(Forward) If we are to believe the recent TikTok testimony of Miriam Ezagui’s grandmother — a “Holocaust survivor” — the “Nazis” put some sort of ‘drug’ into the soup at the women’s camp at Auschwitz which caused a large percentage of them to become infertile:
In a TikTok video that went viral this summer, a young woman asks her 93-year-old grandmother whether she got her menstrual period during the time she was in Auschwitz. “No,” says the grandmother, the telltale tattooed number visible on her arm, “because they put some kind of drug in the food we ate that made the period go away.”
The video by Miriam Ezagui, a registered nurse, has garnered more than 3 million likes and thousands of incredulous comments. “I would have thought it was due to malnourishment,” wrote one user, jenwimpfheimer. “There is no evidence of such a thing,” said another user. “Hunger deprived menstruation.” A third said the Museum of Auschwitz had denied these claims. “She is lying,” claimed a fourth.
Peggy J. Kleinplatz, a professor of medicine at the University of Ottawa, stumbled upon the video while finishing up years of research into the fertility problems faced by Holocaust survivors that was published in the September issue of the academic journal Social Science & Medicine. Ezagui’s grandmother, Lilly Malnik, told a story that echoed those of many of the survivors Kleinplatz had interviewed: that the Nazis had put some chemical into their rations that caused amenorrhea, the scientific term for loss of periods.
Many female survivors had told Kleinplatz the rations smelled and tasted repulsive. In 93 interviews with survivors or their children, Kleinplatz found that 20 were unable to have children after the war, and others reported multiple miscarriages and stillbirths or babies born prematurely; overall, they had a live birth rate of 1.46, compared to 2.6 to 2.9 among American Jews in the 1950s.
“The Nuremberg trial records showed that Nazis wanted to sterilize as many ‘Jewesses’ as possible without their knowledge,” Kleinplatz said in her article. “Something was happening to Jewish women during the Holocaust that was distinctive,” she added, “and nobody’s ever studied its long-term impact.”
The conventional understanding has long been that women stopped menstruating while at concentration camps due to trauma or malnutrition. Kleinplatz began to question this because literature about other atrocities described female victims suffering from amenorrhea after 12 to 18 months, while the Holocaust survivors she interviewed said it happened within 48 hours of arrival at the camps. Her paper cites a 2007 academic study of 580 Hungarian female survivors that said more than 80% experienced “cessation of menses immediately after internment.”
Marion Kaplan, a historian at New York University who studies the Holocaust, cautioned that Keinplatz’s sample size is small, but said the research is “still worth a serious discussion and wider dissemination….This is the beginning of important, neglected research,” Kaplan said.
Kleinplatz, a clinical psychologist who has written several books on sex, sexuality and sex therapy, began looking into the Holocaust’s impact on women’s fertility more than five years ago. She wrote brief articles in Senior Times, Lilith and other publications, asking to speak to female survivors about menstruation. More than 100 responded, most of them nonagenarians.
“It never occurred to me that I was going to get phone calls from survivors not only at the six major death camps, but also the slave labor camps,” she said. “This was much more widespread than I could ever have imagined.”
Malnik told Kleinplatz that she was about 15 years old and worked in the kitchen at Auschwitz, where she was instructed to mix “very light pink chemicals” with the texture of wet kosher salt into rutabaga “soup” as armed guards looked on. T
he soup-and-chemical mixture was served only to female prisoners so “they don’t get their periods,” Malnik said in the Kleinplatz paper.
Others also told Kleinplatz they’d been served “foul-smelling” soup and believed an additive in their food had caused them to stop menstruating.
One in 10 of those she interviewed said they were given injections or pills that they believe caused fertility problems.
Kleinplatz’s hypothesis is that the additive contained synthetic sex hormones, including synthetic estrogen and progestin, because she has found evidence that the Nazis were continuously producing large quantities of these hormones between 1943 and 1945.
The hormones were supposedly being used to treat German women’s infertility, Kleinplatz’s research shows, but synthetic estrogen and progesterone can also be used to prevent pregnancy. And Kleinplatz said the amount of sex hormones produced seems much greater than would have been needed for infertility treatments.
