During a 2003 speech at Oxford Union, former Labour MP and out-spoken critic of Israel, George Galloway, was interrupted by Jewish protesters who waved the Israeli and accused him of “racism” against Jews — which prompted him to defend himself by revealing his activism in South Africa with the Jews who led the anti-Apartheid movement there:
I am one of the few people on the Left in Britain who traveled the length and breadth of Apartheid South Africa — as an underground agent of the African National Congress led by Nelson Mandela — then in Pollsmoor Prison in Cape Town.
The subject of Apartheid is particularly important to me. The question of racism is particularly important to me. And in parenthesis let me tell you this — that throughout the entirely of my time underground in South Africa under Apartheid, every house I slept in, every dinner I ate, every car I drove in was provided by Jewish activists of the African National Congress. So Jews don’t have to be on the side of Apartheid. They don’t have to be on the side of racism.
Jewish heroes amongst my blood brotherhood, like Denis Goldberg, who served 27 years on Robben Island, in Pollsmoor Prison, but was never able to touch Mandela and his comrades because they were on one side of the Apartheid prison wall, and he and a few other Jewish heroes of the African National Congress were on the other. Denis Goldberg, Albie Sachs, Joe Slovo, Ruth First. Perhaps you’ve heard of these people — if you haven’t, look them up.
Jews don’t have to be on the side of Apartheid. They can stand up against it. And I say this to those who say they are friends of the state whose flag that was just waved in my face, turn away from the racist Apartheid ideology of Zionism. Turn back to where Jews were before the emergence and hegemony of Zionism.
The greatest people on the earth were Jews. The leaders of the socialist, communist, trade union — Liberal — Enlightenment — throughout the 17th, 18th, 19th centuries were great Jews. Marx himself was a Jew. None of them believed as Jews they should go and take somebody’s else’s country and drive millions of them around the world as refugees. All of them would have turned their back against such an ideology.
But because of my experience in South Africa….because of the decades that I worked against Apartheid in South Africa, do you imagine that I would turn up at a university and debate Apartheid with a supporter from South Africa of the Apartheid system? I’d rather punch them in the face than debate with them. Why? Because Apartheid is a racist poison. It is the worst kind of fascism. And I would never debate, with any supporter of South African Apartheid. Why should I debate any supporter of Israeli Apartheid?
George Galloway is a textbook example of a “useful idiot” — a “gentile” who devotes his life to Jewish revolutionary causes only to find at the end of it that he’s no longer useful — and has actually become part of the problem.
Socialism and communism were the revolutionary mechanisms that Jews used to undermine, subvert and destroy White Christian nations — and deliver those nations into the hands of Jewish oligarchs who have become the new de facto aristocracy.
That Jewish aristocracy — contrary to what the dupe George Galloway naively believes — is inherently racist, and has always been racist.
Galloway sincerely believes that Karl Marx is “one of the greatest people on earth” — even though his ideology has led to the wholesale murder of over 100 million people in the last 100 years.
After all, another “great Jew” — Vladimir Lenin — once rationalized those murders in the cause of communism as — you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet — apparently, 100 million eggs and counting.
And no doubt George Galloway considers the mass murderer Leon Trotsky another “great” Jew — who would see Galloway not as a “brother in arms” but for what he really is — just another of the “white negroes” who will be the de facto slaves of the Jewish bankers who finance this ongoing revolution:
We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny and not a white one. We mean the word ‘red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s funeral, and we shall became a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall show what real power is. By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence.” (From the ‘Memoirs of Aron Simanovich’, quoted in The Nature of Zionism by Vladimir Stepin, Moscow, 1993, and translated from Russian into English by Clive Lindhurst.)
And that describes the world today — under the guise of a fake pandemic — White nations have indeed been “reduced to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence” — and it’s going to get a lot worse.
These Jewish oligarchs fully intend to treat White Christians they way they treated the vanquished Germans and Japanese after World War II.
Clearly, Galloway naively believes that communism and Zionism are two mutually exclusive ideologies — when, in fact, they are inextricable from each other — Galloway served the ultimate Zionist agenda by helping to destroy Apartheid in South Africa.
The anti-Apartheid Jews of South Africa like the late Denis Goldberg weren’t motivated by their love for Blacks but rather their hatred for White Christian nations — and White South Africa had to be destroyed less it be an example to other healthy White nations.
For proof of this we need to look no further than Kim Heller, a current Jewish leader of the South Africa ANC — she makes no attempt to hide her hatred of her “fellow” White people.
And now that Galloway has outlived his usefulness, he may very quickly find himself investigated by the police for “hate speech” — like fellow Zionist critic, Bristol University professor David Miller.
In fact, Oxford University — where Galloway gave this rousing anti-Zionist speech in 2003 — has adopted the new IHRA definition of “antisemitism” — which means Galloway would now be censored and possibly investigated for “inciting racial hatred” against Jews for this speech.
The Jewish oligarchs that own and run Facebook announced that they will be censoring the use of terms like “Zionism” — which they now consider a “dog whistle” for antisemitism.
And YouTube — also owned and controlled by the same pro-Zionist supremacists — are following suit and censoring “anti-Zionist” content — which will eventually include this Galloway speech from 2003.
All Jewish sensationalism aside, Hendrik Verwoerd — the former leader of South Africa who was murdered at the behest of the Jewish bankers — explains the simplicity of Apartheid — and why it was in everyone’s best interests — except for the Jews:
Jewish George Galloway Holohoax and Jewish controlled China Pusher(Cover top with Jewish Pedo Savile)
Rochdale Muslims JEW UK elect Little Hat Jew George Galloway as MP. Politician.
