(The Christian Post) A recent article appeared in The Christian Post — apparently written by Abdu Murray, an Arab convert to Christianity — extolling the virtues of “Juneteenth” — the day descendants of Africans slaves in America celebrate their emancipation by killing, rioting and looting — while at the same time claiming that “racial diversity” is a “foundational value” of Christianity.
Here will will address the author’s claims point by point to see if his doctrines about “racial diversity” actually hold any water — and whether or not the young Black man he mentions is correct when he rejected Christianity because it is “the White man’s religion.”
Murray begins:
“In the past few years, we’ve finally recognized Juneteenth, which celebrates the eagerly awaited complete emancipation of enslaved African Americans in America. As I reflect on it this year, I remember that Christian principles were the pulse of the abolitionist movement that led to Juneteenth. Yet a growing group of people see Christianity as a religion created by white men for the benefit of white men to the detriment of all others.”
[CFT response: If Christian “principles” were the “pulse of the abolitionist movement,” then those in their movement didn’t read their Bibles — nowhere in the New Testament do we read any condemnation of slavery. In fact, we see just the opposite — slaves are repeatedly told to obey their masters (Ephesians 6:5-8, Colossians 3:22-24, 1Timothy 6:1-2, 1 Peter 2:18, Titus 2:9-10).
The fact of the matter is that slavery — most often White slavery — was a fact of life in the Greco-Roman world during Christ’s advent — and nowhere does Christ denounce slavery, but what He and His disciples did say was that masters should not mistreat their slaves (Ephesians 6:9) — and that slaves could be Christians nevertheless.
And one of the most important points that Murray ignores is that many of these slaves were Israelites — as witnessed by Paul’s epistle to the Israelite Galatians — a verse which most Christian universalists use — or misuse — to promote their “diversity” agenda:
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”
–Galatians 3:28
However, Paul reminds the Galatians that they descend from only one of Abraham’s wives — Sarah, the free woman:
“For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise….So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free.”
–Galatians 4:22-23, 31
The descendants of Hagar, the bondmaid — the Ishamailites, or Arabs — are not “children of the promise” — and are not called to Christ as His sheep — a fact that an Arab like Murray will conveniently ignore — or just not want to understand.]
Murray continues,
“I once had the privilege of chatting with a thoughtful and creative young African American man. He was raised in a Christian home, but a friend exposed him to arguments that denounced Christianity as the means by which slavers of old and modern racists justified policies that hurt African Americans. The young man came to view Christianity as the inherently racist “white man’s religion.” He eventually gave up his belief in God altogether.”
[CFT response: Slavers didn’t necessarily use the Bible to “justify” slavery — nor was slavery inherently “racist” — after all, most of the slaves in the Greco-Roman “world” were White. And it was Murray’s Arab ancestors who were perhaps the greatest slavers of all — slavers who traded in White European slavery well into the 17th century. And his slaver ancestors certainly did not use the Bible to justify their trade in slaves.
Nor does Murray acknowledge that the Trans-Atlantic slave trade was dominated by Jews and their Arab trade partners — not Christians. Only 3% of southern Whites owned slaves, whereas over 30% of Jewish households owned them.]
Murray continues,
“The young man accused the Bible of being inherently racist. Politely yet passionately, he started with Old Testament passages that he believed condoned slavery and ended with his claim that in the New Testament, neither Jesus nor the apostle Paul condemned the practice. The young man believed all religious belief fostered the kind of tribalism that pits people groups against each other and inevitably results in racial prejudice. With all of that, he had enough to disqualify Christianity as a racist, sexist, white man’s religion.”
[CFT response: Nothing that this young Black man said was incorrect — the Old Testament is completely tribal — it is the history and prophesized future of the 12 Tribes of Israel — and God affirmed this fact when He said,
“You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.”
