[CFT Note: Here we republish an article we wrote a couple of years ago showing how Jews use Christmas an excuse to whine about religious discrimination.]
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) In 1966, a Jewish supremacist organization — the American Jewish Congress — attempted to use their inordinate power to stop the U.S. Postal Service from issuing a postage stamp that offended their Jewish sensibilities under the guise of so-called “separation of church and state“:
“The Office of the Postmaster General has rejected a protest by the American Jewish Congress against issuance of a 1966 Christmas stamp depicting the “Madonna and Child” by Hans Memling, now hanging in The National Gallery in Washington, it was reported here today.
A spokesman for the Congress, replying to the Post Office, said that the painting was religious in nature and that its reproduction on a postage stamp violated the Constitutional requirement of separation of church and state. A copy of the correspondence was sent by the AJ Congress to the National Council of Churches which is considering whether to support the protest.
The AJ Congress assailed the “Madonna and Child” stamp in a letter by Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld of Cleveland president of the group, to Postmaster General Lawrence F. O’Brien, stating: “With abiding respect for the sensibilities of our Christian fellow-Americans and for the aesthetic importance of the subject, we must nevertheless urge you not to print this stamp. The celebration of religious holidays, we believe, should be left to the church, the synagogue and the individual conscience. It is not the business of the United States Post Office.”
Rabbi Lelyveld said the “stamp matter” was a “classic example” of the way in which violations of the principle of separation of church and state “creep into practice and gain acceptance.” He pointed out that from 1789 to 1962, “the Post Office treated all proposals for the issuance of stamps commemorating religious holidays as violating the requirement of religious neutrality imposed by the Constitution.”
“In 1965, however, ” he continued, “the Christmas stamp, apparently already regarded as a tradition, depicted an angel blowing a trumpet–a theme that was clearly religious, though arguably nonsectarian. Now we have the proposal for 1966 that is plainly both religious and sectarian. ” He added that the fact that the design is a reproduction of a work of art is “irrelevant.”
The full text of the Post Office’s reply, signed by Ira Kapenstein, special assistant to the Postmaster General emphasized two points: “1. No one is forced to use the Christmas stamp; it is not mandatory in any way. 2. Our 1966 stamp will portray a portion of a work of art and the stamp design will identify at the bottom both the artist, Memling, and the National Gallery of Art.
“Since 1962 special stamps have been provided for the benefit of those who wish to use them on Christmas mailings. Postmasters always have other issues, both regular and commemorative, on hand for patrons who prefer them, ” the letter from the Postmaster General’s office stressed.
Issuing a postage stamp commemorating Christmas in no way, shape or form “shows preference” for Christmas — nor is it an implicit endorsement of Christianity by the Federal government — nor is it a veiled attempt by the government to compel citizens to practice Christianity — but that’s exactly what Jews have long contended.
Why don’t these Jewish partisans complain that Hans Memling’s painting of the Madonna and Child shouldn’t be hanging in the National Gallery of Art in the first place? How is that also not a violation of the “separation of church and state”?
By Jewish standards of logic, the Federal government shouldn’t even be allowed to own that painting and display it in a Federally-funded art gallery.
Where was the Jewish outrage when the U.S. Postal Service issued a stamp commemorating Hanukkah in 2019?
The Jewish supremacist group Chabad-Lubavitch has bragged about how they unleashed an army of Jewish attorneys to force the courts to allow the lighting of menorahs on public land — including the White House — for their made-up holiday “Hanukkah.”
And what is their “legal” argument? That the menorah is not implicitly a religious symbol — rather that it is merely a symbol of the Jewish people — regardless of whether or not they are religious.
Yet out of the other sides of their twisted mouths they claim that the image of a mother and child is implicitly Christian — despite the fact that this image can be traced back to the mystery cults of Babylon and Egypt — and is not unique to Christianity.
Hypocrisy, thy name is Jewry.
