Michael Bowman of Columbia City, Oregon, a 53-year-old contract engineer, hasn’t filed a tax return since 1999 but said he’s been up front with the Internal Revenue Service, refusing to file a return or pay taxes without some accommodation afforded to him for his religious beliefs about abortion:
“First, I would love to pay taxes so as to have a normal life, however, our government is using the tax dollars to fund Planned Parenthood; which commits abortions – the death of the innocent,” Bowman told CBN News. “Apparently, a woman has the right to choose, but evidently, I do not. From a historical perspective, since I have been born, America has committed 55 million abortions; all in obscurity, and under the guise of ‘freedom of choice, liberalism, women’s rights, and progressivism.'”
Federal funds can’t legally be used to pay for abortions, but pro-lifers would like to see Planned Parenthood defunded because it is the largest abortion provider in the nation.
Bowman continued, “My conscience, which I am solely responsible for, does not allow me to contribute to abortion, and I feel I have a duty to stand up and question the morality of what our government has elected to do in this context; namely to force 150 million pro-life people like me, to sell their soul for a cheap bowl of soup, essentially flush their conscience and values down the toilet just to live a normal life or, face jail. You see, the Constitution grants certain abilities to the government, e.g. funding the military, but killing children is not a Constitutional backed, compelling interest of the government by any stretch of the imagination.”
Officials started garnishing Bowman’s wages from his bank account in 2012 to make up for unpaid taxes. He said he then began cashing his checks instead and kept a low bank balance to avoid penalties from the IRS.
Last week, a federal judge dismissed the tax evasion charge against him, saying the government failed to provide evidence that he tried to conceal or mislead officials.
Meanwhile Bowman says he will continue to withhold his taxes until the government gets out of the abortion business…
He is quick to point out that he is loves his country and wants to do what is right. But he says doing the right thing in God’s eyes is most important.
“Unfortunately, most news reports got it wrong,” said Bowman. “My effort, my position is not about ‘beating the tax system.’ Instead, it’s about standing up, standing firm for my Constitutional rights, and getting the government to honor title 42 Chapter 21.b The Religious Freedom Restoration Act, so that I may live a peaceful life, and in the end face God, and hopefully have Him say, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant!’ ”
In the meantime, he is offering a very simple solution.
“All the government has to do is put a check box on the tax forms that says check here to support Planned Parenthood, and write in your donation amount,” explained Bowman. “Then, just like any church or charity, Planned Parenthood will be funded by those that have no problem with it, and the 150 million people like me that are pro-life, can pay their taxes and live knowing we kept our conscience clean, intact, and are at peace about not supporting the murder of the innocent! Think of it this way, if the government can force you to support abortion today, what will they do tomorrow?”
It is remarkable that in America, where over 60% of the population claims to be Christian of one sort or another, they have managed to get these same Christians to agree to finance abortion through taxation. It has gotten so bad that even Catholic institutions like Notre Dame University, which receives Federal education funding, allows Planned Parenthood to operate on campus, and if they tried to block them, they’d have their Federal funding cut off.
And Bowman’s solution will never work, of course, because the Feds know full well that given the option to check off the Planned Parenthood box on their tax forms, the vast majority would not opt to. We are given the option to fund the Presidential elections, but we have no choice but to fund abortion and every other social abomination that the government engages in. If just a couple million Americans did what Bowman is doing, the IRS would be out of the abortion funding business very quickly, but that’s not likely to happen any time soon.
If this isn’t a real man I don’t know what is.
A man with a capital M for sure.
Let it serve as an example.
God bless him.
A little piece of prayer to St. George
I will walk dressed and armed with the weapons of Saint George so that my enemies, having feet, cannot reach me; having hands, don’t take me; having eyes do not see me and neither in thoughts can they do me harm. Firearms will not reach my body, knives and spears break without my body touching, ropes and chains break without my body being tied. …
The best reason to not pay taxes is to be a Christian and know that usury is illegal by natural law.
The second reason is that income taxes are not laws. There is a phone book sized BS jew spew of lies aka “codes” but no law backing up income taxes. Like the mask mandate. A mandate is not a law. Neither is a code or edict.
If I had a choice between paying for an abortion or paying for 18 years of schooling, EBT, Section 8, medical expenses and then prison, the choice would not be hard. And it would prevent numerous subsequent generations of dysfunction.
I couldn’t believe the “conservative” wing nuts upset at the illegal alien wanting an abortion which would have prevented yet another anchor baby.
What a narrow-mindedly and morally absent way to justify abortion in this country. Good thing this “conservative wing-nut” doesn’t think inside your box because he has chosen not to pay for EITHER. “Conservative wing nuts” don’t want illegals in this country in the first place, and abhor the legalization of murder…
Abortion is Jewish genocide against the White race.
It pays sometimes to be a sincere Christian. People don’t realize that the government must protect religious “freedom” because it is one of the ways they promote diversity. But even more importantly, as long as Jews continue to claim that they are a “religious” identity and therefore deserve legal protections, then professing Christians can also receive those protections. White Nationalists have no specific legal protections that the courts will listen to. Something that all WNs should consider moving forward….
God bless him!!!
Don’t get me started about how “income” tax is not only blatantly unconstitutional, but that the amendment allowing it was ratified illegally…