(Christian Today) For the second time in the span of four years, another statue of Jesus Christ seeping water is creating a stir in Mumbai, India — when news spread last week about the alleged miracle, large crowds began gathering in the village where the statue is located, prompting the police to rush to the area to ensure that no stampede-like situation would develop, the Daily News and Analysis (DNA) reported:
The Jesus statue is located near the Infant Jesus Chapel, which is under the supervision of St. Anthony’s Parish in Kharodi village. Locals have been coming to the place, forming long queues, to collect what they believe to be “holy water.” Online pictures and videos of the statue have gone viral, drawing more devotees to the site.
George Mendonca, a village resident, told DNA, “I believe that it is a way that Jesus Christ is trying to make his presence felt to the devotees. We believe that it’s a miracle and it depends on the perspective of the individuals. We are receiving pictures and messages from every nook and corner, and larger crowds are expected in the next two days.”
When sought for comment, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bombay said they still have to check the report. “We have not confirmed or sought details of the incident, but have received the pictures from the priests regarding the same,” said Fr. Nigel Berret, spokesperson for the archdiocese.
A similar incident was reported in 2012, also in Mumbai, The Guardian reported. Water also started trickling down a statue of Jesus Christ at the Church of Our Lady of Velankanni in the Indian city of about 20.7 million people. Locals quickly declared the incident a miracle and began collecting the alleged holy water.
However, Sanal Edamaruku, a renowned rationalist, later revealed that upon inspection he found out that the water dripping from the feet of the Jesus statue was due to clogged drainage pipes behind the wall where the statue stood, according to The Guardian.
Edamaruku warned believers not to drink the water, which they believed could cure ailments. “This was sewage water seeping through a wall due to faulty plumbing,” he said. “It posed a health risk to people who were fooled into believing it was a miracle.”
His disclosure was met with death threats from religious zealots. He was then charged [by leaders of two Catholic laity organizations] with blasphemy in the Mumbai high court, an offence that carries a three-year prison sentence. The death threats eventually forced him to seek exile in Finland.
[From the 2012 Guardian article] Edamaruku “spurned an offer from a senior Indian Catholic bishop to apologise for the exposure of the “miracle”….The Catholic archbishop of Bombay, Oswald, Cardinal Gracias, has said that if I apologise for the ‘offence’ I have caused he will see to it that the charges are dropped. This shows that he has influence in the situation but he will not use it unless I apologise, which I will not do as I have done nothing wrong,” he said.
Father Augustine Palett, a PIME clergyman and parish priest at Our Lady of Velankanni, Mumbai insisted, “It does not matter whether science can explain what happened or not, a miracle did occur in Irla, namely that of having dozens of Christians, Hindus and Muslims pray together under the cross.”
Of course, Christians, Hindus, and Muslims would not have “miraculously” prayed under any other cross that wasn’t accidentally leaking sewer water — so it took a fraud to create this miracle — a fraud that was expressly and cynically promoted by the Catholic Church.
These incidents are typical of superstitious Indians regardless of the “religion” they practice — India is the land of a thousand gods — and a recent survey found that practicing “Christians” in India still clung to many of their pagan beliefs — as do many, if not all, Christian converts in the Third World.
However, the Catholic Church clearly has very cynically taken advantage of the superstitions of the native Indians — Our Lady of Velankanni — the church where this dripping “miracle” allegedly took place — calls itself the “Lourdes of the East” and has a long history of promoting spurious “miracles” to the unwashed.
Whether it’s a crucifix leaking sewer water or a deformed one-eyed calf, the Indians are game — and yet somehow they have been sold to the American (and other western nations) as the paragons of “spirituality” — with Indian gurus raking in millions from white people who have abandoned Christianity thanks to the false doctrines, scandals, and hypocrisy of mainstream denominational churches.
Paul did not write any epistles to these Indians or any other Third Worlders for good reason — they were never part of the Genesis 10 nations, which became collectively known as “the gentiles” when Jerome coined the term for his Vulgate translation — arbitrarily substituting “ethnos” in Greek for “gentiles” in Latin.
Simply put, the gospel was never intended for these non-Adamic peoples who are not part of “the generations of Adam” (Genesis 1:5) — and they certainly are not part of the lost tribes of Israel, as many Jews now claim.
My ancestral family church has now been beset by a woke pastoress who alters scripture to refer to the Holy Spirit as “they.”
Compared to that deliberate blaspheming, some cynical & venal priests letting savages believe seeping sewage is a miracle seems leagues better.
On a sadder note, I have visited some Catholic sites in the USA and they had nuns pushing similar supposed miracles on the Indios who swarm the sites.
“The destruction wrought by this Communist influence in the American church is two fold. What we have is an organized attempt, conscious or otherwise, to subvert American institutions and our culture with ideas that are antithetical to our American way of life. We also have a deliberate watering down of mainstream American Protestantism that has traditionally served as a moral force for good. This infiltration has become internalized over the decades, particularly since the demise of the Soviet Union. With true believers in philosophical Communism in groups like the NCC, there is no longer a need for an external “party line”.”
“III. The Melt-Down Of Christian Culture: ….”
CFT…this article just amazed me. Before visiting you I had seen this video rebuking Oprah Winfrey (whom I have long known to be an anti Christ tool)…which has the same message rebuked.
Oprah Winfrey, This is Why You Never Mess With God…
ps…for anyone familiar with Scripture…
100 Bible verses about No Other Gods Before Me
finch beak
Early American Colonial settlers pejoratively called “Native” Indians who had been converted to Christianity by misguided zealots “praying Indians”, refusing to call them Christians.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
this kind of thing can be explained away as something natural or in this case a statue that is near faulty plumbing , even statues where water seems from can be natural explanation certain materials trap moisture and under certain conditions that moisture is released or in some cases a small hole in roof dropping water rain water on to the statue , i have seen many tv shows how such a thing can be faked for some personal gain in a tv show leverage they rigged a statue to release water droplets to create a fake miracle .
Look for the natural explanations and see where the water is coming from, its very appalling that there are those that use a fake miracle to dupe people , paganism does not feel right to me i find when i go on holiday i make a point of visiting a church because something about being in a church feels right to me , to add maybe its not enough to expect people to come to church and preach the usual perhaps you need to bring the church to the people didn’t jesus preach outside , preach the truth no mater what preach about the enemies of christianity the methods they use their symbolism the corruptive means they use to slander christianity and undermine it , form networks to share important information share whatever you find as more that knows the better learn how your enemies operate the methods they use anyway you get it