(Bitchute) A video titled “Logos And Africa” has been posted on Bitchute featuring author and Catholic apologist, E. Michael Jones, in which he is interviewed by a black African — Robert Odero, professor of religion and philosophy at Strathmore Academy in Nairobi — about Jones’ book Logos Rising.
We will address this discussion in three parts — this first part will focus on Jones’ argument that the Catholic concept of Logos was essential to the advancement of civilization — or the lack thereof.
Logos is the Aristotelian Greek term meaning “reasoned discourse” which the apostle John incorporated into Christian theology to describe God’s eternal power and spirit that created the world “in the beginning” — and that Jesus Christ is the physical embodiment of this Logos.
But Logos existed a priori before the Greeks gave a name to it — advanced civilizations prior to Greece — along with the Hebrew understanding of God — are proof of the a priori existence of Logos.
The apostles and prospective converts were Hellenized — as was all of Judea — and John appropriated this Greek concept as a familiar philosophical metaphor to help make the nature of Jesus Christ and God the Father understandable to his Hellenized audience.
And it’s worth noting that none of the other Gospel writers used this term — and yet they had no problem understanding Christ and his relationship to the Father without this philosophical metaphor — which should suggest that it’s not essential but merely a rather useful, additional tool to appeal to a certain audience.
As a Catholic, Jones takes Logos one step further and claims that because the Catholic Church was allegedly ordained by Christ with Peter as the “first Pope,” the Church, therefore, is the only legitimate representative of Logos on earth.
The overall question that Jones addresses in the video is why Logos has never taken root in sub-saharan Africa — and why these Africans have never developed any semblance of civilization independent of efforts of Christian Europeans to help them advance.
We have to distinguish North Africa from sub-saharan Africa because North Africa had developed high levels of civilization prior to Christianity — as both Egypt and Carthage attest — and the common denominator in ancient North Africa is the white Adamic race — not Christianity or the Catholic Church.
Jones sees himself as “the Logos guy” — and it is his personal mission to spread the Logos — via Catholic conversion — to the world — and he encourages Professor Odero to have his book Logos Rising printed in Africa so that Africans can study it in schools and apply Logos to their lives — convert to Catholicism — and finally develop Africa into a civilization that will rival Europe.
We have read Logos Rising — and rest assured, it requires high intelligence with the ability to grasp complex abstract philosophical concepts — this is not a book you can give to average students — let alone students in Africa where the average IQ is 65.
That’s not to say one needs a high IQ to understand the Gospels — there is a “simplicity in Christ” that makes them accessible to the average Adamic person, but this book — written by the Harvard-educated Jones — is far more intellectually demanding than the Gospels and therefore beyond the average person’s ability to fully grasp.
Of course, Jones is a race denier — as we have previously discussed — therefore, he must also believe that IQ is not an inheritable trait that is demonstrably different among racial groups. If that were the case, then one’s ability to apprehend the meaning of Logos would be dependent on one’s IQ rather than on one’s having been baptized Catholic and attending church.
As a race denier, Jones has painted himself into a corner and is forced to come up with alternative explanations as to why Logos has not taken root in sub-saharan Africa — and like all Liberals, as we will see, he attributes this phenomenon to environmental and historical factors rather than the elephant in the room — very simple racial explanations.
That said, we will now take a look at Jones’ major talking points and respond to them point by point — and it should be noted that even Professor Odero appears skeptical of Jones’ explanations — Odero seems to grasp that there is something inherently different about Africa that is at the heart of its problems — and it’s not merely because they aren’t all Catholics.
We recommend that you watch the video in its entirety if you find the subject of interest — and we have provided a link above and at the end of this article.
Odero asks, “You said that Logos did not take root in Africa because of polygamy…“
Jones responds,
“Logos is primarily speech, so any place that there is a human being, there are going to be people speaking a language — and that is the fundamental manifestation of Logos….so obviously there is Logos in Africa. So the question is “Why didn’t Logos develop in Africa?”….Why did it develop someplace else?
When I was in east Africa, it struck me that it was a savannah — it’s not like the Congo — which is a rain forest — you could never develop the wheel in the rain forest. You could never develop the wheel in Switzerland….if you have a mountainous forest, you can’t use the wheel. So why did the wheel develop there and not here? The answer is I don’t know.”
