(JTA) Former President Donald Trump recently told a Jewish radio host in Seattle that until recently Israel “literally owned Congress,” a fact that has triggered accusations of antisemitism against other politicians who have made the very same observation:
The comments came during Trump’s Oct. 29 interview with Seattle-based talk show host Ari Hoffman as Trump was reviewing his Middle East policies, including the Abraham Accords, the normalization agreements between Israel and four Arab countries, and his pullout from the Iran nuclear deal.
Trump, as he discussed U.S. policy in the region, pivoted to what he believed was the “biggest change” he had seen recently. “The biggest change I’ve seen in Congress is Israel literally owned Congress — you understand that. Ten years ago, 15 years ago, and it was so powerful, it was so powerful and today it’s almost the opposite,” Trump said.
He blamed the influence of a group of Democratic Congress members on the party’s left who have been harshly critical of Israel and have called for a reduction in U.S. defense assistance to the country. He named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota.
“You have between AOC and Omar and these people that hate Israel, they hate it with a passion. They’re controlling Congress, and Israel is not a force in Congress anymore,” Trump said. “I mean, it’s just amazing. I’ve never seen such a change. And we’re not talking about over a very long period of time. But I think you know exactly what I what I’m saying.”
The claim that Israel controls Congress has historically been treated as an antisemitic slander by antisemitism watchdogs. Omar herself got into trouble and apologized in 2019 when she suggested that Israel and the pro-Israel lobby purchases sympathy in Congress. Trump suggested that he did not have a problem with the notion that Israel had once controlled Congress, saying, “Israel had such power, and rightfully over Congress, and now it doesn’t.”
In the interview, Trump also repeated his disappointment with the U.S. Jewish community for not voting for him; President Joe Biden carried the overwhelming majority of Jewish voters in the last election. “I didn’t get a kind of vote from Jewish people that you would think I would get,” Trump said. Trump earned rebukes from Jewish groups in 2019 when he said American Jews were not sufficiently loyal to Israel because they did not vote for him.
Saying Israel no longer controls Congress is like saying the Rothschilds are no longer the world’s most powerful banking dynasty.
When the highly “respected” Jewish journalist for the New York Times, Thomas Friedman, openly stated Jews control both the U.S. Congress and the White House, the ADL didn’t demand his firing for engaging in “dangerous” tropes about Jews and their privilege.
The idea that two freshmen members of Congress are capable of undermining Israel’s power on Capitol Hill is absolutely preposterous — Israel has a record of neutralizing anyone — even sitting U.S. presidents — who poses a serious threat to their power.
If AOC or Omar were a threat to Israel, they would have been run out of Congress after only their first terms — the fact that they are still in office suggests only one thing — that the Jews want them there as an inept and easily discredited controlled opposition.
When long-time republican Congressman from Illinois — Paul Findley — began to warn the American people about the undue power and influence of the Israel lobby on Capitol Hill, Jewish money poured into his opponent’s campaign — and Findley was soundly defeated after serving for 22 years — and the staunch Zionist who defeated him — Dick Durban still holds that seat after 35 years.
Paul Findley wrote about his first-hand experience running up against “mythical” Zionist power in his 1985 classic They Dare To Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby — a book that has probably been pulled from the shelves of every public library in America.
The Republican Jewish Coalition vets and monitors every elected Republican and candidate — and has the power to destroy anyone’s career — like Steve King’s — who steps out of line and doesn’t unconditionally support Israel.
AIPAC would like nothing more than to have the average American Trump-supporting “patriot” believe that Israel no longer have any real power on Capitol Hill — just like Satan doesn’t want you to think he exists.
If pro-Israel Jews — and their evangelical lackeys — weren’t as powerful as they clearly are, any candidate in America who expressed any support for Israel would have no chance of ever getting elected.
117 Congress under Joe Biden:
69 Black
46 Hispanic {of any race}
17 Asian, includes Pacific Islanders
6 Native Americans
About 1/4 or 23% of US House and Senate are racial or ethnic minorities
There has been a trend toward racial minorities.
This is 6th congress to break record set by the one before it.
124 Lawmakers identify as Black, Asian and other races. A 97% increase over the 2001-2003 Congress which had 63 minority members. Today’s majority : Democrats ,83% White Senators and Representatives and racial majority are :17% Republican’s , a shift from the last Congress.
