A short two-minute video produced by the Idaho Fish and Game on the dangers of invasive fish species can teach us an important lesson about the disastrous long-term effects of “multiculturalism” and “diversity” for White countries:
The South Fork’s reputation as a blue-ribbon fishery grew up around the three kinds of trout. But few anglers anticipated the current predicament between the native Cutthroat and the non-native Rainbow, introduced in the early 1900s.
The big issue between Yellowstone Cutthroats and Rainbows is basically hybridization. It’s not so much predation or competition, it’s more this issue of cross-breeding. And after several generations of doing that, what you have is a few pure Cutthroats and a few pure Rainbows and a whole mix of everything in between.
The native Cutthroat’s special adaptation to this river habitat was being lost. For the passionate trout angler, this meant a rare Cutthroat fishery was in danger. Nothing rises to that dry fly like a Cutthroat, that’s what’s special about them. And once they’re gone, they’re going to be gone forever. We’ll never be able to get that genetic strain of fish back and they’re too beautiful to lose. They’re just a wonderful fish.
Faced with losing the native fishery, fish managers and anglers chose to encourage fisherman to keep [remove] every Rainbow they caught.
It was a fairly radical step to take the limit off [Rainbow trout] in a well known fly fishing river. But it’s working. In just two years the Rainbow population is down 55 percent, and other activities have increased the number of Yellowstone Cutthroats. You can go to many, many rivers around the country, around the world, and catch Rainbow trout and Brown trout. But you have to come here to catch Yellowstone and Snake River Cutthroats.
Does this make the fishermen and biologists “hateful” or “fish supremacists” for pointing out the problematic consequences of mixing different species of fish and the subsequent hybridization?
Of course, to suggest there is anything “special” or unique about White nations would be instantly denounced as “racist” and “hateful” by the jewish-controlled media.
Just like the native Cutthroat trout in Idaho, White civilizations throughout history have collapsed due to the disastrous effects of “multiculturalism” and the inevitable “hybridization” that took place – a well-documented fact:
- Egypt – Originally a White civilization that mingled itself with Black Nubians and later was conquered by Arab Muslims. (Today’s “Egyptians” are not the ancient White Egyptians, as we’ve covered here before.)
- North Africa – Carthage and other North African areas, originally settled by White Phoenicians, but later overrun by non-Whites.
- Turkey – Formerly Galatia, Anatolia and the Byzantine Empire, these White areas were also conquered and overrun by non-White Arabs.
- Southern Italy, Spain, and Greece – These areas were also conquered by non-White Muslims for long periods of time. The Muslims bred with natives and produced mixed-race Arab offspring and their darker “Mediterranean” descendants we see today.
The word “Arab” literally means to grow dark over time and become “mixed”. And similar to the Cutthroat trout in Idaho, the native White populations in these areas have also been erased and replaced by hybridized olive-skinned, dark curly-haired people. And that’s exactly what we’re seeing unfold in Western (White) countries today.
This is the true irony of “multiculturalism” and diversity. Over time, there is no more diversity as everything becomes hybridized and mixed, which leads to a modern-day Egypt, Brazil, or Turkey. But that is exactly the end goal of the “diversity” weapon, which is aimed only at White Christian countries.
The fishing video also provides us with a “radical” solution: the complete removal of all alien species to preserve the rare Cutthroat trout.
If one truly valued “diversity” and its long-term preservation, then that would require absolute segregation and total removal of all alien species, as well as those who have become hybridized.
These are simply the facts, all opinions aside.
A study made by University of Granada (Spain) dismantles the theory of Spaniards having African ancestry.
This study supports all assertions made by the articles here. The original Spaniards are indeed white, however:
“The arrival of Islamic populations in 711 AD blended the Anatolian component with North African and Eastern influences. Indeed, over the course of 900 years, the population of the southern Iberian Peninsula established deep North African roots that lasted until the final expulsion of the Moors in 1609. But the Kingdom of Granada also had a sub-Saharan population, as illustrated by the case of two individuals buried in the Necropolis of Torna Alta (Alquería de Mondújar, Lecrin Valley) and by the land and property records for various locations in Granada province.”