[CFT: Like all Catholics, if they can’t answer a question, they just say it’s a “mystery”. And we would disagree that just simply because Africans have a form of speech that they therefore have Logos — as Logos was an essential trait of His Adamic creation, the “generations of Adam” — and Africans are not part of those “generations” — according to the genealogy of the Genesis 10 Nations.
Logos is not “primarily speech” — rather, speech is a pre-condition to articulating Logos.
Primordial Europe had physical conditions that were just as — if not more — physically challenging to develop than Africa — and the harsh winters and dense forests — such as in Switzerland, Sweden or Iceland — would be far more difficult to penetrate and tame than anywhere in Africa. Greeks wrote about the inhospitable lands up north along the Danube.
In fact, Europe could never have been developed without the wheel and agriculture — and Europeans brought these practices with them when they migrated up into Europe from the Near East — they didn’t start from the rudimentary status of hunter-gatherers of Africans as Jones seems to be suggesting.]
Jones continues,
“Why did the concept of Logos develop in Greece and nowhere else? Even among the Hebrews who were instructed by God himself, but they didn’t have an abstract language.
The Greeks were pagans, but they developed a language that was very abstract and conducive to philosophy. There are people like Dawson who say that it was “the Greek miracle”.
Maybe it was this contact between these Greeks and Persians….the difference between Greeks and Persians is that Greeks talked a lot more than Persians did.”
[CFT: Here Jones appears to conflate the Greek concept of Logos with having the spirit of Logos in the people themselves. Logos pre-existed the creation — and God breathed that spirit into his Adamic creation — into Adam and all his legitimate descendants.
All the ancient advanced Adamic civilizations had it — Sumeria, Egypt, Persia, Assyria, Greece and Rome — and they had sophisticated languages that conveyed abstract ideas, including Hebrew — the Old Testament conveys many abstract ideas — and to suggest that the ancient Hebrews didn’t have Logos — despite not having coined the term — is disingenuous.
The ancient Hebrews presumed the eternal existence of one true God — whereas the Greeks did not — but even Greek writer Diodorus Siculus acknowledged admiration of the writings of Moses — and the Greek language is related to Phoenician — and many believe that the Phoenicians spoke a form of Hebrew.
There’s nothing “miraculous” about the Greek development of philosophical concepts — they merely built upon what their ancestors from these previous advanced civilizations — such as Persia — had already developed.
And Jones’ contention that the ancient Persians didn’t “talk a lot” is simply conjecture — a presupposition — or “begging the question” — to account for this “Greek miracle.”
In reality, ancient Persian civilization rivaled Greece in its magnificence — King Darius’ ceremonial complex — the Persepopolis — is one of the great architectural accomplishments of the ancient world.
Jones says of the ancient Persians,
“The Persians had the asiatic worship of the emperor as a god — and you didn’t talk a whole lot. I was in Golestan [Iran[, and met the head of Radio Golestan who said Persians never wrote anything down….you have a situation that Logos will not develop.”
[CFT: Again, being a race denier, Jones completely ignores the fact that the modern Iranians are not of the same racial stock as the ancient Persians — Persia was overrun by Arab illiterates during the Islamic conquests of the Near East in the 7th Century AD, and the original white Persians who didn’t flee the kingdom — such as the Sarmatian/Scythians — were absorbed into the conquering Arab population. Only this fact accounts for the slow decline of Persia into a Third World status.
And the idea that the ancient Persians “didn’t write anything down” is preposterous — thousands of Persian cuneiform inscriptions have been discovered — and one look at this script shows similarities to Sumerian and Egyptian cuneiform — along with the Greek alphabet itself, which has been shown to be related to ancient Hebrew. This “coincidence” makes sense considering all of these peoples can be traced back to their common ancestor — Noah.]
Jones continues,
“[Logos] only developed in one place, and that was Greece — and between that and the Hebrew Scriptures, you had the beginning of a dynamic marriage of the two known as Christianity.
If you compare the Islamic world to Europe at this time — let’s say the 7th century — they had the texts of Aristotle long before the Europeans did.
The Europeans were constantly being subjected to barbarian invasion — the Vikings from the north and the Saracens from the south — and it’s a miracle that any civilization survived there.”
[CFT: The Persians had the Greek texts long before the Europeans did because they were closely related to the Greeks — and they lived in close proximity to them — along with commercial trade connections.
In fact, there’s plenty of evidence that the ancient Sarmatians — from eastern Persia — became part of the Scythian peoples — who merged with the 10 northern tribes of Israel and migrated up into Europe — the Poles acknowledge this ancient connection to the Sarmatians — and the Polish language still has some remnants of the ancient Persian language.