Although the recent Congress have set new highs for racial and ethnic diversity, they have been disportionately White when compared with overall White population.
Non Hispanic White American’s account for 77% of voting members of the new congress, considerably higher than their 60% share of the US population overall.
The gap hasn’t varied with time.
In 1981, 94% of members of Congress were White compared with 80% of the US population.
I believe I copied these quotes accurately from the internet. If I can read and interpret what iI read , it seems to me that there is a want or intention by someone , group, cabal, organization, to see minorities take the role of White’s from our country as we allowed to be done to Rhodesia and South Africa and turn this country and other White nations over to the Blacks and other non White races.
I saw the new Lt. governor of Virginia, Winsome Sears , a black women brag of her father coming to the US , he claimed because of jobs and a land of opportunity, with $1.75 in his pocket. And later she came and joined the Marines because he loved this country so much. Funny how so many prominent women , today are bragging of being in the Military. Just as Deborah Brix , who gave Corona virus updates with Fauchi and people noticed she always had a scarf around her neck and began calling her the “scarf lady” is also to have served in the US Reserves as an actives duty Reserve officer. How did she get her rank? Was it ” given” to her as a medical person? And also in active duty reaching rank of Colonel. It shows she served from 1994 to 2008. How did she obtain such a high rank in such a short time? It seems a short time to me.
I remember the Catholic Church teaching that it is Satan who seeks to rule over this world and Christ is to have called the Jews of the Synagogue of Satan. But some defend the Jews and say that : well there are the Zionist’s and reformed Jews and it is the Zionist who are the seekers of world domination. I’ve seen the supposed pretense of the reformed Jews against the Zionist. I believe that if the Jews get control of the world, the Jews will all unite to enjoy their victory. Just as they have done in Russia and Europe under communism and socialism.
I believe the same will happen under the Blacks. Winsome Sears talks as though she is where she is because of the great country and opportunities this country has given her, but she makes sure to make it known she is Black and proud of it and emphasis’s education as one of the new administrations goals as though blacks have been cheated all of the last half of the last century and 20 years of this century of education and opportunities. . The blacks never mention that under Lyndon Johnson and Martin Luther King and the laws passed , that White’s had to take a back seat while black’s, women and other minorities were given jobs and other opportunities I once got a job , three months after applying berceuse the company had to hire 70 women before they could hire one man and some of the women could not do the jobs of men. Winsome Sears brags of being Jamaican. Strange that White’s can’t brag of being White because we have been oppressors and now must take a back seat to minorities until they supposedly achieve equality which seems to be to them , the day they can look down on the White’s as their masters.
The black’s use racism tro cover the fact they can’t progress . They blame everyone, but themselves . They can never get past racism as an excuse to cover their mentality, lack of progress. They always seem to want to blame something , such as the White’s for where they stand in the status of world respect..
I’ve seen on the internet : the 14 Black billionaire’s. How many , then, must be millionaire’s ? The black’s complained that they weren’t getting academy Award’s . They suddenly got them. They complained of no Miss America. They got one. They complained of no music awards . They got them. This is the century of black domination or I am black and demand I be given what I want.
It seems that the blacks are just an envious people who , instead of creating music awards or organizations, or music production companies of their own, golf clubs, business’s , organizations, self help groups , baseball teams, football teams, radio, television stations, and other things, they want into White society to enjoy its progress and benefits like their relatives in Rhodesia and South Africa , whined and cried racism of the White’s against them, that the White’s stole their land and they deserved the civilization the White’s created when the Blacks had thousands and maybe millions of years to create their own civilization, , but no :they lusted after and wanted the White civilization and were given it and their savage relatives in South African’ leaders still cry, after 25-35 years of their own Black rule : RACISM.
The black’s are not , as far as I am concerned , members of the White race. If they were , they would not have to mate with Whjite’s and other races to raise up their lighter skin color, intelligence, culture, history, mentality and especially their spirituality, if they have any. Just because , the blacks look and resemble the White’s through marriage, rape, slavery and other things does not make them anymore related to White’s than gorilla’s are to monkey’s even though they seem alike and resemble each other. If DNA is real and a true science,, then there is something within the races or DNA that make them different in color, intelligence, hair skin texture, blood , and other things, minor or major characteristics.
