Richard Tobin, an 18 year-old New Jersey man, was arrested and held without bond for allegedly ordering the vandalism of two synagogues in other states:
Richard Tobin is accused of using a neo-Nazi social network called The Base to find volunteers to for the September graffiti attacks on synagogues in Michigan and Wisconsin, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported.
Tobin also allegedly said he planned the attacks as part of nationwide campaign he called “Operation Kristallnacht,” a reference to the 1938 pogrom against Jewish homes, synagogues and Jewish owned-owned businesses in Germany and Austria.
Tobin also confessed to driving to a New Jersey mall with a machete that he planned to use to kill black shoppers.
A complaint filed Tuesday by the FBI charges Tobin with conspiring with a hate group against the rights of minorities, including Jews, reported.
The group calls itself a “white protection league” and advocates for a country populated only by white people. Its members practice “doomsday prepping,” or preparing for the end of the world, and participate in military training. The group’s symbol references a failed 1923 German coup led by Adolf Hitler, according to the FBI.
The court filings have not named the people who attacked the two synagogues.
Tobin appeared in federal court in Camden, New Jersey on Friday. U.S. Magistrate Judge Karen M. Williams ordered Tobin held pending a mental health evaluation and scheduled a detention hearing scheduled for next month.
It’s worth noting that the social network Tobin belonged to –“The Base”– just so happens to be the English translation of Al Qaeda, the fake terror organization jointly created by the CIA and the Israeli Mossad.
It’s safe to assume that “The Base” is another Mossad honeypot psy-op to attract unhinged loners, like Tobin, and coax them into some pointless and counter-productive violent acts.
How exactly is vandalizing synagogues or attacking Blacks with machetes going to magically make all non-Whites disappear from America? How is giving Jews the political ammunition to crack down further on anyone advocating for White interests going to further your cause?
If you really want to undermine jewish power in this country, attacking them and their property is just going to accomplish the exact opposite of your intention, which is why Jews promote violence online in White Nationalist circles and forums.
You really want to see the Jews panic as their political and social power crumbles? Turn off your television, pick up your Bible, and turn your life over to Christ. It doesn’t even require joining a church group.
Not if, but when enough White people commit to that, Babylon the Great will fall, as Christ’s Revelation promised us it would. That’s the best way to “hurt” Jews without ever breaking the law.
One of the lessons our people fail to learn in our admiration of ‘successful’ white governments (namely the Constitutional Republic of the united States and the NSDAP) is that they are still gubmints OF MEN and therefor doomed to failure, just as God warned. The OT nation of Israel before the institution of a monarchy, not only survived, but flourished FOR NEARLY 400 years without the establishment of a government by men.
We, as God’s children, are perfectly capable of GOVERNING OURSELVES as mature, responsible Christian individuals who live their life according to the laws of our Father…making Christ our King “by proxy”. THAT is the Kingdom of Heaven. THAT is God’s government. Let the rest of the ‘human’ cultures devise their own worldly governments. We don’t need them nor want them.
While what I just conveyed can be construed as “anarchy”, maybe we need to research what the concept of “anarchy” truly is…
As much as we, who have been enlightened, admire the great men and women of the NSDAP circa 1936, and admire their leader Adolf Hitler, we would never be so stupid as to try and resurrect the “images” of that time.
The Jew knows all too well how to create deception and havoc. A person who commits such a thing is either mentally deranged or a Jew. Period, end of story.
But then again………………the sleeping goyim seem to buy it. But let us hope and pray that many are beginning to See the Light!
The NSDAP failed, and Germany had virtually no diversity to overcome, with the population being 99% German at that time. Jews comprised only 0.6% of the population. And if they failed to create a German “ethno-state” under those auspicious conditions, how can any White Nationalists rationally believe they have a chance of turning back the clock in America where over 35% of the population or 100 million people are already non-White? That’s a pipe dream that will NEVER happen. You need a plan B.
They succeeded in creating an etyhno state and became a world power in 6 years after emerging from the molten mess of the weimar republic that was foisted upon them.
BECAUSE of their success, the entire might of jewry and their owned/paid thugs – the US, Britain, the ussr, and dozens of little countries – was brought down upon them to destroy them. Not only was the war waged due to the Germans outlawing of usury – that which caused world jewry to ‘declare war on Germany’ in 1933 – but in a larger sense, it was to make the world safe for comminism. (((they))) succeeded theu the help of their father the devil and we all suffer to this day.
An ethno state w/o banker control is indeed possible – Germany proved it. However, until we, as a body politick and as a people, return to our God and embrace HIS principles – many of which NS Germany did – IN HIS NAME and under His authority, it is not possible. It CAN be done, and WILL be done at some point.
Regrettably, I dont se it coming anytime soon… 🙁
until then – ammo up.
Thank you Luke. Chesterton’s comment — the nsdap failed — didn’t sit right with me, but I am not an expert of this genre. I only know the basics. So your comment said what I really wanted to say, but didn’t have the facts. They lost (we lost), but I would never use the word “failure”. We really were oh so close…………………so it behooves all White peoples to truly understand “why”. I think this website’s “mission statement” answers that question. Peace and safety to you. WW
I would never suggest that NSDAP Germany didn’t accomplish some amazing things socially and economically, and in that limited sense they had some successes. But that wasn’t my point. Whatever success they achieve was very short-lived.
I believe they made a crucial error in their propaganda. They would have garnered far more international sympathy for their cause if they had cast their motives and goals as Christian, that their conflict with the Jews in Germany was Biblically-justified. Instead, they got caught up in secular justifications, such as social Darwinism and eugenics, which turned Christians away from their message. There were Christians in the NSDAP, but their influence was largely over-shadowed by the likes of Himmler, Boremann, and Goebbels who were Christian in name only. God-less nationalism did not, and will not, succeed.
Agreed! Thanks for elaborating. This is the kind of rationale we need to hear.
They probably should have first removed the Jews from Germany; then went and tried to rescue the Germans stuck in Danzig. But hindsight is always 20/20.
It is amazing to think that as much as they were “Jew Aware”…..they still underestimated their reach. They did not take into consideration the power of their god — the Adversary(the spirit of anti-christ). Tried to do it on their own power.
Harken unto God and shining a light into darkness is all that is required. The rest plays into their hands.
Amen brothers.
Violence as a last resort for self defense is the only justifiable form. The Good News is not that violence sets you free, but the Truth. Remember how Christ identifies Himself as “The Way, The Truth, and The Light”? Christianity did not ‘conquer’ the world by force. But we have since lost our hegemony because too many of our ancestors decided to walk hand-in-hand with Mammon instead of God. We cannot dare to think we can 1) retake by force that which was originally given to us by God, then taken away by Him due to our apostacy or 2) uphold His laws by force when the law is no longer accepted by His people.
Only through Christ is true freedom found.
>If you really want to undermine jewish power in this country, attacking them and their property is just going to accomplish the exact opposite of your intention
if people want to help the cause they’re much better off posting reasonable flyers or building websites, making podcasts, building pro-white non-violent networks, doing research on jewish anti-white organizations, etc