(Forward) The publication of a recent study about how to count American Jews of color has spurred a passionate outcry in the latest flare-up of longstanding tension around the subject of how to count Jews of color, and discrimination in the Jewish community against them:
On May 17, eJewish Philanthropy, a web-based publication serving Jewish non-profits and donors, published the article, which put the proportion of Jews of color in the United States at about 6% of 7 million, or 420,000.
That piece, by Arnold Dashefsky of the University of Connecticut and Ira Sheskin of the University of Miami, contested the 12% to 15% estimate posited by another study by four researchers, from Stanford and San Francisco universities. The Forward republished the eJewish Philanthropy article the next day.
The scholarly debate set off a furor that included accusations of racism, the dissemination of a petition, internicine online debate and an apology from the publisher of the piece.
“Are you kidding me?” commented Des in response to Dashefsky and Sheskin on May 18 at 8:18 a.m. “Seriously? We’re out here leaving the community on mass because everyone is so damn racist, and then you publish this.”
The professors had their defenders, however: “Thank you for this thoughtful and illuminating look at Jewish demographics. Unlike many of the commentators, I wish to publicly state that I stand with accurate data — period,” wrote Neil Loevinger on May 19 at 11:35 pm.
On a scholarly level, the dispute boils down to which national research outfit the two camps consider the most reliable. The academics who claim Jews of color are at least 12% of the population cite work by the American Jewish Population Project, out of Brandeis University, as the most rigorous. The American Jewish Population Project puts the number of Jews of color at 11.2% of the total. They also use studies of New York and the Bay Area to support their claims. The Jews of Color Field Building Initiative commissioned the paper with the 12% number, led by Stanford University professor Ari Y. Kelman.
Sheskin and Dashefsky discount the New York and San Francisco-area research because those parts of the country have disproportionately high populations of Jews of color, and they also hold a different operation as their gold standard — the Pew Research Institute.
It’s Pew that put forward the 6% number in its landmark 2013 study of American Jewry. Even if the 2013 data is somewhat old, they said, the population of Jews of color couldn’t have doubled, although it may have risen by as much as 1%.
The controversy around the scholarship was not only about numbers and methodology, however. Jews of color have reported repeated incidents of discrimination in the Jewish world, where they longed to feel safest.
The publication of the Dashefsky and Sheskin article reopened those wounds, said the petition. “The fact that Jews of Color experience racism consistently in Jewish spaces demonstrates the urgent need for diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice work,” it says.
Rabbi Rick Jacobs, CEO of the Union of Reform Judaism, also said that Dashefsky and Sehskin’s article reflected racism:
“It is appalling that the authors chose to publish their article at all, but especially during such an uncertain, devastating period such as the one we’re enduring now. Sadly, their words reflect the stark reality that racism does indeed exist here, in our Jewish community,” Jacobs wrote on eJewish Philanthropy, along with coauthor Chris Harrison.
In some cases, supporters of Jews of color turned on each other….
Indeed, the editor of eJewish Philanthropy, Dan Brown, has apologized for running the article, saying he never would have done so had he known it would hurt anyone’s feelings.
Sheskin and Dashefsky denied that they are racist. From their perspective, quantifying Jews of color at 6% of the population is tantamount to characterizing them as a very important group — three times as big, they noted, as the population of Jews in the general U.S. population.
These studies, of course, ignore the fact that all Jews are “people of color”, including the so-called “white Jews”.
And because so many Jews are marrying White “gentiles”, the Jewish elite is actually getting “whiter”.
The white-looking Jews just happen to have a greater portion of white admixture in their genetic makeup, just like the Brahmin upper class in India.
The difference is, though, that white-looking Jews can “pass” as White and infiltrate and subvert the truly White elite in western nations, while Jews “of color” do not have that privilege.
Jewish power comes from the ability to pass as White, and all Jews “of color” are clearly jealous of the white-looking Jews who can pass.
We see this racial caste system in virtually every society — not just India, but all of Latin America, and even in Arab countries where the elite tend to be lighter skin.
And it’s only natural that the white-looking Jews want to protect their “white privilege” and not share in their power with Jews “of color”.
Ironically, all of these Jews, of every color of the rainbow, have one thing in common: they all want to be as White as possible, even if they have to go to plastic surgeons to accomplish it — yet they also recoil at the idea that they are “White”.
And they all know that the white-looking Jews at the top of the pyramid are rich and powerful — and they all want a piece of that pie.
And yet real White people are allegedly their natural “enemies”. Real White people are — gasp — “White supremacists” and “Nazis”.
If being a real “White supremacist” is so bad, why does every Jew want to be one?
Robert Dib Malouf
In a nutshell, it all comes down to being more attractive, I hate to say this, but generally white and lighter skin is more attractive than dark skin, not always, but in general, it is so. In other words, it boils down to the sexual desires of the powerful and rich that preferred light skin women to dark skin. Please forgive me if I have hurt anyone, I apologise.
