(Bitchute) Here we will conclude our three-part discussion and critique of E. Michael Jones’ thesis “Logos And Africa” which he explains in a video interview conducted by a black African — Robert Odero — professor of religion and philosophy at Strathmore Academy in Nairobi — about Jones’ book Logos Rising.
If you haven’t done so already, we recommend you read Part 1 and Part 2 before proceeding to this final installment.
The interview continues:
Odero asks,
“Africa is full of “ethnos”…we have tribes….but they fight against each other….we need to move from “ethnos” to Logos….how do you make the transition?”
Jones responds,
“That is the dialectic of human history….there’s only one vehicle for “ethnos” into Logos…that’s the Catholic Church. That’s why I’m hopeful because I see how strong the Catholic Church is [in Africa]….
[CFT: First, we would assert that in a strictly biblical sense, Africa does not have “ethnos” — the Greek term “ethnos” — translated into English as “the nations” — or in Hebrew as “goyim” — which refers specifically to the original Genesis 10 nations — the direct, legitimate descendants of Noah — and earlier from Adam.
It’s important to note that Cain’s genealogy is not provided or recognized in the Bible as part of those Genesis 10 nations — or “ethnos” — which tells us that there are many people in this world who are not considered part of the legitimate Adamic bloodline — and therefore cannot be included in the concept of the “ethnos.”
Unfortunately, when Jerome translated the Greek Septuigent into Latin, he often substituted “ethnos” as “gentilis” or “gentiles” in English — which the vast majority of Christians falsely believe simply means “non-Jews” — and nothing could be further from the truth.
Either way, Africans do indeed have different ethnicities or tribes, but none of them can be legitimately traced back to the original Genesis 10 “ethnos” — and because of that, these African tribes had never been inspired with the spirit of Logos “from the beginning.”
Jones earlier claimed that Logos “transcends” ethnos — but that’s true only for the legitimate “generations of Adam” — as Paul tells the Israelite Galatians,
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”
This verse is not proof of race denial — as most Christians have been taught — rather, Paul is telling the Galatians — who were among the lost tribes of Israel who had forgotten their identity — that the Israelite Judeans weren’t any more special or “chosen” than “uncircumcized” Israelites who had not kept the law — or Israelites who were slaves, or male or female.
Their “ethnos” — though very real — was now unified in Christ — whose mission was to regather all 12 of the Israelite tribes — along with the “righteous” among the original Genesis 10 nations after His death.
In many interviews, E. Michael Jones’ go-to cherry-picked verse to “prove” that Christ denied “race” or that it was a consideration in salvation is Matthew 3:9, where Christ tells the Sadducees and Pharisees that their Israelite bloodline won’t save them:
“And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.”
The problem here is that Christ — like Paul’s epistle to the Galatians — is not saying that being a racial Israelite is not important or irrelevant — rather He is saying that without belief in Him, that bloodline is meaningless.]
Jones then tells Odero how Africans can make the transition from “ethnos” to “Logos”:
“The question is how long is it going to take? That depends on how good your educational system is.”
[CFT: Jones has apparently forgotten that the Europeans had no “educational system” to help them in their transition from being ethnic Germanics or Gauls or Celts into Christians via their conversion to Christianity.
The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of Europeans were largely illiterate well into the 18th and 19th centuries — and this illiteracy actually was essential for the Catholic Church’s monopoly over the Bible and Christianity to go unchallenged until the Reformation — which never could have happened without the advent of the printing press — which caused the Church to lose that monopoly to control “The Word.”
Yet this widespread illiteracy among White Europeans didn’t stop them from not only embracing the Christian faith — but also from creating the greatest, most advanced civilization in the history of the world.
Again, Jones’ Jesuitical attitude toward “education” shows just how unconsciously condescending he is toward Africans — unlike Whites, blacks need special help — spiritual “affirmative action” — to make that transition to Logos whereas the White Europeans did not.]
Odero comments,
“We [Africans] seem to endear ourselves to tragedy….fighting, war, weeping….there is a way that Logos expresses itself in suffering….suffering purifies…so this process from “ethnos” to Logos must pass through suffering….
Jones responds,
“If you have a strong ethnic identity — and you are next to another group that has an equally strong ethnic identity — there’s going to be conflict. So you want the opposite of that. Look at Europe now. No one has a strong identity. There’s no conflict….there’s class conflict, but there’s no ethnic conflict because no one has an identity anymore.
The point is not to abolish ethnic identity. That’s what the United States tried to do. You come over to America and you become part of the melting pot….that’s what it is to be an American.
You need the tension of the dialectic….you maintain what you are, but you take it to a higher level by the infusion of Logos…”
[CFT: These comments are rather astonishing coming from Jones, whose wheelhouse is the “Jewish revolutionary spirit” — and he of all people should know that America was never founded to be some sort of ethnic or racial “melting pot” — the title of a 1908 Broadway play by Israel Zangwill — a Jewish communist — who advocated the dissolution of the White race through miscegenation while Jews are accepted as “equals” in the “melting pot” — yet somehow remain distinct and separate.