Scotland has Crypto Jew Leader Humza Yousaf.
“George Galloway, 69, swept to victory in Thursday’s contest, winning almost 40% of the vote in the parliamentary seat of Rochdale.”
Assange Wikileaks.
Assange Rothschild Sponosored
Assange Rothschild Sponosored
So why is this done from the UK. The answer is because that is where he is the closest to his masters, the super powerful dynastic Rothschild banking and zionist family………. Assange’s lawyer is the prominent Mark Stephens whose law firm Finers Stephens Innocent is legal adviser to the Rothschild Waddesdon Trust which is concerned with the “maintenance, improvement and payment of certain of the outgoings in respect of Waddesdon Manor (Rothschild’s most prestigious property in the UK) in the Vale of Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire.”
The Wadesdon Trust’s board of trustees is chaired by the Queen”s former Private Secretary Lord Fellowes and has three Rothschild family members as trustees, Lord (Jacob) Rothschild, Lady Rothschild (his wife) and Beth Matilda Rothschild. It is domiciled 14 St James’s Place in London which is also the London address of Lord Jacob Rothschild and his high profile wealth management business St. James’s Place Group (formerly J. Rothschild Assurance Group).
Protest against new Jewish PM. Donald Tusk in Poland
Top Polish leaders celebrate Hanukkah in parliament after antisemitic incident.
Thanks to President Jewish Javier Milei of Argentina poverty levels up to 57% from 45% video of him dancing at the Wailing Wall .
Poverty levels in Argentina hit a multiple-year high in January following the drastic economic reforms carried out by newly installed President Javier MileiAccording to the data, the share of people in poverty in the country surged to 57.4% last month, the highest since 2004, and up from 44.7% in the third quarter of 2023, prior to Milei taking office.
Dutch duped into electing Jewish Geert Wilders as a Nationalist not realising that Jews are FOR Refugees in White Countries.
The Rest are either Jewish or Shabbos Goys, Le pen,Orban, Georgia Meloni, Nick Griffin, Collet etc.
no genuine Nationalist would be allowed on the World Stage Controlled Media on the Tell-lievision.
Paul O'Donohoe
Here is a video titled ” British MP George Galloway Cuts off Caller for Telling the Truth about Jewish Neocons”
A caller to a show Galloway hosted on Press TV was telling the truth about jews, and the caller brought up more and more which Galloway did not like. He called the caller a racist and said, “You are banned from my show” even though Galloway has no control over Press TV.
So Galloway engages in communist-style censorship – well, his idol is the jewish bolshevik leader, Lenin https://youtu.be/sKU7O2_yQqg
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
here is something on galloway what got me with a person i followed praecursator on twitter his idol is gadaffi but he supports galloway who called for overthrow of his idol when i called him out on his hypocrisy he accused me of nit picking strange
back the overthrow of Gadaffi and called for Islamists to rule:
“GG: I am. I’m for bringing down the Gaddafi dictatorship but I don’t believe that former colonial powers – western
governments – intervening in another Arab Muslim country can do any good.
GG: Yes, but I’m sure the United Nations will not agree to a no-fly zone. Just how many people have to be killed in a civil conflict before this cry for foreign intervention is raised? There are many places
in the world where thousands of people die without this cry ever being raised, and I’m wondering what exactly is special about the Libyan situation?
GG: I say we have no role in this. If among 350 million Arabs there are some who would join the revolution in Libya, I think the
Egyptians and Tunisians should open their borders to let them in.
MP: What sort of people would they be?
GG: They would be Islamists.
MP: So you’re calling for Islamists to overthrow Gaddafi?
GG: I welcome the imminent victory of the Islamic movements in Egypt and Tunisia, which
I think will provide very good governments on the Turkish model. so here you go galloway supported destruction of of libya death of gadaffi here is the article https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2011/mar/12/conversation-libya-intervention-george-galloway
galloway celebrates the jewish bolshevik psychopath lenin who murdered russian royal family and millions of russians, he retweets from jewish holocaust profile
george galloway turned down gordon bowdens request to tell his story of finchley road fraud money laundering
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
years ago i used to think galloway was ok but during the covid scamdemic he has shown himself up he had a go at people who questioned the vaccine program he likened those who spread the truth about billgates as the new rothschild conspiracy cranks also had a go at those bringing up things about 5g , here is galloway denying the rothschilds own bank of england https://youtu.be/kpHVaMxOAOQ there was another video if i can find it again where galloway bullies a caller to his show who had vaccine concerns galloway tried to fit him up as a flat earther also i can upload some of his tweets to my gallery also one where he celebrates the bolshevik psycho lenin
g. jesup
George Galloway is textbook controlled opposition. He’s married to a Muslim Arab woman, and he’s allowed to be a critic of Israel, but he’s a staunch defender of Jews. He gives you a little truth to give him credibility then leads you astray everywhere else. Evil.
