(Jewish Press) Buried within another tedious article promoting jewish “conservative,” Dennis Prager — whom the radical Chabad Lubivitch have deemed “kosher” — we find him claiming that all “conservative” Whites would rather their daughter marry a conservative Black than a White liberal:
“…Ask any white conservative, including one who supports Trump, the following three questions:
1) Do you have more in common with, and are you personally more comfortable in the company of, a white leftist or a black conservative?
2) Would you rather have nine white leftists or nine black conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court?
3) Would you rather your child marry a black Christian conservative or a white non-Christian liberal?
A white racist would prefer the whites in each case.
I have asked these questions of thousands of Trump supporters at lectures and on my radio show. Not once has a white Trump-supporting conservative said he or she would be more comfortable in the presence of a white leftist than a black conservative, or would prefer an all-white liberal Supreme Court to an all-black conservative Supreme Court.
Not once has a white Christian conservative said he or she would prefer their child marry a white non-Christian liberal to a black Christian conservative.”
The only thing that Prager’s self-serving, unscientific poll actually proves is that the so-called “conservative” White Trump supporters who foolishly listen to Prager are all brainwashed by jewish racial egalitarian Kool-Aid.
And just like “enemy” liberals, White so-called “conservatives” are willing to sacrifice their White daughters on the altar of “diversity” just to prove that they are not, in fact — gasp — “racist”.
Prager is already on record claiming that biblical Adam had no racial identity, even though Adam’s name literally means “to show blood in the face,” that is, to blush.
If a White conservative does not think his bloodline is worth conserving, there is nothing — and certainly no political identity — that he will able to conserve that’s worth conserving.
Everything conservatives want to maintain is a White value — and without White people, those values have no meaning nor will they be preserved.
Your daughter’s mulatto children are not going to preserve the values of our Founding Fathers — or even your immediate ancestors.
Your “conservative” mulatto children will preserve, at best, the values of mixed-race Jews — like Dennis Prager — who have contempt for any White man who thinks his bloodline is quite literally a gift from God.
Bottom line is that un-chosen heel holders are using the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion which was a Funeral Oration in pre-Soviet Bolshevik Russia in 1847 by this scumbag Rabbi – it’s all about dividing / conquering / taking down the Western White Civilization -https://fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/rabbi-reichhorns-protocols/216863
I am now reading the 2019 piece which has a dubious headline to start with “How To Tell If A Trump Supporter Is Racist”…but the opening really takes the cake….”Every non-liberal leftist – that is, nearly every Democrat running for president, New York Times and Washington Post columnist, CNN and MSNBC host, and your left-wing brother-in-law – labels every Trump supporter and, of course, President Donald Trump himself, a “racist.”
I am totally confused….what is a ‘non-liberal leftist’….can anyone help me out with this one?
This Dennis Prager person is in MHO another fraud, Zionist supremacist who hijacked the voices of real heartland Americans .
You can tell, or I can sense from a distance when somebody is disingenuous….he is an Israel firsterzionistsupremacist claiming to be conservative (only listen to him long enough to really hear what he is saying) while he is another keep up appearance liberal from the Bolshevik communist bastion of America. Because it is more popular to be conservative than liberal, Jews are quickly adopting sides to further their own political agenda.
They started the infiltration of the Republican party under Ronald Reagan and now both sides are infected with the ideological cancer that is killing not only America, but Europe and the world at large. The Jews from New York pushed George Bush Jr. Ken Melhman, ran the re-election campaign. Anyone who pays attention knows that he is hand-picking the Black faces too, religious fundamentalist Ben Shapiro becoming a mouth piece telling Black people what to think and feel much like the liberal progressive Jewish supremacist force their Marxist “minority group” poison down people’s throats and tell you what to think and feel.
I say what goes up must come down, and what goes around always comes around, the laws of nature make sure of that.
Dennis Prager, Ben Shapiro, Juden Peterstein*, Charlie Kirk — lots of Jewish agents in a “conservative” movement that doesn’t conserve anything.
*Jordan Peterson
Yeah, Judah ben Peterstein is definitely in the Jewish camp, but I doubt he is Jewish ethnically. He rants against tribalism and ethnic identity while shacking up with the most tribal and xenophobic group on the planet.
Chaplain Bob Walker
Prager is one of the kosher tribe.
Just so you know
How or why would anyone be in a position where they could only marry one from 2 choices? Viewpoints and opinions can change, but your ethnicity will always be what it is. How about WAIT until you find a white Christian right wing wife (or husband if you are a woman)? Who is this idiot Dennis Prager to tell us it’s one or the other, having boiled our choices down to 2? He’s an agent of the jews. He’s trying to slip suggestions into the heads of the lesser minded hoping they’ll all marry blacks.
Since when have black conservatives existed?
