Päivi Räsänen, former Minister of the Interior of Finland, is under two criminal investigations for allegedly defaming or insulting homosexuals after she shared a Bible verse on Twitter last year to criticize Finland’s Lutheran church for promoting homosexuality:
Räsänen told us, “In my tweet, I directly cited Romans first chapter and verses 24 to 27 and posted the picture of the passages from the Bible.” The passage condemns homosexuality.
Finland’s Prosecutor General has now opened a second investigation concerning a pamphlet that Päivi wrote 15 years ago about Biblical Christian marriage, called “Man and woman, He created them.”
It is biblical teaching that the Finnish constitution says it supports. Räsänen told us that because of that, she assumed the investigation would not go anywhere.
“Yes, yes, I assumed. In fact, it was a surprise for me that there is even a police investigation about that case. I wouldn’t have believed it.
Leif Nummela, editor of a Christian newspaper and a Christian TV host in Finland told us, “I thought that this couldn’t happen. It was unbelievable. It was a real surprise. And my first thought was, ‘are they really going this far’?”
…Finnish Christian broadcaster, author and theologian Pasi Turunen says this has been a rude awakening for many Christians.
“Finnish Christians have lived in a very homogeneous Christian culture,” Turunen said. “It’s been very easy because everybody thinks and believes the same way pretty much and now this has become a completely new situation for us when our faith is challenged.”
Päivi said this all began in prayer when she felt led by the Lord to do something to wake up the national church in Finland on the issue of homosexuality. But she now fears this investigation will make them too afraid to proclaim their faith.
“I’m worried that this case, the criminal investigation, might frighten some Christians to hide and to keep silent.”
Turunen said, “It raises the threshold of saying anything in the public square and in one way, I see that that’s the purpose of this kind of attack: to put a high price tag on speaking your Christian mind out loud in the society.”
If convicted, Päivi could be fined or even imprisoned. And Turunen and Nummela both feel that support for her from Finnish evangelical leaders has been weak.
“If we could easily have two hundred thousand Christians saying, ‘this is horrendous, stop persecuting Päivi Räsänen,’ and that would have a huge impact,” Nummela said.
Turunen said he wishes “that evangelical leaders would be more outspoken and bolder. Otherwise, there will come a time when each of us will be in front of the firing squad.”
Päivi says she’s not afraid and believes God has a plan in this for Finland.
She said, “I am waiting to see what God is doing, because when He raises up prayers, then we can know that He is doing something.”
Almost 70 percent of Finns are still members of the national Lutheran church, but less than a third of Finns now say they believe in God.
The Finnish Constitution tells the National Church to “proclaim a Bible-based Christian faith,” but only as long as you don’t offend a protected class of the proletariat, such as homosexuals and transgenders, in which case, shut your mouth and keep your faith to yourself.
It is impossible to be a Christian and also be politically-correct — and, no, being politically-correct does not mean ‘turning the other cheek.’
If Christians ‘turn the other cheek’ and offer up the other cheek to these nation-wrecking Bolsheviks, you will be giving them the green light to line you up against the wall and summarily execute you, which is exactly what they will do once they have gained enough political power, and once they sense that they’ve cowered Christians into not fighting back.
Over 60 million Christians were murdered in Russia by the same blood-thirsty socialists that are now consolidating power all over the European Union. If you think that could never happen again, you’ll probably be among the first to get your door kicked in for ‘wrong think’ in the near future.
Off topic: I no longer see a way to independently notify CFT of news, but this should be brought to everyone’s awareness.
“Finnish politician begins hate speech trial for using Bible quotes in LGBT debate, faces up to two years in prison”
“A renowned Finnish politician has been accused of inciting homophobia due to quoting the Bible and stating that marriage was a union between a man and a woman
The trial of Paivi Maria Rasanen started earlier this week in Helsinki. The former Finnish minister of the interior and Christian Democrat MP arrived in court with the Bible from which she quoted passages that she is standing trial over.
Lutheran Bishop Juhana Pohjola is being tried with her for publishing Rasanen’s book. Both of them face up to two years in prison for insulting homosexuals.
In her posts, Räsänen included a photo of the Bible passage Romans Chapter one, verses 24-27, which condemns homosexuality as a sin.” {More]:
Flanders, we moved your comment here….as we had reported on this story a year ago. Thanks for the update.
And speaking of Finnish women… here is Arja Koriseva. One of the ten most beautiful women I’ve ever seen, on 60 Minutes. Scroll ahead to 6:50 if you’re interested.
The homo Christians keep saying the bible does not teach homophobia. Now they are offended by the quotes. Well what is it offensive or unoffensive. They sure are confused about the bible? No.
I met a homo couple the dominant male in the relationship was giving off that He was a doctor of divinity. He said the bible does not teach homophobia. Now the Gays are telling us it does so you are gender confused and now bible confused. What are you going to do next to justify your chosen lifestyle. Ban free thought? Yes.,
Gays rewrote the Bible and got rid of all the ‘offensive’ passages to gays, and they retitled it, “The Queen James Bible”. For real, look it up….
The russians didnt fight back, true. But that was made more difficult as [[[they]]] had taken the peoples weapons.
Remember that folk.
Ammo up.
[oh, and my God bless and protect this lovely woman. Pray for our people in Finland yall]
Amerikan Christians tend to scoff at the idea that denominational churchianity will suffer the same fate as Biblical Christianity since their little pet doctrines have not been placed in danger of being silenced and they have the obligatory Israeli flag flying in the church building or on the grounds somewhere. They find it unfathomable that their ‘church’ could ever possibly be ‘outlawed’.
Denominational Christianity is becoming indistinguishable from Judaism. Even the Catholic Church, like the evangelicals, concede that Christ isn’t necessary for salvation for (((certain))) people.
If you believe Christ isn’t necessary for salvation, and that you can get to the Father without going through Christ, then you are not a Christian, and what you believe is what the Jews believe, and that’s pretty much 90% of denominational Christians at this point. None of them want to ‘offend’ Jews by insisting that Christ is God, no exceptions.
“If Christians ‘turn the other cheek’ and offer up the other cheek to these nation-wrecking Bolsheviks, you will be giving them the green light to line you up against the wall and summarily execute you, which is exactly what they will do once they have gained enough political power, and once they sense that they’ve cowered Christians into not fighting back.”
Why is this so hard to convince – even impress this on the non-awake?!
Social conditioning over the course of years? A dumber society? A more timid and conformist society? Environmental toxins, like chemtrails and fluoride? All of the above?
“If [the Jews] had the power to do to us what we are able to do to them, not one of us would live for an hour. But since they lack the power to do this publicly, they remain our daily murderers and bloodthirsty foes in their hearts.”
– Martin Luther (1483-1546): “On The Jews and Their Lies”
Solzhenitzyn said that the Russia Revolution succeeded only because when the Jews started kicking in people’s doors, the Russians cowered and didn’t fight back. He said that the Russians could have easily defeated the Bolsheviks by putting up any resistance.
And that’s exactly what the Jews are doing today: banking on the vast majority of ‘goyim’ not fighting back and using those legal guns when they come kicking in our doors without warrants. They are already doing it, using some test cases, if you read the news carefully, and very few people are standing up for themselves.
If you know (((who))) is shoving the Globohomo agenda down white people’s throats, the madness becomes easier to understand, but not accept.