(JTA) A so-called “conservative” Jew and “Trump Republican” — Josh Mandel — who is running for U.S. Senate in Ohio — is being attacked by “moderate” Jewish groups who bristle when Mandel wraps himself in the American flag and advocates “Judeo-Christian” values to block the Muslim onslaught in the region.
These “moderate” Jews are becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the term “Judeo-Christian” — a term, they feel, that has worn out its usefulness in promoting “Jewish values” — and has now become a “threat” to furthering their agenda of endless “diversity” and “inclusion”:
…Mandel, 44, is again running for a Senate seat, this time to replace retiring Republican Rob Portman. But first he has to earn the GOP nomination in a crowded primary field. And these days Mandel represents the far-right option for voters.
He claims that Donald Trump won last year’s presidential election and wants Congress to investigate baseless allegations of election fraud. He frequently calls Republicans who have opposed Trump, such as Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio, “traitors.” He says bringing in Afghan refugees exposes American children to predators. He likens coronavirus prevention measures to the conduct of the Gestapo.
And in a notable shift in his relations with the Jewish community, Mandel has become a leader in the movement to promote “Judeo-Christian” values in politics, routinely appearing at evangelical Christian events. The front page of his campaign website declares that he is “Pro-God” and features a picture of a church steeple topped with a cross. He frequently deploys the term “Judeo-Christian” on Twitter, without clearly defining its meaning, except usually as a means of attacking Muslims….
…Faiths and creeds outside the “Judeo-Christian” ethic do not distinguish good from evil, Mandel suggested at a recent debate for the six Republicans running for the Senate seat nomination. The “Judeo-Christian ethic separates itself from Islam and atheism and all these other belief sets on so many levels, but one of the main levels is our acknowledgment of good vs. evil,” he said….
“Judeo-Christian” is a recent term, one that most Jewish scholars say was deployed in the 20th century to bring together coalitions to fight fascism, communism and racism. More recently, it has been used as a cudgel, they say, to marginalize secular Americans and those belonging to other minority religions, particularly Muslims.
“Since its brief heyday after World War II, the term ‘Judeo-Christian’ has steadily shrunk in American Jewish parlance,” James Loeffler, a professor of Jewish history at the University of Virginia, wrote in an email interview. “Nowadays it primarily remains in vogue only among certain circles of Jewish political conservatives and religious ultra-traditionalists who seek common cause with the Christian Right. Most other observant Jews regard the term as theologically problematic and historically inaccurate.”
…Accusations that Mandel, whose children attend Jewish day school, is abdicating his Jewish roots infuriate him. “I’m a: Proud American. Proud Jew. Proud Marine. Proud Zionist,” Mandel wrote on Twitter after the Forward ran an op-ed attacking his Judeo-Christian rhetoric. “Everything Democrats hate.”
The term has been embraced in recent years by politically conservative Jews, including right wing media figures such as Dennis Prager, Rabbi Daniel Lapin and Ben Shapiro, although some Jewish conservatives are not comfortable with the term, arguing that it erases critical differences between Judaism and Christianity.
“While claiming the mantle of shared Judeo-Christian tradition may appeal to some Christian Evangelicals, it comes at the expense of a historic Jewish commitment to religious pluralism and separation of church and state in American politics,” Loeffler said. “American Jews deeply value religious faith, but they commonly recognize that the promise of religious freedom in American society cannot be reduced to an antiquated, exclusionary slogan.”
Jews cynically created the term “Judeo-Christian” in the 1940s as a Jewish “golem” — a creature that does the will of its Jewish creator.
In this case, the “golem” was an erstaz alliance of iron and clay — so-called “Judeo-Christian” values — a rallying cry employed to destroy the enemy of the Jews — Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany.
But as is often the case with golems, they turn on their creators — in a Frankenstein fashion — and now Jews perceive that this once-useful golem is actually dangerous to Jewry’s larger plan to destroy all of Christendom.
To justify destroying all of Christendom, Jews must distance themselves from Christianity — or change Christianity from within and make it virtually indistinguishable from Judaism.
To that end, the powerful Zionist Jew, Samuel Untermyer, hired the dupe, Cyrus Scofield to literally rewrite the Bible to make it appear to support the Zionist agenda of invading and ethnically cleansing Palestine — and convince Christians that this military action was part of God’s divine plan to hasten the return of “Jesus”.