The same is true for Europe — if Europeans no longer have strong ethnic identities, it’s not because of the Catholic Church — it’s because the Jews imposed the borderless, homogeneous European Union — the New Soviet — on them in order to destroy their ethnic identities and independence.
The American Founding Fathers would have found this idea repugnant — they founded this nation for only their own “posterity” — free Christian White men of European descent — and Jews and other non-Whites were certainly not initially granted citizenship because they are not part of that posterity.
Yes, European Americans became unified as a Christian nation, but they also retained a strong understanding of their different European ethnic roots — and it wasn’t until after World War II that White Americans left their ethnic neighborhoods in the cities — because Jews began renting and selling properties in those neighborhoods to blacks — which caused Whites to leave for the suburbs where they started to identify as generically “White” — as Jones himself describes in his book The Slaughter Of Cities: Urban Renewal As Ethnic Cleansing.
However, Jones claims that the only “ethnicities” in America prior to this break up of the cities were Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish — and when they left the cities, they all became generically “White” — which Jones claims played right into the hands of the Jews because it allowed Jews to demonize White identity.
Isn’t it telling, however, that Jones doesn’t impose this same definition of “ethnicity” on to Africans — he doesn’t tell Odero that the only ethnicities in Africa are Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish or even African Voodooists — Jones applies that ethnic concept only to White people.]
Jones continues,
“The Jesuits going to Paraguay….the [Catholic missionaries] learned the natives’ language…and wrote the dictionary and grammar for the Guarani language….that’s the first step of Logos coming in contact with ethnos…
From that point you move higher and higher and higher [toward Logos]….It is time for East Africa to integrate into the global development of Logos.”
[CFT: The fact that the Guarani tribes couldn’t create their own dictionary and grammar is proof that they are completely dependent on the White man to even perform the most basic acts upon which any semblance of civilization is based.
And it’s worth noting that the Catholics didn’t translate the Bible into Guarani until 200 years after they created a dictionary for them — imagine being a Guarani Indian listening to Latin Mass for 200 years.
Again, the original missionaries to the Germanic peoples didn’t feel a need to create a dictionary or grammar for them before they could convert them. And even though the illiterate Germanics heard Mass in Latin, apparently they still understood “Logos” — no need for special “education” like the Native Indians or Africans.
In fact, 500 years would pass — before the Bible was first printed in German — which the German Protestants read — as the Catholic Church forbade it — yet Christianity still took hold among those people.]
Jones continues,
“For thousands of years, subsaharan Africa was off by itself….[but] because of colonialism they’ve been integrated in a bad way….but now you speak English. Now we have this common vocabulary…but it’s an example of God bringing good out of evil (colonialism)….”
[CFT: So now Jones is jumping on the Marxist anti-colonialism band wagon — colonialism brought Christianity to Africa, but because hundreds of years later, many of them now speak English — which many of the new missionaries speak — somehow “good” has come out of that “evil”.
Yet Jones takes the colonial perspective of Africa — that it was “isolated” — yet it was isolated because the Africans themselves had no knowledge of sea travel. What stopped them from building large boats and traveling up the coast to trade centers in the Near East and North Africa?
Why is it the White Man’s responsibility to bring Logos to Africa and not the Africans’ responsibility to make contact with the outside world?]
Jones continues,
“African tribes don’t have a common lingua franca, a common philosophical or political nationhood. It just never developed there.”
[CFT: Around 900 AD — when Europeans converted to Christianity — there was no “lingua franca” for Europeans, yet that didn’t stop them from developing or from becoming Christian nations.
But, again, Africans for some “mysterious” reason are different — they need a “lingua franca” like English so that all Africans can talk to each other and work out their ethnic differences so that they can one day all become Catholic and finally put satellites in space without the help of White people.]
Odero then mentions the ethnic wars in Rwanda, saying that Africans must settle their differences non-violently, to which Jones replies,
“The Gospel can integrate all ethnic groups into the universal Church. You’ve reached a point where your Catholicism has not sanctified your ethnicity….that’s what happened in Rwanda.
That’s what Germany was like….you had these strong ethnic identities…and Germany didn’t become a nation until 1871….the Benedictines arrived a thousand years before, and these German tribes could not get along with each other until 1871, and then it was imposed on them by Prussia.
This is just part of human history….call it the tragedy of human history….I’m not advocating ethnic cleansing….you have 73 ethnic groups in Tanzania alone….and they all look completely identical to people from the West…it’s part of the necessary part of history.”
[CFT: So once again Jones is comparing Tanzania to the Germanic states — as if the Tanzanians, given enough Catholic education, will eventually become the greatest engineers in the world, like the Germans are today. Those Germanic peoples were already far more advanced before their conversion to Christianity than the Tanzanians are today 1,200 years later.