Jewish legal experts have candidly admitted that there is indeed — to use their own words — a “Jewish conspiracy” to use legalism to enforce the mythical “separation of church and state” in order to stop the U.S. from being a Christian nation.
The phrase “separation of church and state” is not explicitly stated in either the U.S. Constitution or the Bill of Rights — despite the Jewish insistence that it is “implied” — written between the lines somewhere.
Jews have used this legalism — in the same way they use the mythical Gas Chambers™ — as a bludgeon to cower Christians into being ashamed of their faith — and allowing the suffering of the Jews at Auschwitz to replace the suffering of Christ on the cross as the foundational ethos of our western nations.
At one time in this country, if you said something offensive about Christ or Christians, you would become a social pariah — you could literally be driven out of town.
Today, you can offend Christians with impunity, but if you offend the Jews, you will be cancelled until you publicly grovel at their feet and beg your local rabbi for forgiveness.
Why have Jews chosen — nay, insisted — upon living in Christian nations — knowing full well that Christianity, by definition, must utterly reject Judaism and not make peace with it?
Why — even after being repeatedly expelled from those Christian nations for their un-Christian behavior — have they kept returning to the scene of the crime — kicking the hornet’s nest — expecting different results?
Michal Richtar
Antisemitism is a disease and you can get from jews.
Edgar j. Steele
Yeah, over 20 years ago I used to listen to Edgar J. Steele’s podcasts, and then the Jews destroyed him.
Now it’s hard to find any of his old podcasts online. Too bad, the guy was super smart articulate, an attorney, family man.
As long as I’m alive Edgar J. Steele will not be forgotten. We all ride on his shoulders, a true trail blazer.
Listen to him here:
Santa forced to break up fight among feral negro “chiddren” at the mall:
Never forget. Christmas is for White people:
The reason why they live in Christian countries is because they need to be near Christians to survive. Benjamin Franklin once said that even if you gave them their own country, they wouldn’t live in it, because Christians are their source of livelihood. That has since been proven to be the case.
Jewish inspired anarcho-environmentalists, “Stop the Oil”, in Germany attack and destroy public Christmas tree……no arrests….
About the great religious fraud – New Max Igan: Let’s Talk About the Jews
Hi Laura. Good to see you back.
Several weeks ago CFT challenged your belief in Universalism —
Just curious if you have had a chance to study those articles.
Do you have any questions; thoughts; concerns; challenges?
Do you still hold to the teaching of Universalism?
I ask simply because I was once a Universalist. It is hard for me to find Christian Universalists who will engage with me on this topic without freaking out, quite frankly. Calling me a racist and a bigot and essentially saying I am not saved and need to repent.
So, I’m always looking for someone who holds to Universalism; but it also Jew Wise, and believes in Christian Identity. I believe that person is you.
Hoping you will engage. Thank you. Sincerely, West
Dear West,
I am not a Judeo Christian any more. To find out out who the real Israelites are (this blew me away) , was the last step to take for me (a couple of years ago) building up my Christian belief.
But I have also experienced Jesus’ love in my life and I believe that his love is so great, that I can’t imagine that he only loves his beloved Israelite children, but every real human heart and soul that seriously turns to him and recognizes who Jesus Christ really is.
That is why he may come to Moslems and even Jews to reveal to some of them who he really is. There are many testimonies that this has happened more and more from the midst of the last century on.
Here is an example of a Hesbollah terrorist who had an encounter with Jesus in jail. The Persians are Adamites too:
—— Laura ——-
Thank you for responding. If I could just ask a direct question — Have you read those articles CFT recommended??? No offense, but it does not appear you have.
You say — “…The Persians are Adamites too…”
If what you mean by “Persian” refers to the Persians of Antiquity, then I would agree.
If what you mean by “Persian” is the man in the video — I do not agree.
If you believe the man in the video to be Adamic — could you please explain how that is possible?
Adam and Eve were White Peoples. It is impossible for a homogenous White Couple to procreate anything but a 100% pure White/Caucasian baby.
