Christian evangelicals have begun airing a new Hebrew-television channel in Israel in hopes of converting Jews to Christianity in anticipation of The Rapture™, a Disney-like fantasy where certain lucky believers get levitated up into heaven as a reward for their unconditional support of Jews and the state of Israel:
GOD TV has signed a seven-year contract with Israeli cable-television company HOT, giving it the ability to preach gospel to more than 700,000 Israeli households, causing an uproar in Israel, with many calling for the terms of the deal to be investigated and for the channel to be taken off the air.
While this is not the first attempt or even the first Christian evangelical station that is broadcast on cable TV in Israel—Daystar and Middle East TV both broadcast in Israel—it represents the first missionizing program in Hebrew on cable TV. The Cable and Satellite Broadcasting Council said it was conducting an investigation to determine whether “Shelanu” had violated the terms of its license, which prohibits any programming that wields “undue influence” on viewers. This would include proselytizing.
Avi Bell, a member of the Faculty of Law at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan and the University of San Diego School of Law, as well as a senior fellow at the Kohelet Policy Forum, told JNS that while it is legal to missionize in Israel, “it is not legal to offer material benefits in order to induce someone to convert.”
…So while it’s legal to missionize in Israel (though not to minors), it is possible that GOD TV is violating the terms of its broadcasting license.
Communications Minister Dudi Amsalem was approached about this issue and he said he would “not allow any missionary channel to operate in the State of Israel at any time and in any situation.”
…In a video message announcing the launch on his organization’s website, GOD TV CEO Ward Simpson said, “GOD TV has been given government permission to broadcast the gospel of Jesus Christ—Yeshua the Messiah—in Israel on cable TV in the Hebrew language. Never before, as far as we know in the history of the world, has this ever been done.”
One of the main beliefs of Christian thought for centuries has been the concept of “Replacement Theology” or “Supersessionism,” which says that God’s blessing to Abraham was transferred from the Jews to the Christians. Adherents of replacement theology believe that the Jews are no longer God’s chosen people, and that God has now chosen the church.
The other belief held by Christians is that the Jews are responsible for the death of Jesus. It is this belief that tragically led to so many pogroms and Jewish deaths over the centuries…
“The Jewish historical experience for centuries has been rivers of blood after Christians attacked Jewish communities,” he pointed out. “Anyone with Jewish historical awareness will take umbrage at this attempt to preach to Israelis.”
Israelis tolerate evangelical “Christians” for two selfish reasons: they are a cash cow that pours billions — yes, billions — of dollars into Israel, and they blindly and zealously support the state of Israel through powerful Zionist lobbies, like AIPAC and CUFI.
But behind their backs, these same evangelicals are despised — Bibi Netanyahu has been quoted as stating, “My opinion of Christian Zionists? They’re scum, but don’t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now.”
And evangelicals are wasting their time trying to convert the Jews in Israel or anywhere in the “diaspora” — they are not the Israelites in the Bible — but rather imposters who have taken on that identity so that Christians give them a free pass as “God’s chosen” not matter how egregious their behavior.
They are the false accusers whom evangelicals have been duped into loving as if they were true Israel.
This deception is the foundation of Jewish power in the world today.
These unwitting Christians are literally worshiping Satan and financing the rebuilding of his Baal Temple in Jerusalem.
The Rapture will not be televised.
GOD TV, I am assume is American has signed a seven-year contract with Israeli cable-television company HOT, giving it the ability to preach gospel to more than 700,000 Israeli households, many calling for the terms of the deal to be investigated and for the channel to be taken off the air. So why are the Israeli’s opposed to a channel of their friends and defenders? What would happen if people opposed Hollywood entertainment?
Israeli Jews want evangelical money and political support but don’t want to hear their Christian message. Jews always sit on the political fence, benefiting from both sides.
My sentiments exactly @Yepper the truth is out there for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Europeans knew that, but their brethren in America are ignorant of history and play the morally corrupt savior games at the expense of the union. All things considered they will be ready to wage war against their own people on behalf of these supremacist…..
Israel has a long history of actions against its Christian minority. The Israelis are already threatening to shut this channel down. But they will continue to accept the estimated 210 million dollars per year from the dupes.
Praise the Lord
“These unwitting Christians are literally worshiping Satan and financing the rebuilding of his Baal Temple in Jerusalem.”
Spot on.
Satan owns this world, through money, governments and world powers:
“And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: FOR THAT IS DELIVERED UNTO ME; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.” Luke 4:5-7
Jewish power is Satan’s government on earth. Nothing has changed.
That’s why they’re the synagogue of satan.
We need to be strong in the faith and win the good fight.
“And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:7-8
Fake Christians worshipping fake jews, who’s holy books speak awful blasphemies about Jesus Christ (I don’t want to repeat those horrible things). These self professed Christians haven’t even read nor understood the bible which clearly says that they that are in Christ ARE Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise (Gal 3:29).
I wonder if these same Christians would have the same views of jews after they discover Israel did 911, 7/7, JFK, WW2, lying about a “holocaust”, etc. Satan INDEED has infiltrated the church today and hides within jewry.
Just look at the surrender speech of General Cornwallis to Washington few hundred years back, who knew MORE about our day than these very Christians living in it themselves. He said:
“A holy war will now begin in America… Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.”
Boy was that guy right! And this was over 200 years ago. The jews have successfully gained control over our nation and seek to destroy it…and the “all seeing eye of freemasonry” (AKA Lucifer) lives in the hearts of the jews who devote themselves in service to him, whether he realizes it or not.