Jones is telling Odero not to worry — if it took the Germanic peoples 1,000 years to become one unified nation, it’s only reasonable for the Africans to take that long too — which means sometime in the next millennia — say 2120. Be patient. And if all Tanzanians would just read Logos Rising before they read the Bible, maybe they won’t have to wait another 1,000 years to figure out how to build a rudimentary water pump.]
Jones continues,
“There is a way of working this ethnic conflict out — and it’s called Catholicism, which is the vehicle of Logos through human history. And the main way people understand Logos is through the Catholic Church.”
[CFT: Despite converting to Christianity, the European peoples continued their ethnic conflicts for the next 1,000 years — war was the rule, not the exception — yet these ethnic conflicts did not stop them from being Christian or developing into an advanced civilization.
And it wasn’t the Benedictine monks who first brought Logos to the Gothic tribes — it was “The Bishop of the Goths” — Ulfilas (311–383AD) — a Goth of Cappadocian Greek descent. Ulfilas developed the Gothic script — and translated the Bible into the Gothic language as part of his missionary work in what today is Romania.
Ulfilas knew that the Goths were descended from the Cappadocian “White Assyrians” as described by Strabo:
“The boundary of the Paphlagonians to the east is the river Halys, which flows from the south between the Syrians and the Paphlagonians; and according to Herodotus,23 (who means Cappadocians, when he is speaking of Syrians,) discharges itself into the Euxine Sea. Even at present they are called Leuco-Syrians, (or White Syrians,) while those without the Taurus are called Syrians. In comparison with the people within the Taurus, the latter have a burnt complexion; but the former, not having it, received the appellation of Leuco- Syrians (or White Syrians).”
–Strabo, Geography, book 12:544, chapter III
If anyone understood the concept of “Logos,” it was surely the Greek-educated Ulfilas — which means that “Logos” reached the Gothic tribes 500 years before the Catholic Benedictines did their missionary work with the Germanic tribes.
And Ulfilas accomplished this historic missionary work without believing in the Trinity — according to Catholics like Jones, Ulfias would have been dismissed as a “Arian” heretic — and the Christianity he professed did not represent genuine “Logos.”
Unlike the Catholics, the Cappadocians, however, are mentioned in 1 Peter 1:1,
“Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia”
They are also mentioned in Acts 2:9,
“Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judaea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia”
So here we have proof of a direct connection between the Goths of Europe and the apostles — something that the Catholic Church itself cannot boast of outside of their own myths. While the Catholics were arguing about the nature of the Trinity in Nicaea for 100 years, the Goths had already received and understood the Gospels — in their own Gothic language.
The European Goths can trace their ancestry back to the Parthians, Cappadocians, Scythians, and Cimmerians — proving that they can be counted among the “lost” ten northern tribes of Israel — read Chapters 7 and 8 on this ethnic connection in Stephen Collins book, The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel….Found.
All of this demonstrates that people don’t receive “Logos” like a communion wafer from a priest — the people themselves must first have a racial connection to the original Genesis 10 nations — the “ethnos” — the “generations of Adam” — and the subsaharan Africans most assuredly are not counted among them.
Don’t take our word for it — the African-Nigerian writer, Solomon Jegede Enaboakpe, doesn’t believe that black Africans are Adamic, as he argues in his book Black Man: Not Descendant of Adam.]
Odero then comments,
“I have a theory that might disappoint you a bit….I think that the Logos is not sufficient….in the Tower of Babel there was conflict then separation. Here there is a thing called the Holy Spirit which we cannot identify with Logos. There is something more to it. That’s what I can’t put my finger on. I know it has to do with the Trinity at the end of the day. Logos is the Son, and there’s also the Spirit, which is Spirit of uniting the Father and the Son…”
Jones dismisses Odero’s concerns,
“You can’t separate one from the other. They are all the same, One in Being….you can’t say the [Holy] Spirit has no Logos….you can’t separate them. That’s where human metaphors start to fail.”
[CFT: This flippant response shows just how Catholic dogma has blinded Jones to reality — the Trinity is, in fact, a “human metaphor” — a complicated attempt to define the ineffable — even the most intellectually gifted theologians have problems understanding all the arguments that gave rise to the Nicaean Creed — see for yourself.
And Jones is wrong — you have to first be able to intellectually understand the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as separate entities because they are separated as such in the Gospels — the Trinity is not explicitly stated as such anywhere in the Gospels — which is why it didn’t appear as a concept until 400 years later.
Yes, the Father, Son, and Holy spirit are mentioned in one verse — Matthew 28:19 — and leaving aside that many believe this verse was later inserted into Matthew’s gospel at the time of the Nicaean Council to justify their metaphor of the Trinity — there is no second witness — no other verse contains all three in the same verse — which in itself should raise eyebrows considering how important the Trinity allegedly is to comprehend “Logos” incarnate.
