(YouTube – Daily Mail) In the wake of the Pittsburgh ‘Tree of Life’ synagogue mass shooting, President Donald Trump denounced the “evils” of antisemitism and demanded that the death penalty be “brought back” for antisemites:
This evil antisemitic attack is an assault on all of us, it’s an assault on humanity. It will require all of us working together to extract the hateful poison of antisemitism from our world. This was an antisemitic attack at its worst.
The scourge of antisemitism cannot be ignored, cannot be tolerated, and it cannot be allowed to continue. We cannot allow it to continue. It must be confronted and condemned everywhere it rears its very ugly head. We must stand with our jewish brothers and sisters to defeat antisemitism and vanquish the forces of hate. That’s what it is.
And those seeking their [the Jews’] destruction, we will seek their destruction. Now when you have crimes like this, whether it’s this one or another one, or another group, we have to bring back the death penalty. They have to pay the ultimate price. They have to pay the ultimate price.
They cannot do this. They can’t do this to our country. We must draw a line in the sand and say very strongly, ‘Never again’.
Of course, there has never been a death penalty in the U.S. for antisemitism, so it doesn’t seem to make sense when Trump stated that he wanted to “bring it back”, that is, unless you understand what he’s really talking about.
When the Jews invaded and usurped power in Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution, one of the first laws they passed was making antisemitism punishable by death. This law was necessary because the ethnic Christian Russians began noticing that all the bolshevik revolutionaries were jewish and they spoke Yiddish, not Russian.
Nothing has changed in the last 100 years. The Bolshevik Revolution continues today under a different brand called “globalism”, but the perpetrators are the same. And this “alarming” rise in antisemitism that the jewish press rants about literally every day now is a direct result of more and more people waking up to the jewish hand in the nation-wrecking agenda of the Left.
The Jews want the legal option of putting to death anyone who opposes them or even criticizes them. They don’t just want to silence their critics — they want them dead, and if that means bringing back the gallows of the Nuremberg kangaroo court, then so be it.
Trump is a shabbos goy for the Jews.
Plain and simple.
He does not support white gentiles.
Donald Trump doesn’t seem smart enough to make the comment about antisemitism . But if he feels this way, it shows that he is more concerned about the Jews than he lets on. You can kill 5 people and get life in prison and he wants the death penalty for saying things against the Jews ? We’ll be sorry if he gets back in , for four more years. I never read of any news about Israel wanting Jerusalem as its capital, So that may have been secret unless I missed it somewhere, but I did know that China was given permission to buy real estate in the United States, and HR 6421 was passed under Obama and put off being passed by the Senate until after Trump was sworn in as President.
But it was passed by Trump by Executive Order the very day before his impeachment vote, to make sure it was law in case he lost . Someone had to have told Trump about the law and encouraged him to pass it. Trump is not our friend. He is the friend or tool of Israel. He was created to be President by Ophra Winfrey and others whose shows he was on over the years who asked him if he thought of ever running for President. and he did , finally at an age when he had to decide yes or no, before he became too old . We’ll see what happens with all of the criticism of Biden , as to what happens to Trump. It’s almost as though one can almost see that Biden is being set up as a scapegoat, because Trump is keeping himself visible.
I watched for over 4 years for anybody to mention HR 6421, and especially Alex Jones who bragged of being the most banned person in the world and he never mentioned it and still doesn’t.
This promise of President Trump to make a capitol crime for discrimination and expression suggesting no mercy is in direct violation of the forgotten constitution . However it is the bastard progeny of the same pretexy they applied against Jesus of Nazareth , blasphemy. Anti semitism is already lex non scripto if not already codified as another anti constitutional alien law. And its definition is determined solely by the interpretation contrived by another anti-constitutional violation of all branches , minister from Israel appointed by treasonous president , who is arbiter of this un American, anti-Christian law.
“The ADL, the Zionist and the Communist programs were and are inseparable.”, As we are shown in this older article. As if we needed any confirmation of our own observations.
“The Anti-Defamation League: The ramifications of this invisible machine are almost beyond the comprehension of the average American to comprehend. Aside from the volume of known operations performed by the ADL, we now know a great deal of its hidden activities both from circumstantial evidence and from certain of its publications over the years. Its bulletins have advertised and promoted such notorious Communist party members as Carey McWilliams and Norman Corwin.
