According to a study performed by Swiss geneticists on the physical remains of Tutankhamun of Egypt (“King Tut”), the pharaoh’s DNA profile proved to be strikingly similar to modern Europeans rather than the dark-skinned Arabs who current live on top of the remains of a civilization built by a completely different race of people.
In 2009, geneticists from iGENEA in Zurich, Switzerland conducted studies on the DNA recovered from the bodies of Tutankhamun, his proposed father Akhenaten, and his grandfather Amenhotep III, all members of the Eighteenth Dynasty (14th century BC).
Compiling their findings, they “reconstructed” the DNA profile of the three kings — and matched it with haplogroups derived from other ancient Europeans.
Today, the most commonly-accepted historical truth is that the ancient Egyptians were a non-white people, perhaps not much different from Egypt’s present day population.
Many afro-supremacists amusingly believe that the ancient Egyptians were sub-Saharan Blacks.
However, iGENEA reports that when compared to the haplogroups of modern-day Egyptians, King Tut’s DNA is quite different — so much so that he would most likely be perceived — ironically — as a foreigner in present-day Egypt.
Of course, DNA and haplogroup studies should be taken with a grain of salt unless other corroborating evidence can be found in contemporary depictions, ancient Egyptian culture and writings, and the Egyptian mummies themselves.
In fact, hundreds of common graves from ancient Egypt have been excavated and shown to contain corpses with red and blond hair.
Over the period of hundreds of years, ancient Egyptian civilization eventually disappeared following the invasions of the Nubians from the south and the Muslim Arabs from the east.
The original Caucasian Egyptians disappeared with it — many emigrated to North America, Europe and elsewhere over time, while those that remained died out or succumbed to race mixing with Arabs and Nubians, creating the dark-skinned “New Egyptians” who occupy that land today.
Jeffrey Hardin
It always amazes and at the same time infuriates me when people say skin color doesn’t matter.
Our skin color, red, yellow, black or white is an unmistakable byproduct of our ancestry and in a lot of ways is important to who we are, where we came from, and the straight and narrow path to who our ancient ancestors were.
My whiteness is a byproduct to my Scots, Irish, English ancestry.
Today in Europe as is here in the United states our DNA has become polluted with cross breeding. There are nearly as more Blacks and Indians in England as there are Native Whites and this can be said of many European countries but for the exceptions of Russia, Poland, Japan, Asia, Africa who are very guarded about interracial marriages which are taboo in these countries and not so much in the United States and many Western White countries, why, because we’re told it’s racist to be White.
There was an article I read written by an Archeologist who studied Egypt extensively and reported that they found ruddy & blond hair skulls that were later tested to be Caucasian. What made this find remarkable and surprising is that these skeletons were found at the bottom of these 4 burial grounds. This scientist like others was quickly shunned, his labs and research facilities immediately defunded and shuttered in the universities just as they were with the discoveries of the Solutreans.
I love history. But I absolutely disdain revised history and those who Blackwash it to remove White skinned people from historical findings and no more better proof of that was the findings of the Solutreans when the Native Indians fought to get the remains of skeletons that were found that were Caucasian. It took the Archeologist several years in court to recover the remains so they could be further tested and the results were that the Skeletons dated some 10,000 years earlier than the migration of todays Native Indians.
It’s not about being first, or my ancestors having a leg up in history or their being more refined or cultured.
It is all about history and the erasure of my Ancestry, my Culture, my Heritage and Traditions to pacify and pander to people to ashamed of the little contributions they have made and are today making towards the advancement of humanity and that is why all of this Whiteout of the White skinned races is so important to these desperate people.
I love the African, Asian and Latino cultures and many of their people I’ve had the love and honor of meeting. But I’m not trying to cancel them out. I celebrate and encourage their traditions and expect, demand, that I be allowed the same respect and not have our Statues and memorials destroyed and places renames because some poor sap has become hypersensitive due to their indoctrinations and dumbing down.
