On April 27, 2003, the Sydney Morning Herald in Australia ran a story during the SARS scare, warning the public that the surgical masks they were buying to protect themselves against the SARS flu virus were essentially useless — and they threatened heavy fines against anyone making claims that the masks offered any significant protection:
Retailers who cash in on community fears about SARS by exaggerating the health benefits of surgical masks could face fines of up to $110,000.
NSW Fair Trading Minister Reba Meagher yesterday warned that distributors and traders could be prosecuted if it was suggested the masks offered unrealistic levels of protection from the disease.
“I’m sure everyone would agree that it is un-Australian to profiteer from people’s fears and anxieties,” Ms Meagher said.
“There appears to be some debate about whether surgical masks are able to minimise the effects of SARS.”
Ms Meagher said her department would investigate any complaints about false mask claims which concerned the public.
“Penalties can range from fines of up to $22,000 for an individual or $110,000 for a corporation,” she said.
Health authorities have warned that surgical masks may not be an effective protection against the virus.
“Those masks are only effective so long as they are dry,” said Professor Yvonne Cossart of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the University of Sydney.
“As soon as they become saturated with the moisture in your breath they stop doing their job and pass on the droplets.”
Professor Cossart said that could take as little as 15 or 20 minutes, after which the mask would need to be changed. But those warnings haven’t stopped people snapping up the masks, with retailers reporting they are having trouble keeping up with demand.
John Bell from the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, who owns a pharmacy in Woollahra, Sydney, said mask supplies were running low.
“At the moment we don’t have any because we haven’t been able to get any in the last few days,” Mr. Bell said. “In the early stages it was unbelievable; we’d get people coming in all the time.”
Mr Bell agreed with Professor Cossart’s assessment regarding the effectiveness of the masks.
“I think they’re of marginal benefit,” he said. “In a way they give some comfort to people who think they’re doing as much as they can do to prevent the infection.”
That seems to be the mentality of travellers to Asian destinations, who are buying and wearing the masks while overseas.
Rosemary Taylor, of Kirribilli, arrived in Sydney from Shanghai last week after a two-week holiday in China. Ms Taylor and travelling companion Joan Switzer had worn the masks during the trip home, even though they had been warned they were of little value.
“We were told you need 16 layers on your mask for it to offer 95 per cent protection,” Ms Taylor said.
Apparently, the major social media outlets are banning this story — but they needn’ t worry — this reality check wouldn’t deter committed mask believers in the least.
The government knows these masks don’t protect anyone from anything — but they were never meant to.
But they do make it easy for the government to keep track of who is — and who is not — obeying.
They protect the government from the people — by keeping the public in a state of fear and subjection — and turning the public against each other rather than against their real oppressors.
And people proudly wear the masks as a virtuous sign that they are willing to sacrifice for the benefit of others –I’m doing for you.
In reality, wearing a mask is proof of only one thing — that the person wearing it watches television and believes what they are seeing and hearing — a very reassuring idea for those who are planning to destroy you.
People who wear these masks have been bound and shackled without anyone even laying a hand on them.
The government want us to live like veal — so that we remain timid and weak before we are slaughtered.
There are no limits to the insanity we are living with. This would come under poisoning the food supply.
Meanwhile in Brazil :
RIO DE JANEIRO: COPACABANA BEACH. No fear, plenty of vitamin D.
backup https://vimeo.com/501504046
I was on my way to my brother-in-law the other evening, when, while walking along the pavement I saw a young man, wearing one of those designer face masks.
I stopped, turned around and approached him asking him: “Have you ever read what it states on the box, these come in”?
He said that he hadn’t. I told him that they do not protect from any airborne diseases, whatsoever. He said that he knew this already. So I asked him why was he wearing one then? He was, after all, walking along the street, with not a soul in sight.
His reply shocked me: “I’m wearing one because in society today with all the surveillance, CCTV’s and people prepared to tell the authorities….”
I cut in and said: “do you not understand, you are giving in to their fear campaign. Look at me, am I wearing a mask”?
I explained many things to him over the course of the next 5 mins. He was in, what would probably be, early twenties. I told him to reread Orwell and Huxley if he hadn’t already. I told him what the agenda was and that he had to resist or else his future wouldn’t be worth living.
I walked on. I think I scared him a bit. I am quite imposing, big with a very bushy, FULL beard, not like young men today with neck beards and patches on their skin. I did shock him. Hopefully I’ve awoken something inside. One can only hope.
Bolivians burn mask-Protest.
Italian Police tell patrons to leave, they all start singing ‘FREEDOM and OUT’ and refuse. ITALY ???