Stay away, except to expose him and warn others about him.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
on twitter i put out a tweet fully exposing george galloway and his fraud workers party who never protested any lockdowns destroying jobs businesses but had a go at anti lockdown protesters as much as calling them covid deniers.
from someone on twitter they told me workers party is not a registered political party , the workers parties idol is lenin anyway here is that promised video titled. Listen to this caller who doesn’t believe in vaccines and doesn’t know if the Earth is ROUND. the caller never said he believed the earth is flat, its just galloway trying to fit him up as conspiracy crank and smear anti vaccine people.
vaccines much of them are money making schemes a tool of depopulation population control , who run these firms jews do. notice that coward galloway turned off comments as he knows that he would get negative comments for being a bully:
also if i can find it galloway backed the arab spring and overthrow of gadaffi
Well, the good news is that George Galloway’s videos do not have much of a viewership, with most of them under 2K views per video. For such a high profile activist those are not good numbers….
so, George Galloway says the Jewish hero’s are of his blood brotherhood? Is he saying then, that he is Jewish? I can criticize the Catholic Church , even though I became a member at about 12 years of age. but one thing the Catholic Church always taught was that the Jews crucified Christ and that they were of the synagogue of Satan. And it seems to me that since the Catholic Church has gotten away from that teaching, and has shifted the blame from the Jews crucifying Christ to the Romans doing it, the Jews have been able to get their claws into society, government, politics, religion, education , health etc. and suppress most criticism of them .
A Jewish encyclopedia , maybe a 1938 issue , says that Phariseeism is still practiced today.
Jan Lamprecht, who has a website out of South Africa, says the same thing. He also says that , I believe that it is the position of Secretary of State has always been held by Jews. His website is “History Revisited.”
Hopefully you just posted this to prove Galloway had knowledge that it was a Jewish agenda that South Africa become Marxist under the ANC, right?
That’s right.
The True History Globalists Deleted From Text Books! South Africa.
israel’s war on truth – paid shills and trolls underneath your comments.
Anthony McKenna
HarryB, Your links do not work.
Chris and Johan, you are both my people and I love my people. We have to be unified in seeking truth. I do not know is sometimes better than I know. I think you both hold valid points and I love you both. Why can you not speak as a wise matriarch spoke to me – Play nicely. You are both white so speak with the image of God in your mind. Both of you are my brothers. Arise. Never answer a question with a question Rather answer with I do not know or am not sure. What do you think. This way we can build not with adversity and animosity. I love you both but find the direction and tenure unhelpful. We are one or are we not?!
The day of the rope can’t come quickly enough for you, Georgie boy.
Great insight on the “useful idiot” analogy. South Africa itself was the “useful idiot” who fought against communism in the Angola border war. When the wars came to and end, South Africa was betrayed and discarded to the communists themselves. Now that the African colonies had done their job, they all needed to be handed over to their U.N. sanctioned Marxist proxy governments.
But South Africa only has itself to blame. Christiaan De Wet, a Boer general in the second Boer war of 1899 – 1902, wrote in his book Three Years War that as early as then they acknowledged jews as men among their own. No wonder there were so many by the time of Galloway, as the article suggests.
When South Africa’s success increased under Apartheid, they fell into the decadence of consumerism, media, alcohol, casinos and debauchery. By that time, the sin of beastiality was in full force, as there was a whole “ethnic group” created by that sin know as “coloreds”.
They couldn’t keep their heads out of imperial, globalist publications, which slandered Christian, nationalist values at every turn. We see the same today, as the allure of mainstream media pulls even those self-labelled as “conservatives” and “racists” into its embrace, while they imagine themselves to be immune to its poison.
In the end, white South Africa voted against itself in the South Africa Apartheid referendum of 1992. This allowed non-whites voting power, thus finalizing the communist take-over.
Interesting how the whore of Babylon is Israel. Revelation 17:18 says,
The woman whom you saw is the great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth.
But Isaiah 1:21 says,
How the faithful city has become a prostitute, She who was full of justice! Righteousness once dwelt in her, But now murderers.
Revelation 17:4,16 says,
4 The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold, precious stones, and pearls, holding in her hand a gold cup full of abominations and of the unclean things of her sexual immorality… 16 And the ten horns which you saw, and the beast, these will hate the prostitute and will make her desolate and naked, and will eat her flesh and will burn her up with fire.
But Jeremiah 4 says of Israel,
30 And you, desolate one, what will you do? Although you dress in scarlet, Although you adorn yourself with jewelry of gold, Although you enlarge your eyes with makeup, In vain you make yourself beautiful. Your lovers despise you; They seek your life. 31 For I heard a voice cry as of a woman in labor, The anguish as of one giving birth to her first child. The voice of the daughter of Zion gasping for breath, Stretching out her hands, saying, “Ah, woe to me, for I faint before murderers.”
Just like Mr. Galloway, Israel itself is the “useful idiot”.
Christians For Truth
Christaan De Wet’s book “Three Years War” can be read online here:
All my South African mates were kicked out of South Africa when Mandela took power. They had fought all over Africa against Mandela and his evil wife and the commie hoards for the S.A. army. They were forced to leave their houses, with no possesions or pets, in the darkness of nightime, and taken to barrack camps. Then they were given the option of New Zealand, Austrailia, or Canada: put on a plane and deported with passport revoked.
Others buggered off outta there quick-smart while they could; and they still keep coming! I welcome them!
At this rate S.A. will be blacks and jews. Oh and indians and jungle asians. (apparently there are tons of them there).
Poaching the big game animals really makes me sad. And poeple all over the world wonder what they can do to stop it??? Eduacting blacks doesn’t work. I KNOW!…Try colonizing Africa with Caucasians and watch civilisation flourish! There were almost no endangered animals when Whites ran Africa… big game was plentiful, and, just that – GAME!
“… do you imagine that I would turn up at a university and debate Apartheid with a supporter from South Africa of the Apartheid system? I’d rather punch them in the face than debate with them.”
Heavens above! Leftys really hate talking to people with a differing point of view, eh… they just get violent instead.