Wow! How shocking, Juden have the same Babylonian-Semetic & Fascist skin-tone stratified society as their underling family relations. Would never have guessed. Makes one wonder who the ‘Aryan’ invaders of the Indus Valley really were. Knowing the Jews propensity for ‘Projecting’ self onto others especially White Europeans this would be my reasoning: That term ‘Aryan’ has actually Nothing to do with preferred White victims and is Not even a Noun but Proper Name as derived from Arran or ARRON, Who we all should remember was MOSES’S brother who led said ‘Israelites’ into ‘promised'(stolen) lands Which of course would make Jews the actual ARRONS(Ayrans). How shocking ! Term Ayran as erroneously applied to White Europeans is just another slimy juden trick-projection…Wow! Would never have guessed.
Ashkenazis are self proclaimed Jews that are actually white Europeans and most of them don’t even practice the religion.
They are Jews if they don’t get their way, or need it as an advantage.
They are white men when they get caught doing evil things, to further their goal of destroying whites, white identity and white culture.
bernd n.
Nope. Jews are NOT White Europeans–they have a completely different genetic makeup and belong to a different and distinct genetic haplogroup from real White Europeans.
Being Jewish has NOTHING to do with whether or not they wear a yarmulke or go to synagogue. If a White European converts to Judaism, and starts going to synagogue, that doesn’t make them a Jew–it makes them a White person who practices Judaism, like Elizabeth Taylor.
No, they are not. They even look off- white after so many generations of mixing.
Jews have been telling you even arabs are white when they have such big portion of blackness, and you are too used to it.
You will find the best evidence for the racial appearance of the biblical Jews by studying the Lachish reliefs in the British Museum.
John 3
Those are rather primitive impressions made by Assyrians, don’t you think? Just why do you think they would be reliable as to recording how Jews actually looked–rather than being a caricature?
There are, on the other hand, many physical descriptions of the ancient Israelites in the Bible itself–written by the Israelites about themselves. Problem is that not all “Jews” in the Bible are the same racially.
About 200 BC, there is evidence that there was already substantial race mixing and subversion going on within the Tribe of Judah–the last book of the OT, the Book of Malachai, makes this clear–the the true Judahites were more concerned about these Jewish imposters than they were about their own racial kinsmen.
And around 150 BC, a huge population of Edomites were given citizenship in Judea on condition of their circumcision and conversion to “Judaism”, the bastardized version of Hebrewism that was dominant in Judea at that time. Those Edomites came to dominate Judea, culminating in the Edomite Herod taking the throne. None of these Jews would have resembled real, unmixed member of the Tribe of Judah, who were most certainly White.
Define “Jew”.
Is not genes connection, is it?
Is religious connection… which one?
Babylonian, Jerusalem Talmud, Sabbatean sect, Frankists…?
What is their origin? – obviously and unanimously known – NOT FROM JUDEEA.
What about:
Who is a Judean? Who is a “Jew”?
Only these persons may be defined as Judeans:
1. A member of Judah’s tribe, when the Hebrew people was divided into tribes.
2. An inhabitant of Judea country when it existed as a state entity. ”
So, are these pretenders kind of … what kind of “Jew”?
Maybe is fair to call Moses Cult followers. Using the selected old texts to empower them and justify the things are doing against non-followers of their … ideology.
Basically, associates for money, get them in any possible way.
The jew is no different in this area than the negro, indian or arab; all have ‘caste systems’ and ALL prefer the ‘white look’. Why? well, maybe its because that whites are the most attractive. Maybe its because that whites are the smartest. Maybe its because whites just look ‘clean’. But its true. If one is unfortunate enough to be around groups of negroes, one instatntly sees this – the gorilla looking blacks hate the lighter skinned ones because of their skin tone. The lighter ones look down on the darker ones. There is a distinct social caste among them.
esau has wanted to ‘be’ Jacob since the beginning; Jacob is fair and attractive – this is just more manifestation of that envy. Also, that small percentage of ‘jews’ that are actually Adamic not only look white, but are smarter; again, envy.
Actually, the ‘jew’ is such a mongrel any more that they cannot claim anything, except their hatred of whites and of God Almighty. Thats all they have, other than the deserved reputation as nation wrecking parasites. Its funny to see them turn on each other.
This Covid 1984 is code for Certificate of Vaccination ID, with Bill Gates pushing fervently for vaccination, with no evidence for social distancing being scientifically proven. Stating that lock down won’t end until everyone is vaccinated, but the dumb masses won’t grasp the significance of this.
You better believe jews are involved in this Covid scam lie. The fact that jews are/were already in the wait ready to inflict their will upon the rest when the supposed “outbreak” occurred tells me it’s the jews. And it always has been the jews. WW1, WW2, King David Hotel bombing, Lavone Affair, USS Liberty, JFK, 911, 7/7, etc. BUT we’re supposed to believe jews sat out on this one? Hahahaha. Sorry, but due to the history of these jews, it is perfectly reasonable and CONSISTENT with their past, so why not presume jews are responsible? Jews are in the CDC telling everyone what to do. Jews are raking on big shekels. Jews and Israel behind all the vaccine talk. Big nosed jews like Alan Dorkowitz, with his revolting face on the TV screen, barking at us that we “don’t have to right not to be vaccinated” or “don’t have the right not to wear the mask”, have convinced me they (jews) really are behind this, just as they have been behind every crisis or terror events of our past.