And, ironically, it was Matthew himself who told his fellow Christians that two or more witnesses were required to settle any disputes about scriptural matters:
“But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that ‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.”
–Matthew 18:16
What is also undeniable is that a Triune god has its roots in Babylon — see chapter two of Alexander Hislop’s The Two Babylons for a detailed explanation of the pagan archetypes for this concept of a triune god.
On a certain level it makes sense that the Catholic Church would incorporate this pagan mythology into its dogma — it could very well have been a way of making the Gospels appealing and familiar to an audience steeped in babylonian paganism — there are many other examples of the Church having done just that — Christmas and Easter festivals are the most obvious ones.]
Odero continues, “Conflict [in Africa] is almost always identified with bloodshed. I don’t know how that and the Holy Spirit come together…“
Jones explains,
“You are raising conflict to a higher level. Exalt and maintain. The conflict can take place at the level of Logos in intellectual discourse.”
[CFT: Where in the entire history of subsaharan Africa have we ever seen a tradition of “intellectual discourse”? It is not in their nature — such discourse requires the ability to think abstractly — and all psychologists agree that the base minimum IQ required to grasp abstract concepts is 100 — and for more advanced abstract concepts — such as the Trinity — requires elite IQ of 120 and above. With a mean IQ in Africa of 65, this kind of abstract discourse is simply beyond their ability.
If a White man had an IQ of the average African, he would not have the ability to live independently in our society — he would have to live his life with his parents or be institutionalized — and any employment beyond janitor or common laborer would be impossible.
When White men first showed up in subsaharan Africa, they noted that the Africans had no knowledge of how to weave their own cloth — and it most certainly was already part of the culture of ancient Sumeria in Mesopotamia — the Fertile Crescent — among the earliest Adamic peoples — yet somehow Africans never figured out how to make cloth from fibrous plants like flax.
Yet Jones claims that the Africans still need to learn how to cultivate their own cotton and make their own cloth — so they can make Catholic school uniforms — before their civilization can move on to bigger and better things.
Watch this video of how the Irish grow flax and make it into world-famous woven linen — a technique that the ancient Gaels brought with them from the ancestral homelands in the Near East:
The only reasonable explanation that black Africans could never figure this out on their own is that they were not part of the Adamic creation — because every tribe descendant from Adam could cultivate flax and make their own cloth.
Odero obviously appears skeptical of Jones’ explanation of Logos and how it applies to the African people. He seems at a loss for words — not able to articulate to Jones how the failure of Logos in Africa can’t merely be reduced to the banal idea that the answer is baptism, the Trinity, and conversion to Catholicism.
Odero’s response is telling:
“I see okay. Fine.”
The fact of the matter is that despite having the largest “Christian” population in the world, Africa has still failed to progress beyond the hunter-gather level of civilization independent of the intervention of the White race.
If the White Man were to completely withdraw from Africa and leave them to their own devices, they would very quickly fall back into the Stone Age — but they cannot organize themselves and exploit the greatest natural resources in the world — so they are destined to be exploited by others.
The communist Chinese, for example, have now moved into Africa to exploit its rich resources — and if the Africans think that the White Man cruelly exploited them, just wait until they see how the Chinese treat them — the Chinese won’t be building hospitals, schools, or teaching them their language as the White Man did so that they can learn the Bible — the Chinese know that’s a waste of time and money.
The Africans quickly embraced post-colonial communism because it promised a fast, easy way of expropriating White wealth and property without having to work for it — but the communist Chinese have no intention of sharing any of their wealth with the Africans — who will get to see the brutal reality of communism without the Jews giving them a slice of the cake, as they did in South Africa.
And if there’s going to be a new “lingua franca” in Africa — judging from the rapid expansion of Chinese power there — it’s going to be Chinese — not English.
Nothing has changed for the Africans since Christians showed up 500 years ago and tried to uplift them — and all the infrastructure they built for them has fallen into ruins.
In the following video, a Chinese man openly mocks an African for how they’ve failed to develop what the White Man gave them:
Chinese: “You were governed by the Europeans for so long. You should have learned how things work.”
African: “It’s wasn’t so long ago. Only 50 years. We celebrated independence just a few weeks ago.”
Chinese: “Up until then you were under colonial rule. Experience should be passed on. Only that way can you develop. You went backwards instead of forwards. Look at your railways. High technology from the 1930s. We didn’t even have it in China back then. Look at the railroads in the mines. The cable lines are messed up. I can’t bear to see that.”
Chinese: “You neglected the things others had left you. What’s more, you completely destroyed them. It will take generations to put things right. ‘If I have money, I drink all night. No matter if I’m broke in the morning, I’ll drink water’ — it’s like that here…”
“With regards to money, we Chinese differ from the Congolese who learned from the Belgians. Money or not, they spend it. No stress. On pay day, they throw it away. I haven’t met any Belgians before, but looking at you guys, I suspect you’re like that. On pay day, the men go crazy. Two days later, they come asking to loan them money. They don’t hold their drink that well. They just like drinking. They stand at the bar drinking a beer. And then start shaking their behinds.”