Liberals are always wrong on the facts and logic, so they have no choice but to resort to violence and censorship. And Liberals are so narcissistic that they cannot conceive how anyone could possibly disagree with them.
You might wish to ask yourself why there is such intense jewish censorship which is happening so heavily within our America that you are not allowed to read the book which Jewry’s much esteemed Nelson Mandela wrote prior to him having been imprisoned.
So far as I can determine, this book has never been on the NYT’s best-seller list. That is doubly strange in that the jewish communists were the ones who had so heavily promoted Mandela and the ANC communist movement and Party within South Africa.
Text of the handwritten Manuscript: [scroll down]
“HOW TO BE A GOOD COMMUNIST”, by Nelson Mandela
Where ever in the world that you go where there are jews, there you will find communists.
Whereever you find communists, you will find jews – and a lot of them.
The censorship Cheka has been very active in removing materials such as this, so you may want to make a copy of the booklet to share later, after Jewry has “redeemed” him.
I had saved this information below, which is from a site now “burned by Jewry” [BBJ].
“Like most valuable and loyal lackeys to the Jewish World Mafia, aka the Illuminati, Mandela was eventually released from prison in 1990 at the ripe old age of 74. Joining forces once again with his old friend and mentor Yossel Mashel Slovo – who was now the undisputed white Jewish-Communist Party Boss of South Africa, according to Wikipedia [wiki -Joe_Slovo], Mandela grabbed the reins of power and never looked back! Mandela quickly ascended to the African National Congress presidency in 1994 and simultaneously became the new “Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks” symbol for anti-racism and “civil rights” world wide – but most especially in the United States. Just like MLK, his true sordid history and base character was completely ignored and glossed over. It figures!
At his death, Nelson Mandela was the recipient of over 250 international awards including the Nobel Peace Prize, and the American Presidential Medal. What most Americans don’t realize, however, is that during his lifetime he was also awarded the Soviet Union’s highest COMMUNIST award at the time, the ORDER OF LENIN – reserved only for the most heroic advocates and defenders of the Bolshevik/communist collectivism agenda worldwide.”
hezekiah rising
Since the French Revolution Zionists have relied on gentiles to do theirt dirty work. Freemasonary and a host of other secret gentile societies are established for this very purpose. Their ultimate target is always ‘white’ & ‘Christian’. After the revolution takes places these patsies are the 1st to be terminated or sent off to some gulag.
Yes, the jews do love to use their Noahide Freemasons for the purpose of Jewry, Hezekiah, just as they used the Freemasons during the “French” Revolution. The eventual plan is for the entire non-Jewish populations of the world to either become Noahides, regardless of whether the non-jews are “religious” or not, even at first the atheists and agnostics, and to thereby have everyone become factually enslaved to the jews, or to suffer eventual death. There are already quite a few of these Noahide groups, and some others which are training grounds for Noahide which operate in “multi-faith” and “jew-Christian” groups. You may want to check out your own state or country for those. They sometimes are labeled as camps for B’nai Noachs.
“In 1845 C. E. …
From ‘A Lexicon of Freemasonry’, by Bro. Dr. Albert G. MacKey M. D., Published in 1845.blockcut1877
Noachidæ, or Noachites – The descendants of Noah. A term applied to Freemasons. Noah having alone preserved the true name and worship of God, amid a race of impious idolaters, Freemasons claim to be his descendants, because they still preserve that pure religion which distinguished this second father of the human race from the rest of the world. And even when his descendants began again, in the plains of Shinar, to forget the Almighty, and to wander from the path of purity, the principles of Noah were still perpetuated by that portion of his race whom the Freemasons of the present day regard as their early predecessors. Hence Freemasons call themselves Noachidæ, or the sons of Noah.
Noah, Precepts of. – The precepts of the patriarch Noah, which were preserved as the constitutions of our ancient brethren, are seven in number, and are as follows:
1.Renounce all idols.
2.Worship the only true God.
3.Commit no murder.
4.Be not defiled by incest.
5.Do not steal.
6.Be just.
7.Eat no flesh with blood in it.
The “proselytes of the gate,” as the Jews termed those who lived among them without undergoing circumcision, or observing the ceremonial law, were bound to obey the seven precepts of Noah.”
A Litvak is a jew which is from Lithuania and it’s associated geographic areas in Europe.
This Litvak jewess at her site below is very proud of what her fellow Litvak jews accomplished in the creation and subversion of South Africa for jewish communism.
“Legendary Litvak heroes of Africa”
“In the anti Apartheid South African Liberation struggle, it was estimated that Jews were over represented by 2,500 percent in their proportion to the governing population. This stamp issue acknowledges the extraordinary sacrifices made by Jews to the liberation of their African brethren, and these stamps recognize some of the most significant contributors to global humanity in the 20th Century.
[For one Example]: “Ruth First was born on May 4, 1925 to Jewish immigrants Julius and Matilda First. Julius, a furniture manufacturer, was born in Latvia and came to South Africa in 1906. He and his wife were founder members of the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA) or South African Communist Party (SACP) in 1921 . Ruth and her brother, Ronald, grew up in a household in which intense political debate between people of all races and classes was always present.”
A “special” Litvak site for Lithuanian jews
Galloway has had multiple non-White “wives”, and numerous mixed-race children. He also converted to Islam. Perhaps having Arab children has made him sympathetic to the Palestinian cause. One thing is sure, however….he has no sympathy for White people in the U.K., unless they are working class, like a classic Marxist hypocrite. And he certainly has a problem with any “racists” who want to preserve England for the native Brits.
