(Hallturnerradioshow.com) Dmitry Medvedev — the former President of Russia and now Deputy Chairman of the National Security Council — has become one of the most hardcore Russian politicians after he admonished Ukraine leaders to stop using cocaine and start negotiating peace with Russia.
In the brief video Medvedev states,
“In the end, Ukraine’s refusal to negotiate risks resulting in the loss of its national sovereignty. This is blatantly obvious. Authorities in Kiev should understand this — and use their brains a little when deciding on whether to continue negotiating or not. And not under the influence of cocaine or other stimulants they use, but with a sober mind.”
In a video interview before becoming President of Ukraine, Zelensky openly admitted to his cocaine use — and praised the drug’s positive impact on his life, such as being able to take his dog for a morning walk:
Interviewer: How do you feel about coke?
Zelensky: Awesome! Awesome! Energy, man. Number one!
Interviewer: Seriously?
Zelensky: Seriously! Energy for the whole day. At 7 a.m. I got up, took a walk with the dog. And I do snort drugs. This is the mode. I live in it. I advise everyone — just not hard drugs. Therefore, they make you want to sleep during the day. And this charge is enough for me until the evening. Yes!
And judging from Zelensky’s random facial expressions caught on camera — sniffing, snorting, twitching, eyes bulging, jaw grinding — he shows many of the outward symptoms of hardcore cocaine addiction.
We are not sure why he doesn’t consider cocaine a “hard drug” — but apparently a “hard drug” for Zelensky and his crew is any downer — like barbiturates, morphine, and heroin — drugs that don’t make him feel like the Master of the Universe.
And here is Zelensky in what appears to be a drug-induced stupor — doing his best impression of Al Pacino in Scarface [graphic language warning] — though void of Tony Montana’s charisma, irony, and menace.
That Zelensky has chosen to ignore the sober advice of the Israelis — to capitulate to Russia or face utter annihilation — surely indicates that Ukraine’s fate may be similar to Poland’s in World War II — when the Marshall of Poland — Edward Rydz-Śmigły — ignored all sensible overtures from Germany for a peaceful settlement and guaranteed Poland’s swift and utter destruction.
‘ZELENSKY’S ISRAELI PARENTS ARE IN ISRAEL’ http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2022/12/zelenskys-israeli-parents-are-in-israel.html
from scotland today , Zelenskyy hid his family in a luxury $8 million villa in Israel https://scotlandtoday.online/zelensky-hid-his-family-in-a-luxury-8-million-villa-in-israel
Zelensky, Goldman Sachs reps discuss attracting investment to meet Ukraine’s needs
Ukraine Sells France’s CAESAR Howitzer Guns on Black Market to Russians for $120K Each the howitzers were probably sold via 3rd party https://21stcenturywire.com/2022/07/09/ukraine-sells-frances-caesar-howitzer-guns-on-black-market-to-russians-for-120000-each/
Ukraine Sells France’s CAESAR Howitzer Guns on Black Market to Russians for $120K Each
lIt has been revealed that a faction within Ukraine’s military has sold two of France’s recently gifted Self-Propelled Artillery CAESAR Systems on the black market. As it turns out, they were apparently sold to the Russians for $120,000 apiece.
whats you and readers of this site opinion of this https://21stcenturywire.com/2022/07/09/ukraine-sells-frances-caesar-howitzer-guns-on-black-market-to-russians-for-120000-each/?fbclid=IwAR1IWc7QhYpiZ8gHzJuoBAexcaWLMGepebtmNnaQnPiGdO8D6b8-7ZOwsvs
Operation Keelhaul – British Betrayal of millions of Russians sent back to Stalin to be slaughtered.
Who wants to bet Zelenskyy is willing fight to the last drop of White Christian blood in the Ukraine? Also taking bets on the Russian Army never laying their hands on Zelenskyy… anyone???
He will get together with Putin, Biden, Johnson and Macron,Trudeau and Merkel and have a good laugh at the Goys expense.
Jewish Supremacists celebrating the brother war between Russia and Ukraine..
