White South African farmers who are fleeing black violence are beginning to settle in Russia, according to a recent report:
Stavropol is ready to settle up to 50 Boer families, according to the region’s Deputy Commissioner for human rights Vladimir Poluboyarenko. He told RT exclusively there is already a plan for settlement of roughly 500 families with their own cattle near Stavropol. The official also said that out of the four million Boers, representing eight percent of South Africa’s population, fifteen thousand Boers want to move to Russia.
A Russian delegation is due to come to South Africa to work out a more detailed resettlement plan with the Boer community.
…Earlier this month, farmer Adi Schlebusch visited Russia’s farmbelt Stavropol Region. Schlebusch, whose grandfather was murdered at his farm, told RT that the land in South Africa “was never taken by whites from blacks with violence or in an unjust manner.” He explained that when Boers moved to South Africa in the 19th century, they tried to act in a way that was fair, to negotiate officially and to avoid conflict.
Unlike western Europe, Russia is not crippled by political correctness, nor will it be cowered by accusations of “racism”.
While the EU commits suicide by importing useless non-White freeloaders, Russia is taking in highly skilled Boers who will help Russia dominate the agricultural markets in Europe in the near future. After moving to Russia, these South Africans may go the rest of their lives before seeing another Black person.
We suspect that they will quickly adjust to this welcome change.
Peter Szymanski
So Russia is doing its part to make sure that whites are taken from their country so that the land in South Africa becomes entirely black? This sounds similar to their scheme of mining and trading gold in Sudan to further fund their war against Ukraine.
Anyone who doesn’t know anything about Russia MUST watch these:
The U.S. gubment will do nothing to help the SA farmer. It’s too busy destroying it’s own agricultural and farming communities.
Dixie Sister
So happy to hear this. I’ve been worried no country was going to help them. I’m saddened it wasn’t ours.
I agree–America should be ashamed of not helping these people at a time of dire need–and we will pay for it in the end. I believe that the White countries that help the White South Africans–like Russia and Hungary–will be blessed for their good will.
When you say America do you mean the nation state or Americans? Because the USA corporation is heavily in debt and it’s government has been deficit spending (using IOU’s called T-bills/bonds) since forever. Besides, its still too busy funding (by accruing even more debt) the MIC, Israhell, and misapplying monies in every way & direction other than to things like assisting whites in peril, who would ultimately become productive citizens. USA Inc. is a sinking ship; these people are better off in Russia where they’ll have a more promising future.
But any American is still free to help a SA white family in the best way they know how. Why is it people always leave it solely to their government to help with these kinds of matters. Besides, government doesn’t have any credit money or capital of it’s own other than what it legally (but unlawfully) steals from it’s actual producers in the private sector or borrows from private banks at interest.
In case you didn’t know, our gubment takes most of our money from us that we would gladly give to aid our brethren…in the name of being better philanthopists than ourselves, smh