[ITALY: 50,000 restaurants and businesses open despite strict lockdown laws in place. Police in the video tell patrons to leave, they all start singing ‘freedom’ and refuse. The people of Italy have acted in unison and have been heard.]
John doh
You folks should get on Gab
Yes, I am Scottish.
Having read what you’ve written, this all does happen around the time of the expulsion of the Jews from England, under Edward 1st, but 4 years earlier, Alexander the 3rd of Scotland died, throwing the kingship open. The English invaded Scotland, blaming raids, by clans on border towns (always a strong point of contention between both sides), but it was really all about the attempt, by the English to seize the throne of Scotland and thus control over all of Britain.
It is believed that William Wallace came from Wales. Others also put him as William de Wallays of France. Either way, William hated the English and killed them where he could.
Was he a Jew? I strongly, strongly doubt that. He was too tough for a Jew. And you would never see any Jew, getting their hands bloodied for any other cause, other than their own.
The case can be put that Jewish manipulation of Scotland, to disrupt England, but again, only speculation. There is belief that some Scottish lairds were Jews, but again, this is speculation. What there always has been is a strong bond between the Scots and the French and a united hatred for the English. Remember that William the Conqueror was a Norman, of viking heritage, whose predecessors attacked the Francs. There is a lot of bad blood, but the bottom line is that the history of the western civilization is constant in fighting between all the peoples whether Scot, Gael, Franc, Norse or Germanic. All have warred with one another and history holds a lot of bad blood.
What is interesting though is Stirling Bridge. Clearly there were knight’s templars, exiles from France who fled to Scotland (and set up the Scottish rite of Freemasonry) and helped the Scots win victory over the English knights. Who better to have on your side that crusade, battle hardened knights, against English counterparts, many hadn’t seen anything near the action the Templars had?
I will look into the Jewish connection of Wallace. I can’t say yay or nay, but I would opt for the former, on a hunch, simply choosing Edward’s exile and the Scottish wars timeline as mere coincidence. The Jews would never have been DIRECTLY involved, as Wallace was. No, they like to sit in the shadows, out of harm’s way, instigate trouble and then fund it, as what they did with Cromwell, who incidentally really went to town on oppressing the Scots.
It is an interesting speculation though, that’s for sure.
[“Was he a Jew? I strongly, strongly doubt that. He was too tough for a Jew. And you would never see any Jew, getting their hands bloodied for any other cause, other than their own.”]
Agree. They pick on children, women and the elderly. Their mo is propaganda and the inventors of it, funding as you mention and tribal hatred for all who aren’t jew.
No wonder I look to your comments Mark…I’m half Scot and the rest eng/dutch/german. My dad (full Scot) spoke his mind with conviction, was incredibly intelligent not by high education but by wits/common sense. His best friend was a First Nation native (another amazing intellect) who spent time in the Navy together as surveyors.
Whether you know it or not…keep planting seeds of truth because it is good what you are doing. Down the line it pays off. (It has in my direction) Plant it and let it go. It’s nice to meet you.
“Covid-19 Was Planned
To Usher In The New World Order”
“15. Chinese Biological Experiments To Infect Humans With Coronavirus Exposed In 2015 By Italian State Media
Five years ago, Italian state owned media Company, RAI –Radiotelevisione Italiana, – exposed dark efforts by China on viruses.
The video, which was broadcast in November, 2015, showed how Chinese scientists were doing biological experiments on a SARS connected virus believed to be Coronavirus, derived from bats and mice, asking whether it was worth the risk in order to be able to modify the virus for compatibility with human organisms.
Below is a transcription of the Italian broadcast translated in English:
Chinese Biological Experiments”….
And useless cowards have allowed it to happen in America, where we were given the Second Amendment to prevent such evil. You have failed the poor, the down-trodden and let the wicked triumph, by going belly up instead of putting the wicked heathens down.
Your cowardice WILL be judged and punished.
Fools wasted all their 2nd Amendment ammunition playing cowboy and soldier. Suppliers sold everything for profit keeping no reserve . No organization just independent 2nd amendment iconographers. .
Federals control all commerce and ammunition is forbidden for obvious reasons. 2nd amendment now becomes angry people with shovel or staff marching together to their glory.
Live as slaves or die free. How many will choose the latter? First take off the damned mask and use 1st amendment!!
Mandates and fear: real government business . SARS is pneumonia . Suspect that, the so called pandemic alleged as flu is but pneumonia. It occurs through immunity deficiency, surgery, reclining and other decreased or attenuated oxygen in lungs.