—Amos 3:2
And God made the New Covenant — which was realized under Christ — with those same 12 Tribes of Israel:
“Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:”
—Jeremiah 31:31
Murray continues,
“One can see how he came to this conclusion, given the ubiquitous depictions of Jesus as a fair-haired skinned European. It is beyond serious dispute, however, that Jesus was an olive-skinned Middle Eastern Jew from the Judaean province occupied by the Roman Empire. His original disciples were Middle Eastern Jews. Nearly everyone involved in Christianity’s founding was from somewhere other than Western Europe.”
[CFT response: How does Murray know that Jesus was “an olived-skinned Middle Eastern Jew” who coincidentally look like Murray’s Arab ancestors? Where’s his proof?
The Greco-Roman world was part of Europe — and the people originally occupying it were not genetically different from those who migrated up into western Europe. Any differences arose later, resulting from the Muslim and Ottoman conquests of the Mediterranean coastal areas.
What we do know is that Christ was a direct descendant of King David, who is described in the Old Testament as White — with “fair” and “ruddy” skin (1 Samuel 16:12) — just as today’s White Europeans have.
And “olive-skinned” people are never referred to as “ruddy” — which derives from the Hebrew “admoni” (Strong’s 132), which derives from the original description of Adam — whose name means “to show blood in the face” or “rosy” or “able to blush” (Strong’s 120).
John’s vision of Christ in Revelation 1:14 says that His hair was “as white as wool” — not what we would expect from a dark-skinned Middle Eastern type, like Murray himself.]
Murray continues,
“The very first mass conversion after Jesus’ resurrection was a mosaic of ethnic diversity. In the book of Acts, we read that people of at least 15 different ethnicities visited Jerusalem for the celebration of Pentecost (Acts 2:5–11). Among this ethnically diverse crowd were Arabs, North Africans, and Romans (European ancestors). These facts alone give the lie to the idea that Christianity was incepted by white Westerners.
There is more subtlety to be noticed here, however. This account includes Arabs (my people) along with Jews from Judea. Those two peoples have practically perfected the art of ethnic hostility. Yet both ethnicities were present to hear the gospel message, and both embraced it as a message that spoke to them. The Bible — the very book so many claim resists valuing ethnic diversity — goes out of its way to make such diversity a thing phenomenon of foundational value.”
[CFT response: Murray clearly has no understanding of the context of Acts 2 — the Great Commission given to Christ’s Israelite disciples was to take the Gospel to Israelites of the dispersion — the “twelve tribes scattered among the nations” (James 1:1) — and Acts 2:5 confirms this fact:
“And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.”
—Act 2:5
Acts 2 goes on to confirm that Christ came to regather all of the House of Israel — not just the Israelites in Judea — but also the ten northern tribes of the dispersion — those Israelites, according to the flesh, who had forgotten their identity as Israelites — the so-called “uncircumcision”:
“Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.”
—Acts 2:36
Of course, the Arab Murray wants to squeeze himself and his other Arab dupes into the New Covenant — and so he relies on a common mistranslation of Acts 2:11,
“Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.”
The word here translated as “Arabians” is derived from “Ara” (Strong’s 690), which refers to the Tribe of Ashur — not Arabs who were a nomadic, heathen polytheist people who worshiped their moon-god called Ilumquh — whom the “prophet” Mohammed would rename “Allah” — and many Christians foolishly believe Allah is the same God of the Bible — Yahweh.
The fact is that Acts 2:11 does not state or imply that the Arabs came to Jerusalem to hear Christ speak — but rather Israelites from the Tribe of Ashur who were dispersed in the lands today known as “Arabia”.]
Murray continues,
“The Gospel does not ethnically homogenize; it spiritually unifies. Commemorating Juneteenth calls to mind many things, one of which is the fact that if we can overcome a great evil that separated us, perhaps there is hope that more progress is possible if our efforts are fueled by a unifying message.”