And Jones makes an arbitrary distinction between the Greeks — the first Europeans — and the later Near Easterners from the Assyrian captivity — and those from much earlier tribes — who were migrating up into northern Europe at the same time the Greek Empire was rising.
These different ethnic groups were all closely related and had the same potential to develop advanced civilizations — because they were Adamic — not because they were Catholic.
And ancient rune stone inscriptions and monuments have been found in Europe that are at least 2,000 years old — the Vinča or “Danube” inscriptions have been dated as early as the 5th and 6th Century BC — while the Tărtăria tablets discovered in Romania — which is not far from Greece — have been dated to 4,000 BC.
We also know, for example, that the Welsh — or Cymry/Cymru — language is based on the ancient language of the Khumry — the Israelite tribe of the Assyrian captivity — and that when spoken out loud, the Khumy language is still intelligible to a modern day Welshman.
The same is true of ancient Gaelic — books have been written on the uncanny similarities between this ancient Celtic language and ancient Hebrew, but Jones will never consider this evidence because it doesn’t fit in with his race-denying world view.]
Jones continues,
“The crucial factor in the development of Logos in Europe was the Trinity….which is what happened in the first 300 years of Christianity.
In 325 AD, the Council of Nicea, and you have to speak Greek to take part in the council. The Latin fathers did not get involved in heresy because they didn’t speak Greek.
So you had to have a term like “homoousion“….consubstantial — one in being…and it all revolved around Greek categories of thought — if you didn’t have these categories, you could not proceed.”
[CFT: If Logos is embodied in the Trinity — which wasn’t codified as a Christian concept until over 300 years after the death of Christ — then how did Christianity spread prior to the Council of Nicea?
According to The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,
“No theologian in the first three Christian centuries was a trinitarian in the sense of believing that the one God is tri-personal, containing equally divine ‘persons’, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
This is a classic example of circular reasoning or “begging the question” to justify the Catholic Church’s monopoly on Logos and Christ Himself. If anything, the complicated and controversial concept of the Trinity made Christian Logos even more difficult for the average Christian to understand.
There is ample evidence that Christianity took hold in Britain long before the British people had access to the writings of Aristotle or Plato — to suggest that one needs to understand the Greek philosophy in order to comprehend Christianity is simply not true.]
Jones continues,
“So what you had with the Persians — who were an advanced culture….what I say to my Iranians friends, ‘Your people were astronomers and philosophers when my people were chasing pigs through the forest of Germany.'”
[CFT: Here we have Jones reducing the pre-Christian — or better yet pre-Catholic — German people to the status of grunting savages — no different from Africans who couldn’t invent a wheel or weave cloth. As we have shown, pre-Christian Germanic peoples were far more advanced than Africans at that time — and even Africans today. Their mastery of metallurgy alone is proof of this — let alone their use of animal husbandry and advanced agriculture.]
Jones continues,
“[The Persians] had a big head start, yet the Logos did not develop there — because first of all, they got their idea of Christianity from Nestorian heretics — so they didn’t know that Jesus Christ was God — and secondly, they were conquered by arabs who were not a philosophical people….to this day, they have no recovered.
So it’s not surprising that Logos didn’t develop in Africa because it didn’t develop anywhere other than Greece…
…So I got in trouble with the white boys because I said that the only difference between Africa [and Germany] is 800 years of Christianity.
They were outraged at that because they have some sort of racial mysticism…”
[CFT: Again, we see Jones conflating the ancient Adamic Persians with the modern day Iranians — a disingenuous intellectual sleight of hand — or to give Jones the benefit of the doubt — a refusal to believe that the racial admixture with the Arabs led to their intellectual and civilizational decline.
And, no, the “white boys” don’t promote “some sort of racial mysticism” — they simply believe that the white race — the “generations of Adam” — long before Christianity appeared — had proven its unique ability to create advanced civilizations — along with sophisticated written languages — without even understanding the Greek concept of “Logos.”
Ethiopia in Africa was “Christian” 500 years before Germans were converted, yet Ethiopia is still a Third World, backward nation, so whatever form of “Christianity” the Ethiopians believe, it hasn’t done them any good in advancing their civilization.