“It’s wonderful.”
Note how the Chinese man says that even the Chinese didn’t have railways in the 1930s when the African did — yet the Chinese learned how to build them for themselves — and repair the ones that the White Man left in Africa — and they did this without becoming Catholic.
Unlike the White Man, the Chinese bear no racial guilt toward the Africans — they feel no pity for them, nor will they come up with excuses for them as E. Michael Jones does.
Nor do the Chinese feel any obligation to improve the Africans’ way of life — they see Africans unsentimentally for what they are — and they will treat them accordingly.
In many ways, how the Chinese treat them will be better for them than how the sentimental White Man has done it — they will force the Africans to abandon any delusions they have about themselves — that there was some magical “Wakanda” in their past or in their future — which E. Michael Jones has promised them if they would just read his book Logos Rising — and become Catholics — and make their own school uniforms.
radio radio
Must Watch!
Like the article says, the Chinese are not treating Africans who get out of line the way the evil white “colonialists” did…..
radio radio
Chinese museum in Wuhan accused of racism over exhibition of photos pairing Africans with apes….
Wakanda forever
Chinese owned grocery store in Nigeria bans Africans….government shuts it down over racism.
Same thing happens in America. Blacks shoplift and loot grocery stores, then stores close because they are losing money, then Blacks screech racism.
—- Wakanda forever —-
I’m going to side with Nigeria on this one. But I understand your point.
I first doubted the idea that the Chinese could actually own something in Nigeria. I thought Western Nations were the only idiots.
The Report said the grocery store was located within the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Maybe this is something like an “Embassy” …. I don’t know.
No Nation — White, black, yellow or red — should allow a Foreign Entity to actually OWN “property” within their Nation. This should be an Obvious Natural Law.
Our Ancestors only a Century ago would have thought such a thing Treasonous.
Anyway ………………….. Curious if the UN steps in on this one. I doubt it. The Jews shouldn’t care — but it may set some kind of precedent. But, White People are too busy betting on Sports to notice. The Chinese would be smart to just turn Central Africa into glass and start over as a Chinese Colony. They could pull it off. I don’t think International Jewry would put up any protest. All they would have to do is just not report it. The World wouldn’t know anything.
Here’s an example of how blacks adapt Christianity for their own purposes. You’ll never convince me blacks are capable of accepting the faith as it is without putting their own tribal spin on it:
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
These articles get plagiarised by anti-christian Renegade Tribune – it’s high time you Christians said what you feel – set the record straight and see what happens. Renegade Tribune promotes Hitler, but what if they found out he was a Christian?
With this article they are pushing jewish anti christian lies
Christian Celebration of Celibacy and Hatred of Women, implying Christianity hates women: http://www.renegadetribune.com/christian-celebration-of-celibacy-and-hatred-of-women/
One of the comments saying Christianity is a jewish slave religion. Renegade accepts such comments, no correction – they lie about Christianity, probably have limited knowledge, so i assume they prefer paganism Noname
1 day ago
It’s true that Christianity is a jewish slave religion and antinatalist but semen retention is extremely powerful and chasing women is a huge time waste. Let them show interest if they’re interested
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
with renegade tribunes anti christian attitude i wonder who funds them , do they write many of the articles themselves or just rip off other peoples articles , i decided to look up their articles on christianity my what slander and lies , here are some examples of articles
How Paul Hijacked Christianity and Tricked Gentiles Into Becoming Christians , they call the apostle paul a rabbi http://www.renegadetribune.com/how-paul-hijacked-christianity-and-tricked-gentiles-into-becoming-christians/
Eastern Orthodox Archbishop Says Christianity Came from Judaism http://www.renegadetribune.com/eastern-orthodox-archbishop-says-christianity-came-from-judaism/
more slader of christianity calling bible a load of crap Solar Storm: Charles Giuliani – Controlled Opposition Christianity (7-28-22) http://www.renegadetribune.com/solar-storm-charles-giuliani-controlled-opposition-christianity-7-28-22/
renegade tribune calling christianity gay and a subversive religion Solar Storm: Christianity Is Gay (7-5-22)
renegade tribune linking christianity to communism , communism has killed millions of christians http://www.renegadetribune.com/christianity-and-communism-jewish-twins-with-one-purpose/
The Third Reich Opposed Christianity’s “Mortification of the Flesh” , hitler was a christian http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-third-reich-opposed-christianitys-mortification-of-the-flesh/
if you defend christianity this is their response
Reply to
1 year ago
Yes, I know you oppose this article, because you’re a Christian apologist.
