When it comes to Christianity, Jews have led the battle cry in the so-called “separation of church and state” across America — but apparently they have no problem emblazoning Jewish “religious” symbols on government-issued license plates in Florida:
Floridians can now stand with Israel even while stuck in traffic.
A graphic designer from Boca Raton has come up with the winning design in a contest to create a specialty license plate saying that “Florida Stands with Israel.” Daniel Ackerman’s blue, white and orange design was chosen among more than 100 submissions in a competition sponsored by the Israeli-American Council, the group said in a news release.
The bipartisan slate of four lawmakers who initiated the law passed this year launching the competition along with Gabe Groisman, the mayor of Bal Harbour, served as the judges.
“The concept focuses on Florida’s state flower, the orange blossom,” Ackerman said in the release. “The beauty of this flower, contrasted against the Star of David in the form of a tropical leaf, represents the Florida-Israel relationship and the fruit this partnership bears, ultimately benefiting both states. The symbol interacts with the two waves on top and bottom giving nod to the Israeli flag, Florida’s sandy tourist destinations, and Israel’s deserts in bloom.”
The plate will go into production once 3,000 applicants have paid for presale vouchers. Proceeds will go in part to Hatzalah of Miami-Dade, an organization of volunteer paramedics.
Florida, of course — especially Boca Raton — is one of the hotbeds of Jewry in America — and the east coast of Florida is basically the Catskills on the beach — the Jewish Riviera.
And this “Hatzalah” group mentioned here is a special, private group of kosher paramedics for Jews only to call — after all, a Jewish life is much more valuable than any of the goyim.
We need not even speculate how the Jews of Florida would react if some group wanted to put the Christian Cross on the state-issued license plates — it would be “another Holocaust” in their minds.
Back in 2019, Florida passed a law that made it illegal to criticize Jews or Israel — wealthy Jews who live in safe, gated-communities want to retire in peace and not have to listen to the goyim griping about all the pushy Jews who have taken over their state.
And if you even look cross-eyed at a Jew on the streets, the police will spend months tracking you down.
And in this last election, a Jewess running for Congress in West Palm Beach openly advocated making Jews a special “protected class” not only in Florida, but in the entire country as well.
When you are this special, it’s only natural that you will get your own custom license plates made by convicted felons who now — thanks to you — have the right to vote.
The governor of FL was on a trip to Israel with several cabinet members that they actually had a cabinet meeting in Israel!
Not in their wildest dreams will any Jew anywhere be a descendant of King David. King David did not spawn the anti-Christ.
Chaplain Bob Walker
Ahh but David’s son Solomon did spawn anti christs with his hundreds of wives and concubines.
the jewish jihad continues. The east and west coasts are totally commie/jew run now and florida is the new stronghold to go against Texas in the heartland. Florida is very jewish and commie with jews and cubans working together. Both commie ideologies.
So that I’m up to speed here, is the so-called “Star of David” in actuality the evil star of paganism, of Rhephan, as mentioned in Amos 5:26 and Acts 7:43?
On a side note, only due to the Jews have I learned that there is a gigantic hexagon atop the planet Saturn. Was anyone else not taught this during their basic science/astronomy?
Ann T. Zemitik
“The beauty of this flower, contrasted against the Star of David in the form of a tropical leaf, represents the Florida-Israel relationship…”
In order for it to accurately do that, (((Ackerman))) should have drawn the flower wilted.
Red Machine
Yes, or point out–that thanks to the Jews, neither California nor Florida are major citrus producers anymore, while Israel and their banana republics in South America are…..imagine that: we buy our oranges now from countries 5 to 10 thousand miles away because it’s cheaper than growing them in our own backyard….thanks, Jews.
I lived in Southern California in the 70’s. We all had Avocado trees growing in our backyards. They were so plentiful and at that time very inexpensive, that we used them as “bombs” when we played “war”.