And to suggest that the Nestorians did not apprehend the concept of Logos in Christ is contradicted by the facts — the reason Catholics like Jones call the Nestorian Christians “heretics” is that first and foremost they rejected the Catholic dogma that Mary had some sort of unique special divinity — and was some sort of special “intercessor” between Christians and Jesus Christ.
The Nestorians did acknowledge the unique indwelling spirit of God in the Son, but they merely disagreed about the hypostatic nature of this relationship — that they were literally one and the same divinity — which the dogmatic trinitarians insisted upon. The Nestorians described the Logos in this manner:
“Jesus was viewed as a human being who shared the divine sonship of the Logos; the Logos united itself to Jesus from the moment of Jesus’ conception. After the resurrection, the human Jesus and the Logos reveal that they have always been one prosopon.”
If you were to present these Nestorian ideas of the Logos to your average Christian today, it’s doubtful that they would immediately cry, “Heretic!” — but the Catholic Church saw this as a threat to their hegemonic monopoly over “The Word” — so they smeared anyone who did not toe the party line as “heretics.”
And contrary to what many Catholics assert, none of the early ante-Nicean Church fathers believed in the Trinity per se as propounded at the Council of Nicea — and nor did the Nicea Council put an end to the controversy.
But regardless of the validity of the concept of the Trinity, to suggest that any Christian who does not agree with it is somehow a rejecter of Logos — and essentially an anti-Christ — is not only untrue, but ignores the fact that none of the Gospel writers enunciated the Trinity in any way that approaches what the Council of Nicea propounded.
There were many disagreements among the apostles, but none of them involved this complicated, later concept of the Trinity — and it would take another 300 years to settle the matter — settle it, using the power of the pagan Emperor Constantine to enforce its acceptance as a vehicle for consolidating — or unifying — his political power.
Link to video “Logos And Africa”:
[End of Part 1]
Fr. John+
“And to suggest that the Nestorians did not apprehend the concept of Logos in Christ is contradicted by the facts — the reason Catholics like Jones call the Nestorian Christians “heretics” is that first and foremost they rejected the Catholic dogma that Mary had some sort of unique special divinity — and was some sort of special “intercessor” between Christians and Jesus Christ.”
This is both blasphemous and incorrect, both in the reality of the Nestorian heresy as well as your appropriation of it, to buttress an otherwise very good article.
The Theotokos (or God-bearer) IS NOT DIVINE. She is not another ‘god.’ Neither any Catholic, or Orthodox, or even Anglican believes that! What she is, is ‘full of grace’ -because that is the Biblical confession, ‘Hail, thou that art highly favored” in the KJV, but is ‘plena gratia’ in the Latin Vulgate. As Mary herself notes in the Magnificat, ‘My spirit hath rejoiced in God my savior.’
The Nestorian heresy denies that JESUS is ‘fully human’- THAT is the heresy of Nestorianism. And, if Christ is not fully human, then he is not a ‘man like unto us, save without sin’ again as Scripture says. Please, Please, don’t let your ‘Romeaphobia’ cause you to malign the sincere Christians who lived and thought out all these theological verities, BEFORE ROME went into Schism.
Fr. John+
We certainly don’t intentionally engage in “Romephobia”, nor do we gratuitously bash all Catholics and the entire Catholic Church from its beginnings.
The fact is — if you are familiar with the totality of our articles — that we have criticized Protestant denominations, with their dispensational and evangelical-zionist doctrines much more than we have ever criticized the Catholic Church.
In fact, we have written many articles praising the Catholic Church for opposing the machinations of the Jews, such as Theodore Herzl’s Diary Account Of Pope Pius X’s Refusal To Support A Jewish Homeland In Palestine.
We acknowledge that prior to the Reformation, all of our White European ancestors followed the Catholic faith, and we also acknowledge that the Catholic Church did well to keep Christianity a central part of our civilization.
But as many sincere, traditional Catholics will admit, the Church has been infiltrated and subverted from within by judaizers and literal crypto-Jews — and their Freemasonic stooges. The same is true for many Protestant denominations.
What we need to focus on is where we have common ground — that is, identifying the anti-Christ Jews who are the eternal enemies of Christ and His followers — and who we really are as a people, the White European race who have been the Christ-bearers from the beginning regardless of whatever denomination we may belong to.
Additionally, the Catholic Church has believed that it represents the true Israel people. We also believe that the White European people who follow Christ are true Israel, but not just “spiritual” Israel, but also quite literally the “seed” of Israel through the 10 lost northern tribes who were regathered by Christ.