A conservative black is nothing more than a lone wolf, since a conservative black is hardly born in a conservative home.
And a black or black man becomes morally more elegant to get a white husband or white wife.
I am white (like sandra bullock or christina ricci) and I live in the third world, and I believe that a conservative white man marries a liberal white man than a black man. But a black person, regardless of who he is, will always want a white person.
Black people can’t be conservative, they have sex and malice in their blood. From an early age they think about sex and use it as a weapon. Black women use the curvaceous body to make children before the age of 20 and the black man even when monogamous is jealous and aggressive.
Study history and you will see that only the white man and the white woman are able to support themselves, society, progress the community and leave significant inheritances.
enjoy :.:
This is my specialty and old news becomes new:
I am “White like sandra bullock or christina ricci” living in the third world shows off the bias and prejudice about Black women. Hilarious.
Because I was born in the third world, I studied history, to get an understanding of the depravity in the first world. By the preponderance of the evidence, I could also claim that the intellectual dishonesty, hypocrisy, arrogance, and sense of superiority is in the blood too, but I have more sense, than to make such a ridiculous statement and put all individual White people in the ignoramus one-size fits all box, as White women do, claiming that ALL White men are racist and sexist.
* White men shaped the world to satisfy the demand for comfort of the self-serving women like you, and it came through the exploitation of those very same Black people you despise.
* White women advocate and demand the amoral corrupt free-loading, predatory and parasitical death, and destruction Marxist Bolshevik communist socialist society: the government needs to take care of my every need, so that I can be free from responsibility and chase my earthly pleasures. Raising children and having a family is domestic oppression and genocide through abortion is a human right.
* White women foment hatred against White man and the destruction of societies they created.
I suggest you study history, especially the colonial part where White women envious of the bodies of Black women in the third world committed unspeakable atrocities.
“White like sandra bullock or christina ricci” obviously disappointed because she did does not receive the glorification she expected from those Black people in the third world. Sounds much like those Black American women who leave their superior ghetto culture, and look down on Black people from other countries who do not indulge in the race-hustling hate-mongering.
“I suggest you study history, especially the colonial part where White women envious of the bodies of Black women in the third world committed unspeakable atrocities.”
Would you kindly clarify this for me? I ask because I just can’t wrap my mind around a White woman being envious of the body of a black woman.
I know you can’t wrap your head around it but there was such a thing on the slave plantation colonies in the Western Hemisphere, categorized as “Third world” by the Bolshevik communist imperialist in America……Susanna du Plessis…..”The most famous story about her cruelty is about the mulatto slave concubine of her husband, Alida, whose breasts she allegedly cut off and served to her husband at dinner”…..https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susanna_du_Plessis
Jewish slave-drivers were notorious for having sex with slave women and impregnating them.
Look at around in America, a lot of White women who hate White men, pretend to be White men and sleep with Black women…..I can’t wrap my mind around that one either.
Mr White
Prager is a “KHAZAR” a fake a member of the synagogue of Satan
And another thing that people dont realize is the “Father” of the Faith was mentally ill, just think about, that nut job heard “voices” in his head to go sacrifice Isaac and then a sheep appears out of thin air for him to kill , that’s sick (satanic cult) and its just more proof that all religions are man made and or cults
“Mental illness” is a jewish concept, but true faith in God is the antithesis of all things jewish. The faith of Abraham has nothing to do with Jews, regardless of what they claim. The word “Jew” does not appear in the “Torah”, the first 5 books of the Bible. They usurped it for their own agenda.
I. Dunno
Dear Rachel,
We are, fortunately, quite successful financially and have always been able to give our children everything they need and want. For better or worse, our children are accustomed to having the newest models of whatever comes out and enough toys and gadgets to fill another home. When they were younger this never seemed to be an issue, but now that they are all tweens and teens, we are having a real problem.
This Chanukah, like in all years past, my kids got everything on their wish list. It is ridiculous how much money was spent on them, and they did nothing to deserve it. But worse, they were completely unappreciative and even complained that they didn’t like the colors or the accessories that came with some of their gifts. Not only didn’t they bother saying thank-you, we were met with eye rolling and smirks. Needless to say they didn’t buy anything for anyone else in the family and acted like they were doing us a favor even being there to open their gifts. I am horrified that I have raised such spoiled brats. Is there anything I can do about it at this point?
Dear D.J.,
Jesus Christ made a fabulous suggestion, and Martin Luther echoed it: “It is better that a millstone is tied about their neck and tossed into the water to drown…”
So glad to help,
I Dunno
click on the chabad link
Dear D.J.:
Stop giving them things. Tell them if they want things, they will have to work to get the money to buy them. They are old enough to go out and earn their own money. All they should get from you is a place to sleep and basic food.
Let them know that once they reach age 16, you don’t even have to give them that anymore. You can kick them out of the house and they can go make their own way in the world.