I notice the black’s today on the internet preach they are the original race and they were Pharaoh’s and built the pyramid’s, because picture graphs seem to indicate pictures of their hair type or features. Well, where is their other civilizations to brag of in modern times? Africa is their continent. Where are their civilization’s? As someone said: that the black’s never noticed or discovered the diamonds around them. Tthe black’s will be happy when they lord it over the White’s like they do in Rhodesia and South Africa. We are seeing , being done to White Christian countries what was done to Rhodesia and South Africa: The whining and crying ,blacks crying racism and inequality an deprivation of the civilization they live in and lusting for rulership over it instead of just sitting back and enjoying it. And the crying of more education is just an excuse for the cover up of it all. The blacks are the ones degrading our education system and the reason for the degradation of our math, science, medical and other system as well as the grading system’s being changed or standards lowered.
I remember the day that White’s were forced to allow black’s into White organization’s like golf club’s ands why Tiger Woods is such a multimillionaire which he would not bed in a black civilization or his own race or why Oprah “Winfrey would not be living in a $48,000,000 dollar mansion, or as I heard a few weeks ago, on a show, it is a $98,000,00o mansion. Maybe the blacks can show such things rthey built in their home country of Africa.
White’s have been slave’s also in history or the victims of slavery due to conquest. Everyone or every race or individual suffers in the society he lives in , is born in or the victim of the people around him who use him to their benefit, help him to progress by others achievemen bts, gives him opportunities, favoritism. , or takes his life, earnings, possessions etc., etc.
so the black’s are nothing but an envious, jealous , backward rac e living in the past using racism to get ahead in a White world they can’t seem to adjust to and are taught to envy it, lust after it ands use racism to advance to make up for what they can’t do themselves .thge black’s of today can;t be thankful that the sufferings of their ancestors endured under slavery gave them the io opportunities they have today and the life they enjoy. No!!! It always must be because of slavery.
So now Trumpf is on a jewish radio talk show with (((Ari Hoffman))). Imagine my shock.
Trumpf has been in bed with them since his days in NYC,, and then got further sucked in when his silicone enhanced daughter married jewboy Jared Kushner , son of a jew hedge fund criminal.
Now I read the new rising start of conservatives (Youngkin) who won governorship in Virginia is a jew toady who wants stiff laws against anti semitism in the state.
What’s your source on Youngkin being jewish?
I may be wrong , but I don’t think he is saying that Younkin is Jewish , but subservient to the Jews , under their influence, control or indebted to them.
Stone said he needed money and office space. Cohn sent him to see Donald Trump, who took him out to Avenue Z in Brooklyn to meet with his father. Fred Trump is said to have given Stone $200,000 in checks, each for the $1,000 maximum campaign contribution then allowed from an individual. Fred arranged for the Reagan campaign to use an empty space next to the famed 21 Club.
As Stone would later tell it, Cohn presented him with a suitcase of cash that he then took to a prominent member of the Liberal Party, which subsequently decided to nominate John Anderson rather than support Jimmy Carter. This third entry into the race took enough votes away from Carter for Reagan to carry the state with just 46 percent of the vote.
There is no hope in the world power structure. Doesn’t matter how many good talking points someone has. Trump may have had a few, but he changed nothing. Even if he sincerely wanted to, his failure was already certain.
If God were to heal our land, even if just briefly, He would do so through a man that showed forth His glory, not a man who spoke of his own glory like Trump.
Better for each man to keep prayerful to God and pay no heed to these herrings that give us false hope.
Let’s face it: almost a decade ago a generation of men were gaslit by far left propaganda, and a movement was born. The alt right etc. And now it is nothing but fodder for the media to use to disgrace any dissenting voice.
I would love to see a Josiah, though even his blessing was temporary as Israel was eventually given back to the enemy. But I would think if any man were elected by God to lead a nation, the media orgs in that nation would have to be the first target for complete destruction. Trump talked a little “shit,” so to speak, towards the media, making joe and betty beer can feel good. And that was pretty much his crowning achievement.
“If God were to heal our land, even if just briefly, He would do so through a man that showed forth His glory, not a man who spoke of his own glory like Trump”
Great discernment.
