Former PvdA Minister Ella Vogelaar died at age 69 on Monday after suffering from depression for quite some time by “put an end to her life”, the family said in a statement, according to NOS:
Vogelaar was Minister for Housing, Neighborhoods and Integration in the Balkende IV cabinet for the PvdA. She had to resign a year and a half into her term at the end of 2008, after the PvdA had given up confidence in her. During her short time as Minister, she introduced a list of 40 problem neighborhoods in the larger cities that received extra investments during the cabinet term. The intention was that the quality of life in these neighborhoods should improve considerably within 10 years. Opinions on the results differ. These neighborhoods quickly became known as Vogelaar neighborhoods….
“So sad and so sorrowful”, PvdA leader Lodewijk Asscher said on Twitter. “Ella Vogelaar passed away. A very strong and very involved woman with a big heart for others, who unfortunately suffered from depression. I wish her husband Onno and all other relatives a lot of strength in dealing with this enormous loss…”
“With Ella we lose a beloved party member who devoted herself to every task with heart and soul”, PvdA chairman Nelleke Vedelaar said on Twitter. “Ella’s work for ‘her’ Vogelaar neighborhoods touches the core of social democracy and our party: the certainty of living well in a beautiful neighborhood. Not only did she listen to the people she spoke to on the street, she understood them too. We will miss her. My thoughts are with her loved ones.”
Prime Minister Mark Rutte also responded to her death. “Struck by the tragic death of Ella Vogelaar. Good memories of our collaboration in my time at Social Affairs and Employment. She was a true social democrat with strong principles and a big heart for the weak in our society. I wish her family lots of strength.”
The highly socialized Dutch accept suicide as if it were any other type of death by “natural causes”. Of course, the Dutch have always been on the vanguard of the euthanasia movement, and suicide is now just another form of euthanasia.
The wording of this article is strikingly Soviet in tone and content. The former minister is praised for her support of The Party and her devotion to making diversity work, even though she clearly failed, and the diverse neighborhoods she created have now become a byword for public housing ghettos or slums.
Some of those who objected to this sovietizing of Dutch society saw Minister Vogelaar as the arrogant “face of evil.”
But then again, God-less socialism, which teaches that we are merely highly evolved apes reduced to deracinated, raceless economic units of production, is understandably depressing, and given that worldview, suicide would seem just as important as brushing one’s teeth or paring one’s fingernails.
Good riddance.
Trying to force nature to do unnatural things never ends up well, no matter how emotionally you plead your case. And when it comes to blatantly ignoring our God-given, inherent spirit, depression and suicide can certainly be an inevitabilty.
Good riddance comes immediately to mind – Cultural Jew Marxism obviously has its own inbuilt benefits, for the rest of us, it would seem.