Zelensky and Rabbi-Shmuel-Rabinovitch
Putin and Rabbi-Shmuel-Rabinovitch
Vladimir Putin, Jewish Hero in a Staged Cold War.
Ukraine-Russia war forces EU to look for Gas supply alternatives | World News | WION Dispatch
look how this has turned out for israel create conflict between russia and ukraine then europe turns to israel chabad play both sides https://youtu.be/C_EFra-AZDU
“Can a Christian Revival save America from Descent into the Abyss of Failed Nations”
The jewed international Globalist government, aka US, is not that of the American, USA – the nation of our free people.
“The United States owns up to the uncovered internationally outlawed biological laboratories in Ukraine”
“The term, ‘nothing to hide nothing to fear’ has come back to haunt the sinister apparatchiks of Washington’s notorious Deep State. After years of cover-up and months of denial, the US had finally admitted that over the past 20 years it has supported 46 ‘civilian’ laboratories and disease diagnostic centres in Ukraine ….”
I wonder if the Jew Zelensky would promote the revolutionary idea of a Christian Revival in Ukraine?
His Jewish oligarch handlers may not like that, as they see Ukraine as their Khazarian homeland, and if anything will be revived it will be shtetls and yeshivas.
I think you indeed recognized Jewry’s plan for Ukraine, Miche.
“Updates On The ‘War’ In Ukraine: Present Situation, And Has The Criminal “International Red Cross” Been Harvesting Children’s Organs In Ukraine?”
“Unable To Advance, Ukrainian Forces Kill Civilians In Donbass (Photos)” [June11, 2022]
“Congress Goes to War” – [Ukraine]
jewish supremacy is the biggest threat to America and the world.
I have to say, this is one of the funnier news stories I have seen of late.
Zelensky is a coke-head, and naturally has a lot of bravado with the lives of others in a war he can not ever hope to win.
He should have been taken out on his own a while back.
spot on
In retrospect, Poland did well after all. The only undestroyed German towns, villages and industrial plants went into Polish administration after unimaginable brutal crimes by the Red Army and the resulting flight of their inhabitants. Under communist administration, many German villages fell into disrepair, the towns decayed and the industrial plants were melted down as scrap metal because the new masters could not cope with the technology. Chancellor Helmut “Henrich Kohn”-Kohl gave away the old Prussian territory to Warsaw with German unification. Millions of German citizens lost their lives, the more fortunate only their property.
Zelensky and Rabbi-Shmuel-Rabinovitch
Putin and Rabbi-Shmuel-Rabinovitch
Jiang Zemin.General Secretary Communist Party China 1989 to 2002
Ukraine Psyop.
You are not smart people, you literally do the exact opposite of what the mass medias say just to spite them even if it causes you harm, if they say breathing is good you would oppose them and rather kill yourself just to spite them, you are no different from normies.
Also russia is only 70% White while Ukraine is 98% White.
Moscow is full of muslims and is the same or worse than London, plus their women are the biggest prostitutes of this planet, an ugly friend of mine went there and for 50 euros he slept with 10 super beautiful women, so much for “MUuH BASEeeeDd CHRISTIAN RUSSyiiIA”.
Can’t wait for russia to fall.
Sorry, Moshe, that Putin is busting up the Jew Pedo Paradise in Ukraine. All those easy to kidnap blonde hair shiksas that were then spirited off to Israel to work on those unlimited number of Israeli brothels. Over 280 in Tel Aviv alone.
Don’t worry, your Western lackeys will find anudda nation you can invade, corrupt & destroy.
This is true. The Israelis lure Russian and Ukrainian women to Israel with promises of good jobs and housing, and end up finding out they are prostitutes who must now pay back their travel expenses in a brothel. The Jews in Tel Aviv love the fair, blonde shiksas from Europe, and the rabbis have made sure that prostitution remains legal in Israel.
How can we “do the exact opposite of what the mass media say” if we don’t watch or read the “mass media”?