We don’t need middlemen politicians–that is where the Devil has always come in. We simply need a System that reflects the American Founding–spiritually based in a moral God.
Trump is an idiot, saying jews didn’t vote for him because they’re not loyal enough to Israel. I guess he thought his shameless pandering to Israel would win him the jew vote in 2020. But when it comes down to it, jews care much less about Israel than they do about destroying White Christian countries. So OF COURSE they voted for the candidate who supported homosex, trannyism, non-White immigration, black empowerment, abortion, and all the causes that are killing us.
But I will give Trump credit for not pandering to BLM, for trying to seal the southern border, ignoring gay pride month, etc. He did a lot of things right. But his jew-love made me cringe.
Ya, I agree with you: Trump has some very fine points, and did some very fine things whilst in office… but his jew love is just cringe worthy.
Whatever happened to the “Get all Moslems out of the USA” campaign Trump was running on to get elected?… He had massive support for that… and then in four years did nothing!
Be and live what your moniker represents. Stick to what Jesus tells you about THE (ONLY) ENEMY OF GOD AND HIS CHILDREN (John 8:44)–The Devil and the Satanic Jews. Don’t be deceived about anyone else–that even Trump deceived you with: the Muslims–who did not do 911, nor were they ISIS:
THE ENEMY of God and Humanity are the ones CONTINUALLY MAKING DIVISIONS, STRIFE AND MISCHIEF IN AMERICA (and around the world) as well as tearing this country’s Founding apart:
This needed to be done long ago–and the possibility to do now before THEY GENOCIDE ALL THE GENTILES WITH THE DEATH JAB:
Trump is still acting as the red herring cretin that he is to steal and dump American patriotic energy in the trash can.
Be angered at all the Gentile children, babies and fetuses that are being kidnapped, murdered and horrifically tortured for THEIR PERSONAL Satanic empowerment and control in this world.
I have to agree. As we turn back en to what once made us great, living as God has asked and repent, God can step in and save us.
KJV Bible, 2 Chronicles 7:14
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
I do believe we are “awakening” as we are in “an ascending age”. There is no stopping it. None whatsoever because it is what it is, a higher age. People are waking up and turning back. There will be many who will not. How God handles this and in what way is up to Him. I know (because I have seen it many times) that Carlos Ferrada spoke the truth (use duckduckgo and look him up). In the Bible, God said the next cleanse would be by fire.
As for Trump, I absolutely believed in him but how naive I was, an unfortunate bump in the road, a lesson. I knew when he kept Kushner by his side, bowed to the zionist Netanyahu, did not persecute anyone, least of all the Clintons, he pardoned absolute criminals (zionists) before leaving office and did he bow to the zionists, he is totally on board with Israel’s agenda. That is not American, that goes completely against American values.
What a crock, I’m disgusted that I believed in him but now I see so much more. Zionism is behind the NWO satanic godless communist agenda. As Voltaire once very succinctly put it, “If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize”.
At over $10 million per day that the USA sends to Israel we see clearly who is controlling us. Even Epstein was a mossad *(rescue) operation. I am glad people are waking up. God wins in the end and hopefully soon. God bless America the land of the free, ONE NATION UNDER GOD. MAGA
Trump is an actor — he talked the talk but didn’t walk the walk–SO OBVIOUS. Just because he didn’t pander to BLM doesn’t make him anything. If he was worth his salt, he would’ve sikked the FBI on them. Instead, he did that with his own (hoodwinked) patriot supporters who are now being abused in a DC jail. Why doesn’t he use his damn influence to get these poor guys out–who did nothing. The Capitol protest event was simply to lure all the sincere patriot supporters from all over the country for their facial recognition for future elimination. Get up to speed with all this. This red herring cretin was the one who also warped sped the death jab for millions of Gentiles–serving the Satanic Jew Globalists who rule over him.
Jan 6 prisoners:
No one gets into the Presidency (or any political office for that matter) unless they are obeying the Satanic-Jewish-Zionist-Central Banksters.