I’m not from the US, but clearly, the day they resigned their constitutional republic, to become a democracy, was the day that America stopped being a Christian nation. By removing loyalty to the country and the order of the constitution, they allowed Jews to completely subvert the judiciary and impose the religion of the Talmud upon the American people. Unbelievable. It shows how control of all the major establishments, while being a tiny minority, within a tiny minority (Jews in charge and the Jewish population) can lead to the complete submission of whomever happens to live in that land.
Here in the UK, it’s no different. There are just less people here, compared to the US, so it doesn’t make it quite as bad, although it very much is.
The population density is much higher in England than in America, so even though there are far less people, it feels far more crowded. And countries like England are far easier for the Jews to control than America–the British don’t have the foundational myths that America does concerning individual rights and freedoms, along with distrust of the government–and our guns, the big one. That the British gave up their guns so easily shows that the mentality and spirit is entirely different. Americans know that without their guns, they have no rights for anything else.
It’s NOT star of David. This star has nothing to do with Bible, Christianity or King David.
This satanic 6 pointed star is oldest symbol of hindu goddess Shiva. Shiva has a women and men sexual organs. The triangle up represents men and triangle pointing down represent women. As Bible say the seed of satan landed in India.
Just call it simple “star of satan” so our people get used to it.
Am I missing something here? Whatever happened to the separation of church and state? If I was an attorney I’d initiate a lawsuit.
All the constitutional attorneys in Florida are apparently Jews….
I too am confused as in 2015, the Supreme Court ruled that it was illegal to put such spicy symbology onto license plates.
Specifically, Walker v. Texas Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans, saw Clarence Thomas go Judas and form the liberal majority, ruling that car license plates were not free expression but rather “government speech”, with bolshevik Breyer declaring that any message printed by the state on a state-issued license plate amounts to the government supporting that message.
So the SCOTUS has so established that a pro-Israel license plate amounts to the government of Florida supporting Israel. Where now are the usual cries from the mainstream of “muh separation of church and state” + “foreign conspiracies influencing our government”?
Well………….the fact that the Manger Scene will never exist on the White House Lawn ever again; but every year the lighting of the Menorah continues without ANY resistance, should tell us everything. The powerful atheist lobby that is able to shut down small town Manger scenes that hardly anyone knows about can’t even try to stop the menorah lighting. Or…maybe they don’t want to. 😉
Truly a sign that this once Christian nation has been conquered by an enemy within. Esau has broken his yoke and now rules over Jacob (Gen 27:40). When America turns back to Christ, this Jewish serpent will be crushed, but until then there will be more tribulation.
This is a baptism of death for Florida, the ultimate insult. Florida’s Christian churches will subsidize this abomination and celebrate . One cannot blame the jew. They are a constant and are born for destruction (reconstruction) and the superseding of Creation.
Governor is a jew like the last, and white politicians compete with the churches in their Israel sycophancy . Have they cooperated? The jewish star is Astarte or a goddess of fornication—very appropriate for both church and state .
But I hate their abuse of the beauty of natural Florida. The jew destroyed the citrus with industrial sabotage 20 years ago and then bought up the small farmers with government treachery with the weapon of another foreign virus. This is the illegitimate fruit of total corruption and betrayal.
Congratulations Florida, officially another Israel proselyte and traitor to Christ Jesus. You are assured of your just reward!
Paul, your first words…[“This is a baptism of death for Florida,…”] were with me at the initial sight of the plate and reading through to the end. One thing I kept seeing was a phenomenon that has happened in my neck of the woods (not FL) where THERE USED TO BE ‘I support Israel’ signs in front yards. To my ‘astonishment’, after passing by these homes regularly, they started to look disheveled and not kept up. Not only that but the fact the places ended up ‘For Sale’ or more precise ‘abandoned’ (to the creditors who are more likely jews). Now, I never see those signs anywhere anymore. A curse I kept saying to myself…and rightfully so. You just confirmed it.