I didn’t want to say it, because I can’t remember for sure , but maybe someone who has a better memory, better time, if it’s important to prove a point , can explain or knows for sure why Germany went to war or is blamed for starting WW11.
Some on this site seem to be laughing and mocking Russia like she’s a war mongering country. It’s the United States and the NATO countries that have fought wars together, since WW11.
The news media I saw, I’m sure said ,that Putin claimed that the United States was hemming in Russia or surrounding it with other countries, under the guise of NATO and it had agreed not to.
And that the Neo Nazi’s in the Ukranian region were killing, harassing and murdering, stealing, raping , Russian’s that lived there.
BUT as soon as Russia invaded the Ukraine , the attitude about events and the truth suddenly changed. It seems to me that Ukraine being a part of the Soviet Union controlled by the Jews since WW1, was separated when the Soviet Union, we were told , broken up and separated from Russia and we can see why today when the news is so supportive of Ukraine , was to make it another exclusive territory of the Jews.
I believe this war of Putin claiming Russia is being hemmed in by NATO and neo Nazi’s killing, torturing, harassing, and whatever else , Russian people forced to live now in an area called Ukraine , ruled over by Jews, is similar to Hitler , claiming , I believe ,that Poland was harassing, murdering, German’s in the area separated from Germany in WW1 and he felt a need to help and protect his fellow German’s.
And Japan and Germany went through the same things this government , watch dog over the world for the New World Order ,has done to Russia, Iran, Cuba and many other countries is to impose embargo’s and sanctions upon them to make the government and people’s suffer.
And as for you ,Carmine , mocking the Russia women as cheap prostitutes, it was the Jews that sought for over 50 and more years to overthrow the Czar’s and succeeded in 1917 and ruled the country and degraded them and used them .
The Jew, Beria of the KGVD, in a Newsweek article many years ago, said that Beria would cruise the streets of Moscow and take any women he wanted off the streets and rape her.
A program was on television many years ago that showed the young Russian men who were addicted to alcohol. It was sickening . Laugh at the Russian’s if it makes you feel good.
You found a place to mock Russia because she’s in the news , and the news media is making a hero of Zelensky and Ukraine, but this is a war for world domination and if you’re your alive when the Jews and the New World Order succeed, maybe you’ll be blessed to be a cheap whore and prostitute like you mock the Russian people who suffered under the Jews.
The Second World War never ended with a peace treaty. I think the German people were taken hostage, like the rest of civilised humanity by now.
BTW the tactics are similar, commit war atrocities and blame it on the evil enemy – even if it was your friend for centuries.
Re-reading your comment that : “an ugly friend of mine went there and for 50 euros slept with 10 super beautiful women, so much for “MUuh BASEeeeDd christianity RussyiilA.” Can’t wait for russia to fall.
Are you male or female ? If your male, it shows your character, and mind, thoughts and level of spirituality to mock Russian women, who have been under the control and rulership of Jews from 1917 to, we’re told the ‘fall of communism”. The Jews export women into Israel from Russia and other countries. Saudia Arabia is said to be another country that exploits women from other countries like Russia . And it is said to be ruled by a tribal family of Jews. No doubt put in place and power by the British .And Great Britain is proving itself to be a warmongering country.
And if your a male, it shows you have no respect for women, when they are dependent on men for respect, support and protection. Just like a family.
And if your a women and you mock Russian women who must make a living, however they can, it shows the degraded mentality you have when this country fights over abortion and women claim they have a right to abortion when it is because we can’t practice self restraint and when rape or consensual sex brings about a child ,suddenly the women has rights and wants rid of what she did knowingly or against her will.
It’s easy to understand a women wanting an abortion who was raped and bring up a child from that situation , maybe by herself, have hardships, little money for shelter, food, car, jobs, care etc.,
but when a women wants an abortion because she is careless in relationships and is giving into her male friends , it is a different story.
Was any one caring when news reports talked of ISIS selling young girls as brides ? Was anyone on the side of Iraq, mocking the United States when it invaded Iraq, claiming there were weapons of mass destruction and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter wanted more time to search before the invasion because he could find none?