[CFT response: The Gospel spiritually unifies all twelve Tribes of Israel — and Christ specifically stated that “I am not sent but for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel” (Matthew 15:24) — a verse that puts a nail in the coffin of Murray’s racial universalism.
And again, Murray contradicts Scripture by calling slavery a “great evil” — as we have shown, nowhere in the Bible is slavery referred to as a “great evil”. The only aspect of slavery that the Gospels overcame was the idea that slaves could not be Christians (Galatians 3:28).]
Murray continues,
“The God of the Bible is not tribal; he favors no one race while dignifying all ethnicities with his message. On Pentecost, three thousand people — from Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia — become the seedlings of the Christian church.”
[CFT response: The God of the Bible is indeed tribal — as it is the story of the 12 Tribes of Israel — and these “tribes” (from the Greek “phulé“) refer specifically in the New Testament only to the descendants of Jacob — the twelve “kindred” tribes of Israel.
And the “seedlings of the Christian church” were specifically the Israelite seedline — only the seedline of Abraham down through Jacob are the “children of the promise” — and Christ told the parable of the sower and the seed to emphasize this fact — that the Gospel was meant for this “good” seed — not the seed of the bondwoman, Hagar — Murray’s ancestors.]
Murray continues,
“From its birth to its adolescence, the church continued to be a tapestry of color. Within the first three centuries of nascent Christianity, North Africans were among the most influential church fathers. Tertullian, Origen, Augustine, and Athanasius were all Africans and among the most influential thinkers and theologians of Christianity’s first few centuries. Augustine’s theology and thinking would eventually have a tremendous impact on European theologians like John Calvin.”
[CFT response: This claim is preposterous — Tertullian, Origen, Augustine, and Athanasius were not “Africans” — but often of Greek descent like Cleopatra — they were White men who resided in North Africa, which at that time was part of the Roman Empire.
Here Murray conflates race with geographical location — a sleight of hand that many universalists use to promote their false Marxist racial doctrine.]
Murray continues,
“African countries like Nubia and Ethiopia had embraced the Christian message without Roman rule or influence. In the early days, darker-skinned people were the pulse of the church and effectuated positive change in the West. In our day, Christianity is growing among non-Whites all over the globe well after colonialism’s decline. In other words, the message, and the propagation of that message by people of color, is thriving.”
[CFT response: As we’ve pointed out previously, “Ethiopia” — like Egypt — was originally settled by Noah’s descendants — Mizraim and Cush — who were white Adamic peoples — and a remnant of those original peoples still lived in Ethiopia at the time of Christ — the Ethiopian Eunuch was one of that remnant.
And we know that Noah, his family and descendants were White because an analysis of the Hebrew connotations of Noah’s “generations” in Genesis 6:9 makes this abundantly clear:
“Nm) rd (דר DR) – I. Generation: As a circle of the family. II. White: From the whiteness of the pearl. KJV (5): white, generation – Strongs: H1858 (דַּר), H1859 (דָּר)”
However, over time, the black Nubians overran this kingdom — as they did with Egypt — and it eventually became black.
That this non-Adamic people converted to Christianity is irrelevant — if Paul wanted to convert the Ethiopians, he would have written an epistle to the Ethiopians or the Bantus, but he didn’t — because they were not “children of the promise.”
As far as the claim that Christianity is “thriving” in sub-saharan Africa, we have addressed that notion in our three-part series “Logos and Africa” — so-called Christian converts in Africa have invariably “africanized” Christianity to suit their own cultures — and many Africans still consider Christianity to be “the White man’s religion” — and rightly so. And despite having “Christianity” for the last 1,700 years, it hasn’t done the Ethiopians much good — it’s still one of the poorest nations in the world.]
Murray continues,
“Nonetheless, the belief that Christianity is a white man’s religion persists. The fact that the power-hungry, slave traders, and even otherwise brilliant theologians compromised the message to justify their complicity in slavery contributes heft to this narrative. Those attempts to baptize unholy deeds like slavery, segregation, and Jim Crow by twisting Scripture have brought many a well-read and thoughtful person, like the young African American man I chatted with, to buy into the narrative.”