There was a 12-page confidential letter issued by the ADL, to its principal contributors in 1945, and a booklet Fighting Anti-Semitism on the American Front, in 1947, picturing operations which far exceeded those of the Communist party proper and with access to facilities which the Communist party as such could not command. While all the other Zionist and Communist organizations, including those known to work closely with the Anti-Defamation League, promoted both racial and economic Marxism, the ADL, for the most part, confides itself to the racial program, which is the backbone of the world revolution. [276]
Broadly speaking its activities can be divided into four major operations:
1). It conducts a propaganda program which is essentially a duplicate of that of the Communist Civil Rights Congress and the official Zionist body, the American Jewish Congress. In fact, the largest single branch of the ADL is its Civil Rights Department, championing all the vicious measures which inflame the minority races against us and take from us such priceless rights as the right to hire people of our own kind without government intervention. it provides free movies for films for public schools, churches and other bodies, advancing the idea that the White people must not separate themselves from the colored races. Keep the holocaust (Holohoax) myth alive.
These films, at first glance appear innocent and Christian, but in fact they are having the most devastating effect on American children and adults, because they make the American forget the importance of preserving his own family and race, making those of our leaders who see the subversion, afraid to speak up, lest they be denounced as bigots, anti-Semites, neo-Nazis by their own deluded people.
The Communists support this ADL work, and when the late Congressman John Rankin (in 1949) introduced a resolution in Congress to make membership in the ADL illegal, the Communist Civil Rights Congress in Los Angeles called a meeting to defend the ADL.[277]
Behind the Tolerance Curtain: While asking for religious tolerance (and very few Americans objects to a Jew’s religion, because they know nothing about it), the ADL nevertheless inspired the film, “Best Years of Our Lives,” in which a young fellow cast to look like a hero knocked down another American because the latter invited him to join a strictly Christian veterans organization. And many other such films since that time. The threat to Christianity has been so obvious, yet our people remain ignorant to the danger.
The ADL, the Zionist and the Communist programs were and are inseparable. They are the same thing. Meanwhile the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) with branches all over the world, sent a stream of racial “minorities” into our industrial cities for over half a century, and they have not stopped yet. There are millions of Jews and Negroes, with millions of Mexican, Orientals coming in, and are dominating the presidential elections. Without this balance of power vote Roosevelt and his Communist program would not have won in 1940 or 1944, and Truman would never lost in 1948 by at least 2 million votes. Also the traitors Eisenhower, and those following him would never have been elected either. [280]”
[Go about halfway down at the page for more than this excerpt shows.]
Everet wilson
But white goyim hate is ok, and who is behind that hate, OH what is just for one is not for the gentile goys.
Who killed Emma Mills, aka David kazar Collins Meadows Mills 1929,London Ky
Holocaust was a hoax
Trump is a crypto-kike
Luciferian trump-he told everyone he was a snake more than once. Snake the symbol of the imposter people.
How about just bringing back the death penalty for murder of anyone? why just antiChrists?
Execution is prescribed in the Bible for murder, as well as kidnapping, rape and homosexuality. Sounds like a good plan to me…
[of course, (((they))) just want to murder US….]
Once you’ve sacrificed your children to the anti-Christ Jews, as Trump has, what does he have left to lose? He’s committed the “sin that can never be undone,” which is mix his seed with the bloodline of Cain. The die is cast. He’s inherited this world and lost everything in the process. And now he’ll try to take the rest of White America down into the abyss with him.
I’m not sure who’s a bigger sucker of circumcised c**k. Trump, or his daughter.
Does Trump get his information from a Rabbi? We know that he has a lot of contact with their representatives, especially those from Chabad leaders. The posting below tells some information about the teachings from one prominently placed Rabbi.
“In case you’re not up to it I’ll give you a small sample of his teachings – which he delivered to a large and appreciative audience.
Gentiles are almost certain to have contravened at least one of the Noahide Laws. The punishment for this is death. Ergo most Gentiles should be killed, unless somehow acquitted by a rabbinical court. He explains and justifies the exhortation to ‘kill the best of the Gentiles’ in that this is best for the Jews. Where have we heard that before? If a pious Jew sees a Gentile drowning he should not rescue him, rather consult his Rabbi first. In other words let him drown. He likens a Gentile to a snake. When a snake comes to you you do not consult a zoology book to determine if it’s dangerous. You smash its head and, maybe as an afterthought, see if it/he was in fact dangerous.
You must understand that this guy is not some mad-eyed manic street preacher type. He’s articulate, cool and smiles a lot.”
“Tel Chai
Tel Chai was a settlement in the Galilee that was the site of a battle against Arab raiders in 1920. The Zionist hero Joseph Trumpeldor and seven other valiant defenders died in the defense of Tel Chai against a much larger force. Trumpeldor had been instrumental in forming the Jewish Legion during World War I. Jabotinsky named his Betar movement after Trumpledor.