It funny t hear Zelensky keep referring to “the people of Ukraine” , and other terms to make them want to fight to keep Ukraine under the control of the Jews.
The Jews consider Israel their homeland, and keep stealing more and more Palestinian territory , but they don’t want to go there when they want the whole world and its benefits and civilizations.
But those who know and have studied it ,call the Jews , who want world domination ,Zionists and Khazars , “so called Jews,’ who come from that area , so maybe we shouldn’t feel sorry if the Ukrainian’s want to fight to keep the Jews ruling over them.
Or maybe what we believe to be a different group of people called Ukrainian’s are really the Khazars and they’re are fighting to keep their original homeland?
Don’t bother.
You clearly know nothing about the conflict and you are the tipical ignorant burger americans.
As a Polish man who followed this website for quite a while I am quite disappointed by your coverage of the war.
You literally support putin who uses muslims soldiers to rape and murder civilians, he razed mariupol to the ground and killed 20k ethnic russian civilians living there.
Maybe blacks and browns moving in the usa and replacing you is not such a bad thing.
Andrezj Budny, you are mistaken about what kind of website we are. We are not a “news site”, and we don’t “cover” events. We merely comment on certain stories that appear in the media, both past and present, that expose the hidden hand manipulating it all, and give our Christian perspective on it. It’s opinion/editorial, not news. We are surprised that you haven’t figured that you after following this site “for quite a while.”
Nor do we “support Putin” — [please show us a specific example where we take “Putin’s side” in this conflict.] We try to remain non-partisan and not get caught up in politics, which you seem to do yourself. But you would know all this if you were indeed a regular reader. If you don’t like the world, especially the West, knowing that Zelensky and his crew are cokeheads, you are into the partisan politics of this war way too deeply.
A Ukrainian Oligarch Bought a Midwestern Factory and Let it Rot. What Was Really Going On? ukraine has enough money to buy factories in usa and properties also in uk too , oligarchs officials in ukraine use finchley rod money laundering https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/10/17/ukrainian-oligarch-midwestern-factory-town-dirty-money-american-heartland-michel-kleptocracy-515948 also another article implicating ukrainian officials involved in finchley road fraud money laundering https://jdowsett.medium.com/russian-dolls-the-biggest-scandal-never-reported-f8f62a8f66d7#:~:text=Both%20Rick%20Gates%20and%20Paul,Treasury%20and%20Department%20of%20Justice look into the financial side how fraud money laundering scams is what fuels their criminal activity the chasbad lubavitch present in ukrain russia irsael many other countries , my mum said i would shout in my sleep so i once asked her what i said beware men in dark suits beware the dark suits who was that referring to the chabad lubavitch , by the way if the constitution was functioning properly in uk chabads activities would be considered illegal
CFT.. His name isn’t Andrezj, but Shlomo the Polish Amish ….
He thinks he wins an argument by insulting people, like a 12 year old on the playground.
Maybe stop consuming massmedia new?
Exactly those things you named was done by Azov in Mariupol,
the ukraine government killed 14k russian minority in donbas since 2014 to 2022, the ones who killed civilians in mariupol was azov goons from day one they killed anyone who tried to flee the town, there are tons video clips out there from mariupol residents speaking out, the rape accusations towards russia were lies without evidence, and mariupol is not raized to the ground, the town sure got heavy damage because of azov, russia always avoided civilian casualities while the ukraine government does not and kills their own civilians, last days again.
Totally and utterly fake the number of civilians killed in donbass before the war was 3000 and most of them were caused by the rebels, they shot down a plane with 300 people on it and a couple buses full of civilians.
-“the ones who killed civilians in mariupol was azov goons from day one they killed anyone who tried to flee the town”
Not true azov is loved and supported by the people, can’t say the same for russians
– “the rape accusations towards russia were lies without evidence”
chechens and russians raping women, girls and children on camera is a solid evidence of it
-“mariupol is not raized to the ground, the town sure got heavy damage because of azov”
You must be trolling me at this point, satellite photos of the city TOTALLY destroyed should be enough but let’s blame azov for fighting against the invaders
-“russia always avoided civilian casualities while the ukraine government does not and kills their own civilians”
I am curious to where you take your sources? southfront? partisangirl? russians with attitudes?