[CFT responds: Again Murray shows a complete misunderstanding of the Bible — where racial segregation was the norm — nor was it considered “evil” as it is today by the Marxist nation wreckers.
Our essay — “Racial Segregation In The Bible — Punishment, Preservation And Redemption Of Israel” — demonstrates that racial segregation was not “evil” but rather an imperative for the twelve tribes of Israel who were commanded — even in the New Testament — to be separate:
“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.”
—1 Peter 2:9-10
The word “generation” in this verse is mistranslated from the Greek “genos” (Strong’s 1085), which means “kindred” or “race” — and Peter here is clearly addressing Israelites who had lost their identity as Israelites due to their captivity in Assyria — after which they were “not a people” — who became regathered by Christ to become Christian Israelites.
This verse in Peter confirms the prophecy of Amos who promised that all Israelites would be regathered by God:
“For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth.”
—Amos 9:9
Murray concludes,
“The Gospel message sprang up amongst the olive groves of the Middle East, germinated throughout North Africa, and has flowered across the globe. Juneteenth, and the liberation that it signals, is one of the fruits of that message meant for all ethnicities. While we have more pruning and fruit picking to do, we look forward to the day depicted in Revelation 7:9, when “a vast multitude which no one could count, gathered from every nation and from all the tribes and peoples and languages of the earth.”
[CFT response: Murray is tone deaf to the true meaning of Revelation 7:9, which is clearly a prophecy that “all the tribes” of Israel dispersed among the nations will be regathered in the Kingdom of God — which is why there are only 12 gates to that kingdom (Revelation 21:12).
And of course Murray conveniently ignores the two preceding verses in Revelation 7:6-8, which confirm this fact:
“Of the tribe of Ashur were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Nepthalim were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Levi were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Issachar were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand.”
One of the greatest ironies is that Abdu Murray is from Detroit which has been infested and overrun by Arab Muslims — notably the town of Hamtramck, Michigan — which became the first Muslim majority city in America. However, Hamtramck was originally a Polish Christian enclave — and most of the Poles left to avoid the “diversity” that Murray’s Arab ilk brought to that once thriving city.
And to add another level of irony to this situation, Poland is one of the last White Christian nations left standing — a nation which has refused the destructive “vibrancy” of racial diversity, insisting that they will remain White and Christian — a separate and holy people — having proclaimed that they have but one king — Jesus Christ.
The multi-racial church movement in America has largely been a failure for that very reason — no matter what lip service universalist Christians may give to this destructive idea, most White Christians prefer to worship among their own race, as the old Protestant aphorism tells us,
“Sunday morning at 11’oclock is the most segregated hour in American life.”
Hi guys of Christians for Truth, I have a question for you:
If Christianity is only for white people then why did the Apostle Thomas proselytize the Indians?
Also don’t try the “Ancient Aryan” thing, he was martyred in the most southern and brownest part of India, he was a direct disciple of Jesus Christ, if Christianity was only for Whites then why did he decide to spread it to the brown indians?
Jagi, the Gospel of Thomas and the legends surrounding him and his mission to India are pure fiction, which is why his “gospel” account is left out of the New Testament. These fictional accounts started to appear only 200 years after his death.
“Indian Christians” are the greatest promoters of this myth in order to justify their “conversion”.
According to Ante-Nicean church father, Eusebius, Thomas performed his missionary work in Parthia, not India. The Parthians were counted among the true lost northern tribes of Israel.
“From its birth to its adolescence, the church continued to be a tapestry of color.”
That’s actually right, as the Adamic Race has the most varieties of color. We have Blue eyes, Green eyes, Hazel eyes , brown eyes, blonde hair, red hair, brown hair, etc…
But Abdu’s mixed race conglomerate only has shades of brown in their skin eyes and hair, barring few exceptions, and going from less threatening quadroon brown hues to deep black cursed death colors.
