The Federal Bureau of Investigation is participating in an investigation with the Connecticut State Police concerning flyers that were anonymously distributed on a local university campus which stated that “It’s Okay To Be White“:
The president of a Connecticut university said hate-filled flyers were randomly distributed throughout campus on Thursday night.
Western Connecticut State University President John Clark said he is shocked and saddened about the flyers and inscriptions found on university property.
The flyers had “It’s Okay to be white” written on them, according to WCSU officials.
An investigation is underway involving Danbury police, CT State Police, and the FBI, where surveillance footage will be reviewed.
Interviews with anyone who may have witnessed the behavior will also take place.
“Have no doubt that we are treating this as an attack on our university community and making every effort to see that those responsible are caught and properly punished. I am fully committed to the absolutely necessary goal this does not happen again. We must be ever vigilant to protect our university against these hateful attacks,” Clark said in a letter.
If these flyers had instead stated, “It’s Not Okay To Be White,” not only would nobody have batted an eye, they probably would have been applauded for raising “awareness” of pernicious “White privilege” or something like that.
As America has become progressively browner over the last 40 years, White identity has become increasingly “problematic“.
And to suggest that being White is not problematic is ‘clearly’ an attempt at ‘inciting’ racial hatred, a Federal crime, which explains why the FBI is taking this incident so seriously.
Some Jews take the threat of White “okay-ness” so seriously that Noel Ignatiev — a Jewish professor at Harvard — has openly advocated that the White race must be destroyed for the sake of ‘humanity’ — but to date, the FBI has not seen it necessary to investigate him.
And since the FBI and the ADL are now in bed together, despite the fact that the FBI had successfully investigated the ADL for illegal domestic spying, it should surprise no one that the FBI agrees with the ADL on this issue: if it’s okay to be White, it must necessarily mean that it’s not okay to be Jewish — and when it’s not okay to be Jewish, “gas chambers” are just around the corner — or so we are constantly reminded.
The level of hate these people have for traditional European ethnics is simply breathtaking.
A local news reporter in Connecticut made a video of his ride-along with a local cop, literally looking for “It’s okay to be White” fliers posted around the city. They never explain what’s wrong with the fliers–just that they are wrong. The cop is like a robot, programmed, inhuman:
For what good it’s likely to achieve, we need to throw the “anti-” racists’ message back at them by pointing out that White People (Nature’s finest) are “hated for the colour of our skin”, exactly the same LIE (((they))) use against us.
What’s sad is, before accepting the milk of the Scriptural message (identification), I had been standing up for my race, fielding the white guilt and feeling the racism directed at me, and I would forever point out the ‘reverse racism’ I could blatantly see occurring, and no one called me racist, but no one seemed to care – until I started preaching it as part of the gospel message. Now I’m THE evil racist…
yep! and bless you for it!!!
I looked through Google and Bing but couldn’t find the story of the Florida jew who threatened the life of Obama while he was in his second term. He was never prosecuted for anything. Not important enough to leave online? Scrubbed?
The FBI was also called into action a few years back when, very likely a kid, made a swastika in the snow with his feet at a college or university. It looked about 6-8 feet in diameter.
But the FBI can’t manage to solve the murder of 3,000 Americans on September 11, 2001.
The Babylon Bee strikes again?
This is a rhetorical trap that has been set for Jews, and they are falling right into it. If they were as “smart” as they think they are, they’d ignore it, but being the paranoid, cringing neurotics that they are, they can’t leave anything alone. If they don’t condemn this troll, there could be another fake Holocaust after all….
h. varner
That’s the first thing I thought of – what does this mean for the ‘white facet’ of the jewish multi-personality? They will be their own undoing. Praise Christ it won’t be too much longer…
Nothing really to be added to the article – this insanity and persecution is only going to get worse.
Ammo up my folk, ammo up.
We ain’t voting our way out of this mess either.
Aw c’mon, you mean Democans and Republicrats can’t fix this…?
You are correct…the sheep get no say – in what the wolves have for dinner!
Big Rob
“Ammo up” Very correct.