Well I will not continue anymore I can’t literally wait for Ukraine to totally repulse the invaders and I will enjoy your rage about it.
Moshe, do you rape little girls on your Sabbath or are you one of those Mohel Rabbis that like to sodomize baby boy’s?
Go back to your Mossad handlers & tell them you need different material, then post under anudda name, like you do all over the ‘Net.
If you were such a tough guy, you’d be in the trenches in Ukraine, fighting, but like your gutless Coke-head fag leader, you hide & take pot shots online.
While Ukraine goons rape with impunity.
Fired Ukrainian Official Admits She Lied About Russians Committing Mass Rape to Convince West to Send More Weapons
Zelensky is a Jewish comedian from generations of communists who fought in defense of communism. If you think this guy will every have the best interests of white Christians in Ukraine or anywhere, the joke is on you.
I believe Zelensky is another one of the millions of Jews who claim he is one of the descenders of a family who suffered or perished in the Halocaust.
It’s always the Jews who become news topics like Zelensky who end up always being a descendent of Someone . who perished in the halocaust.
Kind of like blacks who get into the black freedom movements and become prominent and claim they are the descenders of slaves. It is used as a shield of protection to protect them from scrutiny. and criticism and exposure and having to defend themselves.
Something gives me the vague feeling that this war and it’s causes are similar to Germany going to war In WW11.
But I’m not feeling like doing research to prove it. It started and the governments supporting it against Russia have the news media to back their hatred of Russia.
We have been told from George Bush Sr. on , that they are working for a New World Order, and Robert Maxwell, Jewish British businessman said that , “You will have a New World Order whether you want it or not. ” We were told recently that the goal of this conflict and NATO is to keep Russia down as a country and military power.
In other words, it seems the Jews are finished with Russia, they interfered in Syria and the war, that Israel has been trying to provoke with Iran and they must be destroyed as a power.
It’s too bad that the really true men of the Bible, in the Old days ,aren’t around to preach “End Times.”
That’s why people are so gullible, they have no concept that these wars are to create situations over the ages to bring about the eventual final war in the Middle East.
Tha Jews in about the 1980’s or 1990’s or later were said to be making their temple ornaments and accessories and training young men in ritual slaughter of animals.
The war is in the Middle East.
Ukraine is said by some to be Israel’s and the Jews getaway area if they have to give up Israel, or the world gets wise to their scheme of wanting world domination.
Love is not going to change a people, religion, belief, events, that have been seeking world domination and it is inbred in them for over 2000 years.
Gene I think your right about Germany I know who hates Russia and what a big deal to clean up the jew problem for the Ukraine if that gets done we will know and be thankful .
Maybe you can tell us, Andrzej, while your having fun mocking Russia, as a wild, raping conquering army over the Ukrainian’s , how Poland treated the German’s under Polish occupation? Is that why Hitler invaded Poland ;to protect his people against you Poles treatment of German’s , like Putin claims Ukraine is treating Russian ‘s in Ukranian territory.?
Didn’t England support Poland?
Yes, just like the war mongering Great Britain supported Poland, it is doing for Ukraine.
Great Britain is also among the countries seeking the establishment of a New World Order, so you better laugh while you can.
Co ty gadasz????
It’s Zelinski who is bombarding civilians.
Turn off TVN, fucking debil !
Mr. Budny, do you really consider what looks very much like the typical, deliberately spread by the Western mainstream, loud rumor as the main reason to condemn Putin? Do you follow, from Russian sources, what is happening in Russia, at the same time that both the mass media (western and Russian) and the vast majority of the western (I mean all outside Russia, and also the majority in Russia) alternative media are loudly explaining to us that there is a struggle for the fate of traditional values, and almost for the future of Christian civilization? At the same time, in Russia, almost one-on-one with the West and communist-capitalist China, the perestroika of Russian society is taking place according to the canons of global satanic conspirators. (And in that sense, these things that you are talking about represent the global fog that the Western mainstream casts, and the Russian media and alternative media deny, in order to cloud the eyes of the well-meaning and moral reader who expects salvation from the long-standing abomination of the American/Western/global/Jewish overlords.)