What does this comment have to do with this article? Having a senior moment?
@Stevie…..I am with you. The history of Europe and America tells the story loud and clear. The tragedy is that most Europeans and American’s are ignorant of their own history thanks to the massive propaganda that kills critical thinking.
We all know the israel uses the darker skinned jews to pose as Arabs when they do they terror acts against their enemies (which is everyone not jewish). Jews have injected their communist nomenclature into our modern vernacular. Words like racist, homophobe, diversity, sexual preference, etc are made up communist words that ultimately have no merit in any real meaning other than to mentally beat us down and stop us in our tracks from independent, logical and rational thought. Even the word “anti-semite” is utterly meaningless. Here is the true, functional definition of antisemite;
Anti-semite: Anyone who discovers the truth about jews.
That’s what an antisemite is. And if that’s the case, I’m a proud antisemite. I’d love for a jew to ask me if I’m antisemite. I would tell such a jew, “Antisemite? No I’m not am antisemite. I love the Palestinian people.”
John 3
I’m not sure why you insist on claiming that the Palestinians are “semites”. They are NOT semites. Arabs may have some semitic blood through Shem, but they are a highly race mixed Arab people who have no right to call themselves true semites. Real semites in the Bible are White unmixed, direct descendants of Noah’s son Shem, and the Palestinians are NOT those people. You’ve been corrected on this issue a number of times before, but you’ve ignored the proof that your statement is factually wrong. What’s your agenda?
And why do you insist that I “INSIST”? I didn’t insist anything. And perhaps my information is wrong. But it is believed by many that jews aren’t even real semites, and that the Palestinians (according to some like Texe Marrs who’s work I study) have more semitic DNA than the jews who call themselves jews today. If I’m wrong I’m wrong. But don’t tell me I’m just here with an agenda to cause divisions among the jew aware.
Stevie, I’m afraid that repeating the same falsehood over and over after being corrected on numerous occasions with all the facts in place can certainly be construed as “insisting”. I fully understand that many things can stay ingrained in people and takes a bit to ‘unlearn’ – we all need to learn patience. I just don’t want to see frustrations build when we are obviously on the ‘same team’. Plain and simple: Semites, in it’s truest definition, can ONLY be white people. No more ‘semitic Palestinians’…okay, lol?
While Texe Marrs made a lot of very astute observations about Jews, he failed to understand their true racial identity as Edomites–nor did he understand the larger racial truths in the Bible. He basically took the conventional Baptist party line when it came to race in the Bible, which lead to him spreading confusion over this issue among his followers. He’s similar to Rev. Ted Pike in that sense. Both produced important anti-Zionist/anti-Jewish work, but also were confused on the issue of race in the Bible.
Are you aware of how the word “Semite” came to be — Etymology?
The word comes from Shem. Shem’s descendants. Noah’s son Shem.
Noah’s family were White peoples. Shem, therefore was a White man. Shem’s descendants would therefore be White Peoples.
Are Palestinians White Peoples??? Arabs are a mixed race.
Have you read — https://christiansfortruth.com/who-are-jews/
Weisman’s book — “Who is Esau-Edom” is also a must read. Free PDF online.
Christians For Truth
“Who Is Esau-Edom?” by Charles A. Weisman can be read and downloaded here:
Hear yah, hear yah @Stevie and the funny thing is that some who claim to be Christian would jump on the bandwagon and call you racist, antisemite and nazi….because you have no right to question god’s chosen people, who push the anti-Christian, hate white people agenda in majority white countries while getting special treatment and privileges from the government of those majority white countries. Marxism, communism, socialism is secularized Judaism.
The Racist Jews are using covid-19 for further their race-hustling scams in America…..
“How the COVID-19 Pandemic is Impacting Jews of Color” Those of us who are Jews of Color – comprising approximately 12 percent of the U.S. Jewish community – feel a particular sense of isolation and anxiety. “As a Black person, I am really worried,” says Jordan Berg Powers, director of Boston-based, statewide coalition Mass Alliance. He developed asthma after being chronically exposed to toxic air, and despite being a vegetarian for 26 years, he deals with high blood pressure, which studies show can be caused by genetics and the effects of systemic racism.”
Note he has high blood pressure and it is caused by systemic racism (exactly what the colorless Jews want him to believe)…..while in reality the biggest racist in America are the government protect minorities; Jews and Blacks, the free-loading envious, hateful, Marxist hypocrites.
I posted a comment on the article on their website but I received…..”Sorry but your request cannot be accepted”…because the can’t handle the truth about their wicked ways.
This is a great question……”If being a real “White supremacist” is so bad, why does every Jew want to be one?3……I love it, the hypocrites exposed.
This shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone that Jews have racial cast system to define and separate people based on skin color. The European Jewish slave plantation owners were notorious for practicing Racist-Colorism in Suriname, but the propaganda machine keeps pointing the finger at White Christian/European/Americans and accuse them of RACISM.