The man in the video is clearly of mixed race.
I highly recommend this book — https://christiansfortruth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Not-Of-One-Blood.pdf
I can sympathize with the Emotions in your voice.
I would like to believe it is possible for a non-white person to truly believe in the God of the Scriptures.
But Paul points out that not every version of “Jesus” is Jesus the Christ of the Scriptures — 2 Corinthians 11:1-4.
In my experience, when I discuss Israelite Identity with non-whites, they want NOTHING to do with this Theology.
If they believe in their version of “Jesus”, does that make them “Christian”? i.e.., born-again, holy spirit filled, new creations in Jesus.
Are Mormons “Christian” in your estimation? They believe in “Jesus”.
Thank you again for responding. So many who come here, when challenged, just never return. I find that sad. So, I admire you greatly.
I have not read all of CFT’s articles on this topic yet, but Jesus made me go down a certain road to find and recognize him after my kind of blasphemic prayer many years ago, when I was quite young. (Jesus when you are real, please show me, who you are – and he did over the decades, there was no escape).
The unusual thing is, that I had a flash of recognition like a light exploding in my head when I really listened to a sermon about John, Chap.1 at the age of 12 – the pastor was a survivor of the terrible genocide of Germans in East Prussia – I will never forget his voice.
At that moment I realized the oneness of GOD and Jesus (the son = his body and soul part being sent into matter for redemption of mankind, his spirit however was the father himself).
Unfortunately young Germans were spoilt a lot by the “Frankfurt School” and I was confused as well – there was a terrible brainwash in my country after WW2, but after all I did not get lost as JC never let me go.
It’s a fact that most Germans don’t have a glimpse any more that we are from the tribe of Judah and the Russians are a twin people from the same tribe. Over the last few years an American Professor (JC sent him) is bringing this ancient knowledge of our forefathers back to the Germans who had been deprived of it. I myself learnt it from American sources (thanks to your spiritual minds – Eustace Mullins, B. Comparet for instance and others!)
Are there really “pure blood Israelites” left in America, Europe, Canada and Australia? They have mixed a lot. Isn’t it after all more a spiritual than a racial thing to prepare for the return of Jesus Christ and be saved by him?
Here is some information about the roots of Germans hidden in a monument, set up for the victory of European nations over Napoleon (as a cover). The symbolism is amazing and was kept secret until the last days …
For me Mormons are a sect and their believers probably have no idea, who runs their religious organization – rather a dark entity. It might be the same with Jehovas Witnesses.
Hi Laura,
I used the example of a Mormon ONLY to make the point that just because a person claims or says or even demonstrates that they are a “Christian”, does not make them so. They may think they have a Relationship with God; but the real question is — Does God know them???
“…… I Never Knew You…….” — Jesus.
I am not trying to be abrasive with you, I hope you see this. I just want you to continue to grow in God’s Truths. And I too don’t want to miss something, so I am constantly asking others “what” they believe and “why” they believe it.
I don’t mean to sound Black Pilled here — but at this point in History, it is probably too late to make any significant change in the world.
But I am a strong believer in “Principle”. The World could crash all around me, but I will remain — Principled. Just because I may not change something, doesn’t mean I stop believing and acting on that principle.
I personally do not believe the White Race should have any interaction with non-white peoples except for commerce. I believe our greatest downfall as a Species is a result of allowing non-white peoples into our Realm. Can we change this? Probably not But that doesn’t mean I simply ‘give in’.
Allowing them into our Realm would be OK, if it was well understood that we should not be mixing our Genes with them and honestly, they should not be living in our space. They could “visit” I suppose. And stay for a spell, as long as they conform to our way of living i.e., abide by our laws and respect us etc., etc.
Something for you to Meditate on as you continue to Study —
If non-whites can be “Grafted In”, then they have a “supporting” role according to Paul in his letter to the Romans.
I hope that you will meditate on this verse today and for the coming days.