You are free to reason as you see fit, but if you follow closely the development of the globalist processes in Russia, which all the powers that be impose, and instead you are disturbed by these rumors – which, even if they are true, are nothing compared to what is being done and prepared for many more, to over 140 million Russians – then that would be too strange for me.
“to capitulate to Russia or face utter annihilation ”
Ehi guys how’s that offensive on Kiev and Kharkhiv going?
But…. but…..I thought that Ukraine was supposed to fall in 24 hours?
You obviously know more about the war than the top brass in Israel, a country that has a lot at stake in this conflict.
They don’t want to see Ukraine destroyed by Zelensky’s coke-fueled grandiose dreams of saving Europe from the “next Hitler”.
Chabad on both sides, just like Israel.
What does that tell you?
Bang on, mate! You’re dead right there. The jews are on both sides, and the only way this war will end is with more Christian blood.
Wars can only be won by the devils.
The road to freedom is paved with love and not with blood. Something the messiah has to teach the brainf#%ed minority of orthodox supremacist jewry.
The majority of brainf#%ed liberal tolerant jewry should consider turning their brains on and unite with the gentiles and become humans.
If Russia was more evil and intent to destroy the capital , property and lives , like the United States did to Iraq, it would or might have.
I’m not out to defend anyone in this war of lies. There is a troubling aspect about Putin that has stayed with me since he entered Syria by giving israel a pass every time they bombed not only Syrians but Russians too. (Not even going to defend the evil of the US…) Putin always seemed to cast himself and Russia as a moral Christian nation. However, what always surprised me was his very very close relationship with Chabad. The final impression for me was the latest huge and ridiculous cathedral dedicated to the Military via Jesus Christ. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYfdVnGHVEE
If you watch carefully you will see the worship of not only the military but of Stalin and the whole Communist Bolshevik control of Russia…who by the way hated Christian Russians. The cathedral portrays Jesus with jewish sidelocks (or whatever they’re called). My point is…jew & communism is masked by Christianity.
Then when the Ukrainian war started all of the propaganda from Putin, Lasrov and Russian media out to kill the ‘Nazi’s (which by the way was including A. Hitler National Socialist government WWII). How you know the jews have propagandized both sides is the ‘Nazi’ epithet that THEY labeled A. HITLER…which was a nasty slang word. Putin has carried out the typical jew epithet in this war of lies to this day. He actually believes that Stalin WON WWII. He has stated that he wants to rid the world of the Nazi west!
The jews behind the Ukrainian/US,NATO side of the war invented the Azov ‘Nazi’s’ and some reports say they were trained by Americans. So if you don’t know the true history of WWI and WWII…you won’t understand what is going on as this is designed to completely fool everyone, not to mention that it has become a distraction for israel to commit ever more bombing raids in Syria and out right executions on Palestinians. Not to mention the set up of a communist rule in the west. I hope this helps to give more understanding.
IT’S ALL BASED ON LIES…as both sides (as from the tree of good & evil) are fighting a war that only A. Hitler had the righteous conviction as a true Christian could accomplish. Today’s Russia is no where near what Christian Germany was when A. Hitler brought her back from a complete moral degradation caused by the jews. It is no wonder why they have been kicked out of many countries due to this very reason of sick satanic Talmudic human blood sacrifices to their god. The world be rid of them!
Correct Sparrow, we find ourselves trapped in a hebrew theatre, all lies and illusion. They manipulate and profit from both sides while White Christians die.
Dennis Roe …
Not to nit-pick, but your use of the word “Hebrew” is borderline blasphemy. I think I get your point, but I believe “words” are so important as we move forward in these troubled times.
