The Jews have been so traumatized by their own Holocaust™ propaganda that a recent seemingly innocuous comment by President Donald Trump has sent Jews into a panic, shrieking about Hitler, genocide, and eugenics:
U.S. President Donald Trump lauded the “good bloodlines” of notorious anti-Semite Henry Ford on Thursday, drawing immediate rebuke from American Jewish groups.
“The company, founded by a man named Henry Ford,” Trump said after touring a Ford Motor Company plant in Michigan. “Good bloodlines, good bloodlines. If you believe in that stuff, you got good blood.”
Ford is famous for disseminating anti-Semitic writings, including “The International Jew,” which was published by the Ford-owned Dearborn Independent newspaper in four volumes.
He also funded the printing of half a million copies of the anti-Semitic hoax “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” in the 1920s. The text blamed Jews for trying to achieve global hegemony and influenced Adolf Hitler.
The head of the Anti-Defamation League Jonathan Greenblatt called on Trump to apologize, noting Ford’s famous belief in the genetic superiority of the white race.
“Henry Ford was an anti-Semite and one of America’s staunchest proponents of eugenics,” Greenblatt tweeted. “The President should apologize.”
The Michigan Jewish Democratic Party also criticized the president for his remarks, which it said showed a “breathtaking indifference to the history and the welfare of Michigan’s Jews.”
“It is no coincidence that Donald Trump has presided over the steepest rise in anti-Semitism in generations,” said Noah Arbit, founder and chair of the Michigan Democratic Jewish Caucus, in a statement. “The president is not only an apologist for anti-Semites, but has himself engendered severe hatred of Jews with his rampant conspiratorial, racist, and hateful speech.”
And yet despite all of Trump’s alleged antisemitism™, his biggest donors are ALL wealthy Jewish supremacists like Sheldon Adelson and Carl Icahn.
No wonder these highly inbred Jews, who, by their own admission, suffer from over 50 different genetic disorders, are extremely sensitive about any talk of “bloodlines”.
In fact, one prominent Jewish rabbi has admitted he fears that genetic studies will indeed confirm that Jews “carry genes that are polluting the world.”
Perhaps that’s why back in the 1920s Jews used their power and influence to block the U.S. Census from finding out how many Jews were in America at that time — a fact that Henry Ford brought to the attention of average Americans.
But along with this plethora of genetic disorders come serious mental disorders in Jews, all of which may account for their delusions of racial superiority and supremacy which they’ve written about at length in their “holy” book, The Talmud.
And an essential characteristic of this Jewish proclivity toward unfounded delusions of superiority is that they turn around and accuse others — especially White people like Henry Ford — of being racial supremacists.
Jews are often so emotionally and mentally unbalanced (i.e., “sensitive”) that they consider any criticism by non-Jews as proof that “another” Holocaust™ could literally happen at any time.
And to collective chagrin of the Jews, Henry Ford wrote a 500-page meticulously documented book demonstrating Jewish supremacy and their crimes against humanity, just as we would expect from someone with such “good bloodlines”.
I looked up the article on the Jewish website: Ashkenazi Jews descend from 350 people study finds.
The article:
“The analysis also suggested that today’s European’s are descended primarily from migrants from the Middle East after the last Ice Age, about 20,000 years ago, not the first humans to arrive to the continent 40,000 years ago.”
I’m confused . I can’t understand what they’re saying. Have the Jews ever been interested in any other races but themselves and from what little, I’ve read, they claim the world goes back no more than I believe about 6,000 years.
Maybe someone who cares to waste time arguing about Jews and their always proving their existence and purity and exclusiveness among all other races can see something I feel, but can’t put into words, such as where do they come from if they claim the Earth is about 6,000 years old ,but here they are talking about beings 20 and 40,000 years ago.
I’m beginning to believe the Jews don’t know who they are , and just like the Halocaust and other things they brag about themselves are trying to make them selves something they’re not or something they want to , or wish they were and they need to document to push it in others race’s faces so they can gloat.