That there tells you enough….the real enemies of White people are White people…..history tells that part of the story loud and clear too.
In 1979, he married Elaine Fyffe, with whom he has a daughter. The couple separated in 1987 and divorced in 1999.
In 1994, Galloway married Dr. Amineh Abu-Zayyad, a biologist of Palestinian origin, in an Islamic ceremony; a civil ceremony followed around 2000. Abu-Zayyad was granted a divorce in February 2009, after an estrangement of several years, on the grounds of “unreasonable behaviour”; her petition was not contested.
Galloway married Rima Husseini, his former researcher, in a non-legally binding Islamic ceremony in 2005. With Husseini, who is originally from Lebanon, Galloway had two sons.
On 31 March 2012, he married his fourth wife, Putri Gayatri Pertiwi, in an Islamic ceremony in Amsterdam. The initial event was followed by a traditional Javanese wedding ceremony in Sumatra and a civil marriage at the House of Commons in September 2012. Gayatri (born c. 1984) is an anthropologist, born in the Netherlands of Indonesian descent, who works as a consultant for a Dutch research firm. The couple had a son in summer 2014 and a daughter in 2017. On 8 August 2020 Galloway announced the birth of his sixth child, a girl.
Great role model…..for the multicultural agenda of the Zionist supremacist.
I just listened to a horrifying video yesterday about pedophilia and child traffickers. All 4 of the child brothels in UK are run by Arabs
Patrick White
Everywhere they have gone… a cancer.
Best of luck to Iran.
Right Patrick, It’s easy to see their fruits even where the jews, who usually work from the more remote backgrounds to do their dirty work while maintaining Jewry’s “sugary” faces as a front, are not specifically mentioned.
“California Approves Ethnic Studies Curriculum That Encourages a ‘Countergenocide’ Against Whites”
“The California Board of Education has unanimously approved a new ethnic studies school curriculum that has students “chant to the Aztec god of human sacrifice” and encourages a “countergenocide” against White Christians.”
“The war started in 1964. The black African nationalists wanted to rule the country and get rid of the whites as it had been done in Congo. Many white and black Rhodesians feared the return of Rhodesia to a tribal state, and leaving behind it’s civilized, industrial, and educated culture at the time. Tensions rose after Rhodesia declared independence from England. Britain had a policy of majority rule before independence, and did not acknowledge Rhodesia as a free state, just like the American Declaration of Independence. Britain and the United Nations then placed sanctions on Rhodesia for the rest of its history.”
“Afrikaner: Feel Helpless Regarding Amnesty International Refusal to Protect”
“As a member of Amnesty International, the UNPO.org and a minority member myself,
I am writing in regard about Amnesty International security report of South Africa….
“Perhaps Amnesty should at least start condemning the constant stream of hatespeech and direct murder threats coming from people who have even coined new murder slogans such as “One Bullet – One White Infant’ for instance this man – as there is a sudden surge in attacks on Afrikaner infants, the latest being Marizaan Kruger, one year old, who was viciously assaulted by three men who attacked her Robindale, Randburg home when she was left in charge of a black nanny. The child has been left blind and probably also permanently neurologically-damaged by the vicious assault, carried out by a big black man who had wrapped a brick inside a blanket just to bash the Afrikaans baby with.”
“70,000 Whites Murdered in ‘Modern’ South Africa; Obama’s African Legacy” [July 26, 2015]
“Since Nelson Mandela and the communist African National Congress (ANC) took over South Africa, more than 70,000 whites have been murdered and untold numbers have been robbed, raped and tortured.
But you will not hear about this in the Western media, which fawns over the black terrorists who now run the once-prosperous country.
Claudia Bryan is a South African activist living in London. Her grandmother owned a bakery in South Africa. One day six blacks entered the bakery and gang-raped her. They then tried to shoot her. The gun jammed. In anger they gang raped her again and the 70-something woman died. Robbery was not the motive.” [More, and check out the ending.]
“The war started in 1964. The black African nationalists wanted to rule the country and get rid of the whites as it had been done in Congo.” The corrupt Black African rulers enable the Jews to plunder the natural resources and becoming billionaires while the majority of Africans live in poverty, but the Black African’s continue to blame White people for their misery.
Dan Gertler and corruption is a perfect example. Congolese keep blaming Leopold who never set foot in the Congo, but they suffer from foot in mouth disease when it comes to Jews who plunder the natural resources of the Congo. From slavery to colonialism the same crap Jews put things in motion and other people are blamed for their crimes.
The majority White people (Christians) allow this fraud to continue with impunity from the comfort of their country, mainly America….which would do much better than the old country, Europe.
Despite his proven corruption Dan Gertler gets a gift from Donald Trump
The Jewish controlled state department and treasury in America try to keep up appearance
Well said. The jewish problems in South Africa go back to the Dutch East India Comany. All the jewish apologists like to ignore the fact everything ungodly, from the usurious monetary system, is driven by serpent seed jews.
Was it a jew who caused Ham to look on Noah’s nakedness?
Was Balaam of Peor a jew?
Were those in the rebellion of Korah jews?
Were Aaron’s sons who sinned and died for burning strange incense jews?
Were Aaron and Miriam jews, who resisted Moses, where Miriam was afflicted with leprosy as punishment?
Were the tribe of Benjamin jews, who murdered a man’s daughter and were almost wiped out from Israel as a result?
You’ve said everyone who denies everything ungodly comes from jews is a jewish apologist. Therefore, I’d appreciate an answer, if you wouldn’t mind.
