Dutch broadcaster NTR sparked massive controversy with the latest episode of NPO program Danny op Straat which included an interview with ‘Nelson’, a self-described pedophile activist who wants to set up a political party to make sex with children legal:
Nelson said on the program that he is attracted to boys from 4 to 14 years old. He said that toddlers are able to decide whether they want sex or not. “A child of 2 or 3 years old is developed enough to decide whether he wants an ice cream or wants to go to the playground,” he said. “I think those things are very easy to compare.”
The man seemed unable to understand why pedophiles are considered to be dangerous, even when Ghosen pointed out the trauma caused to children. “In the case of abuse I get it,” Nelson said. “But that has nothing to do with me.”
The episode, which was broadcast on NPO2 on Thursday evening, and the fragments shared beforehand triggered a storm of angry and disbelieving reactions o social media. The hashtag #dannyopstraat was trending in the Netherlands…
(((NTR))) stands by its decision to broadcast the episode, the broadcaster said in a response, according to AD. “In his program, Danny goes in search of subcultures that hardly come to light. With the program he shows that they exist and delves into subjects that play a role in our country. Danny is also very critical, as you can see in the episode.”
The University of Amsterdam, which invited Nelson to give a lecture at the university about pedo-sexuality, also quickly responded to the episode. “Nelson was invited to talk about his feelings as a pedophile, about what it means to live with it but not to act on it. That was in the context of a lecture on the development of sexual norms in society,” Richard van der Wurff, director of Social Sciences at the university, said in a response. “We were insufficiently aware of his activist attitude and statements. That is wrong, a big mistake. If we had gone deeper into that, we would certainly not have invited him.”
Volunteer organization pedofilie.nl distanced itself form Nelson’s statements on Twitter. The organization started an open chat conversation with people with pedophilic feelings during the broadcast. “Our conversation is about dealing responsibly with pedophile feelings. Not worthy of TV, but more important.”
Those ‘progressive’ Dutch bolsheviks are at it again, this time showing how important it is to ‘acknowledge’ that even pedophiles ‘have feelings, too.”
This is the same country where the court recently ruled that a convicted serial pedophile was not entirely responsible for his own actions.
After all, pedophilia is being promoted as just another sexual orientation.
Using ‘feelings’ is how they make nation-wrecking bolshevism appeal to the masses, which is why it is specifically geared toward women whose instinct is to nurture the outcast, the unwanted, the ‘black sheep’, or in jewish parlance, ‘the other‘.
Those who advocate ‘normalizing’ pedophilia all seem to be mysteriously working from the same playbook.
They all promote this spurious idea that most pedophiles, like Nelson, ‘don’t act‘ on their feelings toward children. They aren’t a threat to anyone. Hire one as a babysitter to prove that you don’t ‘discriminate’ against pedophiles. Prove you aren’t a ‘hater’.
Just as they tried to blame all aberrant, destructive behaviors of homosexuals on ‘repressive’ heterosexual society, and they will do the same with pedophiles — because we don’t accept them, we ‘force’ them to act out their desires on young children.
We make pedophiles feel ‘icky’ about themselves so they ‘act out’ and molest our children, or so we are told.
Coincidentally, if you visit NTR, the pedo-broadcaster’s website, the top story is about two Dutch Jews who visit Israel in order to spread pro-Zionist propaganda in the Netherlands. No mention that Israel, like Hollywood, is a mecca for jewish pedophiles.
Walletberg Shekelstein the six-millionth
Sorry to say but your headline could be far more damning. Instead of Dutch tv “interviews” you could have said Dutch tv “promotes”. You have to employ the same rules as [[[them]]] or we’ll never turn this around via mass awakening. We need to reach critical mass and one way of doing that is by using language that digs deep. I’m also sorry about females wanting to protect the “outcast”, that may be true to an extent but I can guarantee mothers will think of their own children first. It’s not exactly shop lifting to feed your family is it?
Keep up the good work and remain vigilant – even whilst sleeping with one eye open.
Many of us have been warning that this was coming even long before the nearly-as-despicable-choose-your-own-gender movement. When you finally wake up to the ‘jewish question’ and find the answers boldly printed throughout the Bible, you can’t help but see these things coming. That is the gift of prophecy- studying the Bible to know God’s will, applying the understanding of His blessings and curses resultant from our behavior.
this is just sick.
Sexual exploitation of in this case children is what they call freedom in Marxist liberal progressive democracy, but the superior culture people tell me that I am OUT there.
‘As above, so below’, according to the judeo-masonic rite, as symbolized by the star of David. The Rothschilds and their 300 billionaire lackeys are pedophiles, as Jeffrey Epstein well knows. They want pedophilia legalized, and it will be in one way or another. It is the ultimate inversion of God’s law, and the Rothschilds want to take the place of God, and believe they can. They are wrong, of course, but they are willing to die trying.
Anti Pedophilia
The thing with children is that they know what they want. But they are unable to see the consequences of their choices, let alone dealing with emotional damage from their choices.
So a pedophile saying sex with children is OK because they know what they want, has problems understanding that he would do damage (or he just doesn’t care).
As far as I am concerned those people should be castrated to take their sexual feelings away.
John 3
Wow, 50 years ago, the only time a pedophile would have been mentioned on TV would be to announce his execution. Today, we are allowing them to openly advocate having consensual sex with our 4 year old children. Our society is in its death throws. Christ help us. Literally.
What I find impressive is how Jews push their talking points around and people have to be “educated” on how to bow down to said view points as normalcy.
If we don’t accept pedophiles, there could be ‘another’ Holocoaust!
Sy Bergsteinowitz
“That is wrong, a big mistake. If we had gone deeper into that, we would certainly not have invited him.”
BS. Those monsters are just laying the groundwork to make this sick crime acceptable. Our enemy will stop at nothing in their plans to destroy our religion and moral sense.
They’ve already softened sane people up with their massive holocost lies, now they’re using the same tactics to get people at accept, then legalize pedos.