And that’s what we are seeing today — mainstream evangelical Christianity — which should be called “Evangelical Zionism” because is it an utter rejection of real Christianity — and a fatal embrace with the satanic, anti-Christ overlords and their agenda of world conquest, ruled with a iron fist from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Judaism is indeed the embodiment of “pluralism” — which is proof that Judaism is not the same faith of the Israelites of the Old and New Testaments — that faith completely contradicts pluralism, subjectivity, and inclusion.
Judaism — along with secular messianic Jewish identity — is, by definition, anti-Christ, and its goal is to replace the suffering of Christ on the cross with the suffering of the Jews during their mythical “Holocaust” — at the hands of Christians.
As a political concept — or weapon — pluralism was first conceived and promoted unsurprisingly by a Jew — Harold J. Laski — a staunch anti-Christian Marxist and Zionist.
But the one true faith of Israel — known today as true Christianity — embraces the idea of one, unified objective reality and truth — embodied in Jesus Christ and the Father.
Christians are commanded to be a “separate and holy” people — who have nothing to do with Jews or any other “unbelievers” who reject Jesus Christ and His true teachings.
Christians are again being duped by Jews into having a common cause with them to fight the Islamification of Christendom — which Jews themselves have orchestrated starting over 1,300 years ago when they aided and abetted the Muslim destruction of the Byzantine Empire.

There’s a slew of videos over the Ukraine – Russia war , the Hamas – Israel war. David Parkman claims that he is a progressive liberal Jew. Listen to that particular show. He doesn’t feel sympathy, comradeship with Christian’s who believe that there is a relationship between Christian’s and Jews and basically laughs at the Christian idea of the Jews being part of End Times prophecy. All things are slowly coming out in the open. The Jews are angry that anyone would feel sympathy for Palestinians instead of Israel. They can’t stand the idea that anyone would bring up the suffering of Palestianian’s instead of feeling sorry for the Jew. I believe nothing is accidental even if Israel claims they were caught unawares of what happened. The Jews have portrayed in movies for decades how they infiltrate and assume to be anyone they want to be. That they never infiltrated Hamas to find out how many member, groups, locations, members names, locations, tactics, training, names , leadership has to be a lie . Just as Ukraine is losing support for the war by the US and NATO members , Hamus attacks Israel. It may seem strange, but not to me. The Jews , for sympathy are comparing this to the Holocaust and 9/11. The viciousness of the attack and things done were either for support for Israel or to make a point or hatred of the Jews to make them seem a solution to the festering problem. Here ‘s a question , no one asks: why are all of our Secretary’s of State , Jews? To direct world events to their goals? I sometimes think that they are so arrogant a race through their Rabbi’s and the teachings of the Talmud , which is not supposed to be a religious belief , but legal or law, but that behind the scenes are many others , named by our ancestors: Jews, Mormons, Catholic Church, Mason’s, Watchtower Society, Jesuit’s, Pilgrim Society, Rothschilds, Council on Foreign Relations, Rhodes Scholarship,Black Nobility and many more.
To me, the New World Order , Biden said they are working for got rid of Trump to put Biden in to do exactly what he is doing and then he will be replaced.
Rachel Riley of Countdown finds her Jewish roots to take on the Corbynistas.
Roman Abramovich emigrates to Israel.
Uri Geller returns to Israel.
Gene Simmons returns to Israel.
Gene Simmons (Kiss) “Non-Jews exists to serve the Jew”
Simmons is no longer spitting fire and sticking his tongue out during concerts and live
performances. He is now raising money for the Israeli Defense Forces in the Los Angeles area.
A number of Hollywood celebrities were more than happy to join him: Mark Wahlberg, Liev Schreiber, Antonio Banderas, Jason Segel, and Jason Alexander. “The event featured a musical performance by the Beach Boys.”[2]
Haim Saban, of course, was there. Some of the biggest names in Hollywood also joined Saban in raising at least $33 million for the IDF:
“Barbra Streisand, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Avi Lerner, Pamela Anderson, Ben Silverman and Chris Tucker were among the 1,200 guests at the star-studded fete, which featured a gourmet three-course kosher dinner, spirited musical performances by David Foster, Canadian quartet the Tenors and Ricky Martin, and an emotional reunion between American and Israeli vets brought together through Heroes to Heroes, a philanthropic foundation that funds trips for U.S. soldiers to Israel to help them heal from the devastating effects of war.”[3]
Mandel’s Republican opponent, Mark Pukita, pointed out the absurdity of Jews like Mandel being the only ones who are promoting “Christian” values in the US Senate race.