The purpose of this article is to point out how the “White shariah bros” and trad cats who want to put women in burkas or Handmaid outfits are definitely not NS. jews create a problem, get a reaction going, and then implement their solution. Let’s see how some orthodox treat their own women when they have complete control.
what the editor thinks of christians
Reply to
1 year ago
Why are you even here? There are 6 million other sites for Christards. We aren’t going over there trying to convert them. Yet here you are…
Reply to
1 year ago
It’s so weird how I’m “triggered” by your constant christian hasbara when christianisty is responsible for enslaving my loved ones. I’m so emotional! Please tell me what you have done that makes you such a good leader? Where is all of the work that you’ve done to help White people?
even when people show the truth to these people in renegade tribune they double down on their slander and insults calling christians christards
—– Paul Michael O’Donohoe —–
Where are you??? You’ve been MIA since November 2023. Hope — to be with our Father. 🙂
Piarist Calasanz
I’ve never believed that the Trinity helps us in anyway have a closer relationship with Christ. In fact, it does the opposite, by putting a priest to interpret the Trinity between us and Christ. In all my years, I’ve never heard a Christian say that if it weren’t for the Trinity, they wouldn’t be able to understand the Gospels.
If anything, the Trinity served to consolidate Catholic’s monopoly on Christian doctrine, and all that it accomplished was creating yet another excuse to label those that didn’t follow the party line as “heretics”.
Piarist Calasanz
What does Catholicism have in common with Judaism? A lot:
-Catholics bless bread and wine as a sacrament – Jews bless bread and wine as a sacrament
-Catholicism relies on scripture, tradition, and reason – Judaism relies on scripture, tradition, and reason
-Catholicism teaches “faith through works” – Judaism teaches “faith through works”
-Catholicism reveres prophets and saints – Judaism reveres rabbis and prophets
-Catholicism stresses that Scripture, ultimately, is interpreted by the priesthood – likewise Judaism stresses that Torah is interpreted by rabbinical authorities
-Catholicism stresses the baptism (cleanliness, sign of covenant) of infants – Judaism stresses the circumcision of infants (cleanliness, sign of covenant)
-Catholicism prays for the dead – Judaism prays for the dead (yizkor)
-Catholicism and Judaism places importance in reciting prayers
-Catholicism has purgatory – Judaism has gehenna of purification
Thank you for the comparison. The Orthodox do the same.
Let’s not forget the genocide against Protestants that the Catholic Church engaged in, literally systematically murdering “heretics” who refused to go along with the false idea that the Catholics had a monopoly on the Christian faith — or a monopoly on “Logos”:
” A million Waldenses and Albigenses [Swiss and French Protestants] perished during a crusade proclaimed by Pope Innocent III in 1208″ – Beginning from the establishment of the Jesuits in 1540 to 1580, nine hundred thousand were destroyed. One hundred and fifty thousand perished by the Inquisition in thirty years. Within the space of thirty-eight years after the edict of Charles V against the Protestants, fifty thousand persons were hanged, beheaded, or burned alive for heresy. Eighteen thousand more perished during the administration of the Duke of Alva in five and a half years.”
–“Brief Bible Readings”, p. 16.
is that to say that the (((Jesuits))) holocausted 900,000 Christians in 40 years?
Armed Patriot
Jones is a disinfo hack . All you need to do is judge them by their fruits boys n’ girls .
The Bible mentions nothing of Religion , in fact it talks NEGATIVELY of organised Religion ! Catholicism has morphed into Judaism lite for the masses !
You are correct – he is just another Shill, guilty of Immeasurable Treason against the West.
A Full Dossier on him here:
Charles Perdue
If Catholicism denies that the white race exists, then Catholicism is the enemy of the white race.
Can you give some proof that Catholicism denies the white race exist?
Charles Perdue
Ga, didn’t you even read the article? That was the whole point, right? E. Michael Jones, a staunch, “conservative” and “traditional” Catholic, denies that “white people” exist.
The Catholic Church claimed that race was not a consideration in conversion, meaning that once you become a baptized Catholic, you are no longer “white”.
Nor were you ever “white”. Jones claims that “white” identity is a “category of the mind”. But being Irish is not a “category of the mind”.
In ancient times……..*man* relied on religion alone, and nations fought other nations on the basis of which god they served………………..nothing to do with skin colour.
Could this be where EMJ is coming from?
Charles …………
I’m not sure they would word it that way. The Catholic Church and the Protestant churches believe that all the races are from Adam and Eve. So, the White race is unimportant as we are all “one blood” according to their twisted ideology.
They are most certainly, as well as all the judeo-evangelical bricks and mortars of the world —- an enemy to White People.
The Great Falling Away is over in my opinion. Only Luke 18:8 is left to be fulfilled.
Not to sound black pilled — but if anyone has a different opinion — I’m all ears.
This must be how Noah felt as he was building the Ark. White peoples carrying on as if nothing has changed since the 50’s.
A. Clifton
West –
Have you ever heard of Michael Tellinger …?
and or Zechariah Sitchin…?
