(CODOH.com) Self-help guru, Howard Storm, has made a comfortable living selling books and giving lectures about his “near death experience” while under anesthesia on the operating table during an emergency surgical procedure — during which, he claims, he asked Jesus how God could have allowed the “Holocaust” to happen:
“I asked how God could let the Holocaust of World War II happen. We were transported to a railway station as a long train of freight cars was being unloaded of its human cargo. The guards were screaming and beating the people into submission. The people were Jewish men, women, and children.
Exhausted from hunger and thirst, they were totally disoriented from the ordeal of being rounded up and sent on a long journey to an unknown destination. They believed that they were going to work camps, and that their submission to the brutality of the guards was the only way to survive.
We went to the area where the selection process was taking place and heard the guards talking about ‘the Angel Maker.’ We went to the place the guards were referring to as ‘the Angel Maker,’ which was a series of ovens. I saw piles of naked corpses being loaded into the ovens, and I began to cry. Jesus said to me, ‘These are the people God loves.’ Then he said, ‘Look up.’
Rising out of the smoke of the chimneys, I saw hundreds of people being met by thousands of angels taking them up into the sky. There was great joy in the faces of the people, and there appeared to be no trace of a memory of the horrendous suffering they had just endured. How ironic that the guards sarcastically called the ovens ‘the Angel Maker.'”
If Howard Storm had really met Jesus, he would have been shocked to find out that what he’d learned about the “Holocaust” from movies, books, and television shows was false — so we can safely conclude that Howards “NDE” was probably no more than an anathesia-induced anxiety-laden dream.
In fact, what Howard claimed he “saw” in his encounter with Jesus sounds a lot like scenes out of “Schindler’s List” or some other Hollywood propaganda film.
So the idea that Jesus validate this massive anti-German Allied propaganda campaign is simply beyond all credibility — the Jews may have duped most of the “gentiles” and their fellow Jews about the “Holocaust,” but they didn’t fool God — though given their chutzpah, they probably think they have.
And doesn’t it seem rather odd that of all the things that Howard Storm could have asked Jesus upon meeting Him, why did he think to question God about His intention behind allowing the “Holocaust” to happen?
Perhaps, subconsciously, Howard, like the rest of us, knows something just doesn’t add up about all the “Holocaust” tall tales — and He wanted to find out what really happened directly from God.
Howard Storm’s 2005 book, My Descent Into Death, was published by Random House — a major Jewish publisher — and the fact that Jesus confirmed the “truth” of the “Holocaust during Howard’s “near death experience” may have contributed to their decision to publish his book and promote it so heavily.
You can listen to Howard Strom describe this “Holocaust” encounter with Jesus in this video beginning around the 58:00 minute mark:
It seems that if Howard Storm saw smiling faces on the Jews as they ascended out of the smoke stacks, it must have been a glorious experience.
” Former Atheist Claims ‘Jesus’ Showed Him The Holocost Really Happened During A Near Death Experience”.
Yep, and pigs fly!
What a load of bollocks. Due to the lack of actual forensic evidence for an alleged extermination program, the narrative is forced to rely upon emotive ””eyewitness”” accounts – many of which have been debunked.
In fact there have been so many debunked eyewitness accounts that they practically constitute a genre of their own, to quote Ron Unz.
This is just the next gen iteration of a ‘witness’ account, yet with the cunning twist that it can’t be debunked in the usual way through fact-checking. How do you debunk an alleged near death experience?
Eric the Red
A narrative is a story about reality, about how to interpret reality. It’s more important than reality itself. A narrative represents the moral values of a religion, secular or otherwise. Leftists fervently believe that telling lies about reality will magically make it conform to their holy narrative. They have brainwashed everyone else to believe the same thing. Since a narrative is holy, it must never be questioned, or else the doubter is branded immoral and will be severely punished.
The Holocaust is simultaneously the world’s most Holy Narrative, and also its most successful psyops. For the last 75 years, it has been foisted off on Western societies by Jews to guilt their populations and thereby manipulate them any way they want. To question it in any way, to make any attempt to determine objective truth, is to self-crucify yourself on a cross already prepared by the most powerful Jewish interests the world has ever known.
Janelle McKinley
He had the experience while waiting for surgery for a ruptured duodenum, the acid was eating his insides. I like his experience for showing how much Jesus loves us despite our shortcomings. What I disagree with is his insistence that there is no reincarnation although there are many other non-Earth experiences ahead of us before we are perfect enough to have full Union with God. Jesus said you must be perfect, even as the Father in Heaven. The doctrine of reincarnation was part of the Christian canon until the 6th C AD when it was removed by Justinian under pressure from the truly diabolical Theodora. (Asha Logos channel describes how diabolical she was.) 23% of Christians today still accept and have some understanding of the doctrine. Neurosurgeon and atheist Eben Alexander, MD came back from his NDE and now talks about karma (simply the law of cause and effect–kill by the sword die by the sword, etc.) and reincarnation. A channel called The 144000 has a series that goes quickly through passages from the OT and NT alluding to the doctrine: By the Emperor’s Command: Banning Reincarnation! Most Christians simply do not understand what it is. So if you want to be fair you should be shedding light on this.
Deuteronomy 18:20, 2Peter 2:1 and Jeremiah 23:27-32 come to mind…
He’s surely an attention seeker. He sounds like he feels awefully guilty about something he’s done in the past and wants forgiveness.
But if he had a contrite and humble Christian conversion, would he want all this attention, including a big book deal and media appearances? Does he think telling this story is his way of trying to convert others? Lots of New Agers have near death experiences, and so many of them sound like they were written from the same script….
This guy has to be jewish. He has a rabbi and uses the corrupt false name “yeshua” instead of Jesus Christ. Jews are natural born liars https://www.jewishvoice.org/watch/howard-storm-my-descent-death-second-chance-life
Stevie, your link requires signing in to see the video….it can be seen on YouTube without signing in here:
I think he’s just trying to please the Jews. In his testimony, he says he came from a Christian family, but got turned off by it, and believed in science instead. So he’s not a racial Jew.
Don’t worry about that. “Yeshua” just means Jesus in Hebrew. Its just translation differences.
Big Foot
Yeah its like
“We will accept Christ existed, if you accept holocaust happened…………………..deal? “
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
Bet he became much richer after this BS story. Jews going to Heaven? They don’t believe in a Heaven, so how could they go there?
The Holocaust© is getting more exposed by the day, thanks to the Internet & sites like this one. The Juden know they must keep up that fiction at all costs, even if it takes killing off half the planet with their toxic CONJOB-19 poison.
Sounds like this guy had a guilty conscience about the life he’d lived, so when he faced death, he had some kind of dream where he met Jesus and begged for forgiveness. It was real in his mind, nowhere else. But the experience did bring him to Christ in a way, despite it not being the entire truth.
Some people just seem to need these paranormal experiences with a “spirit” in order to wake them up….like Ebenezer Scrooge’s dream the night before Christmas….
I thought the author was “Howard Stern” & went, “Oh my God he has really gone off the deep end”.
America/Europe is Israel
“Former Atheist Claims ‘Jesus’ Showed Him The Holocaust Really Happened During A Near Death Experience”.
He’s still an atheist, illusional at that. Jesus Christ has spoken to us through his written word; in “as it is written”. Not in some drug induced pipe dream.
As the article states: he may have convinced the delusional Zionist Christians the Holocaust was real, ( hey, Brother, pass that bong), but, people who have done their honest, insightful research on the matter knows it never happened. And to say it did under a fanciful drug induced coma, is akin. to saying the moon is made of green cheese.
The Jews are amazing creatures. They never stop playing the sleight of hand.