The Anti-Defamation League, a wealthy far-Left jewish supremacist, ultra-Zionist interest group that advocates for censorship under the guise of combating nebulous ‘antisemitism’ is now petitioning the U.S. Congress to give them federal bailout money due to the coronavirus:
On Sunday, the ADL shared a bailout petition asking their followers to join them in pressuring congress for “$60 billion in emergency stimulus funding” for themselves and over 200 other non-profits.
The list of non-profits seeking a bailout includes other [jewish supremacist] groups like Agudath Israel of America, Haddassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America and the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America.
“Today, Congress is negotiating a legislative package in response to the health and economic crisis related to COVID-19,” the ADL’s petition says. “ADL has added its voice to a letter (link here) signed by a coalition of over 200 national non-profits urging legislators to include $60 billion in emergency stimulus funding to support our work and our employees, and keep 12 million people employed across the country. This federal relief is critical to ensuring that non-profit organizations continue our work during this time of crisis and need.”
The ADL’s latest 2018 financial report revealed they have over $92 million in net assets.
This chutzpah is a bad look for the ADL, but then again, everything the ADL does seems bad for their image, but that’s never stopped them from plowing forward in their apparent quest to be the most reviled, hypocritical and feared advocacy group in the world, as was revealed in the 2009 documentary film Defamation.
Like the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ADL receives virtually endless funding from its deep-pocketed jewish supporters all across America, including from the radical Hollywood elite.
Besides petitioning the government for money it apparently doesn’t really need, the ADL is continually badgering every member of Congress and the Senate to pass draconian legislation making it illegal to criticize Jews or Israel under the guise of ‘anti-hate’ laws.
Anyone who opposes their agenda of jewish supremacy, anti-White neo-bolshevism, and pro-Zionism will be predictably smeared as an ‘antisemite‘.
And now the ADL apparently expects the American taxpayers to subsidize their self-serving nation-wrecking agenda.
Let’s not pretend we’re surprised.
No politician would dare object to ADL’s demand as they would be seen as holding up desperately needed relief for all America and be shouted down by everyone. The yids had it in the bag more than ever this time. Blood suckers.
Nancy F.
I’m sure the ADL has a lot more in liquid assets than a mere $90 million. Some of the richest Jews in the world have basically given them blank checks over the years. But being the crooks they are, of course they want some of the free money courtesy of the US taxpayers. Truly ugly, vicious people who run the ADL.
All Christians should read this book,”Who Is Esau-Edom?”. In the end, those Khazars snakes will be defeated.
This big overweight guy I envision in my mind laying on his couch and eating grapes and drinking lots of wine as he dictates to his slave boys what he wants done for the day. Meanwhile he is mandating more coins must be given for the Jewish cause, fighting the Christians who want them removed from government of Rome!
“The Jews are masters at fitting in to their surroundings without in any way changing their nature. They are mimics. They have a natural instinct that senses danger, and their drive for self-preservation usually gives them effective ways and means to escape danger at no risk to their lives or any need for courage. It is difficult to detect their sly and slippery ways. One has to be an experienced student of the Jews to recognize what is happening. Their response when they have been uncovered is simple and primitive. It displays a perfidious shamelessness that is successful because one usually does not think it possible to be so shameless. Schopenauer once said that the Jew is the master of the lie. He is such an expert on twisting the truth that he can tell his innocent opponent the exact opposite of the truth even on the plainest matter in the world. He does this with such astonishing impudence that the listener becomes uncertain, at which point the Jew has usually won.
The Jews call this chutzpah. Chutzpah is a typically Jewish expression that really cannot be translated into any other language, since chutzpah is a concept found only among the Jews. Other languages have not needed to invent such a word since they do not know the phenomenon. Basically, it means unlimited, impertinent, and unbelievable impudence and shamelessness.
As long as we had the doubtful pleasure of having to put up with Jews, we had more then enough examples of the typical Jewish characteristic they call chutzpah. Cowards became heroes and decent, industrious, and brave men became contemptible idiots or fools. Fat and sweaty stockbrokers presented themselves as communists saving the world, and decent soldiers were characterized as beasts. Normal families were mocked as breeding pens, while group marriages were praised as the highest form of human development. The most disgusting junk the human mind could create was presented as great art while real art was ridiculed as Kitsch. The murderer was not guilty, but rather his victim.
It was a system of public deception that, when applied long enough, lames a people both culturally and spiritually and over time strangles any kind of defense. Before National Socialism, Germany was in the midst of such deadly danger. Had our people not come to its senses at the last possible moment, our country would have been ripe for Bolshevism, the most devilish infection the Jews can bring upon a people.
Bolshevism, too, is an expression of Jewish chutzpah. Turbulent Jewish party leaders and clever Jewish capitalists managed the most shameless coup one can imagine. They mobilized the so-called proletariat to class struggle by ruthlessly exploiting real or imagined problems. Their goal was total Jewish domination. The crassest plutocracy used socialism to establish the crassest financial dictatorship. A world revolution was to expand this experiment from the Soviet Union to the rest of the world. The result would have been Jewish world domination.”
written in 1941 and even more true today. Only delusional antiChrists would be insane enough to actually suggest 60 mil of taxpayer money ; problem is, they may well get it…
Impeccable quote. Source please?
Joseph Goebbels. Before anyone flips out because of the source, please first consider and absorb the message itself. He was 100% correct in his assertions. Am I defending National Socialism? No. the freedoms trampled underfoot & literature burned & banned will forever remind us of its folly – but – “when you’re right, you’re right”.
Lol, I am a fan of National Socialism and had a hunch that was Goebbels’ writings. No apologies necessary. Do I think the NSDAP was perfect? Definitely not – but that is from the perspective that no gubmint of man is perfect. Did it do the job, and could it still succeed today? Absolutely. Do I think that ‘freedoms’ were ‘trampled’? No, there were necessary restrictions indicative of the time. They don’t even rival the draconian measures that have been instituted in the Western World since the demise of the Third Reich. And book burnings? That was all jewish propaganda, from their Talmud to their pornography, and all the anti-German filth in between. I would have warmed my hands by that fire without batting an eye. ‘Freedom’ should NEVER mean ‘free to be an anti-christian in Christian lands’ plain and simple.
What honest man could watch ‘The Greatest Story NEVER Told’ or ‘Europa: The Last Battle’ and not admire Hitler and what he did for Germany? It should be mandatory viewing.
Hear, hear!
Not surprising at all. To see jews pass up a shake down opportunity would be a surprise. The nature of the jew is to lie, cheat, steal, murder subvert existing authorities and replace it with their own. They truly do believe we are subhuman cattle placed here exclusively for their benefit, to be their eternal slaves.
They think less of us than we do of the cockroach. I can’t wait for the world to discover the truth about jews. The jews, who stick together like burrs, deserve God’s collective punishment to come.
We will all be slaves before the “world” realizes the truth about them!
The Amerikan taxpayers are really going to get raked over the coals with the gubmental response to the economic emergency they have put us in. Bailouts galore will be the answer as the people will scream “yes!” because they stand to receive a couple thousand dollars in ‘free money’, obviously having no clue where the money comes from and who ultimately pays for it – in a multitude of ways.
Every big corporation and non-profit will somehow receive an unjustly obscene amount of money because of what they are, not because they ‘need’ it. They will receive billions that ‘we the people’ will pay for. Hopefully it just annihilates the dollar and sends Mystery Babylon crashing so repaying the disgustingly obese debt will no longer be a concern – just surviving the collapse will be…
I agree let it crash, It will crash eventually, why not now.