I was waiting for you to show up. On que…
“Therefore, I’d appreciate an answer, if you wouldn’t mind”. Ha
I don’t deny Israel are a back sliding , gullible lot. Never have. Look at the exodus. Hence the fulfillment of the law and the new covenant. Maybe you ask the mod to release my response to Fritzz.
You already have the answer to your leading question but for some reason you deny two seed line. Or do you believe in children’s stories about snakes and apples?
“those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell.”
Christians For Truth
Chris, your response to Fritzz was not posted because of its hostile, condescending, arrogant and divisive tone. There is nothing Christian in your demeanor. You show no love to your supposed brethren.
It appears that you have trouble engaging in any discussions with people who disagree with you without resorting to this snide and dismissive tone. And this response to Johan is more proof of that.
If you cannot engage in a rational discussion without mocking others, you will be permanently banned from further commenting. Obviously you are used to participating in forums where that behavior is both condoned and even encouraged. CFT is not that kind of place.
Chris, I’m glad you know me well enough by now then.
Chris wrote, “I don’t deny Israel are a back sliding , gullible lot. Never have. Look at the exodus. Hence the fulfillment of the law and the new covenant.”
Ah, but you’re backpedaling now, and haven’t really answered the question. I have shown you instances where Israel — and pre-Israelites — have sinned where no jews were involved whatsoever, but you seem reticent to acknowledge that.
Chris wrote, “You already have the answer to your leading question but for some reason you deny two seed line. Or do you believe in children’s stories about snakes and apples?”
Now now, the Scripture never mentions any children’s stories or apples. That was a foul play, don’t you think? Although Paul (2 Corinthians 11:3), Isaiah (Isaiah 65:25) and Micah (Micah 7:17) seemed to believe in the snake part. Who am I to question them? If you want to quote Revelation 12, I hope you will at least think carefully over it first and do not imagine in your mind that I don’t expect it.
Does it make it easier for you to believe in two seedline if you imagine those who oppose you — such as myself — to be oafish enough to believe in “children’s stories about snakes and apples”?
Reason with me for a moment, Chris. In our discussions, I am happy to support all I believe. You’ve quoted Finck’s works, or given your own reasoning, and I’ve answered every time. Your absence also seems rather conspicuous on these two articles:
You are such a staunch proponent of two seedline, I would have thought you’d relish the opportunity to state your views. Maybe we don’t know each other quite so well yet then?
But you are wondering why I deny two seedline? I dare say that I know two seedline better than you do, because I could regurgitate Finck’s arguments without even linking to his website.
My question to you is this: Why do you still cling to it given your complete failure and even unwillingness to defend its doctrines out of the Scripture?
Now I don’t want to taunt you, scoff at you or belittle you. This is very important to me, and it is surely very important to you. Reason with me then…
That’s hardly a fair assessment CFT. Accused of being a “Karl Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky” for daring to shine the light on jewish nature rather than always blaming Whitey. Is that not Christian or is Christianity just another religion and not a race? Lets throw our fellow Israelite brothers under the bus for being deceived cradle to grave.
How many cheeks should I offer to such accusations?
My comment regarding the plight of White South Africans is not one that brings joy to my heart. On the contrary. I wish they would turn from the errors of their ways just like every other White person on the planet. Johannus always approaches with a juvenile demeanour making ridiculous demands. My intuition tells me he has an agenda and would be better off if we avoided each other.
Yes I am abrupt and uncouth most times. A results of hardships in a jewish world where most are bastards if not evangelical jewish apologists. Just recently I heard someone say, “those poor jews”. Yes indeed, those poor jews. What exactly is a Christian demeanour? Proselytizing to the 3rd world or pretending Christ is a jew? Can you see my problem?
Do what you must. Listen to your conscience but always follow the truth.
“Ah, but you’re backpedaling now, and haven’t really answered the question.”
I’m backpedaling now. No the truth is your projecting by going around in circles ignoring the continuity in scripture. I’m sure they are still up for others to see.
“I have shown you instances where Israel — and pre-Israelites — have sinned where no jews were involved whatsoever”.
Before Cain. I’ll let you work that one out while you play dumb on the serpent.
“why I deny two seedline? I dare say that I know two seedline better than you do, because I could regurgitate Finck’s arguments”
I have a good hunch why and for all the claims of “regurgitate Finck’s arguments”, can we link to them here so we can pull them apart or will they just be blocked like always?
“Your absence also seems rather conspicuous on these two articles:”
Another juvenile comment.
2 Kings 3:6-7
2 Chronicles 18:3
john 20:17
I have a question for you —
Paul, writing to the Galatians, wrote, “…Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.”
Paul contrasts “Eternal Life” with “Corruption”.
Would not “corruption” be the opposite of “Eternal Life”???
Chris wrote, “I have a good hunch why and for all the claims of “regurgitate Finck’s arguments””
Oh, let me clarify so there is no need for hunches. For years I studied two seedline and started to believe some of its doctrines. When I continued to study, I realized that it was not true.
I realized that belief in two seedline will necessarily result in not being saved. True belief in the Lord results in salvation, and so belief in a Jesus which does not result in salvation is belief in “another Jesus”. I hate to see my kindred being misled, and so I oppose the doctrine along with the one who so violently furthers it.
Chris wrote, “can we link to them here so we can pull them apart or will they just be blocked like always?”