Live free man, live proud of who we are. White skinned people have a very historically rich past and nothing should be allowed to take that from us no matter who is critical of us.
C. Alexander
We are all one single race – Humans. Surprise! I know it seems a bit to simple, but I promise it’s quite simple to understand. Unfortunately it keeps getting buried and hidden by the idiotic Darwinism and theory of Evolution.
Here is the answer and understanding of how skin color (as well as other human features) ended up where they were, and where they are now:
(So simple, a caveman can do it…)
How does a comment like this get through???
West, we explained this before. We sometimes allow comments like this to “get through” to show those who may hold these universalist views just how easily they are refuted. Especially true for Christians who have nagging questions about “race” that their judeo pastors can’t or won’t answer satisfactorily for them.
There are a lot of misguided followers of the likes of Ken Ham, and they need to be shown a way out of his superficial understandings of “race” in the Bible.
CFT ….
My apologies. That was a “human” reaction that I wish I could take back.
My frustration is NOT that the comment went through. My frustration is that C. Alexander and his ilk won’t have the courage to come back and face our criticism/challenge.
This entire Website is replete with articles that refute his theology. Why doesn’t he and others like him challenge the evidence; rather than just preach their pet doctrines. (rhetorical).
I get “shamed” by my family and x-friends for the beliefs I now hold. It just gets frustrating to get “shamed” by guys like C. Alexander who then WON’T come back and answer all of my questions that judeo-christianity refuses to answer.
Again …………… my apologies. I wish I could take it back — reword my comment.
Thank you CFT.
West, we understand that your criticism was not directed at us for letting the comment stand. And we share your same frustrations with people who really have no interest in debating the evidence on any issue.
It’s a rare commenter who shows up here with an open mind who is willing to look at the evidence, but there have been a few of them whom we now count among our regular readers. So that makes it worth it.
But it’s also important that we don’t become an echo chamber where we allow only comments that agree with our positions. Readers can learn a lot from seeing how judeo doctrines are refuted, and refuted so easily.
What a joke. More like “So simple only a caveman would believe it.”
Ken Ham is a flippant buffoon. He tricks his audience into thinking that “whiteness” is only a skin color issue, and it’s not. Racial differences involve millions of different genetic changes, most of which do not involve skin color. Blood typing, dental structure, hair, cranial shape and capacity, blood typing, disease susceptibility….the list is extensive.
And Ham and his blind minions want us to think that all these differences are an “illusion” caused by language differences. Right….
The whole idea that the creation of new languages in Babel somehow created new “races” is preposterous. Most European countries/tribes have spoken different languages for over a thousand years, yet they are virtually indistinguishable racially.
Speaking a different language does not alter your DNA and turn you into a different “race”. Who believes this B.S.? This is a classic example of discredited genetic Lamarckism:
Trey Xanthean
that is absolutely NOT the case! the African DNA has been vastly PROVEN to be 80+ percent Homo Erectus and or Homo Habilis (or both) with a “ghost specie” that as of yet has NOT been identified (supposedly). Caucasoids ARE 100% Homo Sapien (Cro Magnon). Africans do not have Homo Sapien DNA in their genome… AT ALL. the DNA of Europe has been run and compared point to point with the African back in 2014 and ill let you read what the conclusion was from the peer reviewed White paper. needles to say there are NO COMMON ancestors! link follows. would be funny to see your face when you realize you have been lied to all this time by the jew “his-tory” books lol. that is of course IF you can comprehend what you are reading but i digress.
also just for fun check out Anthropologist Robert Sepehr @ and LEARN something why don’t you. it’s only right your misinformed mind be enlightened. thanks
Leslie Tanner
I am a black African who immigrated to the United States a very long time ago. The Communists, Antifa among them, raped and murdered my mother and sisters. This was the reason for my coming here. (People always ask.).