Thus solidifying the assertion made by this article in particular that many modern Spaniards now have a characteristic darker “Mediterranean” look like their Greek and Italian counterparts.
I would say that there definitely are some unmixed White Spaniards, but they aren’t the dark-skinned, black curly haired ones who could be mistaken for light-skinned Arabs. You’ll see the same thing in Italy where traditionally the White Northern Italians would not intermarry with the “swarthy” southerners.
Since all unmixed White people came from the same patriarch in the Bible, Jacob-Israel, they should all look similar in skin tone, eye colors, and hair. Variations come not from race mixing but from different wives and the twelve different Israelite tribes becoming isolated from one another and selecting for certain types.
The jew is a bastard (like many, if not all, non-whites), a walking sin, corrupt at conception, a ‘living’ violation of God’s law. That is ‘hybridization’ at its core. Ever notice how the vast majority of ‘evil monsters’ depicted throughout antiquity are described as being a mix of various creatures of God’s creation?
Goes hand in hand with the ‘heroes of reknown’ of Gen. 6, being the hybrid children of angels and the early adamic (white) women. The demigods (heroes) of classical white pagan myths and legends were depicted as being the ‘superhuman’ product of the sexual union of a male god and a white female.
Only the God of the Bible has been explicit in His directive to His children that they are to stay separate, a holy people, and that they were to uphold his laws, the first one (obviously then the most important) being the natural law of kind after kind.
Since the jew is in violation of that first law, none of the rest matters…so the jew has the natural propensity to destroy every law of nature to ‘recreate’ the earth in his image, thus the corruption of everything GOOD is the nature of the jew, clearly defining him as the child of the devil…
Queen Elizabeth must know that Prince Harry’s Black child is a dead end for the royal bloodline. Surely, it’s an omen of the End Times.
British royal bloodline may have died before this, as I believe there is a jew in the woodpile somewhere anyway…
Queen Elizabeth’s husband, Phillip, is part Greek “royalty”, and her marriage to him was controversial at the time. Elizabeth’s mother opposed the marriage, believing Phillip was “beneath” her. So who knows, maybe Charles and his children, William and Harry, are all part Arab through the Greek Phillip.
Whatever other “races” (species) may be in the mix, it seems to me that the “British” crime family of so-called “royals” is more jewish than anything, and certainly not White.
Perhaps I’m wrong. We Brits aren’t really allowed to know anything about these creatures that are said to claim both Jesus Christ and Vlad Dracula among their ancestry (Dracula I can believe, but not Christ). They have their male offspring circumcised though, and I believe there’s a “royal rabbi” heavily involved in their devious doings.
Yeah, ironically the average White Englishman (Israelite) is now more pure blooded than the fake aristocracy who no longer have the right to call themselves “blue bloods” because they’ve all inter-married with jewish merchants and bankers.
God’s first law we read in Genesis is ‘kind after kind.’ We continue to see the consequences of avoiding this law everywhere.
In today’s Jew World Order, everything is becoming hybridized. GMOs and jewish factory farming (think Monsanto) have hybridized, poisoned, and corrupted much of the food supply. Jews promote race-mixing as “progress” via Hollywood and the controlled media, thereby bastardizing and destroying the White Christian race.
Gods word is quite clear about separation of races and the WE are a ‘peculiar people’ , the apple of His eye. He made it QUITE clear that He set nations and borders and placed the ‘peoples’ where they belonged. All this ‘immigration’ farce is contrary to His design – BY design of those who hate Him. Even fishes show His intentions…
Such a well proven point that the world’s libtards will continue to ignore simply because the jewish catch phrase “that’s just racist” is an easy retort, as it requires no thought, just knee-jerk emotion and the ability to continue to bury their heads in the sphincter of the one-eyed screaming rabbi called a video screen…