I’m so confused , I don’t even know how to say what I mean.
The Jews now brag that Henry Ford apologized for his printing of the books criticizing the Jews, but Henry Ford is said to have said that he never apologized for what he said about the Jews, and world events prove he is right about them , and that Bennet is the one who made up the apology and put it out publicly. They claim that Henry Ford apologized just as they claim that the Protocols of Zion are a forgery and proven so, when others say that to prove a forgery is wrong, one must have a forgery.
Henry Ford was “spot on” with his analytical observance of the “International Jew” everything he writes back then is exactly what is happening today. If something is considered “anti-semitic” is usually telling the truth.
Typically…………when I speak of Henry Ford to Newbies, they have no clue of Ford’s criticism of International Jewry.
Let us Pray that people will now research Henry Ford — as the Jew once again has placed his proverbial Foot in it’s mouth!
If they would simply shut up — no one would ever have known.
Keep Kvetching Jews!!!
If our learned, trusted Jewish “experts” tell us that “Mein Kampf” and Ford’s “International Jew” are “antisemitic” trash, we should trust them and simply not bother to read them. But if we don’t trust them and do read them, we will quickly find out that they are two of the most important books of the 20th Century and should be required reading in every school in America–and every other White nation.
Remember, children, antisemitism is an irrational prejudice and not in any way the result of the damage and destruction that Jews have inflicted on their host populations (and indeed the world) for hundreds of years.
“If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be antisemitic. Any people who have been persecuted for 2000 years must be doing something wrong.”
—Henry Kissinger
Holysmoke, Henry Kissinger said that, confirming that the victim of Christian narrative is psychological warfare. I knew it.
Lisette, what do you mean by “the victim of Christian narrative is psychological warfare”? This seems to make no grammatical sense.
@Ray……putting it in perspective…..Jews constantly cry victim of Christians…..but if you dig into the facts Jews are the number one beneficiaries of Christian benevolence, so I see the “victim of Christians” claim as a weapon they employ to keep white people in check and get what they want. Play the poor victim and you can wrap everybody around your fingers. The trick, the trick, the trick and Christians fall for it time and again…..many of them worship Karl Marx and the Zionist supremacist as God.
The ‘psychological warfare’ you keep pointing to is a simple fact that Christ pointed out: These people are INHERENTLY liars, murderers, and hypocrites. We whites can’t grasp that because that’s NOT our nature. However, it is our nature to project our “sheepness” onto the goats, expecting them to act like sheep, and in doing so essentially perform this ‘psychological warfare’ upon ourselves, in our effort to believe against what the Bible teaches: that all ‘peoples’ are all ‘God’s children’…
Thank you @Ottify…..I’ve been an observer long enough to figure that out…the history of Europe and America tells the story loud and clear. They have mastered the art of manipulation……promising utopia and delivering death and destruction.
Good article except for calling the Protocols a hoax ..good try…because it seems pretty spot on to mostly all who read it, and Fords International Jew also spot on when speaking about how when the hidden hand of the Jew is revealed the shreaking starts especially in the media which they own HELLO…good example see above Greenblatt …tRUMP is kosher so this is more faction fighting between 2groups of racist supremacist Jews ..that’s all …the ((commies)) and the ((Nazis)).
“tRUMP is kosher so this is more faction fighting between 2groups of racist supremacist Jews ..that’s all …the ((commies)) and the ((Nazis)).”
You have totally discredited yourself as this is disinformation you have got from somewhere, as I have come across this nonsense in the past which has no credibility except to the most uninformed. So you have shown yourself as being unable to separate the wheat from the chaff.
David Irving is the foremost authority on National Socialist Germany, and was an advisor for the television series The World at War; and was recognised for his knowledge of National Socialist Germany and his ability to unearth new historical documents; but somehow missed the “fact” that they were all supremacist Jews.
Welcome to David Irving’s website:
Focal Point Publications:
Perhaps you could give us all irrefutable evidence to support this absurd statement you have posted?