Our dispute with E. Michael Jones is not a dispute with Catholicism, per se, but with his distorted take on it. We believe that within the Catholic faith there are those who do not ascribe to his radical Marxist humanism disguised as original Catholic universalism, which are not the same thing, as you probably well know.
Sounds like Alex Jones has been listening to E. Michael Jones….on his show Alex said:
“We are here promoting an Americana Christian revolution, to be Christ-like….while successful settlements in Africa are where Blacks without Christianity. Incredibly safe….you go to Africa, you get black people to become Christian, actually follow it, they’re just as successful as Europeans. Europeans were living in caves and huts, and killing each other until they got Christianity just like Africans. We acted just like Africans. “Look at those savages”….well, we were ’til we got Jesus.”
Gen. Walker
White racialist Jared Taylor debates race denier E. Michael Jones:
Jones did most of the talking because his point of view is so difficult to argue, and nobody was buying it. Taylor points out correctly that Jones and the Jews both are race deniers, but Jones denies it of course.
Problem for Taylor is that he doesn’t have the knowledge of the Bible to refute Jones, who claims that there are only “ethnicities” in the Bible but not race. The race is Adamkind, the ethnicites are the nations. Really quite simple.
E. Michael Jones claims he’s opposed to cultural Marxism yet he uses Marxist talking points to claim all racial differences are “cultural”, i.e., Blacks have lower IQs only because of access to good schooling and devaluing of education, is other words “economic” determinism. Exact same argument as Jewish Marxists. IQ, he claims, is only environmental, not genetic, just like the Jews.
If you really step back and look at Jones, all he has done is substituted Catholicism for Marxism. Christian universalism is no different from messianic Judaism and cultural Marxism. Both deny race. Both claim that a material or spiritual utopia can be achieved through “baptism” into their ideology.
Jones cannot or refuses to see all that modern Catholicism has in common with the Jewish mindset despite allegedly being at war with it. When Catholics fight against the “judaizers”, they are really fighting against themselves and their own Jewish universalist ideals.
You said it yourself why Africa never developed as a civilization
“let alone students in Africa where the average IQ is 65”.
CFT ………………
Bravo! What a great article. Should be “Pinned” to the Top.
This article inspires great thought and discussion. A must have for some of our People who are still drinking milk.
Cheers to you guys.
Dennis Roe
Dindu wants to beat you up, the jew wants you dead. Wake up Whitey, the clock’s tickin.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
There have been many discoveries of ancient civilizations in Africa, but according to this video WHITE PEOPLE Are The True Indigenous Of AFRICA…
As we know, mainstream history is not truthful – according to fitzinfo, E Michael Jones is a KGB asset. If you look at some of the pics in the article, he is in the same room as Alexander Dugin whose idol is Alistair Crowley.
https://fitzinfo.net/2020/12/25/e-michael-jones-is-a-kgb-asset-and-guilty-of-immeasurable-treason-against-the-usa-west/ .
This “one blood” nonsense does not make any sense – you can not have a black person coming from a white person, as you know, the Israelites were white. It’s the same nonsense that humans evolved from apes and monkeys. E Michael Jones is like in some cult mindset that says Catholic is above everything else – that its the shining light that brings civilization when there was advanced civilization long before Catholic faith.
A true Christian would preach the word of God, the true scripture, where we as a people came from our origins, that we, the white race, are the true Israelites. This may seem unpopular to some people, but there needs to be a lot of soul searching in the Christian community. Truth Warriors said you go to church and if all they do is sing happy songs go through the motions – but what they should be is places where we are told who the enemies of Christianity are.
The more you know about your enemy the better you can defend the faith and share that knowledge with others. I have not been part of mainstream Christianity nor the Catholic faith, but finding this website is the best thing to happen – it really feels I was guided to this website.
Anyway, keep your quest for the truth – as the truth matters – and make people your fellow Christians aware of the deceivers, the false prophets.
Great comment.
Have you read — https://christiansfortruth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Tracing-our-Ancestors.pdf
I recommend it. It places the Garden of Eden in Central Asia. (if I remember correctly) (definitely not Africa … but that is not to say that early Adamites made their way there and created civilizations )(I believe Adamites probably found the four corners of the earth at one time or another and created civilizations that were then taken over)
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
West, thanks, and your reply makes a lot of sense – the Adamites created civilizations. Those that took it over probably could not maintain them. I like to look into alternative history because official history is not truthful.