“….And if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and with them became a partaker of the root and fatness of the olive tree, do not boast against the branches. But if you do boast, remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you….”
This is some very powerful language.
In my experience, so far, I do not find non-white peoples to have a spirit of this kind of attitude/respect.
Now, if they are “Christians”, should not the Holy Spirit convict them of this idea of “Order” and “Respect”?
Maybe you will find this in your social circle. If you do, I hope you share those stories with us.
I personally don’t see it. I have known a handful of non-white people that have been very friendly to me. I have yet to meet a non-white “Christian” who I have pointed these things out — who has accepted them with humility and reverence. The opposite reaction has been the norm.
I am not asking to be worshipped or anything like that. But I am asking the question —- “Where are the non-white peoples rushing to our aide”?
Maybe you do not see how dire things are for our People — the White Race — Worldwide.
Not sure what it is like in Germany, but I don’t hear great things. Maybe you are so Rural that you don’t see what I see.
We are a vanishing species. If something doesn’t change, and change soon, we will be so few in number, and so powerless politically and financially, that it will be Open Season on White People. Will the non-white races come to our rescue as we have with them???
Think about these things as you interact with the non-white peoples in your Realm.
I’d like to believe that a non-white person can be filled with the Holy Spirit — I just haven’t seen it yet.
Thanks for the dialogue. Be Safe. Continue to Study.
I hope you will read all the various articles and books written on this idea — Universalism.
Just put “Universalism” into the Search Box and you will get plenty to read.
I think “Not of One Blood” by Charles Weisman is a great place to start.
If I missed something, maybe you could enlighten me. The last thing I would want to do is bar the door to Eternal Life to anyone who sincerely “knocks”.
Peace, Jeff.
Dear Jeff,
thank you for your openness of thoughts and speech! For me it has been a spiritual journey with Jesus in the first place – he taught me some heavy lessons tossing me from the “fence” – and besides that he gave me a lot of stuff for the brain to understand better step by step. At the moment I can’t reveal too much of it, it might be misunderstood – maybe later on.
What I found out for myself is that the love of our GOD to his creation and human beings is bigger than my capacity of understanding, goes far beyond us. He himself has given us salvation through his death on the cross. Otherwise it would simply not have been possible and our souls would consequently vanish with matter (prison of the fallen ones).
“Maybe you do not see how dire things are for our People — the White Race — Worldwide.
Not sure what it is like in Germany, but I don’t hear great things. Maybe you are so Rural that you don’t see what I see.
We are a vanishing species. If something doesn’t change, and change soon, we will be so few in number, and so powerless politically and financially, that it will be Open Season on White People. Will the non-white races come to our rescue as we have with them???”
I live in a about 200 000 city in Germany, grew up in a small village (G. West), where my father was a school teacher, who played the organ at church on Sundays.
I have clearly seen the things you name and it made my heart suffer very often. I have been doing intense research for about 13 years now and you can’t deney what you see every day. The Germans have been given the hardest brainwash of all the nations under attack. Don’t ask who runs this country trying to wipe us out.
Nevertheless all of this will end in time according to GOD’S plan and no longer to humans’ or other entities’ plans. Never give up and keep confidence in our GOD, as long as we are alive according to his will!
This song of the Swedish band “Saga” made me feel sad (as I saw it happen in reality since I opened my eyes to reality as it is). There was a version of this song with a special illustration (images and monuments, traces of the white race’s history) which made me cry – but this very strong version of the song has totally disappeared from the internet: For you – but don’t give up!!! https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x9vxut Saga
From my heart, Laura
Hi Laura,
I am very familiar with Saga’s song and video — Ode To A Dying People.
This song was very instrumental in my Racial Awakening 15 years ago.
I was very Race Blind back then. I grew up in a population of 90% White Peoples. We had Mexicans, but they lived separately, and we pretty much remained separate to them even in school.
Jump ahead 30 years and now I’m living in the middle of Diversity Hellhole — Atlanta Georgia.
At first, I was so programmed to believe they were us but with just different skin.