A large statue of a lion [signifying Judah] sits at the sight as does a museum at kibbutz Kfar Giladi.”
I am becoming even more and more convinced that Trump is descended from the “Russian Zionist” Hero of Israel, Joeseph Trumpledor.
“Today Israelis of all Zionist persuasions take Trumpeldor as a role model. Right wingers revere him as a hero, willing to fight and die for his country; left wingers honour him as a pioneer willing to labour and live for his country.”
“In present day Israel, Joseph Trumpeldor is a national hero, honoured as one of those whose influence over young Zionists forced the world to replace a promised national home in an Arab state with an independent Jewish state.
So who was Joseph Trumpeldor?”
Very interesting indeed…thanks for sharing 😉
For now at least that is only conjecture on my part about a possible Trumpeldor connection. I have done some checking and have come up with nothing, but I’m not experienced on that end. Maybe someone else will. I have noted that, despite how popular Trumpeldor is in Israel, that the failure to mention him here in America strikes me as being very strange. The jews normally like to advertise their “Zionist” connections like him.
The site link below has since come at about the same viewpoint as me regarding Trump himself. They had a previous run of articles with a different tack on Trump, as being merely controlled, which was informative. I’m leaving some excerpts and a link for you.
“”How much closer could the ties between the Trump family and Israel be than king Likudnik Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu having slept in the bedroom of Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner[1]? But that’s just the start. Let’s examine the Jewish tentacles Trump has joyfully suckled leading up to and during his presidency.
[—-skipping ahead below]
And wouldn’t you know it, Trump and Kushner interests were named finalists earlier this year to build the FBI’s new headquarters.[4] They are actually going to replace the old headquarters—dedicated to Lansky crime syndicate operative and FBI director John Edgar Hoover. Remember that Hoover was connected to the Roy Cohn pederast ring with which both Roger Stone and Donald Trump are implicated. Fittingly, the Trump interest—Vornado Realty Trust—is a major investor in 666 Fifth Avenue, the flagship skyscraper of the Kushner Cos. Vornado is run by Jew Steve Roth, “who has been advising Donald Trump on his plans to revamp the nation’s infrastructure.”[5]
Kushners and Chabad
The visit to the “Rebbe” refers to the deceased Jabba-the-Hut lookalike “Rabbi Mendel Menachem Schneerson,” perhaps Judaism’s biggest failed messiah whom Chabadniks believe will come back from the dead, liberate Jews, and make them kings of the universe. Ivanka and Jared prayed at the rebbe’s gravesite.
The visit was nothing new for Jared, who has long ties to the Chabad syndicate. While at Harvard, Jared was the head of Chabad house.[15]”
Who killed Emma Mills, aka David kazar Collins Meadows Mills,? 1929
Well, Flanders, Trump can’t literally to be “descendent from” Trumpeldor because the dates are wrong. Trumpeldor would be around the same age as his grandfather Frederick Trump who lived in Washington State at the turn of last century. Unless Trumpeldor sneaked across the Bering Sea and impregnated Trump’s grandmother during the Gold Rush.
But Trump certainly has done as much for the Jews as Trumpeldor did, or more. After the dust settles on his second term in office, the Jews will erect a nice statue for The Donald in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem.
While I agree Trumpledor couldn’t have sired Trump, I don’t think Flanders is trying to draw that direct of a connection. I find it ‘funny’ that Trump is so steeped in jewry, yet cursory inspection of his lineage comes up with no jew in the woodpile. I believe there is more to Mr. Trump. Not like Barry Sotoero (sp?), but enough to explain who he is…
Oh, I didn’t think that Flanders was suggesting that Trumpeldor directly sired Donald Trump–but rather I thought he was suggesting that Trumpeldor may have sired Trump’s father, thus making Donald a “direct descendant” of Trumpeldor.
This is reminiscent of Obama’s “57 states” blunder, revealing him for the [jewish] muzzie he is. This “bring back” blunder may seem like a needle in the haystack of Trump’s double talk, but reveals him for the jewish bootlicker he is.
It’s a strange comment for Trump to make because he couldn’t be advocating that they “bring back” the death penalty in Pennsylvania where the synagogue shooting took place because Pennsylvania already has the death penalty.
I think Trump was reading from notes prepared for him by his (((handlers))) who know that antisemitism was illegal at one time in Russia, and it was punishable by death. Thus, bring it back.