Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a new law (CS/HB 805), which allows Hatzalah — a private Emergency Medical Service that caters to wealthy Jewish communities of South Florida — to operate without special licensing requirements:
In an event attended by Rabbonim, Hatzalah volunteers, and many community activists and members, DeSantis signed the bill into law at The Shul of Bal Harbour in Surfside.
Hatzalah of South Florida is now legally allowed to use lights and sirens while responding to emergencies in their private vehicles, and allowed to transport patients to the hospital in their state-of-the art ambulances.
Hatzalah of South Florida is the first — and for the time being – only private volunteer faith-based 911 response team in the state.
Additionally, the law prohibits local governments from banning such ambulance services from operating, while also exempting them from fees or licensing requirements.
Of course, this law is a blatant violation of the so-called separation of church and state that Jews are such big advocates of — but only when it deals with Christianity.
But no one becomes governor of a state like Florida without pandering to the huge, wealthy Jewish population — and DeSantis is openly — if not obnoxiously pro-Israel.
As we reported last year, DeSantis allowed the state to issue special license plates emblazoned with the “Star of David” that read “Florida Stands With Israel” — and the proceeds from the sale of those plates went to — yes — Hatzalah, the private EMS service he just gave official legal status to.
Last year, a Jewish woman running for Congress in Florida openly stated that she wanted to by a law to make Jews a legally protected class.
Today in America, if you want to prove just how “American” you are, you unconditionally support the foreign nation of Israel — and you support any laws that give Jews special legal status and protections — such as making “antisemtism” illegal in Florida, which DeSantis did in 2019.
Did anyone find it VERY coincidental that one week after this legislation is signed, the predominantly jewish community of Surfside, where the condo building collapsed, required a mass-mobilization of the newly-created hatzalah? Hatzalah is currently conducting the search and rescue operations. The building that collapsed was home to mostly jewish residents, many of whom spoke Spanish. There is a very large Argentinian-jewish presence in the area. The media doesn’t mention that the condo is in a jewish neighborhood because they know that if this information gets out to the goy, they may not donate money to the “victims” (if there were any)
Like all public servants , de Santis knows who or what will be an investment for his future, which is very ambitious. Not to disparage his worship of Israel , which is the Florida religion , an ecstatic proselyte. si Must agree that the white house is another enclave for Sodomy and subversion , that neither De Santis nor Donald Trump would distinguish from Palm Beach nor Tallahassee. The anti-semetic laws proscribing execution is something for all these pious pilgrims to look forward to.
Christopher's Knowledge Discovery
Honestly, i was waiting when De Santis was going to parade the Jews by signing something which is only for them. If you are not going to please the JEW IN JEWMERICA you will be taken out.
5 Flapjacks
So DeSantis is the favorite runner up presidential candidate for conservatives….Trump being number one. If by any chance either of the two get into the White House, nothing will change for the positive. The whole system is rotten to the core.
True Patriot
You are correct. I’ve been saying this for years. We can not vote our way out of this.
They must be dealt with including the Zog puppet Trump and DeSantis who bow to IsraHell. The Jews fund the CCP with our tax $$. Time to purge the systems all levels. Trump and his Anti Christ son in law detrayed USA. Notice lately you aren’t seeing them around him. Already sold USA out to IsraHell. Winning my petunias
It’s ok to be racist, supremacist anti diversity and anti inclusionary when you are jewsish. Appears the only privilege in this world is kosher. Disgusting but not shocking if you understand the level of evil that controls this world thru money magic
What ever happened to the lawsuit brought against DeSantis when he moved the whole government of Florida to Jerusalem for a week?
Being ruled with no possibility of representation by a tyrant over 3,000 miles away is patently anti-American
Will all other ambulance companies suddenly “get religion” at tax time?
BTW, does this mean that when you call 911 in Florida you could pull an Archie Bunker and demand that they “get me a Jew ambulance!”?
You’re looking at this all wrong. It perpetuates propaganda that Western Medicine is good for you. That’s why all the hospitals have Christ and Mary in their names but aren’t remotely religious. Tax exemptions, but also alters public sentiment. I live around a bunch of leftist Khazars and they are dumb as F*** they’re all getting vaxxed and the Jew stores are keeping mask mandates after they’ve been lifted. They completely buy into the propaganda that Western Medicine is always right and good for you. And they’ll sterilize themselves like all the other autistic vaxxers.
I want a Celtic ambulance service. a Celtic hospital and Celtic plates! I want unconditional support for a free Bretagne too. Why not?
We know how far that will get…
America/Europe is Israel
And a Ceilidh every weekend with the best of food and drink with Albernach and Capercaillie on stage.
America/Europe is Israel
And a Ceilidh every weekend with Albernach and Capercaillie as entertainment.
Wow who cares. Other than surgery and trauma western medicine is designed to kill you as Rockefeller intended. So… DeSantis gave them license plates and a first class wagon to the slaughter house. Sounds good to me.
You got this wrong, we get western medicine based on Rockefellers narratives set in Flexner report from 1910. They get real healing from their jew only ambulance.
They’ll get ivermectin and real treatment for covid when the out break from vaccinated people hits this fall.