Benjamin H Freedman Speech 1961-Warning to America
I don’t think Donna meant anything by it other than a poor choice of terms to indicate ((left)) and ((right)) jewish factions – in which she is 100% correct. It’s more like (((zionists))) and (((non-zionists))).
Protocols is not a forgery. Jews clamored about it till you thought it was. Same MO and unfolding before your eyes. Especially the part about prisoners being released to fiethert destabilize society. People are at a loss at the insanity but there’s no where else but Protocols and it’s the ADL that shows up in social media feeds telling everyone to save the poor darling dangerous criminals that our justice system got off the streets for a reason : to protect us and our kids.
The term ‘eugenics’ as used by (((the establishment))) really roasts my nuts. (((They))) are the worst sort of eugenecists on earth seeking to turn every biped (((they))) call ‘human’ into docile chocolate milk ‘cattle’ of low intelligence, where the white race perpetrates ‘eugenics’ through their innate desire to stay white, Christian, intelligent, free, and independent…
Jews are capable of only practicing Dysgenics–destroying the genetic bloodline that God created in His image. That is literally the Jews’ “raison d’etre”, reason of being. The are at war with the bloodline of Adam, and using all the other non-Adamic peoples are weapons and pawns in that war. But since God indeed promised to preserve the Adamic people, the Jews are fated to lose that war, regardless of all the progress they seem to be making.
Whiny Jews. Stop the presses.
Yeah, Zionist Trump sure hates them Hebes:
“[Jew Jared] Kushner — the 35-year-old scion of one of New York’s most prominent real estate families and, since 2009, the husband of Trump’s daughter Ivanka — played a crucial role in the president-elect’s campaign, especially with regards to Israel. He worked on Trump’s speech to the AIPAC annual policy conference that earned Trump a standing ovation, and helped plan a trip to Israel for his father-in-law last year… Trump appears to be smitten with Kushner, often referring to his “fantastic” son-in-law when boasting of his pro-Israel credentials. Kushner, an Orthodox Jew who lives with his wife and their three children on the Upper East Side of Manhattan…”
“Trump’s daughter Ivanka, 35, who converted to Orthodox Judaism, has served as the polished, softer face of her father’s campaign.” Poppin’ out Jewish grandkids.
“Trump and [Jew Steven] Mnuchin have been friends for 15 years, and prior to being in charge of Trump’s campaign finances, Mnuchin served as an adviser.”
“[Jew Stephen] Miller, 30, has played a crucial role in Trump’s campaign, helping to warm up crowds at rallies and drafting speeches, including the president-elect’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention.”
Jason Greenblatt, David Friedman, Sheldon Adelson, Carl Icahn — does Trump even know any goy?
His parents spent their final years in a Jewish nursing home, are buried in a Jewish cemetery, and their real last name is Drumpf.
He moved the embassy to Jerusalem and “gifted” Palestinian territory to Bibi (who returned the favor with a ridiculous desert ceremony announcing “Trump Heights.”)
MAGA became MIGA the second he was inaugurated. I’m so sick of Tiny Hatz propaganda.
You are so right ..there aren’t that many Cohen-cidences in the world so tRUMP is 100 a Jew just like ALL his wives,demon spawn children of the corn, all his acquaintances Epstein, Clintons, Roy Cohn, Adelson, Soros, Rothchilds (Ivanka dated a Rothchild before she married satanist Chabad racist supremacist Kushner) And while we are at it ther was collusion but it was ((((Russian)))) not Russian tRUMP appears to be a money launderer for the ((((Russian)))) kosher Nostra aka oligarchs…he has how many failed businesses yet remains rich enough to carry on his disgusting life style, provide for all his waste of skin demon spawn and pay off all his slutty wives ..MSM and all political whores won’t go deep into it because the cabal owns all of them.
Good on you, Amy. Trump definitely has Jewish ancestry and definitely therefore secretly identifies as Jewish.
LOL…..of course they are having a meltdown because Henry Ford was on top of his game and knew all about their international scams…