The Spiritual IQ of these aggressive demon-possessed mongrels will never exceed the math scores of a 7th grade class of muds in inner-City Detroit.
CFT readers surely know that ABED OBED means “obed-ient” Strong’s 5650 . The White Adamic Race needs to step forward in Truth, embracing the Racial Reality of the Bible, instead of being obed-ient to their brainwashed obsession of being woke.
The shooting at MLK and Chambers that injured six as Milwaukee’s Juneteenth celebration was ending Monday was caught on camera. https://bit.ly/3NbZLzD
12 killed, more than 100 shot in Juneteenth celebrations across the US
Juneteenth celebration in Philadelphia erupts in gunfire
The Museum of African American History in Detroit (satire)
James Smith
“It is beyond serious dispute, however, that Jesus was an olive-skinned Middle Eastern Jew from the Judaean province occupied by the Roman Empire.”
This “olive-skinned” description is in direct contradiction with scripture.
Revelation 1:14 “His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;”
Biblical scholars who push the “brown Jesus” myth are liars who should be held to account.
A. Clifton
biblical scholar….”brown Jesus”…….Oxymoron ?
From Isaiah 10 :
20 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the remnant of Israel,
and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob,
shall no more again stay upon him that smote them;
but shall stay upon the LORD, the Holy One of Israel,…. in truth.
21 The remnant shall return, even the remnant of Jacob, unto the mighty God.
22 For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of them shall return: the consumption decreed shall overflow with righteousness.
Liars and Murderers….LIE. …….all the time, no matter what.
I would like some account that the people of Ancient Roman provinces were indeed “olive skinned”, as I often see modern historians holding it as an assumption based on present day demographics.
Even then, it seems that the pale folks of the modern middle east are handwaved away, like Assad, who seems whiter than many a modern European. It also causes their brain to break when asked where the white-looking jews came from, as if the jews were all darkies in Jesus’ day…
Off and on I see the Biblical accounts of the Romans vs Paul (eg: Acts 22:24-29) to hold that Paul must have been a darkie, but that doesn’t hold water.
Indeed they are liars, whether intentionally or by lack of critical thinking, and should be taken to task.
It’s Jewish word games with what olive means: https://racialreality.blogspot.com/2019/06/what-olive-skinned-really-means.html?m=1
Olive is an undertone, not skin color like black, white, etc. As all women who buy foundation in the drug stores know only too well. All undertones are present in all racial groups. They aren’t super noticeable until you start really looking (or hunt make up that matches your skin tone). This usually when you start to realize each racial color has a range of shades and colors.
You just can’t make this sh*t up…
Just read this at Fitzinfo:
First time in Japan: Noahide wedding!
….”The Lubavitcher Rebbe SHLITA King Moshiach proclaims: “Proclaiming the unity of G-d among the peoples of the world is preparing the world for the coming of Moshiach.”
***and that means that they collectively call themselves Moshiach (Messiah)***
While I like our younger Christianity advocate Andrew Anglin, he has repeatedly and recently said that Japan is not Jewed. Which baffles me as the man seems well informed about Asia, yet the examples of Japan being jewed are myriad and, as your link shows, growing by the day.
see Saw
I think Anglin is comparing Japan to America as far as being “Jewed” goes. Japan is anti-immigration, pro-family, and they have a strong national identity. They expect all visitors to conform to their culture, and they will not change to accommodate aliens. No visible Jews in government or media, etc.
I also think Anglin’s Christianity is sincere, not ironic. Over the years he came to the right conclusion that we are engaged in a spiritual, not political battle. Christ vs. the Anti-Christ Jews.