E Michael Jones is high up in Opus Dei, which is a catholic secret society and someehat analogous to Chabad Lubavitch, albeit a Romanesque version.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he was Jesuit trained – as some suspect Dugin is.
Jones is as anti-White as they come and has stated openly that he wants Mexicans to replace Americans (specifically mentioning Brits and Germans too).
The fact so many alleged WNs hold this weak-chinned subversive as anything but an agent says to me just how controlled the E-celeb far right truly is.
Piarist Calasanz
Stephan: interesting take on EMJ. Do you have any sources or proof of EMJ’s membership in Opus Dei? Please share if you do.
I do know that he has cynically lied about the SSPX Catholic order, Society of Saint Pius X.
And when long-standing Catholic friends of his confronted him with his lie, he ignored it and continued to lie, and cut them off as friends after 20 or more years.
He clearly has an agenda. If anyone is a natural fit for SSPX, it would be Jones, but he demonizes them:
E. Michael Jones speaks with an Opus Dei priest, Harvard professor Father Jeffery Langan, in his St. Patrick’s video with Gemma O’Doherty. https://www.bitchute.com/video/PVTCoY3yyE8C/
Does CFT has any take on Gemma O’Doherty?
In this English video (Polish only for a minute at the beginning) he tells the Polish people that the only way to resist fighting the war in Ukraine and not dying for the Jewish Gay Disco is to go back to their Christian roots and identity. Does CFT agree with that? https://www.bitchute.com/video/JZvlAArL5pku/
Paddy McDavid
How long before we see a black African Pope?
Jewish Popes have been bad enough, but a Pope from Africa, now that’s Logos incarnate.
Hopefully soon.
They may even give us Michael, I mean Michelle Obama for President in 24′. It’s gaining traction in the jewsmedia.
The Pot is about to Boil and we need our Frogs jumping out. 🙂
They seem to be still drugged up with their entertainments while Rome is burning.
Blacks have been in America for 400 years, and they’ve been “Christian” for about that long.
How’s that Logos working for them?
Permanent underclass.
Affirmative Action-based black middle class.
Inter-generational welfare
Only “upper class” blacks are rappers, actors or athletes
Ok corral
It’s too easy picking on blacks. That’s why I like to pick on Jews.
It requires more game.
“Christianity” in Africa bringing “Logos” to the natives….
African Pastor Performs Hand Straightening Miracle
James Smith
If you invite the negro to join the Catholic church, they will claim the first Romans were black all along (black Americans are the biggest culture vultures on the planet because they hate the fact that they have no history).
I’d rather just leave blacks to their own devices. Despite having high rates of identifying as Christians, they remain the most murderous, immoral race in America because they are incapable of interpreting the Bible spiritually.
Africa…”never developed because it isn’t Catholic”.
No, it never developed because it isn’t smart enough.
Fixed it for you.
Negroes having advanced, analytical conversations? I don’t see how Africans can do this using their grunts, clicks and whistles. Cannibalism isn’t a conversation. Neither is raping, looting or ebonics. There is nothing new under the sun.
In 2023 America, negro high schools have a zero percent competency to read or do math, much less write. Furthermore, the jew has convinced the ever-malleable blacks that hard work, learning, and discipline are White supremacy.
Without the White Adamic Race, our benevolent culture and our languages, the low IQ lazy-natured negroes would fully revert back to their subhuman tendencies. In fact, it’s already happening!
oldsaxxon …………
Your FACTS are racist. 😉
(only kidding)
But you’d be surprised, there are some here on this forum that will call you that for stating the obvious.
Because they know one really nice black person)
FACTS are antisemitic too. What a “coincidence”…
Paul Kurt
Would it not be better to begin at home? for E. Michael Jones to evangelize ” their ” Notre Dame University to Roman Catholicism?
Piarist Calasanz
Right, University of Notre Dame won’t allow anti-abortion protesters on campus.
Nor are faculty members, many of whom are Jewish, allowed to say anything anti-abortion in the classrooms.
Notre Dame = CINO = Catholic In Name Only
Same goes for the Vatican. CINO
Is not “CINO” just as bad as “CIN”?
The Holy Spirit does not reside in any Catholic Church or Institution.
John Q. Public
Jones won’t like this study showing that DNA tests can predict IQ….another nail in his race denialism:
E. Michael Jones is a self-hating white man.
He is willing to throw his own German ancestors under the bus of racial egalitarianism just to score points with an African and make him feel better about himself.
