
(3) No person shall be convicted of an offence under subsection (2):
(a) if he establishes that the statements communicated were true;
(c) if the statements were relevant to any subject of public interest, the discussion of which was for the public benefit, and if on reasonable grounds he believed them to be true
You win the Canadian Internet! ?
Rabbi Torontostein
Yes, the “Holocaust By Hockey Sticks”. I remember it well, and you are correct, it was the most polite of all the Holocausts I’ve ever survived….
Poland’s nationalist government was enveloped in yet another bitter controversy over antisemitism this week, following the appointment of a former far-right activist who used the online moniker “100%Aryan” to head a regional branch of the state-run Institute for National Remembrance (IPN).
The corrupt house of cards is coming down….White people have to reclaim their natural and inalienable right to be free from tyranny and oppression. The oppression through law and regulations instituted by the radical Jewish minority in western countries is a crime against humanity…..
He just resigned, and politically, that was the right move for Poland. This guy wrote a book about Polish resistance fighters who fought against the German occupation during WWII, so why was he making the Nazi salute? Strange…. Many Poles like him do respect the Germans for driving out the Jews and communists (same thing), but stop short of glorifying them….
He propably realized that there was much more to the story….the fact that the salute is attributed to Hitler and the Nazis tells you how corrrupt and cowardly the western world is…Lenin shared the same salute as a sign of victory….communist tyranny of the Bolshevik communist barbarians is glorified, and opposing communist tyranny as Hitler did is criminalized. Part of the story that is not being told…..
This is what they call freedom and democracy in the supposedly civilized western world a minority can subject the majority to tyranny with impunity. Today I am joining some sound minded people in Belgium listen to Professor of Law who will address this very topic ‘Freedom of Speech’…..and I will bring up this case. Thanks for this update @CTF
Speaking of Belgium, in 2018 Travis Patron had been invited to speak at the Belgian Club in Winnipeg, Manitoba, but “anti-fascist” agitators called the police and had it shut down:
OMG, Belgium is pushing the button and using the law to persecute people who they deem to be racist, right-wing extremist, simply because these people oppose the multicultural debauching of their culture. It was a very interesting discussion addressing the religious fundamentalism of Muslims, who get their cues from the Jews to trample freedom of speech. Muslims are open and blunt and chop of your head so people don’t see the connection. Jews are more sophisticated in their violence and brutality, they learn the hard way and use the Law, La Loi to destroy you which makes it look perfectly legal…..Jews and Muslims are natural allies against post-Christian Europe
This rabbi is a liar….Jews have been among Christian for ages not only the last 200 years….they destroyed Christianity and now demand religious freedom for themselves in Europe, sick, sick, sick people…..
The rabbi didn’t say that Jews have lived among Christians for only the last 200 years. What he said was that Jews were “integrated” into Christian mainstream society about 200 years ago, which is true. That’s when Napoleon emancipated the Jews and gave them full citizenship and legal equality. Germany followed suit about 50 years later. Prior to that Jews had been kept separate, like the Jim Crow laws in America. Of course, emancipating the Jews was a disaster for Europe, as it inevitably led to them dominating Europe….that’s why Jews love “democracy”…..
That is a tale, Jews were an integral part of European live, that’s why they talk about Judeo-Christian culture. Columbus the Jew passing as Cathlolic went to the America’s and returned to Spain with natives as slaves in an attempt to impress the Royals. They were the middleman in the religious wars between Protestants and Catholics. They put the African slave-trade in motion. They were slave-drivers in the America’s. Dutch New York and other part’s of the east coast, not to mention the South. Baruch Spinosa, was born on 24 November 1632 Amsterdam, the Dutch Republic.
400 years of European Judaism in Suriname, South America, hand in hand with the enslavement of Africans. The Christian ruling classes in Western European countries gave them special treatment, despite their differences.
Britain, France and the kingdom of the Netherlands were the slave-driving colonial powers beholden to the Jews and their corrupt money making schemes.
What the Rabbi means is the Jewish radicalism and Bolshevik communist Zionist supremacist god chosen religious tyranny of the Eastern European Jews being integrated (accepted as normal) in Western countries. In America the Eastern European Jewish terrorists exploited Race and Black people to foment hatred against White people and in Europe they use Muslims and Islam to do the same.
Hitler Was Right
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
― John F. Kennedy
Patrick White
“Interestingly, some of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officers seemed to be uncomfortable with this whole affair and uncertain as to what offense I had committed or why I was in custody to begin with.”
This is where real change could begin – cops finally saying that they won’t attend any ‘incident’ of thought or speech ‘crime’. Do any of them have the courage or the integrity to do that?
If you don’t think this is going to happen soon in America, you’re crazy! It already has to some degree. Scotty Spencer was arrested in Indiana for drawing a swastika on a public sidewalk with chalk. This same thing can happen to you. Prepare yourself. If you have no concern for your brothers, don’t expect mercy or support when you are caged.
Absolutely, Mike, the jews are tightening the screws.
Look into Spencer’s background. Fake news
Coming soon to a neighbourhood near you…
Those who don’t have a sword should go out and buy one.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Good quote and thinking, Chris!
We are Christians. We follow Christ’s words… So, how many Christians out there in clown world do not own a weapon capable of defending and upholding the words of Jesus when He Himself tells us to do something very specific!? How many haven’t sold a garment to purchase a sword?
I follow the Lord of the HOST! and it is my opinion that all Christians MUST be armed. Defend the Faith, as our ancestors did!