Hebrews were the good guys. Those people in the desert called “Palestine/Israel” are not Hebrews, and I think you know that.
Just call them Jews. Period. We need to alway make a vocal distinction between Adamics of the bible and imposters. Jews are not Hebrews, nor are they Israelites, nor are they Adamic. Peace and safety to you.
You mention Hitler bringing Germany back from moral degradation. I searched for a couple of years to find a book having pictures of German night life in the 1920’s after The Jews got control of Russia and other European governments. if you didn’t know about it, you would think you were looking at life in the United States in the 1920’s books and movies. You know, sort of like the Elliot Ness days we saw on television. Same clothes, Jewish faces, atmosphere, same looking club life we saw in the gangster movies of the 1920’s and 1930’s , that was supposed to represent American life. Your right.
I made a positive comment about the Jews and Walmart and wondered if it would insult someone and it did.
There are all kinds of people and races in this world domination scheme.
I made a comment on the RT site. I can’t remember what I said. But all Kyle Hunt , could do was make a critical comment about my punctuation.
In the 1980’s, I had a short wave radio and got brave enough to call some Christian programs. I found out you think and talk about what they believe or they hang up on you.
Joyce Reilly had a program , The Power Hour. She has passed away. She would brag of how smart and intelligent her listeners were listening to her program. But as soon as she heard the voice of an old fella by the name of George who would start talking about topics she wouldn’t cover, she would immediately hang up and say: ‘we’re not talking about that.
There’s some other things, i’d like to say, but don’t feel like typing them out.
I’m quitting talking about things, I already know with others who know the same things , and start spending my time learning other things.
I’m not interested to prove my knowledge, if I have any, to argue over silly things , to prove to someone , they have it all wrong, don’t know what they’re talking about etc. I don’t care about the twelve tribes. You need pencil and paper to put it down, and organize it so it can be seen as to where it all starts out and where , how, it goes and everyone is and is not related.
I can’t believe, no matter what proof ,someone has that the blacks are part of the White race nor are the Jews. White’s do not hate other White’s .We are taught to hate each other when a war comes about. In past times, White’s may have had squabbles over territories, or areas, yet the blacks and Jews hate the White race and envy us. It has to be an ancient hatred that we don’t know about . If the Jews say the Earth is 6,000 years old, than where and when did the dinosaur’s and other creatures come from and what age did they live in?
This Earth could have existed and God or a god created a special race of his own different than the others or similar . I’ve read books that would be considered occultic, maybe New Age that tell of angels or other beings helping to create various things. Maybe the spiritual realm is similar to this earthly one. With a head of the company and others who supervise and then workers .
Just because , it is made to seem that there is a god who created everything doesn’t have to mean that it couldn’t mean there wasn’t an earlier creation ,but the Bible refers to this creation, and not past ones ,but specifically to just his special creation.
Many men developed the car, bicycle, automobile before we have what we see today. But Henry Ford is credited with realizing that you don’t have to make each part individually, but can make them in quantity and all exactly the same. So if you write a book about Henry Ford and the automobile’s he’s made, does that men there were none made before him . That he was the sole creator of and the only idea behind automobile’s? That there weren’t other men who made or created automobiles before Henry Ford?
I believe the blacks are an ancient race, maybe a crude first one. Maybe somewhere the Jews came along , or some separated or progressed off of them. The blacks are the most backward and savage race on Earth. If they lived among themselves , they wouldn’t be aware of it. But among White’s ,they despise us , envy us and act as though Whites are the only one’s who ever enslaved them. They never blame the Jews for anything. But the White’s cannot be related, or why would the Jews and black’s hate and envy us, describe us as inferior when we know they are the inferior race. Look at their dirty looking Rabbi’s and wiry beards. Is there anything about them or anything others know about them or revealed to show ,prove that they are a spiritual race , just because some of their Rabbi’s talk about spirituality?