Putika said, “Are we seriously supposed to believe the most Christian-values Senate candidate is Jewish?”
As an added point on what Gene was writing, I thought this might be of interest:
Also, this:
There is SOME truth in what this article points out, namely:
“Many of us are like six-year-olds who turn their nose up at the idea of mixing their broccoli with their mashed potato. We prefer to keep things pure. Whether it is cross-bred animals or racially mixed children, people who see the world as defined by underlying essences tend to reject this “impurity”.”
And the bit that says in there about Man has a soul, whereas animals do not. That’s true.
Now, the point is the talmud is not the Bible, and what the jews believe is not what Christians believe… so why are they joined together as judeo-Christianity? IT IS AGAINST GOD! It’s just antiChrist stuff. Anyone with an ounce of sense should be able to see this fact… so, yeah, I reckon it is a let he who hath ears to hear, let him hear, situation. God must surely be blinding people I think.
Josh Mandel is Jewish. it[s a shame to talk of Jews as an enemy of mankind. I ‘ve read one author who claimed that even children could sense a Jew and cry in their presence. I don’t know about that, but I’ve noticed myself that in most cases , one can sense a difference about Jews when they are present. Whether it’s in their mentality, thinking, training, thoughts, behavior, looks , deeds or whatever. In WW11 movies, Jews loved to portray how they could play the spy against countries because they could pass in some cases as other races or groups or people’s. Just a a Jew in Israel could pass himself off as an Arab, ISIS, or the other terrorist group I can’t think of now. Or as Jews do in movies where they can look White or Christian ..We’ve been trained to worship many of their women as pin up queens.
We are made to believe that so many make their money in business, or by their own ingenuity, , but I believe that many make their fortunes from the stealing of resources, wealth, business’s, they take from countries they’ve overthrown or control such as under communism , socialism, etc. or as was done to South Africa to get the gold and diamonds. Even today, it is still made a mystery as to what happened to the “gold room ” in the Czar’s palace to make it seem as though the German’s stole it.
It’s funny also , that the Military is so emphasized today, especially since the Iraq war is so recent, but especially since the United States left Iraq , and Israel wants war with Iran. I believe that we left so as to give
a break from war until events can be created to cause another event like the World Trade Center disaster , and get us back into the Middle East. Many want to see End Times and maybe why China and Russia are always portrayed as enemies because over the decades , many religious preachers have put China and Russia in the End times battle .
There are stories of countries having gold deposits in this country whose funds are frozen or refused to be returned.
After we defeated the Iraqi army, it was revealed that the Jew , Paul Wolfowitz, was sent to Iraq to sell its companies and natural resource’s. It’s funny: I couldn’t remember Paul Wolfowitz’s name and put in the search box ; “the Jew that sold Iraq’s resources ” and I cane to the title of ; “25 neocons that got the Untired States in to the Iraq war.”
Nothing is an accident, it seems especially in politics and world events seem to be worked to bring about Biblical prophecy . The Bible seems to be being used as a blueprint for world conquest.
These are just my thoughts. There are many more intelligent than I, who know about history.
But I’ve read many things over the years in magazines , books, TV etc. In about the 1970’s or 1980’s, an article claimed that in Argentina, research was being conducted to see if a women and gorilla could be mated to produce offspring. and the blacks hate to be compared to apes and gorillas. If there is no truth to it , than why all of the fuss to prove all races are one or that evolution is true or even the opposite. Many have shown in their writings of past history that much history has been deliberately destroyed. Who is behind such research? Alex Jones on his website shows a glob that he claims is proof of genetic manipulation. Research is just another business, which must think of different research to do to keep in existence.
Gene, I always like reading your comments, as you write what you think, and why you think it. I think you’re rather wise.
“…why all of the fuss to prove all races are one or that evolution is true or even the opposite.”