I was confused as to why 99% of the Crime — murder; rape; home invasion — was all committed by black people.
Anyway …………… this was the beginning of my Awakening to the Jesus of the Scriptures.
We are not created equal. We are not all created through the loins of Adam and Even or Noah and his sons.
What does that mean for “Eternal Life” for those not born from Adam and Eve?
I don’t know. Of course my humanness and my empathy hopes that a non-white person can be Holy and Righteous through abiding in the Law of God.
But honestly, I just haven’t seen it. So, therefore I have to conclude with the many articles presented here at CFT, that “Universalism” is not of God.
When Universalists come here shaming me for not believing that we are not all one blood — I simply ask them to prove it.
And they never do.
Maybe I will be proven wrong some day. I would be very interested in hearing from someone else that they know a non-white who accepts the teachings of Christian Identity.
Can a “Christian” deny the core teachings of Christian Identity and still be holy spirit filled believers in Jesus? I say no.
I’d be interested in an argument that says I’m wrong.
I’m not asking you ………………… just making a general statement to anyone who might be reading this.
Take Care. Stay Safe. Do your best to exemplify God’s Truths in an insane world right now.
Cheers, West
Ha…if you call a legitimate resistance in Lebanon “terrorists” THEN WHAT WOULD YOU CALL THESE DEMONS IN ILLEGITIMATE ISRAEL?
Israeli settlers hang severed donkey heads in East Jerusalem cemetery near Al-Aqsa Mosque
27 December 2023 16:18 GMT
The man called himself a terrorist. I am not with those people of the no more holy land, not at all. Igan shows it in his video what they have been doing and you don’t want to see what they did to children, I could not watch it on X.
Israeli army vehicles run over dead corpses, entire buildings levelled
27 December 2023 15:15 GMT
Here’s another WASreli TERRRRORIST operation all and more in just one day.
Horrifying scenes of dozens of martyrs and wounded due to the occupation’s shelling in front of the PRCS Al-Amal Hospital in #KhanYounis.
Lebanese-Australian, his wife and brother killed in Israeli air strike
27 December 2023 15:30 GMT
May be you got a wrong idea about something, just a misunderstanding? You seem to assume something which is not my conviction at all.
Max Igan is an Anarchist. Why would you post it here? Yes, he tries to awaken the public but as an extension to that he promotes a yearly gathering of Anarchists.
(. : a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power. 2. : a person who believes in, advocates, or promotes anarchism or anarchy. especially : one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order.Nov 30, 2023)
Similar to:
freedom fighter
resistance fighter
He also includes Christ Jesus in with this. AND HE IS NOT THE AUTHOR OF THIS. Subversive talk is very relevant to me and I am sensitive to it…hense the reason you posted M. IGAN. When he was in trouble in Aus., He magically escaped to Alcupolco…to now promote:
Anarcapolco. Why? Because its a DEATH TRAP and led by antichrist Jews. And directly pointed to the USA because we have guns. I have a right and a duty to call it out because I hate jews the enemies of Christ.
Be careful of what Max Igan believes in.
He believes in this New Age Antichrist that ALL OF US ARE BORN WITH THE LIGHT OF THE UNIVERSAL GOD.
All we need do is tap into HIS LOVE to have peace. He believes like the Muslims in that Jesus Christ was only a Prophet.
Basically because of the Judeo Christians (FAKE) allied to the demon possessed Jews in Israel (OCCUPIED PALESTINE).
Max is a good person, but he is involved in this false light of the Antichrist.
I do not follow Max Igan’s religious belief, I sometimes watch his political documentaries, which can be rather audacious.
The jews turned the true meaning of Christmas into a multi billion dollar marketing opportunity. And it worked. From everything Christ and anti Christ songs to must have Feasts and parties to carloads of presents and don’t forget the lights… it’s undoubtedly THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR for them whilst they spew indignant hatred.