Japan being pro-family seems to be a legacy of the past from what I am seeing, as Japan’s birthrate is horribly low. Anglin wrote an article recently about how one village in Japan has banded together to massively boost its birthrate vs the rest of the nation, yet he does not make the observation that Japan has massive amounts of (((feminism))), arguably more than even the USA, causing the birthrate issue.
Anglin recently ran a piece about how the jewish notion of “consent” is coming to Japan, yet somehow Japan isn’t Jewed?
Former prime minister Yoshiro Mori was forced to resign from the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Committee because he dared to casually point out that feminism was destroying the workplace.
His site runs articles about how US occupation and political pressure jews countries, particularly Germany and Botswana, but somehow not Japan, even though Japan has been as occupied by us as Germany, and the US ambassador to Japan is (((Rahm Emmanuel))), and he has been heavily pushing homosexuality onto Japan.
Anglin has an odd, “honorary Gen X” style of humor that I sometimes find difficult to discern. I get that he likes to somewhat ironically “shill” for China, and ragging on their rival Japanese is part of that half-joke, but to say Japan isn’t jewed seems like taking it too far?
To bring this long-windeded post to a close, I am a bit confused by Anglin seeming to believe that China is not jewed. I agree with his overall idea that we shouldn’t get involved with China, but how can Communist China, which was founded by jews, not be jewish?
Well done CFT… doesn’t this get tiresome?
Here’s the flags that went up as I read:
In the title “ETHNIC MOSAIC” Jew agenda.
Me thinks his real name is something like Goldstein or Jones.
After all the Marxist diatribe there was only one verse mentioned, Acts 2:5-11. That alone tells me that this is a phony baloney spewing the word ‘Juneteenth’ malarkey. This imposter is Jew imo to pit the black in this fiction against white…same old and tiresome schtick.
If you can stomach this video…just to demonstrate how desperate these Jews are, here is Al Jazeera highlighting a NYT series called: The 1619 Project
Straight outta the cursed jew New York. I couldn’t get past SIX minutes of this incredible lie. But this is THE TRADEMARK of the Jew is to completely REWRITE HISTORY. The sellout blacks are oozing in the spotlight yet again being used by the same slavers that BROUGHT THEM HERE. I can almost guarantee this is being organized out of Russia. Is it any wonder why THE BLACKS still love being a slave or slaver?
When allowing evil ( jew) into a country, allowing the evil activities they do masquerading as a white, they then turn it on it’s head and blame the white for their own evil deeds (projection). How I long for their utter destruction. ALL. OF. THEM.
Geroge McCann
Jews have always found a way to make Arabs do their bidding. Abdu instinctively understands where his bread is buttered. Too many churches today with large white congregations have a non-white minister. My step-brother goes to one, with an Indian (dot, not feather) minister. Sad really.
I have a feeling we’ll be seeing more of this. Judeo-Christians take pride in being “non-racist”, and having a colored minister makes them feel like they’re really walking the walk.
Sparrow, the answer is it doesn’t get tiring to debunk these judeo-Christians, though their diversity dogma is tiring in itself. They need to be confronted and challenged, and we are not aware of anyone else who does it like this.
And it’s also important that those who understand that universalism is not of God will know how to respond to these people with actual chapter and verse….when it comes up in conversation.
Any kind of dispensationalism makes a mockery of God’s promises to Israel, and a mockery of Christ’s explicit words explaining what He came to do — regather all of Israel.
The old Christian hymn “Amazing Grace” takes on new meaning in this context of lost Israel re-found:
Amazing grace, How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now I am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
Thank you CFT…you are definitely called to do this and by Grace may Jezebel fall from her high place.
When I was desperately seeking God living in the midst of a black militant US city…I sang this song everyday. How right you are.
Now having been residing back in my home town, I watch in horror the black agenda destroying all history of the first Israelites that settled here even just finding a hidden grave of a Revolutionary War hero that outlived most of his family. All I could do was thank him and said a prayer for him and five others who were buried there at the farm he built.
