The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill on Friday that rubber stamped the continuation of American assistance to Israel and the doubled of funding for the U.S. State Department’s office that allegedly combats global antisemitism:
The vote tally was 224-189.
The annual State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations bill for 2021 would allocate $3.3 billion in annual U.S. security aid to Israel in accordance with the 2016 Memorandum of Understanding, or MOU, between the United States and Israel worth $38 billion over a decade (the remaining $500 million, which goes towards missile-defense systems in Israel, such as the Iron Dome, David’s Sling and Arrow 3, is part of the U.S. Defense Department appropriations bill).
The State Department appropriations bill would include $5 million for refugees resettling in Israel, administered by the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration.
It would also allocate $50 million annually for the next five years in a newly established “People-to-People Partnership for Peace Fund.”
Additionally, it will provide funding for joint projects between the United States and Israel related to fighting COVID-19.
Finally, the appropriations measure includes $225 million for development and humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza, despite the Trump administration slashing funding in that category to virtually zero.
“Given the increasingly aggressive actions by extremist regimes and their terrorist clients, the close U.S.-Israel cooperation and coordination in security, defense intelligence and other areas are of even greater significance,” said the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations in a statement.
International Jewry is going to get twice as much money to silence their critics, which includes the U.S. taxpayers who are providing them with the money.
As Jewish shenanigans increase, so does antisemitism™ — that is, any opposition to these Jewish shenanigans.
And if you don’t go along with the Jewish plans to recreate the world into a Jewish “utopia” like we saw in Bolshevik Russia, then you are probably an antisemite who needs to sit down with a rabbi and learn about how the Jews have “suffered” for thousands of years.
Etan Carr, the so-called “Antisemitism Czar” at the State Department who will oversee this huge new infusion of cash, is on record that he doesn’t just want to eliminate antisemitism — he also wants people worldwide to learn to love Jews — the right way.
Talk about chasing windmills…
There isn’t enough money in the world to make that happen.
I thought one day that if one knew who sponsored Bills in Congress , we would have an idea of who is behind the subversion of our country. Looking up the Patriotic Act, I saw a name , I believe like Cho, I believe Asian and I believe gave his religion: Catholic. Later, I saw an article giving a different person . I wondered later if the names given were persons who may have written the Bill. The Anti Semitism Awareness Act ,HR 6421, was sponsored by at least one Jew and a Catholic. We are betrayed from within, by our Congressmen , who instead of practicing Christianity of the New Testament are practicing the Old Testament which the Jews relate to themselves. If one listens to the Protestant preachers, they preach mostly from the Old Testament. I wrote hundreds of letters before the year 2012 asking Congressmen if they were passing a renewal of the Federal Reserve Act , secretly or openly and not a single one responded. I’ve written hundreds and hundreds of letters about various subjects to Congressmen and not a single one has responded. All I got back from Obama and Trump when I criticized them was letters begging for money . I don’t believe that we will get any help from our Congressmen as long as they believe their jobs depend on supporting Jews and Israel’s motives. The war against Iraq by senior Bush was deliberate. The Jewish Secretary of State, Madeline Albright , was sent to Iraq over Saddam Huessin complaining of Kuwait angle drilling into Iraq’s oil fields, a technique developed by the United States. She basically told him that it was his problem. Huessin was led to believe that he had to solve it himself. And we know Old Bush got a war carried on into his son’s Presidency which is going on 20 years, and some say is a hundred year war. It’s not hard to see now that these Presidency’s are promoted to us. Who knew or cared about the homosexual Barack Obama.? Suddenly Barack Obama became prominent, just as Bush Junior. Hillary was guaranteed to win the election and was popular, but I noticed at the last minute news articles accusing her of the things blamed on the Clinton’s over the years in Arkansas and Washington, as though a last minute attempt was made to make a new candidate win. John McCain, picked Sarah Palin , to counteract Hillary Clinton , who was so popular and seemed guaranteed to win, for her beauty and later blamed her for his loss. Did John Mc Cain stay in Congress until he died in his eighties to make sure that Israel got our best technology ? I believe so. If one was tortured the way described that John McCain was supposed to be tortured “every day for five years ” , he would have committed suicide , hated communism, or came home early release due to his position as said he was offered and refused. I believe that he was ” taken care of ” by the Communists. Congressmen are aware of what is going on to our country and I think that some are trying the best way they can to counteract it. The way I see it , and I am now too old to do much , is that the Jews will control the money system, the Catholic Church the religion, and Great Britain , the government part of the New World Order. Robert Maxwell, British business man said and it was carried on the news that:
“You will have a One World Government.
