On the Eve of World War II, Charles Lindbergh, the single-most famous and popular man in America, warned the entire White race that the asiatic hordes led by Russia were poised to destroy our most ‘priceless possession’ which is our ‘european blood’:
We, the heirs of European culture, are on the verge of a disastrous war, a war within our own family of nations, a war which will reduce the strength and destroy the treasures of the White race, a war which may even lead to the end of our civilization. And while we stand poised for battle, Oriental guns are turning westward, Asia presses towards us on the Russian border, all foreign races stir restlessly.
It is time to turn from our quarrels and to build our White ramparts again. This alliance with foreign races means nothing but death to us. It is our turn to guard our heritage from Mongol and Persian and Moor, before we become engulfed in a limitless foreign sea.
Our civilization depends on a united strength among ourselves; on strength too great for foreign armies to challenge; on a Western Wall of race and arms which can hold back either a Genghis Khan or the infiltration of inferior blood; on an English fleet, a German air force, a French army, an American nation, standing together as guardians of our common heritage, sharing strength, dividing influence.
Our civilization depends on peace among Western nations, and therefore on united strength, for Peace is a virgin who dare not show her face without Strength, her father, for protection. We can have peace and security only so long as we band together to preserve that most priceless possession, our inheritance of European blood, only so long as we guard ourselves against attack by foreign armies and dilution by foreign races.
We need peace to let our best men live to work out those more subtle, but equally dangerous, problems brought by this new environment in which we dwell, to give us time to turn this materialistic trend, to stop prostrating ourselves before this modern idol of mechanical efficiency, to find means of combining freedom, spirit, and beauty with industrial life — a peace which will bring character, strength, and security back to Western peoples.
With all the world around our borders, let us not commit racial suicide by internal conflict. We must learn from Athens and Sparta, before all of Greece is lost.
We are all taught in school about the great feats of aviation bravery accomplished by Charles Lindbergh, but we are never taught the whole truth about him because he was a “notorious” antisemite who worked earnestly to warn the American public against getting into another World War which would be a disaster for the European race. In order to silence the highly influential Lindbergh, jewish organized criminals kidnapped and murdered his son.
And Lindbergh’s father also attracted the ire of powerful Jews when wrote the first book exposing the fraudulence of the Federal Reserve Banking system, but even at that time in the 1930s, the Jews had so much power that they were able to have Lindbergh’s book pulped before it was able to be published. Yet despite smearing the Lindberghs as “antisemites”, the family has remained wildly popular among real White-blooded Americans even to this day.
Freifrau Gabriele
Aviator Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh was pretty much a reserved and quiet man which can be observed easily when watching old black and white news reels. His intelligence, curiosity and interest for venturing outside the norm, made him one of the best aviators in history. He was insightful and observed life with a much different view that reached beyond the skies.
The kidnapping of Lindbergh’s baby boy Charles Jr., on March 1, 1932, hit home with full force, and had the effect of a national crisis in the public mind. The little body of Charles Jr. was found on May 12, 1932, in a shallow grave, less then five miles from his home. The little boy lay face down. When they turned his small body over, the moisture from the ground had preserved his features. There was the round face. There were the golden ringlets of his hair……..one of the chubby legs had been eaten away……..
During the 1935 trial of the accused Bruno Richard Hauptmann, a German Immigrant, it is interesting to read following testimony given by Lindbergh’s Nurse Betty Gow, the person who checked last on the baby:
…….. “I felt for him………He wasn’t there”, ( meaning in the crib). I turned quickly and ran downstairs to the library, where I saw the Colonel sitting at his desk reading. I said, ” Colonel, do you have the baby?” He said, “No, isn’t he in his crib?”
I said, “No.” He then ran past me upstairs and into the baby’s room. I followed him and from there entered Mrs. Lindbergh’s room. He didn’t say anything. He run into his closet, came out with a rifle, and all three of us went into the baby’s room. He said, “Anne, THEY have stolen our Baby.”
Miss Betty Gow then told of the frantic search in the house — in closets and in other rooms. Then the police came.
Whom did Charles Lindbergh meant by when he said, “THEY stole our Baby.” Who is ‘They’?
The accused Bruno R. Hauptmann was married, and had a little son by the name Manfred, same age as the Lindbergh’s baby. Why would Hauptmann wanted to kidnap and murder a small boy his own son’s age? He said that while in the witness stand.
‘The Lindberghs’, The Story of a Distinguished Family, written by P.J. O’Brien, and published in 1935, by International Press, should be an interesting read for any researcher, and who wants to learn more about the Lindbergh tragedy. It is a fact that after the murder of their baby boy , Charles Lindbergh and his wife Anne changed inside while continuing their life.
Charles Lindbergh entered the political podium, trying to make his American fellow citizens aware, that there was something wrong with the direction the country was being led by the money powers. When his fellow Americans turned on him, thanks to the dirty attacks and smear campaigns by the lying media, he made the decision to leave the country with his family, never to return. He knew back then what the fate of the US would be, but his warnings fell on deaf ears and ignorance. Charles lived on Maui, Hawaii for the rest of his live and is buried there next to his wife. If you ever visit Hawaii, visit his grave and read what is written on his grave site.
Before Charles Lindbergh left the US, he said, …” There will be many Lindberghs walking this Earth”…..
Note: In the late 1990, several articles appeared in Newspapers all over Germany. The articles read that Charles Lindbergh had during his many stays in Germany fathered three children with a German woman living in Bavaria . The three children, adult by then, were finally able to come into the open after their Mother had passed away. Their memories are the photographs they have of Charles and their Mom.
Joe Rizoli
I also have reason to believe the Jews were involved in the Killing of the Lindbergh baby. The money that was part of the Lindbergh kidnapping originated with a Jew. I also feel that the Jews didn’t want Charles Jr to run for president which he quite possibly would have done because he was so popular and they kidnapped his kid and killed him. Unfortunately Lindbergh was lead into all of this hoopla and he was used to convict an innocent man… the best book on the Lindbergh kidnapping as far as I am concerned is Scadutos book SCAPEGOAT.
Yes, I recall reading some compelling evidence that the jewish organized crime ring, The Purple Gang, out of Detroit, was involved in the kidnapping. The Jews were going to get America into WWII by hook or by crook, and they weren’t about to let Lindbergh mess up their plans. The Jews had threatened Henry Ford’s life, so they had experience shutting up these great Americans who spoke out against them. And yes, Lindbergh was so distraught about the death of his son that he didn’t put two and two together to realize who was really behind the kidnapping.
Mark Luth
I agree Joe. They kidnapped that child. They are just despicable.
When I was young, I vaguely remember being taught in school, albeit very briefly, about “the Lindbergh baby” and how it was this complete mystery as to how and why. I remember asking my mother about it, and she didn’t fill in any blanks either (much to my chagrin, I came to the realization later in life that the jews had my mother firmly in their hip pocket since my dad put her through college before I was born). I have learned SO MUCH, doing my own research and studies since before I finished ‘school’. Everything I know to be true did NOT come from what is called ‘education’. All it taught me was that it was full of lies and contradictions. Praise Yahweh that He instilled in me the desire for truth and wisdom. What I have come to find out about the likes of Hitler, Ford, Lindbergh, Patton, and so many other notable white men in history is so profound, I will never look back and I will never stay silent!
Lindbergh’s warning about Russia is more actual than ever!
Lindbergh might have been President had the Jews not killed his child to shut him up.