All are prejudged by the gods as sinners. Either you transfer the disease, self immune or through magical test with symptoms are condemned as positive.
Masks do three things: conform to unlawful mandates; retain bad air to increase density of pathogens, depriving cell in lungs of Oxygen and make a fool out of you. This stress caused through fear and government hegemony such as elections, mandates and compelled vaccine are known to cause virus in cell. Result is possible infection with pneumonia especially for many with history of lung illnesses and damage.
Result: more covid symptoms and positive tests. Masks are bad. Do not wear them! Blessed are they, persecuted for righteousness sake ; such is the kingdom of heaven.
It’s conditioning.
All of this is having deep, psychological effects on the public, more so the younger generations, who are the main target of the cultural Marxists.
I went into my local shop the other day. There are masks on the doors that say masks must be worn, but I ignore them. I stopped someone I knew inside. He was, of course, wearing a mask. I took him to the shelf where there were some masks for sale, picked up the box and told him to read it. Of course out loud he stated “these masks will not protect you from airborne viruses”.
I looked at him and simply said: “Why”?
He looked back and said: “well…erm….I….uh….”.
I just shook my head and walked away. Before I left I saw him behind me and said; “when the government tells you to mix a spoonful of bleach in your morning tea, to help protect you from the virus, will you do that as well”?
Part of me wants to go full Punisher on society.
The other part tells me not to sacrifice myself for people who firstly aren’t worth it and secondly, will ridicule and hate me, as they’ll be taught to by the msm and academia to do so, just as all the many people in the past, who rose up to protect their people against evil.
I just wrote a reply, on another website, explaining to someone who called out the Scots for being weak. He asked where the William Wallaces, the Robert the Bruces and John Logie Bairds were and I simply told him that you CANNOT compare society and the psychological makeup of people back then, with the people today. Back then there was no cultural Marxism, no mass immigration, no non teaching of culture and traditions, no Jews in serious control of society (although it is believed that some Scottish lairds were Jews, the Sutherlands for example), no indoctrination from the TV, msm and academia. People, although fractured were FAR more united as a nation than today. Sure there were the traitors to the English crown, amongst the Scots, but by and large, most Scots were not only patriots but all were Christians.
You cannot win this war against the establishment, UNTIL you unite the people. It’s always the same. And they know that there never has been a time, in history, where there has been so much control of the many by the few. They’re sitting back, while we police one another, as Sir Bertrand Russell stated in ‘The Impact of Science on Society’ (taken from a collection of essays and speeches and made into book form in 1952).
Somehow, we have to take back control of the msm and academia.
Forget the politicians. If any war should be waged, it should be against the journalists and the professors. They are the ones responsible for the lies being promoted in society, more so than the politicians. Many people don’t listen to what the politicians say, but mark my words, they will if they’re on TV, more so a celebrity, or what’s written in the pages of a newspaper.
Obviously you are Scottish, do you live in Scotland?
I have a theory about William Wallace. he was either jew or shabbos goy. Think about this. Edward 1st (Longshanks) kicked the jews out of England in 1290, where do you think they would go, Scotland, where there was already a great amount of jews amongst the lairds, as you mentioned.
A few years later we have the ‘wars of independence'( have you heard that one before?) when before there was no real antagonism between Scots and English.
Suddenly William Wallace appeared from abroad. There is no real detail on his younger days and who exactly he was, only wild speculation such as hollywood films (do you know that in Stirling there is a statue of Mel Gibson as Wallace, no joke. And we Scottish are supposed to be intelligent??)
Guerrilla warfare then was carried out using Wallaces’ tactics, we are told. Who are the great exponents of deceitful guerrila warfare? Think about the ‘resistance’ in WW2 and who the Einzatsgruppen were set up to fight against.
I believe ,strongly, that Wallace was a jew who , through their usual deceit and manipulation, got Scotland fighting against the English because of 1290. John Balliol did the dirty on Robert the Bruce, the real king of Scotland to keep the jews in power. Finally once Cromwell allowed the jews back into England and later manipulated William of Orange to open the bank of England (bank of jews) to bring England into £millions of debt they then had to bring Scotland into this debt using the Darien epedition as an excuse in 1707 .
The real battle against jew in Scotland was later in 1745-6. Charles Edward Stuart came to claim the throne back from jewish control. If he had advanced on London (another story encompassing lies and espionage) he would have , very surely, closed the jew banks and saved Britain as a whole. Therefore, I believe the Battle of Culloden was on of the most important battles to be staged in modern history. Good lost and evil prevailed.