I am curious as to how …” Christians” …respond to the “megalithic” crowd.
as with the Bible,
there are significant portions of…. “THE RECORD” concealed/outstanding…
not … “reported” on.
Zechariah Sitchin is/was a Jew. That’s all you need to know. Trash bin. Rabbit hole. Tellinger is a disciple of Sitchin. Same rabbit hole.
A. Clifton
Does that make the evidence disappear.
Stone structures, Pyramids…..,LARGE stone structures….long
before there were any {{{{{PROSELYTES}}}}} to Talmudic Judaism….
from the land of Gog & Magog
and you are not “West”.
Zecharia Sitchin DEBUNKED
Zecharia Sitchin – Freemason & Fraud!
Zecharia Sitchin and the Mistranslation of Sumerian Texts
A Clifton …..
I have desired to have a conversation with you since I read your first comment here months ago.
But you wouldn’t just “talk” to me. Everything was coded and vague.
But now you want to talk?
What is it that you would like me to know?
I’m all ears. What would you like to say? The floor is yours.
There are at least 10 African countries that have a mean IQ lower than 60, some as low as 45. No hope. No hope for those countries with 80 IQs, so where does that leave the countries with 60?
Look at the average black ghetto in America, with a mean IQ of 80. That would be among the most prosperous of African countries.
Let that sink in.
Oh we get it.
Please, bombard bricks and mortar forums/blogs and comment sections. They need to hear it.
This applies to EMJ…
“As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.”
Listen to Galatians 1 https://www.biblegateway.com/audio/mclean/niv/Gal.1
Piarist Calasanz
Unfortunately you will never convince a committed Catholic (or a judeo-evangelical) that they believe in “another gospel” that Paul warned about. They’ve twisted it so that everyone who is not Catholic believes in “another gospel”.
Why is this so? I have never met a Catholic who reads their Bible regularly, let alone studies with a critical eye. Studying scripture has never been part of the Catholic “tradition”.
Instead they put their trust in an unmarried, childless priest class that Paul said is not suitable to lead congregations. No priest fills this requirements:
1 Timothy 3:1-13 tells us the qualifications for leadership of a congregation:
The majority of most Judeo-Christian churches don’t even encourage their congregates to read or study the Bible; the majority of the services are used to promote the falsehood of God’s chosen Jews, and the hippie Jesus loves every one, good time Charley falsehood.
Lerch ………..
Very true. Just look at the popularity right now of this Series — the Chosen.
And Hollyweird just put out a movie about the “Jesus People Movement” from the 70’s. Ironically, that was my church growing up — Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. Thankfully I was not even a teen-ager yet so it didn’t do too much damage on me.
What you say is very true. They have literally taken ONE verse and made it their gospel — Ephesians 2:8. They interpret EVERYTHING based on that one verse. It is impossible to reason with them with Scripture. It is quite astonishing the great lengths (gas lighting) they go to when they interpret the rest of the Bible. Makes your head spin.
COVID Christians at Cavalry Chapel, Costa Mesa….no wonder they fall for judeo-Christian mumbo jumbo….
West, I agree. Their knee jerk reactions are:
“you’re a racist”, you’re anti-Semite”. I think at some point they will hopefully, stumble across a site such as CFT and wake up to and realize the lies, distortions they have been taught via the Judeo-Christian churches.
This is how I became aware of the Identity message. I clicked on a link for CFT:
I have never looked back since. That was three years ago. This a lot to learn and unravel the brainwashing I received from the Judeo-Christian crowd. My question to you; are there any other Identity sites you would recommend. I am looking at Willie Martin.
As with CFT, I take my Bible app and follow along. Actually my moniker is America Europe are Israel. I keep back to a family nickname. Actually my real name is Bruce which I use going forward.
I’m not sure I would say that The Chosen is preaching “Hippie Jesus”
It does, however, make the mistake of being woke and trying to market Christianity to “diverse” crowds. Humorously, the actor playing the lead disciple is the whitest one of the bunch.
Bruce ……………………
“…..hopefully, stumble across a site such as CFT and wake up to and realize the lies, distortions they have been taught via the Judeo-Christian churches…..”
Agreed. This is our prayer and hope.
I try to plant seeds on judeo-christian pages on FB and YouTube but so far it’s literally throwing Pearls before Swine. They just get very angry and allow their emotions to dictate their mind and soul.
It is interesting that they get incredibly irate when you suggest that they (White Peoples) are the Israelites of the Scriptures; but then are joyful about modern jewry being Israelites. It’s weird.
But …………. you never know. We plant — God does the rest.
Willie Martin — I am familiar with him. He does teach Serpent Seedline. So, I just lost interest at that point. But I would be willing to read anything that you recommend. He has put out a lot of articles. He has much to say, clearly. Just not sure how much of it has Soteriological value.
Thanks for the dialogue.