I think that this is being done to make White man doubt the purity of their being White. If White man just so happened to evolve, then we’re just a product of chance like everyone else and not special at all. However, God made us in His image! We know that, as Christians. Therefore, the jews and arabs and other bastards of the world are rather jealous of us… now they might not admit that, or even know it, (as it may be subconscious) but deep down, they are seething with jealousy and covetousness. So, if they’re bastards, then anyone pure must become as them. “What we need is a great big melting pot”, so the brown and yellow hoardes arrive daily on our doorsteps, and yet we’re supposed to feel evil for going to their countries to help them! (Colonialism guilt)
And if we become as them, and all become bastards too, then firstly, we can no longer be the apple of God’s eye, and secondly, we cannot lord it over them anymore with our collective cleverness, coz we’ll all be a low IQ mush of light brown colour, and the jews will be free to rule over us “cattle”.
Remember! God will keep a remnant of His people.
I believe you said it all , Christ is King , when you said that they are jealous and envious of White’s subconsciously. If they weren’t, they would live in this country and enjoy it and live out their lives as best they can, just like anyone and everyone else, or as travelers do when they travel to another country and enjoy the friendship, culture, foods, achievements, inventiveness ,love, kindness , history, resources of the people whose country their in. But the blacks and Jews aren’t happy . “especially” in White countries. There is a video on the internet of a Jewish Rabbi claiming that the Jews are an alien race that came to earth to conquer it.
Maybe such tales is the reason so much history has been destroyed of distorted. Some have claimed that that is exactly why history has been destroyed.
I’ve read that the Phoenicians are the only people that have ever disappeared from the pages of history. Most of what I ‘ve learned about them was that they were sea farers and traders. Yet that is exactly what the Jews are. So, maybe sometime in the past , the Jews just made themselves disappear from history and took another civilization’s history, distorted it to suit themselves and their purposes, changed their names and now we have , today , a people or race , who call themselves Jews. Maybe that’s why they hate Christ and he called them of the synagogue of Satan, because he knew who they really are. And maybe why they make us believe they gave us the Bible , just as they’ve taken the “Holocausts”, and made it a Jewish tragedy of hatred toward their race and a part of their history instead of an imprisonment of them like we did to the Japanese. If you can find pictures of the concentration camps, the sizes of them, the dozens of buildings, if not hundreds, the many camps, the stories of having their own money, brothels, musical shows and other things , in the camps, you will know for a fact that they are lier’s and deceivers just as Christ and our ancestors taught. They use anti Semitism against us to shame us into being afraid to criticize them just as the black’s today are using slavery and racism to gain control over us in every area of life , politics, education , military, medicinal, police, governorship, Congress etc.
Harvard is said to be a minority college now and where the Obama’s sent their daughters to school.
Also, it is reported that Black’s Jews, Asian’s and other minorities outnumber White’s in universities, so it is no wonder Biden wants two years of free community education.
Our country is being stolen from us right before our very eyes. The day is coming when all of the White’s who march with the black’s and Jews will regret it. When blacks have a rally, their White sympathizers and others show up. When Jew’s have a rally, their White ,black and other sympathizers show up to show support. When White’s have a rally, or anyone the ADL or Southern Poverty Law Center, both Jewish organizations , consider racists, White Supremacist’s, the Jews, blacks and their White sympathizers show up to disrupt it.
The ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center are nothing but KGB agencies within our own society keeping track on anyone they consider racists and anti Semites and even claim to inform our police organizations.
There are videos of IDF , Israel soldiers putting their knees on Palestinian’s neck’s just as our police are accused of doing to George Floyd and the Israeli’s are supposed to have given training to our police department s in their tactics.
We’re just being made fools of and taken advantage of by them.
Haha, CFT is psyop
Sorry, GlencoeKidd, just because we refuse to publish your abusive language and personal ad hominem attacks against those you disagree with doesn’t make us a “psy op”. Grow up.
I just saw an advertisement with the so called Christian preacher , Mike Huckabee pushing the decades old sob story of the suffering , starving Jews. It’s been going on for decades with supposed Christians being used to generate sympathy for the Jews of Russia , but something makes me think it’s being used in Israel to get money .
Mike Huckabee makes more money and gets his face on television and has fame by pretending to be a new authority for Fox News.