You will have a one world economy.
You will have a one world currency.
You will have a one world religion.
You will have a one world military.
You will have a One World Government whether you want it or not. ”
It was claimed later that he mysteriously drowned at sea.
The Jews through their ADL are telling, declaring who , and what groups are subversive to our law enforcement agencies. And making sure that they are carried in our news to condition our fellow citizens mentally who their enemies are. I have come to believe that when our Congressmen and Presidents say :’ god bless America” , that they are dedicating our country an government to the Jews and their New World Order and Luceriferian god. How the Catholic Church and Jews work together in this scheme, I’m not sure. I believe that the Jews are thieves and infiltrate every society and civilization, and take and use its best technology, culture, even history, scientific developments until they take it over or destroy or at least degrade it. Under Trump , in spite of all his bravado and supposedly great achievements, we experienced stagnation in our lives., country, government and all we heard was our enemies : Russia, China, North Korea , Venezula, We had a year of isolation and inactivity due to the virus. And the virus at the beginning, in case , no one else heard it, was said, not to come from China, but a laboratory in in Georgia, USA. This country will stagnate under the Catholic Joe Biden , an old man, worn out, who just can’t help get last minute glory that was paid for with American dollars and Jewish influence, and he knows it after 40 years in congress who runs our country behind the scenes , just as John McCain did. Whenever Iraqui’s and Russian’s and people’s of other countries are asked what they think of America, they say that they love us. It is the Jews and their news media who make us hate the Jews enemies.
We need a counter offensive to defend free speech which we are gradually losing on many fronts.
Big tech is play the role of censor while the ADL pushes for more and more “hate speech” laws on campus and through Capital Hill. Who is pushing back?
Newspapers like the Washington Post and the Atlantic are shilling for hate speech laws while meanwhile, many states are already passing laws making it illegal to criticize Jews and Israel.
I don’t see a lot of on-the-ground counter activism. If we lose free speech, we lose everything.
Cmon now everyone you must learn to love the ‘shakedown’ its a part of life…cause that and ‘jew’ is one an same. And don’t forget about the ‘takedown’ if you don’t comply ahahah. That’s kikey’s Life Motto “Takedown-Shakedown…Your Busted!” Lolol
Its illegal to oppose the longest ongoing holocaust in the history of mankind perpetrated against the Palestinian people & their neighbors on College Campuses thanks to Trumps executive order, AIPAC wants 20 years in prison or a 1 million dollar fine for boycotting Israel for their terrorist attacks on 911. ADL was founded to protect Leon Frank, a convicted Jewish child rapist/killer. What absurdity will they come up with next?
Here’s a look into Communist China and what they are doing. Keep in mind that israel/jews are known for this and is connected by the hip to China. Is this what we are facing now in the west? May God as our Witness be our Protection. This interview is with a dissident Christian Surgeon from China now living in China.
Report #187:Dr. Enver Tohti, Whistleblower Surgeon On China’s Organ-Harvesting Atrocities on Uyghurs
Correction please…
This interview is with a dissident Christian Surgeon from China now living in London.
Sy Bergsteinowitz
$340 Billion of the $454 Billion that Mnuchin Was to Turn Over to the Fed is Unaccounted For
The writers of the CARES Act legislation apparently expected that the Fed might want to keep some of its money transactions a secret because Section 4009 of the CARES Act suspends the Freedom of Information Act for the Fed and allows it to conduct its meetings in secret until the President says the coronavirus national emergency is over.
Wonder who got that money?
