Like all U.S. presidents inevitably come to realize, during the ‘Suez Crisis’ of 1957 when Israel — aided and abetted by England and France –invaded Egypt, Dwight Eisenhower learned the hard way that it was Jewish power in the U.S. that dictated foreign policy in the Middle East, not “principles” or even his own State Department:
Former President Eisenhower has revealed in his new book, “The White House Years: Waging Peace 1956-1961,” that, in order to pressure Israel into withdrawal from the Sinai in 1957, he preferred “a resolution which would call on all United Nations members to suspend not just governmental but private assistance to Israel.”
Mr. Eisenhower said “such a move would be no hollow gesture. As we discussed it, George Humphrey, then Secretary of the Treasury, put in a call to W. Randolph Burgess, Under Secretary of the Treasury for monetary affairs, who gave a rough estimate that American private gifts to Israel were about $40, 000, 000 a year and sales of Israel bonds in our country between $50, 000, 000 and $60, 000, 000 a year. His information was in part based on Treasury figures on income tax deductions.”
Mr. Eisenhower revealed that Secretary of State John Foster Dulles “strongly expressed the view that we had gone as far as possible to try to make it easy for the Israelis to withdraw. To go further, he said, would surely Jeopardize the entire Western influence in the Middle East, and the nations of that region would conclude that United States policy toward the area was, in the last analysis, controlled by Jewish influence in the United States. In such event, the only hope of the Arab countries would be found in a firm association with the Soviet Union.”
A charge was made by the former President that Congressional leaders who met with him on the Israeli withdrawal issue were motivated by “politics.” He recalled that both Lyndon B. Johnson, then Senate Majority Leader, and William F. Knowland, then Minority leader, argued that, in “cracking down” on Israel we are using a double standard–following one policy for the strong and one for the weak.” They contrasted the Administration’s pressure on Israel with its failure to act strongly on Hungary.
(When President Eisenhower communicated his plan for sanctions against Israel to Senate leaders, the then Sen. Johnson called on Mr. Eisehower and bluntly informed him that the Senate would not approve economic sanctions against Israel. The outspoken Texan told the Eisenhower Administration that threats to impose sanctions on Israel were unwise and unfair, and that he was against “pressure on one side in a two-sided dispute.” Deploring the attempted “coercion” of Israel as a “method of settlement,” Mr. Johnson told the Eisenhower Administration it had lost sight of the basic facts in the Israel-Arab dispute.)
A White House staff member termed the meeting with the Congressional leaders “a can of worms,” Mr. Eisenhower said. He “reflected on the pettiness” of those reluctant to sanction Israel. He found it “somewhat disheartening that partisan considerations could enter.” The “question of principle,” in Mr. Eisenhower’s thinking was: “Should a nation which attacks and occupies foreign territory in the face of United Nations disapproval be allowed to impose conditions on its own withdrawal?”
Six years later — in Dallas in November 1963 — Lyndon Johnson saw first-hand just how “unwise” it was for a sitting U.S. president to attempt to impose sanctions on Israel — after John F. Kennedy strictly forbade Israel from acquiring nuclear weapons.
But LBJ owed his entire political career to being a bagman for American Jewry — first helping illegally smuggle eastern European Jews into America through the port of Galveston, Texas, when he worked as legislative assistant of Congressman Richard M. Kleberg, a wealthy Jewish merchant and landowner.
Like Johnson, Eisenhower had also made his career under the tutelage of the powerful Bernard Baruch — and ensured his presidential aspirations by imposing “peace” terms on Germany pleasing to international Jewry which had orchestrated the war from its beginnings.
That same year — 1957 — Eisenhower, clearly at the behest of his Jewish backers — asked the U.S. Congress to change U.S. immigration policy to allow the U.S. to be flooded by Jewish ‘refugees” intent on escaping communism in Eastern Europe — after creating it themselves.
But even after a lifetime doing the unprincipled bidding of Jewry, Eisenhower found out in just how quickly they would cut him off at the knees if he dared cross them — his “questions of principle” be damned.
Some relevant quotes:
I’ve never seen a President — I don’t care who he is — stand up to the Jews. They always get what they want. If the American people understood what a grip these people have got on our government, they would rise up in arms.
—Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chairman, U.S.. Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1970-74Above all, propaganda here [in the U.S.A.] is entirely in Jewish hands. When bearing public ignorance in mind, their propaganda is so effective that people have no real knowledge of the true state of affairs in Europe. President Roosevelt has been given the power to create huge reserves in armaments for a future war which the Jews are deliberately heading for.