The day I boycotted this ungodly activity, I was set free of the slavery and lie of it. We are to celebrate the birth and death of Christ every day by taking up our cross. I will never again allow a jew to become a lord over me by using material lies and manipulation. BYE BYE JEWS…GOOD RIDDANCE!!! I don’t fill your coffers anymore.
i understand but, unfortunately you do fill their coffers if you pay taxes.
You presume that I pay taxes. Nope on all fronts. Death to the illegal actions of these demons. All they have to parasitism is lies. Truth stands in boldness forever. And death to these lighted pitchforked parasites wherever they think they can hide!
presume? I used the word “if”.
The European Union Launches the New EES Border System: Travelers from the United Kingdom Will Be Required to Provide Digital Fingerprints and Biometric Facial Data
Dear Santa, I have been good all year. This Christmas, we are setting out cookies and milk for you. What I really want for Christmas is an expulsion of the jews, please. Merry Christmas! Ho! Ho! Ho!
…and now we have stamps for ‘hannakuh’ or however they spell it this year, some towelhead thing and naturally ‘kwanzaa’ -LOL – along with visages of several negroes, a couple of jews and a communist or two, but Christmas stamps are some sort of santa’s elves crap. At least thats what was available when we last bought stamps.
So, why is it ok to have jewish, moslem and african ‘religious’ stamps?!?!!? We all know why. Hypocrisy [and evil] , thy name is goldstein…
When special assistant , Ira Kaperstein refused the jew congress demand that all stamps be unlawful he knew , they must use more subtle methods . But the insidious separation of church and state is not germane since Christmas is not a religion . It is Christ , culture and life. Religion is a jew blasphemy however which all churches and congress comply.
This year I asked for Christmas stamps for my Christmas cards and received the snow covered scenery with northern forest creatures : a deer ; hare; fox and an owl with a crescent moon but in an artificial style, Tannenbaeume were three lines which could never represent a Christmas tree.
The Christmas stamps last year was a Madonna with Christ Child. Christmas cards are more rare; even the Christian Book Store complies with the happy holiday , season greeting tribute to the Lavantine coalition instead of the traditional Merry Christmas. Advent is no longer in America observed , another victim of jew haughty intolerance. And Christmas is swept away the next day preparing for the next lurid advertisement usually football .
The stamps with Christmas personages or symbol like the Star of Bethlehem may indeed be gone forever . Most sadly few will even notice and fewer care .
Thank you for CFT for publishing this important and alarming news.
The jews had no problems with this stamp issue btelow:
A Litvak jewess [Litvaks are jews from the Lithuanian area] is very proud of the accomplishments of her fellow Litvak jews in subverting and overthrowing White people in South Africa to establish Communist rule.
“In the anti Apartheid South African Liberation Struggle it was estimated that Jews were represented by 2,500% in proportion to the white population. This stamp issue acknowledged the extraordinary sacrifices made by Jews to the liberation of their African brethren, and these stamps recognized some of the most significant contributors to global humanity in the 20th Century.” – The Legendary Heroes of Africa joint issue statement
Odin's left eye
CFT thank you very much for your continued high-quality articles.
Flanders I much appreciate your informative comment and link. I’ve now shared your information with my South African friends and relatives.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
“With abiding respect for the sensibilities of our Christian fellow-Americans…”
Respect? Only till we’re all under the Jewish jackboot of tyranny, being shipped off to Covid concentration camps.
Speakng of Covid CC, how come the Jews aren’t raising hell bout those Aussie camps nor bout the New York guv–who has the facial features of a Jewess–threatening to toss the unvaxxed into camps?
Adam Israel
“The AJ Congress assailed the “Madonna and Child” stamp in a letter by Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld of Cleveland president of the group, to Postmaster General Lawrence F. O’Brien, stating: “With abiding respect for the sensibilities of our Christian fellow-Americans ……”
Yes, of course rabbi. We all know the abiding respect your tribe has for us American Christians. I don’t know what we’d do without you but I’m willing to try. LULZ!