Fox News is glorying in their high ratings. Their mocking the other news sources as though they are the organs and dispenser of truth.
JD Vance is the real America first candidate in the Ohio Senate race. Mandel is a shill of Zionist warmongers.
Josh Mandel is Jewish.
Thanks for pointing this out.
I hadn’t taken a look at him before and, yep, he looks like like he could easily be Zuckerberg’s cousin.
It’s time for a modern Martin Luther to nail 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 onto the doors of all of these “evangelical” churches in OH that have been duping Christians about this (((candidate)))
Josh Mandel is Jewish and also brags of serving in the Military. ‘m not mocking the Military or his service. But it would seem for a Jew to get into politics by election, this is one tool or means of seeming to be a normal American , get their votes until elected and then , as usual, look out for Israel, or whatever Jewish agenda’s come up.
I’ve tried to watch closely the nightly news at times and try to tell if the Jewish hosts show any prejudice or preference , such as , a hidden agenda or promotion of an idea.
I haven’t been able to notice anything, and to me, as far as I can tell, some hosts seem to be truthful. but maybe, and I think that this MAY be the answer and that is that the Jews are working for world domination, and so when they give the news, they give it as though this is their country and possession already, just as someone who buys a car or appliance on credit considers it his or even a home ,even though it is not completely paid off. What I am saying then, is that It may be that the Jews , consider the United States as already under their control , so that when they give the news, they are describing events in their country or possession.
I’ve always considered it unusual or unbelievable how Joe Liberman could be a Democrat for almost two decades, get finally rejected, declare himself and independent and get reelected again. If enough of people voted against him as a Democrat, then who or how many voted for him as an independent?
How do Christians reconcile the idea that they share any values whatsoever with the people who actively deny Christ and want to expunge Christianity from the face of the earth?
Some might say that both Christians and Jews share the 10 Commandments, but do they really? Jews violate the very first commandment by denying Christ as the son of God.
And within the Talmud, Jews literally make all the rest of the commandments to none effect, arguing how a Jew can circumvent those laws.
Christians and Jews are eternal enemies, and sadly the Jews understand this but Christians do not.
What are these “Judeo” values supposed to be anyhow?
BTW, why is it that the “Judeo-Christian” types don’t want to convert the Jews? I am glad that they do not, as history proves that they can’t convert and only fake it to scam us. I’ve tried asking them why this is and I don’t get a real answer from them.
Evangelicals are taught to literally idolize Jews. Even though Jews hate Christians, Christians ignore it, and focus on the prize, Jesus will come back faster if they support Israel and regather all the Jews there. If they don’t support the Jews, then Jesus will never return. Or something like that.
I think our lot would be improved if the Evangelicals wanted to regather all the jews in Israel.
It’d sure be swell if the televangelist types even volunteered their Israeli-gifted private jets for the purpose of helping their small hatted friends make aliyah.
Ya… makes sense all this eh. What self respecting jew would want to be lumped together with their sworn enemy: Jesus? What self respecting Christian would want to be lumped in with jews? SEEMS LIKE SWAGS OF THEM!
I think most White people are actually really pretty dense in the head. Not stupid or dumb, but just not that intelligent… and lots that have intellegence don’t use it in God serving ways. Most Whites just potter along like good sheep following their chosen shepard: false Jesus, celebritys, preachers, material goods, money, other gods, science, etc. But I think that most are acctually just wandring round with scales on their eyes that God has placed there, and the remainder are being led astray by false idols and wolves in sheeps clothing.
And then one day God lifts the blinds and the sheep see the false shepherds they follow. I just hope more Christians wake up to the judeo nonsense soon.
The term is the greatest example of an oxymoron extant; it is an impossibility and illogical, hence, it cannot be from or describe anything relating to God. At least, our, the one true God, the I AM…
The Christian Zionists (Zionuts) are in for a rude awakening when the wolves (Talmudic Jews) finally take off their sheep masks.
I can tell you from experience that you can’t convince these blind fools in the churches the error of their ways. It reminds me of this story I heard awhile back:
A MSM reporter went on assignment to a John Hagee “support Israel convention”. Upon approaching one of the hundreds of CZ attendees, the conversation went as follows:
Reporter: quite a crowd here at the convention.
CZ:. Yes it is. We’re all excited about Pastor Hagee’s message.