And his name is Jesus Christ, not the judaized version of “Yeshua” or whatever. These jews have successfully deceived “Christians” into using another name for the Lord. They don’t even speak hebrew, yet these IDIOTS believe they are doing God a service by using a Hebrew name instead of the name of their Lord in their own native tongue. It is Jesus, not Yeshua. I wouldn’t be surprised if EVERYONE who uses “Yeshua” instead of “Jesus” will be cast into hell. REJECT YESHUA. That name isn’t even in our bible. It is Jesus we believe in.
The name “Yeshu” or “Yeshua” was originally found in The Babylonian Talmud, NOT the Bible. “Yeshu” is actually an acronym for the formula (ימח שמו וזכרו(נו (Y’mach Sh’mo V’Zichro(no)), meaning “may his name and memory be obliterated”.
Christians who use “Yeshua” or its variants thinking that it is the most “correct” and “authentic” way of pronouncing His name are unwittingly repeating a Jewish curse on Jesus Christ.
Yes sir! You are right. That’s why I have a big problem with that name and the damage it has done to the name of our Lord to the ears of willing listeners of God’s word. And perhaps Cornwallis was more right than he realised when he said “your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion…”
I’ve looked into that alleged quote by Cornwallis and cannot confirm its authenticity. Allegedly it came from a book by Jonathan Williams, “Legions Of Satan” from 1781, but I cannot locate any copies of it, including in libraries or booksellers. No reprints. No copies in the Library of Congress, which is a huge red flag. This quote is probably a well-intentioned hoax.
Cornwallis did not attend the surrender at Yorktown and likely never met Washington in person. Cornwallis’ second in command General O’hara offered the surrender.
Besides, the UK and Anglican church has been quite Jew friendly itself.
Praise the Lord
In my opinion, the correct name, given by the Lord, is Immanuel.
Immanu(with us) – El(God).
“Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14
What are your thoughts about it?
Jesus Christ is known by many names in the Bible, which many people have falsely used to suggest that Christianity is a polytheistic faith. There is no one “perfect” name for Christ–he knows who His Sheep are regardless of what name they call him. For those who are not His Sheep, regardless of what name you call Him, He won’t hear you.
Yes, Christ is called “the Son of Man”, “the Son of God”, “the Anointed”, “Jesus Christ”, “Emmanuel”, “Lord”, “Lamb of God”, the list is long…over 50 different names…..the name you prefer probably says more about you than it does about Christ….
His name written in the original Greek NT is “Iesous”, which became “Jesus” in English (all Biblical and Latin names with ‘J’ should actually be ‘I’). However it’s likely his name was said in Hebrew/Aramaic as Yeshua or Yahshua or Yeshoua, but it can’t be confirmed because the NT was not written in either of these tongues.
Personally I think ‘Iesous Christos’ is His most authentic name.
Yes. Basically the ‘proper’ transliteration from Greek to English is Jesus Christ and the ‘proper’ transliteration from Hebrew/Aramaic to English is Yahshua Christ. It is Yahshua (or Yahushua) and not Yeshua – in addition to what was mentioned previously – because it literally means Yahweh’s salvation or Yahweh is salvation.
John 3
Right, but I find that Christians that insist on using the “ultra correct” Yahshua do so thinking that it somehow pleases God more, or that Jesus is more likely to listen to their prayers if they are addressed to His “real” name. All of this is jewish kabbalah–they were the ones who convinced naive Christians that if they used God’s secret “correct” name, his perfect incantation–the Tetragrammaton–that God would fulfill their desires and prayers. It’s silly. If you are a real White Christian, God knows you’re addressing Him even if you say, “Hey, You up there!”
Yeah….”If I can just get the right Sabbath Day correct, and the right feast days correct, and my diet correct, God will love me more and show favor on me,” said the Christian who acts like a Jew.
It’s doubtful anyone spoke Hebrew at the time of Christ’s ministry–it hadn’t been a spoken language for many generations at that point. Some scholars may have been able to read it, but it was arcane, not widely known.
And the New Testament wasn’t translated into Aramaic until almost a 1,000 years later. No evidence that the disciples spoke or wrote the NT in Aramaic.
What He was commonly known as in Judea can be deduced from what the Roman/Judean historian Josephus called Him at that time, which is “Iesous”. Jesus.
Aramaic was lingua franca of Galilee at the time of Christ. Yahshua would have been a name commonly used by those close to him. I believe he would have been addressed as ‘Yahshua’ by the Judaeans, and ‘Jesus’ by the Greeks.
USS Liberty.
I second this opinion without a reasonable doubt…..”Fake Christians worshipping fake jews” both hide behind religion to justify their wicked ways.
Prior to the PLANdemic, I had a righteous hatred for Judeo-c.hristians. The Rapture Ready Cult.
But now…………………I am kind of their biggest cheerleader!!! The more duped c.hristians refuse what they perceive to be the “mark of the beast”………………. the Jew World Order will be slowed to “force” such a restricting tool on me.
Since they won’t listen anyway………..I may as well pray for their success. 🙂
The JWO will have to either throw in a REAL pandemic; or conceal their tracking ID with much, much more subtlety.
I’ve talked to non-christians, and they would never submit to some vaccine with an ID attached to it.
All of this may very well be the classic Magician’s trick — what are ((( they ))) doing that we cannot see???
the RF chip is probably in the swab they want to ram up your nose (into the cavity behind your forehead!)
and not the actual vaccine.
ask yourself why they want to ram a stick up your nose when saliva contains everything including your dna!
and why victims say it burns for hours!!