In 2002, jewish news commentator Amy Goodman, on her show Democracy Now, interviewed former Israeli Member of the Knesset and Education Minister, Shulamit Aloni, who admitted that Zionist Jews cynically invoke the Holocaust and ‘antisemitism’ to silence their critics:
Amy Goodman: Yours is a voice of criticism we don’t often hear in the United States. Often when there is dissent expressed in the United States against policies of the Israeli government, people here are called antisemitic. What is your response to that as an Israeli Jew?
Shulamit Aloni: Well, it’s a trick. We always use it when from Europe somebody’s criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are ‘antisemitic’. And the organization is strong and has a lot of money. And the ties between Israel and the American Jewish Establishment are very strong, and they’re strong in this country, as you know. They have power, which is okay. They are talented people powerful, and they have money and media and other things. And their attitude is ‘Israel, my country right or wrong.’ The identification. And they are not ready to hear criticism. And it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as antisemitic, and to bring up the Holocaust and the suffering of the jewish people, and that’s to justify everything we do to the Palestinians.
Of course, it isn’t just Israeli Jews who use this trick: all Jews who are caught with their hands in the proverbial cookie jar use the same “trick”. Criticize a Jew anywhere for any reason, and your motivation is automatically assumed to be motivated only by an irrational hatred of Jews.
We are told no one could possibly criticize jewish behavior for any other reason except that they want to round up Jews and put them in some sort of ‘gas oven’ or something.
This is also why maintaining the official narrative of the so-called Holocaust is of utmost importance: it gives all Jews, regardless of age or location, the moral “high ground” so that no matter what they are accused of, their defense is “You want to kill Jews, not just criticize them. Admit it.”
No other people on the face of the earth has such a powerful “Get Out of Jail Free Card”, and that is why they have used their substantial power to make questioning their version of WWII illegal in many countries. When they protect the memory of the alleged Holocaust victims, they insulate themselves from any criticism no matter how justified.
I’m very thankful to the Lord for revealing the truth about these devils that call themselves “jews”. We’ve all grown up being programmed to believe lies about WW2 and the complete, utter lie of the “Holocaust”. There was no holocaust, unless you’re talking about the Germans who were “holocausted” by the allies.
Everything we learned is backwards. And every singled itemized “evil deed” they accuse Germany of, the jews themselves were actually guilty of, and are found to be biggest liars in the history of the world.
Vicki Takacs
It is how you know it’s Satanic and the other way around. If it’s backwards or upside down, you do some digging and they’re behind it. So many evilly murdered in Russia and all things Russian destroyed. Doing the same in America.
Isis Ra El
Yes, and the jews have this down to a science. They go to another country, work and send money to israel or their masters working for israel (judea) and take over the high positions by installing people they bribed into political positions. Eventually, they get caught, kicked out, and have to start over….
but now they have israel. They get caught now and just go to israel and “disappear”.
It’s not about race. It’s not about religion. It’s about usury and secrecy.
Irish Savant
I’m reluctant to say it but don’t so many of ‘them’ look demon-possessed?
Your observation is accurate.
Semi Deism
Yes. They are the offspring of demons.
Mon=Moon as in “monday”
De= “the” or “it is” or “this is called”..etc..
So you have: “The moon…the mon, de moon, de mon….get it?
BONUS BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Semi Tism
demi deism
half god/half blood prince etc..
demi deism=half demon/half man (in this case man has been inserted for moon). But moon is mon, monster, monstrous, bad. So of the moon would be bad. DeMon. They are “of the monsters. Of the demons. The SEMen of DeMons. Christians are anti-Semen of Demons and their interbred venomous brood offspring. Get it?
It is unfortunate that it took so long for Gentiles to realize they have been played by the Anglo-American-Judaic power structure. Jew would not have had the power they have without help from their Goyim Confederates.
This power structure thought they had everything sewed up in the Media, Hollywood, education, and politics, especially foreign policy. The internet changed all of this when truthful history started to be deseminated and millions of people were becoming aware of who the enemy really was.
This is the reason why internet platforms are now censoring so many users and podcasts. They don’t have control of the narrative any longer, and it frightens them. this will not stand for what they are doing, flies in the face of the First Amendment of the Constitution of The United States of America. These platforms are publishers and need to adhere to the laws of the land.
Vicki Takacs
Yes but it works 2 ways and they know it. The internet also put out heaps of misinformation which makes you doubt everything. The laws are not for them but for us which makes them meaningless because they never follow them. Too many too programmed to see where removing information based on political correctness leads. It’s been happening for years, inch by inch.
Mr White
The goyim really need to get rid of that “White Christian guilt complex” and tell the Khazars who freaking cares about the Holocaust! enough already – TELL THEM STFU and state that more 6 million gentiles died from 1914 to 1945,
“Antisemitism is real in my mind,” said the Jew. “They just hate me because I’m a Jew and no other reason,” said the Jew. “First they criticize us, then they throw us in gas chambers,” said the Jew.
Gerald Goldberg
This is a powerful document that clearly shows the Zionist bias against assimilated Jews.
The majority of Jews rejected Herzl’s proposal for a Jewish State.
How were the Zionists going to get Jews to leave Germany and go to Palestine?
Use terror and cause fear!
Zionists created Nazism to drive Jews out of Germany and into Palestine!
“I didn’t and do not even today, for understandable reasons, wish to reveal that from October 1928, the two largest regular contributors to the Nazi Party were the general managers of the two largest Berlin banks, both of the Jewish faith and one of them the leader of Zionism in Germany.”
Dr, Heinrich Bruning (1885-1970)
Chancellor of Germany 1930-1932
In a letter to Winston Churchill
John 3
After the war, Brunning refused to allow Churchill the rights to publish that letter in his memoirs. Why? Obviously because it was a lie, and the Strassers repeated that same lie. So did the fictitious “Otto Kahn”. Hitler beat Brunning in the election, and Brunning was bitter about the loss, so he made up this lie about Hitler’s ‘secret jewish financing’ to discredit him. Simple.
These accusations that Hitler was either a crypto Jew himself and/or secretly financed by the Jews can all be traced originally to Jews and Hitler’s communist opposition press. These false accusations benefited the Jews in that it cast doubt on Hitler’s true motives. And today, it’s mostly Jews, like Henry Makow, who continue to promote these lies. The one man who dared to defy the jewish bankers was secretly a stooge of the jewish bankers. Believe it, goyim!
James Poole’s book, “Who Financed Hitler”, is the most exhaustive study on the subject, and it shows NO credible jewish financing. The one jewish financier, Paul Silverberg, who tried to donate to Hitler was refused.
Vicki Takacs
It would mean a great deal to me if Hitler’s name was cleared but I can’t see it happening in my lifetime, probably never. I did discover Anne Frank is a lie as it was written in ballpoint ink.
Please give some kind of a warning when putting up photographs of aged Jewesses.
You frightened the tar out of me with this one.
dave whiteman
yep, saw that. I’d imagine it will become an article here soon too 😉
What is sad is that it is SO OBVIOUS. This is behavior that, as Christian parents, we correct in our children! It’s a white Christian ‘thing’ called taking responsibility for their actions! We are expected to raise OUR children in this fashion (as it helps with the jewish ‘white guilt’ agenda), but we are supposed to be okay with a ‘special’ group of whining little bitches who have control over every possible bit of leverage in support of their causes who have deemed themselves ‘untouchable’ and beyond reproach? It will get extremely ugly when their facade crumbles…