Within a Stay Of Action petition filed with the European Medicines Agency requesting that the Phase III Trials in Germany be suspended until serious procedural flaws are corrected, Former Prizer Chief Science Officer, Dr. Michael Yeadon, claims that the COVID vaccine has the potential to cause infertility in women, specifically that the Pfizer COVID vaccine as well as other COVID vaccines currently in Phase III trials are:
…expected to induce the formation of humoral antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. Syncytin-1 (see Gallaher, B., “Response to nCoV2019 Against Backdrop of Endogenous Retroviruses” – http://virological.org/t/response-to-ncov2019-against-backdrop-of-endogenous-retroviruses/396), which is derived from human endogenous retroviruses (HERV) and is responsible for the development of a placenta in mammals and humans and is therefore an essential prerequisite for a successful pregnancy, is also found in homologous form in the spike proteins of SARS viruses.
There is no indication whether antibodies against spike proteins of SARS viruses would also act like anti-Syncytin-1 antibodies. However, if this were to be the case this would then also prevent the formation of a placenta which would result in vaccinated women essentially becoming infertile.
To my knowledge, Pfizer/BioNTech has yet to release any samples of written materials provided to patients, so it is unclear what, if any, information regarding (potential) fertility-specific risks caused by antibodies is included.
According to section 10.4.2 of the Pfizer/BioNTech trial protocol, a woman of childbearing potential (WOCBP) is eligible to participate if she is not pregnant or breastfeeding, and is using an acceptable contraceptive method as described in the trial protocol during the intervention period (for a minimum of 28 days after the last dose of study intervention).
This means that it could take a relatively long time before a noticeable number of cases of postvaccination infertility could be observed.
Vaccines have long been used as vehicles to deliver sterilizing agents to women, and not just in the Third World.
And we have been told repeatedly that pregnant women should be among the first to get their COVID vaccines — right on cue.
As one of its primary stated goals, we know that the Bill Gates Foundation — one of the prime movers behind this fake pandemic — is actively involved in world depopulation.
It’s almost inconceivable that having sterility as one of the “unintended” consequences of these COVID vaccines wasn’t discussed in their board meetings.
Not only has this pandemic brought about the most massive transfer of wealth from the middle class to the elite, by virtually killing tens of thousands of small businesses — it has the potential to drastically reduce the world population.
Abortion on demand did not have the effect on the world population that they hoped for — now more drastic measures must be taken.
This is Bolshevism by vaccination.
Dr. Yeadon explains that the “pandemic” is over:
Dr Carrie Madej
Cytokine Storm in animals over last 20 years with mRNA vaccination, vaccine will cause over reaction to next virus, that will be a Plandemic? Caused by the VACCINE…
The vaccinated and the controlled MSM will blame the Anti Vaxxers ……!!! for not being vaccinated.
Spiro good info
James Corbett of Corbett report too.
If true, it shouldn’t be surprising that it’s intentional. Jews were caught giving Ethiopian negroes in Israel regular birth control injections under the guise of inoculations:
References in the context of SARS and other disease (syndrome) AIDS allegedly caused by virus is another deception. SARS is actually a virulent pneumonia emerging from immune deficiency resisting treatment of antibiotic , like the resilient generation tuberculosis returning (no borders in never never land) with the renewed atavism of general vulnerability.
Evidently it is being reserved for another time. Seems the medicine profession are in a dilemma and caught up in their lies. Physicians are taught from pharmaceuticals and this profession is degenerating into old fashioned jjjjjjjjew empiricism —quackery!
Last, remember those lacrimal liberals with their self-righteous ballads of the 50’s? They are needed now. “Where has all the money gone …… looong time paaahasing, where has all the money gone, Will we ever know???”
Could the thieves have also stolen laws and our minds and manufactured this terrorism? Is it true people so stupid and faithless deserve what they get?!
If this vaccine does cause infertility, I have no problem with it being distributed to Africa and the 3rd World where population numbers are out of control. It would benefit everyone in the long term. But white women in Western countries should not be encouraged to take the vaccine since these countries are facing a population decline.
I do have a problem with that.
I don’t have a problem with people being informed about contraception and encouraged to take it to avoid unwanted pregnancy, as many people do in many countries already, but do have a problem with them being sterilised under false pretences by a ‘vaccine’ that they were coerced or forced to have.
Bill Gates and many of the others pushing this have children themselves.
The population in Africa is completely out of control. Africans will be forced to swarm out of Africa and into other countries who do not want them. African wild life will be destroyed forever. What is your solution? I am all for a sterilization policy in Africa. Something must be done about this.