—Count Jerzy Potocki, Polish Ambassador to the U.S.A., 1934I believe now that Hitler and the German people did not want war. But we declared war on Germany, intent on destroying it, in accordance with our principle of balance of power, and we were encouraged by the Jews around Roosevelt. We ignored Hitler’s pleadings not to enter into war. Now we are forced to realize that Hitler was right.
—Sir Harley Shawcross, British Attorney General, Senior Nuremberg Prosecutor, March 16, 1984While the Zionists try to make the rest of the World believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindler, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.
—Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf“How does it feel, in the light of all that’s going on , to be the father of terrorism in the Middle East?”
“In the Middle East?” Begin bellowed, in his thick cartoon accent, “In all the world!”
–Menachem Begin to Russell Warren Howe, interview Jan. 1974The Jews have no sense of proportion nor do they have any judgment on world affairs….The Jews, I find, are very, very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as D[isplaced] P[erson]s as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the under dog.
—Harry Truman, 1947 diary entry, concerning Henry Morgenthau, Jr. about Jewish refugee ship ‘Exodus’
Reading Mike King’s book about Eisenhower as President shows that our Presidents are created, and presented to us and are not not true patriots. Mike claims that Eisenhower was a Democrat. I remember when the news announced that the Democrats asked Eisenhower to run for President on their ticket. He was in Europe, at the time I believe. Days or weeks later the news announced that Eisenhower was running for President as a Republican. This is exactly as Ronald Reagan did. He was President of the Screen Actors guild, a Democrat. But when California business men asked him to run for governor, he was told that to win, he had to run as a Republican. Yes, Ronald Reagan, the symbol of the Republican Party , of conservatism and morality, gun rights, and all the other stuff we’re led to believe this phony character represents. Eisenhower’s program was exactly as Joe Biden’s; roads and infrastructure. And listening to the news , the Blacks and Democrats feel that roads were not made to serve and prosper Blacks so they must tear up roads and develop them in areas to serve more minorities. And rebuild housing developments to serve the Blacks. Boy, we have so much money to waste, when you’re President and it’s not coming out of your pocket, but the printing presses of the Jewish Federal Reserve. We are slaves and love it. Mike King tells how Eisenhower was not much of a person , but was moved up the ladder of success, to being made Supreme Allied commander , appointed above more qualified and experienced officers just as the Black , Colin Powell was appointed Secretary of the Army above other more qualified and experienced officers. Wondering how such people can live with themselves and still present a pretense of being like their fellow man makes me think that some people like Eisenhower get where they are by luck and help from others and when they reach the pinnacle of success , in various positions, to them , they feel they earned it. So they can show or feel no shame or embarressment about their past or how they got there.
I saw and article about John Kerry who is always referred to aa a Catholic. His background is Jewish. Another phony infiltrating Christian life and culture, government and too deceptive and dishonest to admit he’s Jewish . I’ve been waiting for Joe Biden to give positions to those Republicans who turned on the Republican Party and supported him .
All revisionist history to me.Have we ever been told the truth about anything? 1 Breeding Concubines Edward VII Sires Churchill.pdf
Chaplain Bob Walker
Michelle (Michael) Obama Cousin is a black Rabbi:
Obama half Brother an Israeli Jew:
but watch out since Barak is really a “Muslim”
“Israel — aided and abetted by England and France –invaded Egypt,”
should be
“Israel — aided and abetted by Britain and France –invaded Egypt,”
It wasn’t just England.
Yeah Dwight, and it was Jewish influence on Churchill and Roosevelt that got the unnecessary WW2 kicked off against a leader(Hitler), who was promoting dozens of peace proposals so there wouldn’t be another world war. And was it Jewish influence that convinced you to set up death camps for German POW’s by forced starvation, or was that your own decision?
I think Roosevelt and Eisenhower was half jewish and with the talmud just being translated apx 140 years ago with the statement in it saying any non jew that reads this book should be killed . And how powerful they are and many look white hide there past change names say there with us . It has to the one of the biggest deseases to rid us from . Up until the internet as long as its freedom of speech both A blessing from God . We can just tell the truth and they the jews look very guilty and should be number one with all Christians to know what we know about jews . And anyone else is extra good . CFT Good work always thanks
Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadows Death Camps Documentary
No one should make the mistake of interpreting this as if Eisenhower was in any way not a 100% tool of jewry.