What ignites my firey anger is the whites who are enabling this jew destruction. Patience has never been my friend so I die daily with this. I hate it.
Thank you for what you do…God bless your every step and God bless the remnant remaining. My prior self was always a fighter better to go down with a righteous fight…and the Revolutionary War was the only one.
Thank you Sparrow for that encouraging post. I am too not with much patience for what is going on in our once proud nation that was founded and built by our fellow Israelites. Watching everyday while our nation is falling down not only physically, but spiritually as well. It really sickens my soul.
The parasitical Jew and their demonic simian nigger pets are marching endlessly toward our destruction.
What really is more grievous is our fellow Caucasians marching in lockstep with those demonic forces.
But I know who is going to win in the end. As much as it angers me, I seek no violence for vengeance. As it is written.
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
Romans 12:19.
And yes, CFT has been an inspiration through their tireless work. I give praise unto our Saviour Jesus Christ for their work.
God bless you and all come to this to learn.
Encouragement is. always good Bruce, thank you for it.
I keep remembering Isaiah 9:1-7
6 – …and the Government will rest on his shoulders…
Great Post!
Maybe you could create a Category in Resources titled — “Evangelism” and place articles like this into that category.
An article like this is a great Primer for newbies coming to the realization that the White Man has a unique place in this World.
Question — is there an Article that teaches the Europeans/White Ango Saxon Peoples are the Israelites of Scripture?
The other day someone asked “Who are the Israelites”.
I responded by copying E Raymond Cap PDF. But, for me personally, I find that read to be too long winded. We need a “Israelites for Dummies” kind of a Tract.
Just my 2 cents. Thanks.
“not Arabs who were a nomadic, heathen polytheist people who worshiped their moon-god called Ilumquh — whom the “prophet” Mohammed would rename “Allah”.
Is that why many muslin countries have a crescent moon on their flag, a sort of homage to a moon god?
Arabs might have been white before they slept with black African invaders to the region. Probably a lot of slaves too. They certainly aren’t now.
African invaders? I can’t fathom the subsaharan blacks invading Arabia. Mercifully the African-in-America occupying our cities relatively seldom invades the suburbs.
I figured the story of the Arab is like the story of Portugal from the Renaissance through today: had colonies, had black slaves in the colonies, bedded the blacks and brought the byblows back home, incorporated the mulattoes into society?
Though I still just can’t figure what would cause a white person to bed a black, since the original blacks were compared in appearance to apes. Were they possessed by demons when they did the deed?
I’m referring to Cushes’ pets who made their way through to Asia from Africa. Indians of high caste are Cushites. They spell Kush, but same guys.
If slavery or “racism” were such great sins, why aren’t they mentioned in the Ten Commandments?
Maybe this article will help you understand this topic — https://christiansfortruth.com/a-closer-look-at-exodus-2014-thou-shall-not-commit-adultery-or-adulterate-thy-blood/
Another reason might be that it was just “implied”. Why is not the prohibition of homosexuality not in the Ten Commandments? Because it was absurd to even think of such a thing.
Kind after Kind. It’s like a Natural Law.
Timothy ……….
Ok, this is weird. Unless I completely spaced out — I saw your question as asking —- “.. if race mixing is such a great sin, why isn’t it mentioned in the Ten Commandments?”
Now I see your question as being totally different. Like it was re-written.
So …………….. my answer has nothing to do with racism or slavery.
Ps….. I’ve noticed this has happened before but with “Names”. Often I reply directly from the “Recent Comments” page and then later when I come back, the person I thought I was replying to; is now a different name.
West, we think you merely misunderstood the question that Timothy raised.
You thought he sincerely thought slavery and racism should have been mentioned in the ten commandments?
We assumed he was being ironic.
Anytime names have changed with comments is because we have moved them, and sometimes the “auto-fill” feature mistakenly puts in the wrong name. When we catch the error, we change them.