These are humans not animals. They should have a say, not be tricked into sterilization. I’m horrified reading these comments. So black people in 3rd world countries are okay to mistreat?
Giving people of the Third World any aid, food, or medicine is NOT doing them any good in the long run because they cannot produce it themselves, and all it does is cause the population to explode to unsustainable levels to the point that they cannot feed themselves, and a enormous catastrophe is created that we will not be able to fix with aid. It’s just delaying the inevitable day of reckoning.
The best form of “ethical” birth control would be to completely stop all international aid to the Third World, food or medicine. Within ten years, their population will naturally fall without having to resort to clandestine abortificants in the vaccines and such if that bothers you.
I totally agree with you. It is terrifying to think people are so self centered and self serving that they can justify the destruction of others.
While it is burgeoning bigly, Isn’t the population of Africa and Latino America completely under control?
The mainstream media is telling me that it is as it keeps trying to tug at my heartstrings by pointing out that the browns & blacks are going to self destruct as the coof has kept White dollars, aid, and food from flowing into bail them out.
A couple of years back now, our pals at AmRen recounted how Bill Gates had announced that he was switching gears from populating Africa to depopulating it as he had realized that its population could not sustain itself. I assume that was “code” on his part for “we’ve got enough third world foot soldiers now to crush the ‘Gentiles'”.
Yes, that’s exactly what all these Third World “migrants” are, a tool of the antiChrist in Revelation to destroy the “camp of the saints”:
“And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.” (Rev 20:9)
Jean Raspail wrote a book in 1973, “Camp of the Saints” about the apocalyptic Third World invasion of Europe….read its now!
Africa is a huge continent, much bigger than a lot of the small countries people are being actively encouraged for a certain groups own warped and twisted reasons to swarm into.
There is already such a thing as the contraceptive pill and contraceptive implants.
Psychopaths like Bill Gates should not be allowed to go sterilising most of the world by unleashing viruses and having people forced or coerced into taking ‘vaccines’ for them under false pretences because *he* personally believes it to be ‘over populated’.
Him and the rest of those pushing this agenda have completely undermined trust in the medical profession, something that is extremely important.
Even if the world was over populated, or became over populated, there are far more decent ways of correcting that than sterilising most of the world under false pretences, e.g a 2 child policy would stabilise the population and a 1 child policy could reduce it significantly over time and would be far fairer than sterilising people without telling them by forcing them or coercing them into having a ‘vaccine’.
If he was worried about the world being ‘overpopulated’, perhaps he should have lead by example and not had children himself, but of course, the rules he’d like to force on others don’t apply to *him*…
Who/what is your GOD? Be fruitful and multiply, commanded in Genesis. Unfortunately, you have bitten into the “apple” and taken on the lies of the people such as Gates, that have no GOD, but themselves, that Infiltrated the education for YEARS saying “the world can’t sustain the multitudes that will be in the years to come”. Those lies started well over 60 years ago.
What is the point of your Bill-Gates-has-children remark? Is it that his intentions must be good, then?
According to a former family physician, Bill Gates did NOT vaccinate his own children. The doctor stated, “I don’t know if he had them vaccinated as adults, but I can tell you he point blank refused to vaccinate them as children,’ the family physician said at a behind closed doors medical symposium in Seattle, adding ‘They were gorgeous kids, really smart and vivacious, and he said they would be OK as it was, they didn’t need any shots.”
I had it confirmed to me that all the ultra wealthy familes around the world only deal in natural remedies and give the us lowers the toxic stuff and have us think we need it for life.
If you heard the interview done with Steve Jobs years ago, that his family doesn’t use tech such as Iphones and Ipads etc and they have been learned in the tradional ways of schooling unlike us lowers.
“What is the point of your Bill-Gates-has-children remark? Is it that his intentions must be good, then?”
I didn’t suspect that his intentions must be good.
But he doesn’t appear to feel that he should be included in the rules that he would like to force on others.
It’s him that believes that the world is so over populated after all, yet it didn’t stop him having children himself…
tikkun olam or … just a cohencidence…
Mikael Dolsten, the Jewish immigrant leading Pfizer’s vaccine charge, hopes the US stays a melting pot..
Of course! Which is why Jewish women won’t be getting them.
On that, do mischling kids hate their parents?
I ask as it seems to me that when you’re told that the Jews are the “chosen people” that you’re going to be quite salty if your jewess mom begat you by bedding a brown or black, as they are so wont to do.