They are hidden in history behind other names, just as in our history books, school books , news media, they are Bolshevik’s ,Menshiviks ,communists, socialists, or Russia under Jewish communism, called the Soviet Union
I’ve seen photos of Putin with Jewish Rabbi’s. We see our President’s with them. I ‘ve seen Putin making the sign of the cross, like Roman and Orthodox Catholic’s do. Their military officers do the same. Does that mean they have to still be communists?
Someone criticized my remark about Michael Collins Piper , when talking about Harold Rosenthal , that Piper did more to expose the new World Order than anyone in the last 50 years.
Yes, he wrote a book about the Rockefeller’s , the Kennedy’s, the Blair’s, the Stuart’s, and other families involved in this world plot. Every author attacks this from what he comes across and how it looks to him or her.
Someone mocked Constance Cumley , who wrote a book about the New Age, that she claimed the Nazi’s or Neo Nazi’s were behind it. As though she got it all wrong. Well, I read her book and I never noticed that, but it made me consciousness enough to spot New agers like Alex Jones, for one, who suckers he, claims millions of followers, sometime times , claiming to having more followers than news media.
Well, I’ve spent a lot of my time thinking about things like the New World Order, whose behind it, events, and finally , after George Bush Sr. said that they were working for a New World Order, this war between Russia and Ukraine has made these New World Order Washington scum, bold enough, cocky enough , prideful enough, arrogant enough, to say it out loud to our faces , and reveal that this government and military is out to be the watchdog, gang boss, enforcer over the world for the New World Order, and they are determined to keep Russia from ever developing and progressing.
No one will ever get away with calling me a conspiracy theorist’s, because these scum in Catholic, Joe Biden’s administration have told me that their plot to rule this world is real.
I’m finished making comments. I’m going to spend my time, reading the “Fake News’ that the Zionist stooges ,Donald Trump and Alex Jones didn’t want me to read to know what is really going on in the world so that I would stagnate my mind in their stupid fantasy world of stolen election fraud , and spend my hard earned money so they could live a life of luxury. Donald Trump is said to have 100 million dollars in his campaign fund and as much as 200 million dollars. And not give it to candidates. Yet he started his own web or internet site and used it to scam more money from supporters and believers. He’s a snake in the grass.
There’s a picture of Alex Jones cavorting with Jews. He’s had two Jewish wives. Others have exposed his Jewish backers. A video of him interfering in a gun rally with his bull horn making sexual remarks to a young women organizer. Making sexual innuendo’s to a young ,pretty employee.
The sexual filth of Doanld Trump and how he looks at women.
Alex Jones loves to talk of sex. He says things and then deny’s them, because he knows many are unto him.
I’ve written hundreds of letters, comments to various persons, and news, and never got a reply until I sent a nasty comment and accused a news media site of being propagandists of lying, deceiving us, and finally I noticed a comment from one said to be a CIA propaganda site ,by a black women telling me that we could not have an intelligent conservation unless I used more reasonable language and when I was willing to use more reasonable language, then let her know and maybe we could have an intelligence conservation. So that’s what it took – to insult them.
Donald Trump has stagnated this government, attitudes and progress for over 5 and more years . He admitted he made Jerusalem the capital of Israel due to his Jewish converted daughter married to a Jew’s, urging.
There are photoshopped , pictures on the pornography sites of Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin, when they were in the news.
I saw a comment that some were looking to see if there were any of Kamela Harris. Who would want to even look at a pornographic picture of Kamela Harris or Joe Biden’s wife ? Is that why Harris always wears pants suits?
We must be getting near the End Times, old time preachers talked about, and Israel wanst Russia out of the way because they and China have always been referred to in the End Times scenario.
We deserve the filthy Presidents we elect. Bush Sr. started the war with Iraq and Kuwait like Biden did with Russia and Ukraine. Like the slimy Lyndon Johnson did with Civil rights and the Viet Nan War. Live the morally decrepit Bill Clinton and gay Barack Obama.
I finished making comments. There’s too much th learn, instead of talking about the same things over and over.
Good luck, Sparrow, Flanders, James.
To Carmine Esposito: Please get a life and go and troll somewhere else.