Eight children have been diagnosed with cancer at the same elementary school in Ripon, California – prompting parents’ fears that a cell phone tower could be to blame:
The affected students at Weston Elementary School in Ripon are all under the age of 10, each with different types of cancer: brain, kidney, liver and lymphoma.
There is scant evidence that cell phone towers pose a real risk to humans, but even skeptics say the number of cases affecting children in such a small city is unusual.
Sprint, which owns the tower, has shut it down despite insisting the radio frequency levels are 100 times below the federal limit.
But the kids’ mothers say their own private investigator found much higher levels, though still below the limit.
Monica Ferrulli, who son Mason was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2016, told CBS: ‘It is classified as a possible carcinogen.
‘That tells us that there is some evidence out there.
‘We’re not naive to the fact that there could be other components out there – other environmental influences… but the bottom line that we feel in regards to this tower is it doesn’t belong there… if there’s any indications that its unsafe.’
Ferrulli and Kelly Prime, whose son Kyle was diagnosed with kidney cancer in 2016, have been fighting to take the tower down for two years.
After hiring lawyers earlier this year, they finally got assurance in March that it would be coming down.
Their lawyers at The Cochran Firm argue that contamination is the most likely cause of the unusually high rate of childhood cancer in one small area.
Ripon, east of Sacramento, has a population of around 14,000.
According to the American Cancer Society, about 411 Californians per 100,000 develop cancer every year. That’s a rate of 0.0041, and includes adults, who are more likely than children to develop cancer.
Morris says he is not convinced that the tower is harmless.
But he also says other forms of contamination may be compounding factors, implying that a Nestle plant may have leaked toxins into the soil for years.
The chances that 8 children randomly developed cancer in the same elementary school are virtually zero. And keep in mind that the government’s safety levels for EMFs are based on experiments done by the cell phone companies themselves. So of course they are going to say these levels of EMFs are harmless.
Imagine what the cancer rates will be once the untested 5G towers are installed.
Over the next 20 years we will probably see an exponential rise in childhood cancers due to EMF exposure from living in homes filled with cellular devices. But because people can’t live without these devices, they will gladly believe that something else is to blame when their children are diagnosed with cancer.
“How can EMFs be bad for you if you can’t even see them?” said the mother of a child with cancer.
Maybe take a look at this article if ANYONE thinks we overreact when talking about 4G and 5G
What a great place America is coming to be “Download movies in seconds” the wireless industry tells us. Soon we can hop into our driver-less cars, be dumbed-down playing mindless video games on our “smart phones” or propagandized and brainwashed by Hollywood’s junk, while being saturated by 5G radiation, an active denial frequency used for crowd control! Swell!
And why is it the orange puke, AKA Donald Trump, won’t allow 5G near his Mar-a-lago estate? Tell us the reason dear leader. And why are you pushing 5G hard on the American population?
Our politicians let us down. Despite the Telecommunications Act of 1996 which prevents cell tower installation from being denied on grounds of health or environmental concerns, they should have done whatever they had to, to prevent 5G from being implemented.
Not saying its definitely not the tower, but it might not be and is just conveniently there. I’m sure other causes will not be investigated. The hundreds of other realistic causes.
Cellular radiation is a very plausible contributor. Realistically, cancer develops under certain conditions and isn’t necessarily ’caused’ by one thing in particular. The cell tower makes everyone in it’s range more susceptible. Knowing that cellular radiation is a classified carcinogen is exactly why the government set ‘acceptable levels’…to give pretense of ‘protection’…
5g is next and uses a radio wave length of 5mm. 5mm wave length is used in 2 other fields, the first is a weapon for the military. It’s a 5mm wave transmitter that directs that wave in a certain direction and immediately causes a burning sensation of the skin to the victim. They are literally being cooked alive. The 2nd is the new full body scanners at the airports. These also use a 5mm wave length and have been banned in many countries around the world. Many TSA agents who have worked with these now are coming down with serious illness. They are getting depression, along with lack of energy…. many have or are contemplating suicide. These machines use the SAME 5mm wave length as 5G… Keep that in mind and do some research about this technology. They are trying to hid the facts about how dangerous this stuff is and if we allow them to put up 5G we will live in a sea of frequency so strong it can BURN your skin. We are creatures of frequency, our heartbeats, our brain, sleep, rest, play……ALL FREQUENCY! If they are allowed to install this, just think how it could be used to control our mindset. They could bathe you in 5mm radio waves with a frequency to make it hard to think, make you angry, sad, sleepy. If you think this is all just conspiracy, I seriously suggest you do some research. I have and am scared to death of what this could do…. I suggest you seriously research this on your own and from sources outside of this country. Look into emf waves, 5mm wave length military weapons, the body scanners at airports, and 5G…. it’s all the same. Look into why the military have their radar and antennas raised high away from people… look into the dangers these antennas pose, the warnings the military give their people about this tech, how you cannot work on these unprotected. They can literally kill you if you get hit head on with them turned on…. after all that, you WILL have changed your mind…. even if this tower is “only 4G”
AM radio was the biggest radio wave and something like 1000 foot radio waves. They travel the farthest but can only carry so much information. Then came FM… also harmless, Carrie’s a little more info and is a little smaller in wave size… as the tech needed to hold more info, the wave became smaller and smaller…. we are now approaching microwaves…
Why do you think they call it “microwave”… its cause it’s a very small wave…. this will cook you
The 5G is not micro but it’s only 5mm
This is small enough to penetrate into your skin to burn you…… which is why the military use it as a weapon. Its called the Active Denial System… read about it!!! Here is a link.. https://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_id=1228128