In Africa, we know the Ancient Egyptians were Caucasian. They are mainly Caucasian and Arab mix now with perhaps some Nubian. Most will not mix with the Nubian as the Nubians are seen as intellectually and morally challenged. This is especially true of the Arabs.
I do not know why this is such a sore issue for blacks in the United States. I have noticed that white liberals and many blacks try to steal the history, culture, and accomplishments of other races. They steal from Caucasians, Asians, and Latin societies. Then they try to claim that the history they have stolen belongs to the blacks.
Although I am highly educated, I have found that the academic community is the least honorable and most racist against whites. The history they teach is not correct, which may be a reason so many people now hate the whites. This includes white people who hate whites!
The Caucasians were the last to enter the slave trade and the first to leave the slave trade. They were to only race to leave the slave trade voluntarily. The Caucasians then did more than all other races combined to end almost all slavery in the world. The black Africans would not give up slavery. They continued to sell their own into slavery.
I do not understand the self imposed shame white people place on themselves. The entire world practiced slavery. The Caucasians the least of all others.
Thank you for being so direct and honest! Prayers are with you. I’m very sorry for what your family has been put through! ?✝️
Gary Houston
God gave every race special things but we are jealous of each other.
Um, this has already been debunked and proven as being a lie… 9 years ago…
“King Tut Related to Half of European Men? Maybe Not
A personal genomics company in Switzerland says they’ve reconstructed a DNA profile of King Tutankhamen by watching the Discovery Channel, claiming the results suggest more than half of Western European men are related to the boy king. But researchers who worked to decode Tut’s genome in the first place say the claim is “unscientific.””
“Debunked”. Hardly. King Tut’s great grandmother was unearthed, and guess what? She had BLONDE hair.
Thousands of common graves around the pyramids have been excavated and found that the remains were people with blond and red hair. Cleopatra was WHITE and born in Macedonia–she was RELATED to the Egyptians. The ancient Greeks described the Egyptians as White people. We don’t need this DNA test to prove King Tut was White–all of history proves it.
Daniel rogers
Umm I think Herodotus described them as darker skinned people
The Greek word that Herodotus used — “melanchroes” — to describe Egyptians has been mistranslated into English as “dark skinned”, but it can mean anything from “tanned” or “bronzed” to darker. White people who lived in those hotter climates often were tanned or bronzed–or “shiny” as the original White Cushite Ethiopians were called.
Stephen bishop
DNA don’t lie people do
Ricky Donovan Leonard
This is absolutely a fact! The Scottish people are descendants of the ancient Egyptians and Israelites. They continue the tradition of the Egyptian kilt and the coat of their ancestor, Joseph, with the tartans of many colours! Joseph of Arimathea, Jesus’ great uncle sired many of our royal families throughout Europe. He, along with Mary, and the boy Jesus, came to Britain to trade in metal among these other sheep of the House of Israel!
E. Raymond Capt’s writings, among many others have proven these facts! He translated the tablets of the Summerian, or Cimmerians, and found they tell of the migrations of the ten so-called lost tribes of the House of Israel! They were not LOST to the Lord God! They were sent to become many great nations of the earth to fulfill promises made to Abraham, their father! Many, such as in the case of the Scots are descended from Joseph of Egypt!
Alfred Kemp began this investigation and discovered published the identity of the young Egyptian king, “Children of Rah”. As this article declares discreetly to take this cum grano salus . But the truth or fact is irrefutable . Egypt of three kingdoms of the same VOlk lasted longer than any other known civilization . Today because of jewish education it is obscured , even demonized by the bible. But a people who endure and express itself in incomparable cultural majesty have a moral law and culture to be admired and even emulated.
Shaun King: In the Bible, when the family of Jesusu wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went” EGYPT!
According to Swiss geneticists who performed a study on the body of Tutankhamun of Egypt (“King Tut”), this pharaoh’s DNA has been found to be strikingly similar to that of modern Europeans.