Your a child abuser. Parents have a legal obligation to provide for their children until the children graduate High School. Even kicking them out on their 18th Birthday, if they haven’t graduated High School is criminal.
The person your responding to failed to raise their children to be polite. One does not spoil their children by pampering them. They spoil their children by failing to raise them to be polite.
Tie allowance to charity work. At this point, if you try to “cut them off”, all it will do is create bad blood and your spoiled children will disown you at their earliest convenience. So, tie your generosity to theirs, and have them do a few hours a month of charity work. Nothing too much, just enough to remind them that they should be grateful.
You failed in not raising them to be polite. I strongly urge you to examine your own behavior, because children learn by example.
mike d
This Prager character is also the idiot who is espousing the idea that Adam was ‘raceless’. How do you get definitively characteristic races separated from a male and female ‘creature’ with no race identity? And if Adam and Eve were indeed the first two raceless hominids on earth who supposedly gave birth to the beginning of every “human” on 2 legs…who the hell did Cain marry, even if we are to believe he was the biological son of Adam and Eve?
Where did the city come from where he found a wife after being exiled for murdering his (half)brother Abel? Not to mention, if it didn’t (and still doesn’t) matter with whom we are copulating, WHY DID GOD FLOOD THE EARTH??? It is in very plain language as to why, but modern churchianity and judeo-xtianity gloss it over so bad that both the historical cause AND effect have been grossly fabricated.
Everything about the judeo-xtian narrative concerning the first 10-12 chapters of Genesis is so contradictory and intellectually dishonest, no wonder modern white people are turning to the atheistic belief of ‘evolution’…
Prager imagines an “all Black conservative Supreme court” in the same way we imagine pigs flying or Jews telling the truth. Prager’s rhetoric is manipulative, sneaky, and subversive, and Trump supporters think he’s on their side. SMH
There are just two races, the one being the race of unbelievers, the other one the one of believers. Both races come in ALL colours.
Adam was likely to have been a person of colour, as he was created and lived in the Middle East. As his descendants moved West their skin got lighter, as they moved into Africa they became darker.
There is no saving identity in being white, and God will only look at one attribute when accepting you as his child: your belief in Him and his Son or not. Everything else is secundary.
You should study up on your ancient history. The Levant and the Near East, including Egypt, the setting of the Bible, was largely inhabited by White people originally. Whites eventually migrated up into Europe and the Arabs took over their former White homelands, which is why you erroneously believe Adam was “colored”.
So you are a c.hristian Evolutionist. Wow. We have fallen very far.
Never thought I would see the day those professing faith in Christ would believe in Evolution.
There’s nothing anti-Christian about natural selection. You can see it in moths, birds, etc. People who are better adapted to their environment will have more children, and will thus tend to survive. Mutations that give better adaptations will tend to become more common.
Nothing about that contradicts the supposition that the earth was created 7000 years ago. The theory of evolution (that man arose from apes) relies upon natural selection, but natural selection does not entail the theory of evolution. Natural selection could easily be part of God’s plan.
The Bible doesn’t state that the earth was created 7,000 years ago–rather, that’s when Adam–the first White man–was created. It should be clear from Genesis that there were pre-Adamite hominids prior to the Adamic creation. A far more ancient earth is completely consistent with Genesis–despite what many literalists may claim.
I don’t want to sound condescending, but isn’t it childishly silly to declare race to be based on ‘belief’? And that skin color would have no bearing on that determination? And worst of all, to believe this in complete contradiction to the very Bible you are claiming to profess?
“Kind after kind” must not have anything to do with race, then, either…
God told us at the very beginning that the entire course of history would be a battle between two bloodlines:
“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” Genesis 3:15
Jews drone on and one about how the White Israelite race is “jealous” of the Jews, but the exact opposite is true: they envy us and our bloodline, which is why they do everything they can to defile it, by using their powerful media to promote race mixing, and flood our White nations to put non-Whites in close proximity to us, knowing that it will lead to miscegenation.
The bloodline is the only thing left standing in their way of achieving world domination. The ultimate act of revolution and defiance today is to have White families.
White Identity
TRUTH! An opinion or attitude or ignorance can be cured. The state of being non-white cannot.
Many so-called “White nationalists” like Jared Taylor contend that people can be “White enough” or become better and “Whiter” through race mixing. He also apparently believes that White people “became” White through “evolution” and “selective breeding” for White traits. Actually, that’s how Jews became “White” or “White enough”. Whites, on the other hand, have been White from the beginning because we were created that way.
A “liberal” white person can mature and start listening to the Law written their heart. Likely the white daughter will end up being a single mom as the statistics show.
Jeremiah 13:2 “Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?”
In the public discourse there is often only choice A or choice B presented. In reality the correct choice is one rarely or never mentioned.