Always? Have a look here, where it is clear that Finck’s theory on Romans being Israelites is completely wrong:
Then the propaganda that goes along with Finck’s work makes his followers believe that anyone who opposes him is a shill, traitor, liar, jew, or whatever. It’s real easy to discount someone off-hand when you believe they are one of those things.
You yourself managed to have one posted in:
But you didn’t bother to respond to me picking apart the essay. It seems that even when you get your way, and someone refutes the paper, you aren’t interested in discussing it. You said “so we can pull them apart”, but you’ve already shown you aren’t willing to, even when it’s allowed. You’ve said “blocked like always”, but that is patently false.
You don’t have to demonize me in your own mind. I’ve shown that I am willing to discuss this by addressing two of Finck’s papers which his followers have presented, yourself included. Now it’s your turn… Go and read those two articles which I’ve linked you to. If you know Finck’s work so well, you’ll know where it intersects with those papers. Leave a comment and tell us all why it’s wrong.
By two articles I’ve linked to you, I mean these two:
Johan – your putting words in people’s mouth which is not an honest thing to do. I cant be bothered to look at the link regarding Fink’s “Romans are Israelites” because they are. Irrespective of what you or Finck say. The historicity, anthropology and archaeology all support this not to mention genetics. Case closed!
But then again why should I surprised. This coming from someone who whitewashes Edomite jews by claiming they are all Judaens.
“Those who say they are Judeans but are not but are…………. ”
I’m not trying to demonize anyone. Grow up. I used to listen to Mark Downey all the time prior to his passing and he wasn’t 2 seed line.
Absolutely and those Galatians were Israelites. The spirit that was breathed into Adam and was not Eve “flesh of my flesh”. Pig’s born in stables can never be a horse.
“Thy shall not commit adultery”.
Romans 9
“I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost, That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart.
For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh: Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.
Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called”.
“I have come only unto the lost sheep of Israel”.
“These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the nations, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:
But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
You can’t use one verse in scripture to cancel out another. If there is no continuity, either the verse has been corrupted or your understanding is wrong.
Chris wrote, “The historicity, anthropology and archaeology all support this not to mention genetics. Case closed!”
Prove it.
Daniel 11 line for line describes that time of troubles between the Seleucid Empire and Ptolemaic Egypt, which were two of the four kingdoms which split off after Alexander the Great’s reign. Daniel 11:30 states that the ships of Kittim would block Antiochus IV Epiphanes from attacking Ptolemaic Egypt. After that, in Daniel 11:31, he would go and oppress Jerusalem. All of these things actually happened.
It was none other than Gaius Popillius Laenas sent directly from the Roman senate who stopped Antiochus from attacking Alenandria.
Numbers 24:24 then shows how Kittim will oppress Asshur and Eber, which is fulfilled in the Roman conquest of the known world, including the Levant and all the Middle East, which is where Asshur and Eber were.
Therefore, according to the Scripture, given what we know of history, the Romans were a Genesis 10 nation — pure Adamic people — and not Israelites. All Adamic people are white, but not all Adamic people are Israelites.
In an honest discussion, this is where you critique my evidence and provide your own counter-evidence.
Chris wrote, “You can’t use one verse in scripture to cancel out another. If there is no continuity, either the verse has been corrupted or your understanding is wrong.”
The verses you quoted are covered at length in this article in a way that as far as I can tell is continuous and in agreement with all Scripture: https://christiansfortruth.com/will-all-israel-be-saved-or-just-a-remnant/
Show us that you are a scholar of the Scriptures, read the article and show us why it’s wrong.
If the verses I quoted are covered at length then they have been covered with a jaundiced eye. Attempting to baffle with the proverbial. Besides all the facts, we know they were Israelites because that’s where apostles went. Remember the go not into the land of the “gentiles” part, and we’ll ignore the fact that Romans 9 was to the Romans 🙂
But then again why should I surprised. This coming from someone who whitewashes Edomite jews by claiming they are all Judaens.
“Those who say they are Judeans but are not but are…………. ”
“I have come only unto the…………………”
“All Adamic people are white, but not all Adamic people are Israelites”. Yes I agree. Just like Ionian Greeks are not Israelites but Dorian Greeks are. You can’t see the wood from the trees.
You can start reading here
Chris wrote, “If the verses I quoted are covered at length then they have been covered with a jaundiced eye. Attempting to baffle with the proverbial.”
If they are, then you will surely be able to show us why? Cast your clear eye over it and un-baffle it for us.
Chris wrote, “Besides all the facts, we know they were Israelites because that’s where apostles went. Remember the go not into the land of the “gentiles” part”
You keep quoting Matthew 10:5 as if Christ did not later say…
Matthew 28:19,
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
Mark 16:15,
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
Acts 1:8,
but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and as far as the remotest part of the earth.
Chris, are you aware that quoting Matthew 10:5 is utterly useless without reconciling it with what I’ve quoted above?
Chris wrote, “and we’ll ignore the fact that Romans 9 was to the Romans”
Chris wrote, ““Those who say they are Judeans but are not but are…………. ””
Would you connect these sayings to the Anatolian churches to something which is relevant to our discussion?
Chris wrote, ““I have come only unto the…………………””
John 10:16,
And I have other sheep that are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will listen to My voice; and they will become one flock, with one shepherd.
Isaiah 49:6,
He says, “It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant To raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the protected ones of Israel; I will also make You a light of the nations So that My salvation may reach to the end of the earth.”
Isaiah 56:8,
The Lord [a]God, who gathers the dispersed of Israel, declares,
“I will yet gather others to them, to those already gathered.”
