( JTA, April 7, 1978) A German-American newspaper and other conservative groups are putting pressure on NBC-TV to cancel its plans to air their four-part “Holocaust” special miniseries April 16-19:
The March edition of the newspaper “Voice of German Americans” bears the headline, “NBC Plans to Broadcast 8 Hour ‘Holocaust Drama’ Opposition Mobilizes.” According to the lead article, “Despite numerous protests, NBC has refused to cancel its proposed broadcast of a controversial 8-hour monstrosity entitled ‘Holocaust.’ Instead, they plan to air it over a four-day period beginning Sunday, April 16th and ending, sentimentally enough, on Wednesday, April 19th, three days before the onset of Passover.”
Claiming that the program is a “grandiose attempt to perpetrate anti-German bias,” the article states that “Especially since the recent widespread distribution of Professor Arthur R. Butz’s conclusive refutation of the ‘Holocaust’ Myth, many Americans are disturbed that a major network would have the audacity to embark on a propaganda campaign based on anti-German and anti-Gentile lies and distortions.”
The story concludes by calling upon readers not to “stand idly by as NBC attempts to counter the advances that have recently been made in exposing the ‘Holocaust’ Myth,’ and invites readers to contact “The Voice (of German Americans) with their ideas, suggestions, contributions, and letters of support for our efforts to oppose NBC’s ‘Holocaust Drama,” and in doing so, to further awaken our fellow Americans to the deceitfulness of the media manipulators.”
In a special supplement to his “Conservative Viewpoint” newsletter, Richard Cotten says “This is an urgent appeal that you both call and write your local NBC facilities–and any of their sponsors you feel you can influence–and protest this continuing defamation of the German nation and what is now clearly an oblique attack upon Christianity.”
He further claims that “the German American community, more than 25 or 35 million in potential, is finally about to take the fight to the enemy. Cotten, too, refers to Butz’s book, “The Hoax of the Twentieth Century,” and says that the book “has Jewry in an absolute panic. And the same Germans who had previously said, ‘I don’t even want to talk about it,’ now learn they have been the victims of a hoax and they are getting their red blood running! Anything could happen, and the organized attempt to prevent the airing of the planned infamy under the guise of ‘Holocaust Studies’ was the necessary catalyst to get things rolling.”
Cotten concludes his discussion of the NBC “Holocaust” special by asking his readers to “Please get involved. We will never develop a racial consciousness as long as Jewry can pound on the Myth of the Six Million. The stage is now set, thanks to Dr. Butz for the revisionist historians to have a field day. His evidence is absolutely overwhelming. Now the battle lines are drawn. Are we going to permit our children to be exposed to these so-called ‘Studies’? Or are we going to help expose the Hoax of the Twentieth Century?”
Butz, a professor of engineering at Northwestern University in Evanston, III., came under concerted fire from Jewish and many non-Jewish groups and individuals for his book which claimed that the Nazis did not really exterminate six million Jews. The book was published in 1976 in England. No publisher was available in this country.
It was no coincidence that the Jews released this massive four-part television miniseries the year after Arthur Butz published his groundbreaking scientific refutation of the official “Holocaust” narrative — this article from that year all but admits that the miniseries was Hollywood’s response to Butz and his fellow revisionists.
Holocaust promoters knew, however, that they would never be able to win an open, academic debate on a level playing field with revisionist researchers like Butz — so instead they have resorted to emotional manipulation — and both ad hominem and actual physical attacks of anyone who has dared question their narrative — no matter how cynical and absurd.
Jewish filmmakers have produced over 400 movies about the Holocaust — and a whopping 25% of them have been nominated for Academy Awards — proof of just how desperately Jewry wants the public to believe their blood libel against the German people and nation.
It’s probably safe to say that actress Meryl Streep was rewarded with a long and lucrative career in Hollywood for starring in this maudlin miniseries — and then following it up with her “Oscar-winning” performance in the tear-jerker, Sophie’s Choice.
In 2005, British actress Kate Winslet rightly “joked” that if she ever wanted to win an Oscar, she would have to star in a Holocaust movie — which is exactly what she did in 2009 with her role as a “Nazi” prison guard in The Reader.
And in 2002, Jews in Hollywood tried to rehabilitate the image of director Roman Polanski — a convicted child rapist and serial pedophile who fled to Europe to avoid prison — by awarding him an Oscar for the Holocaust propaganda melodrama The Pianist — and Israel gave an award to a Polish couple who allegedly saved Polanski when he was a child “fleeing the Holocaust.”
This non-stop flood of Holocaust movies is part of a transparent attempt to cast Jews as eternal victims — rather than the victimizers they often are: whether it’s degrading and undermining nations, orchestrating false flag attacks, or targeting our children — the Holocaust provides all Jews worldwide with blanket immunity.
In fact, declassified documents prove that British intelligence circles were well aware that Jewish Holocaust accusations against the Germans were part of a public relations strategy to draw public attention away from real atrocities committed by Jewish Bolsheviks against Christians in Russia.
As Karl Marx advised his fellow Jewish revolutionaries,
“Accuse your enemy of what you are doing, as you are doing it to create confusion.”
It’s a shame that there are not more Americans of German ancestry now in the year 2022 who have the courage to challenge the usual jewish propaganda, distortions and outright lies.
O holocausto é a maior fraude de todos os tempos! Os judeus são responsáveis pelo Holodomor, 11 de setembro, Dresden e diversos outros crimes.
I remember watching it as a teenager and believing it. This and other lies of the time biased me and I did not really look into the Holohoax until I was much older. This type of propaganda is very effective That they have high school kids read books like Night is a crime against humanity.
Mr. Shekels
There’s plenty of evidence for the holocaust.
The Jews are just holding out on us and don’t want to let anyone else see it.
You mean the real Holocausts? The Holocausts of 60 Million white ethnic Russian and Ukrainian souls and the Holocaust of 500,000 German civilians during lent in Dresden and other German cities?
I never forget when I was apx 8 years old thats 50 years ago that I looked at the news paper and it said jewish give up claim of being turned into soap after many years of having funerals for soap bars and making this claim me being half German MADE ME THINK HOW CAN THEY GET AWAY WITH THIS.
Europa Christiana
the soap bars were one of the jewish hard-core lies. But since the forensic science / ADN science developed, they “forgot” suddenly that Hitler “made” of them soap bars .
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
This is one of the bigger LIES that SHIFTED HoloHoax lies into high gear.
Constant, endless holoHOAX lies that turned Americans into sheeple worshiping Israel instead of their Lord Jesus. Bout this time, Israel gifted the phony preacher Jerry Falwell with a private jet. The other wolves took notice of the easy money to be had it they sold out their flocks & jumped on the holoHOAX bandwagon.