There was at that time (probably less so now and maybe not at all anymore) a division among jewry itself about which program to pursue for world domination. Jew Camp #1 was pursuing communism, where White nations and others from any disparate part of the globe were to be toppled from the inside by revolution and were supposed to then surrender their national sovereignty to the International Soviet (jew global government).
Jew Camp #2 (zionists) superstitiously believed it would be more successful achieving jew world domination by working to fulfill the conditions of the “prophecy” of their religion that it would magically come after establishing a new jew superpower kingdom in Jerusalem.
Jew Camp #1 (communists) often had serious fears that the zioinst plan was too brazen, too obviously jewish (compared to sneaky infiltration & jew-backed revolutions) and that it would cause a targeted backlash against jewry.
Eisenhower’s masters were of that Jew Camp #1 and so Eisenhower’s criticism or any misgivings about Israel the country are just that…criticism of that opposing jew strategy with its attempt for blowback on the jews, although with the exact same goal as Eisenhower’s camp, jew world rule.
People have made this same mistake about Obama by portraying him as anti-jew when really he (who was nothing more than an empty suit, puppet and didn’t actually decide anything) was a creation since his earliest days of communist jews of Jew Camp #1, who also ran his administration.
Mr. Eisenhower is the best example of the American politician . He speaks impotent words as supreme commander and popular leader of a compromised government , that proves his insincerity.
Invariably they perform the contradiction to their understated but solemn admonitions. James Forrestal advised responsibly, the mid east and Israel should never become a relevant problem. But Mr. Truman, nursing his wounds from the insults of his jew sovereign, had obediently no place for James Forrestal in his cabinet . SO he was eliminated.
Yes, American politicians are a sea of contradictions. Most do not ponder their weakness of character or resolve . But the jew is vigilant to exploit politician and the fatuous electorate. JFK was another murder in a sequence of all his brothers and even his son. Motive? Jews do not need motive. They are god, above question or doubt.
Richard Nixon: “There’s a Jewish Cabal”
Richard Nixon knew of the illegitimate power of the Jewish establishment, but nevertheless was forced to do its bidding in most important policy areas.
Nixon: Well, listen, are they all Jews over there?
Colson: Every one of them. Well, a couple of exceptions.
Nixon: See my point?
Colson: You know goddamn well they’re out to kill us.
Also that day, Nixon and his chief of staff, H.R. “Bob” Haldeman, had the following conversation (this, too, is from the July 3, 1971, tape that was released in 1999):
Nixon: Now, point: [Fred] Malek is not Jewish.
Haldeman: No.
Nixon: All right, I want a look at any sensitive areas around where Jews are involved, Bob. See, the Jews are all through the government, and we have got to get in those areas. We’ve got to get a man in charge who is not Jewish to control the Jewish … do you understand?
Haldeman: I sure do.
Nixon: The government is full of Jews. Second, most Jews are disloyal. You know what I mean? You have a [White House Counsel Leonard] Garment and a [National Security Adviser Henry] Kissinger and, frankly, a [White House speechwriter William] Safire, and, by God, they’re exceptions. But Bob, generally speaking, you can’t trust the bastards. They turn on you. Am I wrong or right?
Haldeman: Their whole orientation is against you. In this administration, anyway. And they are smart. They have the ability to do what they want to do—which—is to hurt us.
Nixon: There’s a Jewish cabal, you know, running through this, working with people like [Federal Reserve Chairman Arthur F.] Burns and the rest. And they all—they all only talk to Jews. Now, but there it is. But there’s the BLS staff. Now how the hell do you ever expect us to get anything from that staff, the raw data, let alone what the poor guys have to say [inaudible] that isn’t gonna be loaded against us? You understand?
Beware of the exceptions !
I have no respect for Nixon who I consider to be an idiot. He spent his adult life in high politics yet only started to suspect the role of the jews around the age of 60! Reading transcripts of his White House conversations where he’s struggling through the nascent stages of awareness of jews, at the intellectual level of a teenager, is nauseating. I have no sympathy for the way jews took him out of office with the Watergate burglary set-up. After all, they created his high political career in the first place. He was just too stupid to know it.
Billy Graham is on those tapes talking about Jews with Nixon, but I suspect that Graham was setting Nixon up. Graham was about as pro-Jewish, pro-Israel as any Christian can get, so it’s hard to imagine how he would then turn around and genuinely criticize them. Maybe he was intentionally trying to get Nixon to say what he really thought so the Jews knew where they stood with him….we know they hated him, and yes, were instrumental in getting him impeached and driven out of office.
I share the same suspicion