And AOC & Omar and the other airheads who he says are “controlling Congress” now are just another Marxist iteration of the Talmudic dialectic. They are controlled opposition. But this is a diversion. It is not Israel the country that has been controlling congress all along. It is aspatial International Jewry for whom Israel is just a tool. Why have they vaxxed Israel into oblivion? They couldn’t care less about the common Jew. They don’t mind Israel falling with COVID or WW3. In fact they intend it to, because they will build it anew for antichrist. The whole schtick is to appear as saviors against the atrocities of Israel, the current world governments, the disastrous COVID measures, LGBT and all that is foul when the moment arrives. Tikun Olam–they will sell their new system as the fixing the world has always needed. Create the problem and provide the “cure.”
In any case, international Jewry is still firmly in control of congress. Israel as such is neither here nor there.
Shabbat goy errand boy for Chabad Lubavitch. Nnneeeext…
Great post. Nothing else need be said.
Donald Trump, the life-long New York City liberal with Jewish grandchildren, cynically ran as a republican “conservative” for president….and still his diehard followers think he sincerely cared about white Americans, as he told them to line up for their COVID shots….that’s how desperate whites are for a political savior to get them out of this mess, that they will believe this modern-day P.T. Barum….
I agree Trump did so much for jews maybe they just didnt want to pay him back or stop their evil, anyway it did not help the usa . omar has a jew boyfriend and when aoc went to the event with the $30000 dress the dress makers boyfriend with them was from the seagrams family bronfmans, a jew mullato. more fake wrestling or start the opposition .
Trump is a SLOW LEARNER. Trump was not a jewish puppet. If he were, he never would have broken the mindspell on the American people by daring to criticize Mexican immigration and even make it central to his campaign. One must remember what it was like before the Trump candidacy. For years, politicians from both parties had been convinced by their jew strategists that coming out against immigration would not only guarantee a loss but would destroy their whole political career. That was always a Big Lie of course, but it was the accepted wisdom for decades.
Candidate Trump shattered that illusion and proved Americans had, and always had an appetite for stopping the jewish-created brown invasion. He broke the dam and there was suddenly a flood of new anti-immigration discourse now considered acceptable. For that reason alone, your vote from Trump in 2016 wasn’t wasted.
But Trump apparently has learned nothing from his 2020 defeat relative to the jews. He still clings to his past experience with jews, not realizing he is now in a different realm. Jews OWN Manhattan. A non-jew cannot make his fortune in Manhattan real estate as Trump did without davening to the jews, without deliberately and consciously cutting them in on all your deals, i.e. “letting them wet their beak”. This is what Trump did all his life (just read Art of the Deal, which btw, was ghostwritten for him by…a jew). From this he took away that so long as you cut jews in on your enterprise, they will allow you to proceed, and that’s how he approached his Presidency.
What he never realized, and clearly still doesn’t comprehend, is that jewish domination is not threatened by a random goy who evinces no hostility to jews making billions in real estate, and that can be tolerated. But Trump’s policy plans WERE a direct threat to jewish domination and jewish plans, including a World War 3 against Russia, and they hated him for that and sought to destroy him at every turn. No amount of groveling to jewry or throwing them bones like an embassy in Jerusalem was going to change that, and they were never going to allow him to win in 2020. It seems that rather than feeling he was betrayed by jews, he’s concluded he didn’t pay them off enough.
Did he really break a mindspell? Or did he give people a futile expression into something they already wanted? Jews have been funneling whites into controlled opposition for a long time. How is Trump any different? What did his presidency actually do for white people?
The media and political attack on Trump only legitimizes him in the eyes of his sympathizers. Now so long as Trump is alive and talking, they’ve got a carrot-on-a-stick to lead people around with while immigration suffers worse than ever.
Intentionally or not, I think Trump broke the mindspell: “Let’s Go Brandon” and “FJB” have become the rallying cry of huWhites that naturally crops up seemingly everywhere, and we didn’t have any show of solidarity like this during the 0bama/Biden years.
Which is perhaps the best thing to come out of Trumpism, as any and all gathering of “Deplorables” is White people coming together as a group with a common interest.
Trump used to drop truths like “Americans are DREAMers too”. Then he switched to always pandering to minorities and, especially, blacks. Which backfired “bigly” because Whites rallying for Trump not only see precious few blacks there but we also now know that there were next to no blacks voting for Trump in 2020.
Trump gets Whites to unite and tempers our “pathological altruism”. That’s more than any other politician in ages has done.