Kleinplatz said she thinks this has not come to light earlier because many researchers were wary of delving too deeply into intimate topics like menstruation. One such researcher, Zelda Abramson, a sociologist and author who has interviewed more than 60 survivors, said in an interview, “I’m guilty as she charges for sure….”
Of 93 women included in Kleinplatz’s study, all but three struggled to have children; two of the three said they had detected chemicals in their rations and avoided consuming them because of it, and the third was not in a concentration camp.
One Auschwitz survivor, who is now 96, said she and her sister had both sought medical attention after the war, but were still only able to have one child each. “We wanted more,” she told Kleinplatz, according to the academic paper. “We tried. Why didn’t anybody ask me about this before? I wish they had,” she said….
Jews never let facts get in the way of a good story about just how “evil” the “Nazis” were — and since they know they will never be seriously challenged — no matter how outlandish their claims — they really have nothing to lose by exaggerating or outright lying — as pointed out by Jewish professor Norman Finkelstein.
First off, notice in the TikTok video, before the grandmother answers the question, she looks hard to our left — many studies show that people who look in this direction while answering a question generally are lying.
That said, this story — and “study” — are full of obvious contradictions — for example, two-thirds of the women claimed they “detected chemicals” in their food and avoided eating it.
If they didn’t eat the food with “chemicals” in it, how did the chemicals cause their “infertility”?
And if the “Nazis” wanted to secretly put chemicals in the food, why would they use a chemical that caused the food to smell and taste so bad that the women wouldn’t eat it?
And if the “Nazis” wanted to secretly put chemicals in the food, why would they draw attention to the fact by having “armed guards” hovering over the cooks to make sure they put the chemicals in the food?
How would 80% of women interviewed know that their menstrual cycle had ceased “within 48 hours” of entering Auschwitz? Only menstruating women could possibly know this — were all of them menstruating?
And here’s the real kicker — according to the testimony of Stanislawa Leszczyńska, a Polish Catholic midwife who worked at Auschwitz for only two years — she oversaw the delivery of over 3,000 live births. 3,000!
If the “Nazis” were making the women at Auschwitz infertile through drugging their food, how is it possible that 3,000 women gave birth?
And if births were so rare at Auschwitz, why was their a maternity ward and daycare center — to help mothers care for their children while they worked in the factories during the day?
Jews have long claimed that if a woman got pregnant, it was a virtual “death sentence” — one Jewish doctor claimed she aborted many Jewish babies at Auschwitz so that the mothers wouldn’t be sent to the Gas Chambers™.
While at the same time, Eva Clark — the world’s youngest Holocaust survivor — claims her mother gave birth to her right before she was about the enter the Gas Chamber™ — and both “miraculously” survived.
Of course, the “Nazis” made a huge mistake by allowing the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to have free access to the camps in order to monitor the health and welfare of the inmates — and they kept meticulous records of all births and deaths — and according to their records, there were a lot of live births.
“Believe all survivors!”
“Never Forget What Never Happened!”
“Abba Kovner (1918–1987) was a Jewish terrorist leader, mass murderer, poet and writer. Kovner was born in the Crimean Black Sea port city of Sevastopol but soon moved with his family to Vilnius, Lithuania where he joined and became an active member in the Marxist–Zionist youth movement Hashomer Hatzair. [Bernie Sander’s old “youth scout” group.]
He went to Palestine for a short time in 1945 were Hashomer Hatzair headquarters issued him orders. Kovner then returned to Europe to found Nakam a Jewish terrorist organization whose ideological intention was to murder a mythical number of German civilians in ‘retribution’ The Jewish plan to murder six million Europeansfor the Jewish historical construct. This mass genocide was never realized as Kovner was exposed smuggling enough concentrated toxin to poison four large European cities. Kovner was detained and deported from Europe back to Jewish terrorist Israel. Nakam then attempted a mass assassination on April 14, 1946 at the Langwasser internment camp near Nuremberg. Bread for 12,000 to 15,000 German POWs was painted with arsenic. ”
https://antizionistleague.com/?s=kovner [Link is BBJ – Burned By Jewry]
“Abba Kovner”
“Joe Biden & Democrats Are in Reality, Antifa?” [August 31, 2020]
“Thanks to a major exposé of the enterprising San Francisco News, comes stunning information that the antifa.com website—takes you directly to the homepage of joebiden.com.”