If I put my experiences of violence and oppression in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment, fraud and corruption in New York, USA together I come away being afraid of Jews who exploit, incite hatred and persecute people with impunity. Neither Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and this so-called antisemitism Czar can force people to love those who hate, exploit and engage in violence against them….a matter a fact no government can force me to love or worship a brutal and barbaric religious supremacist cult.
Hate is already lex non scripta capitol crime. Coercion is the law. There is a new definition of love only the false prophet knows ; and freedom is only for the eclectic and plutocrat . Essential discrimination is forbidden and the alienation of congress to the law , they swore to defend is betrayal without apology nor explanation . Washington is indeed a paradise for the criminally insane, lawless profiteer and the ubiquitous , arrogant jew. But are the “people” , who are oblivious to them any better?! Is it not the mene tekel, men tekel, y parasin for all?
antiCHRISTianity ……. how much are they spending to combat THAT?!
2,000 YEARS of Jewish JEWHAD on CHRISTianity
CHRISTophobia was “born” in the year 0. It was spanked into life by Jewish King Herod attempting to kill Him, and was “rung in” with the Temple Priests orchestrating the crucifixion of Christ, immediately followed by MANY agents including Saul of Tarsus being sent by the Temple priests to murder HIS followers. It has raged for 2,000 years from the Roman pogroms instigated by Jews, then instigating midieval MUSLUM attacks and enslavement on European Christians, through the SHOAH of 66 million CHRISTians by Jewish Bolsheviks and the SHOAH of 1.5 million CHRISTian Armenians by crypto-Jewish Turks directed by Rothschild for Baku Oil…… It is particularly virulent in persons of semitic background but springs up in pseudo-atheists , mutants, small minded bigots and self-loathing, low-self-esteem HATERS of Western, Christian, Civilization with Mommy & Daddy issues.
3,500 years of Jewish antiGENTILISM and 2,000 years of antiChrist and His followers is the cause of “antisemitism” in Christians.
Jonathan Cross
According to this site it was even before Christ born.
This vote 224/189 is barely 51% with 13 abstaining . Earlier votes from same congress have been without exception faithful pledges for Israel . For International hegemony and against wicked sin of antisemitism they were as incomprehensibly unanimous as they were unconstitutional. What is happening in the den of iniquity? 100 % for the new bureaucracy to protect innocent jew from another nascent holycost ; but now grudgingly reluctant to finance it ?! Are the polits beginning to feel shame ? … modesty of election year perhaps ? No, must be hoping the senate will compensate and rehabilitate the rapturous , mindless obeisance to Israel. The craven prostitute faithfully surrenders to the narcosis of self -sacrifice for her souteneur . Insurance is becoming damned exorbitant on the Hill. Anyway , it’s only money$$$$$$$$$$$$ .
I think a lot of they younger members of Congress, like AOC and Talib, probably voted against this funding–same problem for the Jews in Europe….the young liberals are mostly anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian, which is why they are pushing to make it ‘hate speech’ to sympathize with the victim. Yes, the new younger members of Congress are far more to the Left than they ever have been, and the Jews like that, of course, but they don’t like the BDS that comes with it….
Johnny Hempseed
Nope. We’re not paying for that. Nevertheless, it’s a violation of our right to free speech. Worse, it is giving aid and comfort to domestic and foreign enemies seeking to turn Americans into tax and debt slaves and human cannon fodder, aka., high treason.
Pelosi did say she’d send money to Israel even if America were in flames. And, Trump’s making it happen, meaning; both sides of the isle are working for Israel, not America.
It’s time to withdraw our consent to be governed by those who seek to rule us instead.
I, do not consent.
Well said 😉
All those billions of our taxpayer dollars going to Israel is illegal under the Foreign Aid Act. The 1976 Symington Amendment to that act prevents any foreign aid to countries with nukes that have not both signed the NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty) and submitted to international inspections.
This is one reason Israel will not officially admit to having nukes, but everyone knows they do, and the U.S. intelligence agencies can be proven to have acknowledged that Israel has them.
Israel owes us a refund of at least $250 billion (more when adjusted for inflation and interest).
Yep. Paying even more now to have the last shreds of our freedom taken away. We have paid, and continue to pay, for our own bondage…