Chris wrote, “Yes I agree. Just like Ionian Greeks are not Israelites but Dorian Greeks are. You can’t see the wood from the trees.”
I agree that the Dorian Greeks were Israelites but the Ionian Greeks weren’t, although I’m not sure how that statement means that I can’t see the wood from the trees.
Chris wrote, “You can start reading here https://www.bookdepository.com/author/L-A-Waddell”
Do you seriously expect me to sift through 48 books, costing over a thousand dollars in total, so that I can try and find out what you’re referring to? If you know the works well, or if you own any of them, provide me with the information combined with your argument here.
Patrick White
Great post, Flanders. Very informative – thank you.
Galloway has always taken the anti White position. Whether “anti apartheid” activism in SA or fighting “Islamophobia” in the UK while pretending to speak out against the fake terror state Israel. Funny that.
Fruit, trees. If it talks like a jew, walks like a jew and acts like a jew….
How are you any different from the Jews who deny that Jewish criminals and murderers are “real Jews”. They say that about Karl Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky. “Oh, they aren’t real Jews. Real Jews wouldn’t behave that way.” As a White apologist, you are taking on the same mentality that you claim to despise. White people “dindu nuffin”. We are in the mess we are in because they are millions of White George Galloways in league with our enemies. Stop making excuses for Whites who betray us.
Here, here!
The great Jewish people line brings this to mind, during a discussion I tweeted that “Christianity separated law from religion” meaning to avoid the constant strive and abuse of power people with a shared history decided to separate religion from politics. The Constitution for the United States of America, the first ever written, is the most prominent example. White men who learned from history and understood the duality of human nature….put it on paper to protect the individual from the tyranny of a group or tribe. The anger that I received from a Jewish guy because of that tweet was shocking….he was angry, and blasted me that Christianity didn’t separate law from religion, secularism did. What he didn’t realize by getting so angry about me saying that, he confirmed my position about the double-tongue of the socalled minority among Christians.
People don’t want Christianty in the public arena, and glorify secularism, but if you pay close attention to the details in all western countries Judaism is all over the place, in government, law and politics and influences government policy, their is no separation of Church and State when it comes to the Jews, but that applies to Christians. In essence….Christians demanded that ethics and conscience governed their communities and nations, but for some reason they also said we cannot demand the same from Jews.
This double-dipping is what Jewish supremacist take advantage of to undermine the foundation of Europe and America. Needless to say, they get help from Christians to spread their greatness which turns into disaster and misery in the long run. History tells the story loud and clear. The Jewish guy got mad at me for not glorifying Jews and their greatness….:-))
When Galloway blocked me on twitter I knew he was not just a useful idiot but a double-talking hypocrite no different from the Jews he rails against — and calls you racist, nazi and antisemite when you challenge their self-serving supremacist ways.
I didn’t worry to much about that because they come a dime a dozen, they talk a good game but they are cowards….like MalcolmX said beware of those who pretend to be your savior. Jewish Zionist supremacist exploit Black people and other non-Whites to incite hatred, but nobody has the gall to challenge them on a strong intellectual level….while I see it as clear as night and day that they are void of conscience, morally corrupt, intellectually dishonest, dictatorial, power hungry predators and a menace to humanity and the world.
Anti-Zionism is dog whistle for antisemitism, my foot, because you cannot be anti people who are not what they claim to be….they fooled the White majority in Europe and America to drink their chosen people cool-aid, but since I know my history, it’s a no-can-do to worship Jews as my Lord and savior.
George Galloway has taken to dressing like an Orthodox Jew with his black suits and black fedora, like notorious Zionist, Jack Abramoff. I’m sure this is a not-so subtle secret signal to Galloway’s Jewish handlers that he’s got their back — the fix is in.
The controlled opposition, I listened to some of the guys and gals who rant against Muslims and their own kind, glorify these Zionist Jewish supremacist hatemongers who are at the center of the anti-Christian Marxist depravity in western countries. Open-borders, importing economic refugees, fomenting hatred against White people, undermining social cohesion, but they never challenge the Jews, a matter a fact, they glorify the Jewish supremacist who loath them.
I think I posted the story about Jeremy Rifkin who is seen as a prophet by EU bureaucrats because he wrote the books “The Green New Deal (2019), The Zero Marginal Cost Society (2014), The Third Industrial Revolution (2011)”, which they adopted as EU policy to further their green agenda. All these Jewish guys who would not make it in the free market take to academia and get glorified as the saviors of humanity.
This is a pisser: “The greatest people on the earth were Jews. The leaders of the socialist, communist, trade union — Liberal — Enlightenment — throughout the 17th, 18th, 19th centuries were great Jews.” None of them created a darn thing that is tangible, they all, I am sure came out with theories from the figments of their imagination and the propaganda machine forced it down people’s throats as many from heaven. I read a lot of the social theories that Jews concocted, looking good on paper and making people feel good, but in practice it is utter non-sense that only benefits the peddlers of the crap.
This Jeremy Rifkin also wrote the Beyond Meat garbage and a Jewish guy turned it into a company and the propaganda machine sells it like manna from heaven. Jews dictating what’s good for society and the world, what people should eat, maggots instead of meat to save the planet and all the other non-sense….I am going to park this because I can go on and on, but it’s a waste of time.
I pick and choose who I listen too and I can tell you that the people who inspired me to stay the course were sure as God is my witness not Jews. Frederic Bastiat was not Jewish…..he died young but his legacy lives on….he didn’t advocate genocide, violence, death and destruction as Karl Marx did….