EMJ does not have the Holy Spirit. What would you expect?
He would say that only Catholics have the Holy Spirit. Everyone else is going to hell.
Oh, don’t I know it. Catholics, when pressed, can be very exclusive and mean.
Timothy Fitzpatrick
I think it’s much worse than that. It looks like E. Michael is a Soviet asset:
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
Much like that “syrian girl” – she admitted she is a communist, and I found a pic of her with Alexander Dugin, whose idol is satanist, Alistair Crowley. “Syrian girl” promotes intelligence asset “grayzone”.
Fitz….do you know what stance E. Michael Jones takes toward the Eastern Orthodox Church? Doesn’t Dugin support it?
Charles Martel
Fitzinfo makes a very interesting observation about EMJ: that he elevates Logos over Christ to the point of idolatry. And that the cover of his book “Logos Rising” shows the Sun rising but not Christ, which suggests a form of Sun worship, or paganism.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
Sun worship seems more like New Age paganism – the sun logo features on Lucius Trust logo – their other logo is a triangle with Lucius in the triangle. The Lucius Trust previously went by the name Lucifer Trust.
Timothy Fitzpatrick
Hardy, he hasn’t explicitly declared his support of Eastern Orthodoxy that I know of, but he has definitely hinted at it.
For instance:
“I never had that identification with America. I always felt that my gaze was to the East.” —E. Michael Jones (54:07 mark)
This all seems a bit like Twitter talk LOL
The Fitzpatrick informer is a teenager’s website to influence kids online (who haven’t spent time online before) that the likes of Putin is a Mossad agent because he’s been seen at the wailing wall or that WEF’s Klaus Schwab is Jewish, which he clearly is not.
People shouldn’t be distracted by silly websites made by potheads.
Putin’s no “Mossad agent”, but like all leaders in Europe, he has no choice but to deal with powerful Jews who want to keep an eye on him and influence his policies.
What’s I’m not clear about Putin is how much power he actually has to act independently of those Jews. He has to play the game and show them “respect”, but who knows how much power they wield behind the scenes.
I do believe that the war in the Ukraine is being orchestrated and influenced to some degree or another by Chabad Jews in both Russia and Ukraine, more so in Ukraine. Putin may just want the Russian part of Ukraine and leave the rest for the Jews to build their “second” Israel, in their Khazar homeland. Who knows for sure? Time will tell.
Petr, you are right in your assessment of the current situation. This conflict is a contractual one, and Ukraine will be transformed as a result.
Scott Alan Joseph
After listening to Jones for some time now, it began to dawn upon me, Jones German side, which he never speaks about, might just be jewish. Those are the Germans that are the loudest in condemning Germans in public forums and media, etc. Eg: Merkel, Gregor Gysi. It is the most typical jew strategy. Many call themselves American and represent American institutions but work for their own benefit, same in Germany. Jones circular arguments are very pleasing to jews and when he has no answers as often happens, he resorts to shouting, non sequiturs, or completely changing the subject. Its a genetic. Jones is like a converso jew. Thats what he is.
To all of those here who believe all the peoples of the earth are — “of one blood” —-
Please provide a logical and reasonable Scriptural argument that suggests we all descend from Adam and Eve or Noah and his immediate family.
How can you look at Africa and then look at Rome circa 1000 AD and believe we are all created equal???
And if you accept the fact that not all the races God created are equal — why did God allow His creation to devolve? That doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.
Adam and Eve’s descendants cannot be both those who live in Africa — and those who live in Europe, Australia, the USA when they were majority White. It’s an impossibility. If it were possible ……. why? Why would God do that?
So, how do you explain such discrepancy???
Many Christians believe that the different races were created with the Tower of Babel, and believe that the tower was built by Nimrod, but historians and archeologists have never been able to confirm that Nimrod ever existed, and they believe that the Tower of Babel is actually a fable closely based on the Sumerian myth of Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta.
Fable or not, speaking different languages has never transformed a people magically into different races. Look at Europe, made up of tribes who have spoken different languages for 2,000 years, but all have remained white, same race.
In Africa, there are thousands of different languages and dialects, but they all remain black africans over thousands of years.
The Babel hypothesis is just downright silly, even embarrassing.
Kevin ….
I’m ashamed I ever fell for such a stupid theology.