Captured German Documents
At the end of the Second World War, the Allies confiscated a tremendous quantity of German documents dealing with Germany’s wartime Jewish policy, which was sometimes officially referred to as the “final solution.” But not a single German document has ever been found which even refers to an extermination program. To the contrary, the documents clearly show that the German “final solution” policy was one of emigration and deportation, not extermination. Consider, for example, the confidential German Foreign Office memorandum of August 21, 1942 (Nuremberg document NG-2586-J. NMT green series, Vol. 13, pp. 243-249).
“The present war gives Germany the opportunity and also the duty of solving the Jewish problem in Europe,” the memorandum notes. The policy “to promote the evacuation of the Jews (from Europe) in closest cooperation with the agencies of the Reichsfuhrer SS Himmler] is still in force.”
The memo noted that “the number of Jews deported in this way to the East did not suffice to cover the labor needs.” The document quotes German Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop as saying that “at the end of this war, all Jews would have to leave Europe. This was an unalterable decision of the Fuhrer [Hitler] and also the only way to master this problem, as only a global and comprehensive solution could be applied and individual measures would not help very much.”
The memorandum concludes by stating that the “deportations [of Jews to the East] are a further step on the way to the total solution . . . The deportation to the [Polish] General Government is a temporary measure. The Jews will be moved on further to the occupied [Soviet] eastern territories as soon as the technical conditions for it are given.” This unambiguous document, and others like it, are routinely suppressed or ignored by those who uphold the Holocaust extermination story.
Steven Fowler
So many questions to ask about what happened all those years and yet the masses just go along with the narrative instead of asking questions and belittle anyone who does have the bottle to ask those questions.
Review of “Unmasking Anne Frank, Her Famous diary Exposed as a Literary Fraud” by Ikuo Suzuki
In the words of main author Suzuki: “All other textual information, even the testimonies of friends and relations, is too biased and too fraudulent to be believed.” As he carefully demonstrates, there is so little truth to the diary itself that one can hardly accept any of it as valid.
America/Europe are Israel
Hey waiter! There’s a Jew, I mean a fly in my soup.
Robert Miles
We must never allow the holocaust to go from a memory in the minds of some confused, vengeful Jews into actual agreed upon history.
That’s what the revisionist battle is all about.
Will the holocaust become accepted history?
So far, the answer is no, thanks to the tireless work of many revisionists.
But also thanks to the Jews themselves who make up such absurd stories that each day another “denier” is created.
If we cannot control our past, we cannot control our future.
If we allowing the weapon of the holocaust to stand unchallenged, the Jews will use it to destroy us.
I noticed today there are astonishingly few articles about the Chinese Jews, Persian Jews, Japanese Jews, or the issue of Islam in general on this website. There’s only a few articles, and they’re from 2021 & 2018.
These are major issues influencing the entire world, the Chinese Jews have been in the country for centuries; Saddam Hussein’s leading influence was a book his uncle wrote called “Three Whom God Should Not Have Made: Persians, Jews & Flies” (can’t find a copy of it anywhere); the Japanese Jews have helped the Communists come up with the “Nanking Massacre” hoax*** to castrate the Japanese Nation & Ethnicity; and Korean Jews are doing a lot of the dirtywork to spread Communism & support for China throughout all of Asia (since the Chinese are not so reputable).
There’s an entire realm of truth that could be spread to the light of Christ, instead of another 20 Holocaust & Jewish Absurdism commentary pieces.
***long story short: the Chinese framed the Japanese in Nanking by taking photos from the Kohaku Earthquake, from the Guangdong Rebellion, from 1800s-1920s Chinese Torture photos, and from various conflicts between the various Warlords during the Nationalist era of the early 1900s, and using it as evidence for the “Nanking Massacre”.