Excellent, CFT.
As I read, like you, I was adding in or lol at the immense false doctrine of EMJ. But one thing I discerned was the fact that EMJ as the tool in the communist fist is trying to get ready the African for the ‘Universal Church’ of the Anti Christ Vatican II. Namely how to become their slaves. This church well encompasses New Age and a host of false light religions. It’s all over the Babylonian Internet and for me grievously sickening.
Blacks here in the US when claiming to be filled with The Holy Spirit are actually filled with a ‘familiar spirit’ so the need to have discernment is vital. Most Catholic churches here have a majority black attendance so here is the understanding of “…the blind leading the blind and they both fall into a pit.”. Their so called spirit filled churches need to lock their doors before commencing. There are very few walking in the Truth, and now many white congregations are no better because of the lack of conviction of sin.
It must be asserted that it is the power of the Holy Spirit and The Word that places the Mark of God on us just as the Blood of the Lamb is placed on the door lentil so judgement passes over us. That Mark can’t be faked but it can be copied by the evil one and cause deception universal. That’s why we MUST ‘press on to the higher call in Christ Jesus’ and obey His commands being lead by the Spirit of God.
On a personal note and witness:
In my early walk after being in a evangelical church and helping a black woman who was attending, I would give her a lift as she didn’t have a car. One day I called her (as she was living at the YWCA) and found out that she was going to walk to a church in the rough part of town. I offered to take her because I was afraid for her life (about a 45 min drive one way). Got to the church and when the ‘show’ started I watched a man lock every door entrance. THAT scared me and I started to pray and repent for going. As the show commenced the pastor started to go up and down the aisle laying on his hands to people. As I had sat myself in an isle seat he came to me WITHOUT my permission and pressed his Black hands down on top of my head telling demons to get out. I was angry.
Long story short…the next time I talked to the woman I gave a ride to that church, she told me that not only did the church CLOSE but also the pastor died. That happened within a week. Even though I thought the woman was filled with the Holy Spirit…she wasn’t. She then moved away and one year later I left the evang. Church as it was pandering a mission in the ghetto part of that town and bringing them by bus.
God spared me in my young ignorance being filled with the Holy Spirit and came against His Enemy. After learning what you have revealed here about Adamic lineage I can confirm it by what I just shared. Thank you ❤️.
PS…Russia is also taking over in Africa, but EMJ isn’t going to mention that. They are using the Wagner Group mercenaries allied with the sell-out black leaders to quell any uprisings. All for the edomic (not Adamic) Jews. EMJ is a sell out and hopefully the pit he will soon find.
– Orthodox ☦️
Unfortunately, CFT lumped every African nation or ethic group together. By colonialists admission there were some ethnic indigenous groups that showed promises of being able to launch on. The colonial masters insistence on forcing very eternally different nations with different history into countries they created stiffled growth.
I’m an African, your write up condemned penchant of excuses we make for our failures. The complete truth has to be told. As at the time preceding independence, western Nigeria GDP surpasses that of Scotland. International dark forces that didn’t want Christians to lead made sure independent Nigeria passed to the Moslem North.
Welly, you compare Nigeria to Scotland? Nigeria’s population is 250,000,000 while Scotland’s is only 5 million. Nigeria has 50 times as large a population, much closer to the population of the USA.
A more important statistic is GDP per capita, not just GDP. Per capita, Nigeria’s GDP is only $2,300 while Scotland’s per capita GDP is $50,000! 20 times larger!
And Nigeria’s biggest export by far is oil, 90%, which is not a manufactured product. Scotland has no oil or raw material as such to export.
Nigeria is now making a deal with China to open banks there. Why don’t the Nigerians do it themselves?
Exporting raw materials is not the only basis for an advanced civilization. The oil companies and your bought off leaders get rich while the average Nigerian is incredibly poor. Nigeria has no real middle class.
The largest city in Nigeria is Lagos, one of the poorest cities in the world. The slums are among the worst in Africa.
Here’s the real Lagos, children swimming in raw sewage:
Northern Nigeria
“…..I’m an African…..”
Sadly, we live in a time where such a statement can be very confusing.
Like a black carrying a driver’s license from Ireland.
Perhaps you would like to describe your racial or ethnic background?
Relevant article — http://www.renegadetribune.com/controversy-ensues-after-white-south-african-claims-to-be-the-ufcs-real-african-fighter/
The Scottish basically invented everything………….literally everything ……check it out!!
When did a Nigerian invent ANYTHING?
WOW. Another amazing article.
Thanks so much CFT, for the history included here and the analysis! If I could post a meme it would be E. Michael Jones’ body with Barbara Lerner Spectre’s head and a rabbi’s lice-infested beard photo-shopped on top of him. Thanks.
Interesting connection between the Goths and the original apostles…I never knew that. Just more proof of the truth of the Identity message.
Too bad all Christians are taught that none of this matters or is relevant to the faith.