Reporter: what message is that?
CZ: The rally cry and support for Israel knowing they are the apple of God’s eye
Reporter: quite a momentous speech he’ll be given.
CZ: it’s more than that; God will bestowing blessings through Pastor Hagee.
Reporter: So, tell me what would Jesus say or think about this?
( At this moment of the interview, the CZ displays a stunned and puzzled look on his face)
CZ:. Who is Jesus?
This is what awaits these naive Christians: murder, mass murder, just as the bolsheviks murdered over 60 million Christians in Russia.
60 million.
Not just murdered, but tortured, disemboweled…. medieval cruelty awaits….
That might await anyone who doesn’t repent and kneel to Christ. And there might be judeos whose heart God sees as closer to him than some within CI circles.
Based on the discussion here about Deuteronomy 23:2, is it even possible for these juden to enter into the Assembly of God?
History recounted here have also left me extremely leery of any effort to let the Jews convert into Christianity. Maybe there are good ones, but I know that I can’t reliably tell them apart from the legions of (((shapeshifters)))
And if Josh Mandel were to win the US Senate race in Ohio, he would quickly forget his “judeo-Christian” values and all of a sudden become a full-on Jew and Zionist again…..
Exactly. Christians are duped.
Its the Average whites that are brainwashed into judasim-christanity cults. Why you blame serpent seed jews? They are probably just 5% of it. But its your non-jewish white neighbors, relatives, and wives and husbands to best friends ALL around you everywhere you go that are harloting with judasim and are smitten by the freaks.
“…at the expense of a historic Jewish commitment to religious pluralism”.
There’s a few other things “Judaism” has a historic commitment to, like Shamanism and Hindu Brahmanism.
The term “judeo-Christianity” really means “Christian-satanism” or “satanic-Christianity”, a blatant contradiction (oxymoron) and an impossibility because the two are diametrically opposed. One is good, the other evil.
We can’t serve the devil as well as God, but that’s what these blasphemers want, except that their real intent is to put the devil in God’s place.
True Christianity (which is difficult to find nowadays) is totally opposed to the ANTI-religion of the devil-worshipping jews.
Spot on, Barney! Couldn’t said it better myself!
Very good. Another applicable term would be ‘Baal-Christianity’ which,for example, is obviously & mockingly stuck in the face by Hollywood with this actor’s stage-name/pseudonym ‘Christian Bale (Baal)’ ie: a Baal-Christian.
I wouldn’t called it “Baal-Christianity” because it’s not Christianity….yes, it’s Baal worship, but where’s the Christian part?
Good god man, Baal-woship IS Satanism, that their ‘Christianity’ is Actual, meaning their devotion really acknowledges Jesus Christ as savior, is just a ‘Front’ a Facade a trick/deception at least to those in the ‘know’.
Would you happen to be one of those ‘dense’ ie: Hard-headed and stubborn white-people as exemplified by “Christ is King” comment above or just a miserable troll hard at work?
Get over yourself. Are you not aware of the idea of worshiping a false “Jesus”? Read your Bible, and maybe you won’t make such ignorant statements.
Just because a Christian claims to be Christian or that he thinks he’s worshiping Christ doesn’t make it so.
Talmudic Judaism is a post-Christian and anti-Christian religion. Even the time line shows that Christianity is not derivative of Pharasaism or talmudic Judaism. https://judaism.is/judeo-christian.html
The faith of the Israelites of the Old and New Testaments — known as “The Way” — was not “Judaism”, a term completely absent in the Bible. All Judaism is extra-biblical and Talmudic. There is no form of Judaism that isn’t heavily influenced by the Talmud. Even so-called “Torah” Jews are Talmudic. Judaism was never practiced by racial Israelites. It’s a bastardized babylonian occult religion practiced by Khazar racial mongrels.
This was the most concise and truthful statement. Jesus referee to the Pharisees and Saducees as the children of the Devil . They took their oral traditions and in 200+ AD published the Talmud. In every generation of humanity these miscreants continue to worship Satan who gives them power. We have at this time arrived at the point in history where these and their minions seek to implement their one world government. Dispensationalist christians have been instrumental in facilitating this fate as was predicted in II Thessalonians 2 where those that didn’t have a love of the truth will be destroyed.