Ignoring the evidence of a relatively-peaceful occupation, nowhere near 20K women raped, and the burning of hundreds of square miles of surrounding territory– killing tens of thousands more than the Japanese allegedly killed in Nanking– as a part of the CCP & Kuomintang’s “Scorched Earth” policy of guerilla warfare & terrorism.
The CCP & Kuomintang were also well-known for committing horrific amounts of rape prior to the Japanese occupation, so they did what the Chinese & Jews always do: blame others for their crimes.
Curious …………. what makes a Korean or a Japanese a “jew” in your understanding?
finch beak
Wouldn’t the easiest and cheapest way of sterilizing Jewish women be just putting them directly in “gas chambers”?
No haircuts, no showers, no tattoos, no orchestras, no experimentation…
Why monkey around with using expensive synthetic hormones in the food to do the job?
Yet another example of how the “efficient” Germans just didn’t know what they were doing when it came to pulling off a “genocide” in the most efficient way….
Germans battling a two front war….
Take time out to put synthetic hormones in Jews soup to make them sterile.
Put “millions” in gas chambers anyway.
Lose war.
Jews flatter themselves when they think that the Germans actually cared enough about them to lose the war against bolshevism just so that they could “exterminate” all the Jews for no reason at all….
SC Rebel
So they were supposedly trying to gas them all to death, so they put something in their soup to cause infertility?
I thought death caused infertility. I guess not.
– Because the Nazis were so evil they could kill millions of people, but were such cowards they committed suicide from shooting so many innocent people, and they had to come up with the cowardly way of using gas chambers to trick everyone into killing themselves, as they evil-y watched & laughed & drank wine & ate cheese per “A Year in Treblinka”
– If the Nazis had just “put” people into gas chambers, everyone would have NOTICED something was going on & the millions of Jews in the camps would have rebelled & destroyed the camps. So instead they got tricked into the gas chambers they thought were showers– it was such a perfectly masterminded evil plan that it worked
– The Nazis wouldn’t have been able to go on with this evil operation in secret if they just threw them all in gas chambers, because of all the rioting that would have gone on like I said, and the German townspeople would have stopped supporting Hitler if they knew. Because even though all of Germany was brainwashed into hating the Jews & supporting Hitler, they wouldn’t have been okay with Hitler just killing the Jews, even though the Nazis were so hateful, so they stood by silently as they watched their Jewish neighbors disappear. Germans are Cowards.
– If the Nazis had just started rounding up & shooting the Jews publicly, all the international support they were getting would have dropped. Could you imagine all the negative press?
– If they killed that many Jews every day, the ovens obviously would have been overloaded.
Did I forget to mention Trump is worse than Hitler?
Did the Germans know about the sterilizing effects of estrogen?
I’ve long heard about the British plot to dose Hitler with the then-newly-discovered estrogen, in order to end the war, apparently not realizing that this would almost certainly have the opposite effect.
Not to mention that if Churchill had wanted to end his (((war))) that way it would have required signing a peace treaty with Hitler, and he proved he wouldn’t do that.
Sure, the Germans took time out from developing jet technology and nuclear weapons to study how synthetic estrogen might sterilize jewish women or turn Hitler into a pansy. Makes sense.
Six hundred thousand Sudeten Germans were killed during the massacres in the earthly hell of the death camps of Czechoslovakia. The Sudeten German White Paper records these horrors with full details on more than 1,000 pages, horrors for which there is no precedent in the history of mankind. Armed Czech women and Jewesses continued hitting the womb of expectant mothers with truncheons until a miscarriage followed, and in one single camp ten German women died daily in this way.
Updated links for above:
According to the Toronto Daily Star, March, 9th, 1968, “Former members of an illegal Israeli force which was given absolute freedom to slaughter Germans conceded that “More than 1,000 Nazi SS Officers died as a result of eating arsenic-impregnated bread introduced April, 13th, 1946, in an American-run prisoner-of-war camp near Nuremberg.”
After reading a story like this, Jews still don’t understand why anybody would deny the holocaust…..
Do these ultra-absurd accounts of the holohoax make it to the public consciousness? My experience is been that only people who know the JQ know about “riding the HoloCoaster” etc.