(The Guardian) General Francisco Franco’s chief psychiatrist — Dr Antonio Vallejo Nagera — not only claimed that original Spanish bloodline had been corrupted by Jewish converts to Catholicism, he also believed that Marxists were congential “retards” with “schizoid” tendencies:
…At the end of the 1930s, Vallejo decided to prove exactly that. The solution, he decided, lay in an abandoned monastery at San Pedro de Cardena, near Burgos, which had become a makeshift jail for captured volunteers from the pro-republican International Brigades.
It was here, in 1938, that [communist] International Brigade members were subjected to a bizarre set of physical and psychological tests in one of the first systematic attempts to put psychiatry to the service of ideology. Sixty-four years later, the results of Vallejo’s project to unravel the “biopsyche of Marxist fanaticism” have finally come to light.
Former prisoners at San Pedro de Cardena remember being subjected to up to 200 tests. They were quizzed on their sex lives, and had their heads and noses measured.
“They made us strip and did all these measurements. We supposed they thought it would be useful if the fascists ever invaded Britain,” says Bob Doyle, one of the few remaining survivors of a group of 75 British and Irish prisoners tested at the camp. Another, (((Carl Geiser))), the senior ranking American in the jail and a former political commissar to the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, recalls: “I was photographed with just a small cloth over my penis…”
“An assistant… called out the length, breadth, and depth of his skull, the distance between his eyes, the length of his nose, and described the skin colour, body type, wound scars and disability,” Geiser recalled in his 1986 book, “Prisoners of the Good Fight.” “Each prisoner was instructed to stand in front of a camera for a front and side view, and a close-up of the face. We were now ‘scientifically’ classified.”
The results of Vallejo’s tests were published in a military medical journal that languished in Spanish libraries until historian Ricard Vinyes unearthed them for his book, “The Lost Children of Franco.”
The results would be laughable, if Vallejo had not been a man of influence. At the time of the study, he was the Spanish army’s chief psychologist. He went on to become Spain’s most important psychiatrist, holding the country’s first-ever university chair in the subject, writing dozens of books and taking part in international conferences until his death in 1960.
His conclusions ranged from the sublime to the sinister. The report claimed, for example, that 58%of English prisoners were “single men with sexual experience outside prostitution”, that 7% were recruited “by charlatans in Hyde Park“, that 17% had signed up in “employment agencies“. All (three) Welsh prisoners were “alcoholics”, he found.
“A priori, it seems probable that psychopaths of all types would join the Marxist ranks,” he reasoned before starting the project. “Since Marxism goes together with social immorality… we presume those fanatics who fought with arms will show schizoid temperaments.”
Little surprise, then, that he classified almost a third of the English prisoners as “mental retards“. Another third were deemed to be suffering degenerative mental illnesses that were turning them into schizoids, paranoids or psychopaths. Their fall into Marxism was, in turn, exacerbated by the fact that 29% were also considered “social imbeciles“.
“Once more we see confirmed that social resentment, frustrated aspirations and envy are the sources of Marxism,” he added. “The persistence of the ideological attitude of the English Marxists is the result of their closed minds and lack of culture.”
The results, predictably concluding that Marxists really were mad, tell us more about the mindset of those who, with Franco at the helm, would run Spain for the next 40 years than about the British and other men at San Pedro de Cardena. They also reinforced the use of one of Franco’s preferred political solutions for his opponents – the firing squad. Those who could not be saved were better dead.
Brigade members still alive today have been astonished to hear of Vallejo’s study. They had thought it was visiting Gestapo officers who carried out the tests. It now seems more likely that, if Gestapo men were present, they were sharing their experiments with Vallejo, a fluent German speaker. Whoever it was carrying out the tests, however, the prisoners were pretty clear what they were for. “They wanted to prove we were subnormal,” says Geiser…
…Vallejo decided for himself, wrongly, that all International Brigade members were avowed Marxists. “In the concentration camps, some of us were democrats, anarchists, some were communists… The thing we learned was that we all had to stick together,” says Geiser.
The Spanish psychiatrist was a much-decorated army doctor who had served as a military attache in Spain’s Berlin embassy. He was in tune with the “advances” of Hitler’s nazi psychiatrists, who were already busy sterilizing tens of thousands of people deemed threatening to the Aryan gene pool.
Vallejo, too fervent a pro-life Catholic to go to such extremes, had already come up with his own proposals for purifying a Hispanic race that, he claimed, had lost vigour from five centuries of intermingling with Jewish converts to Catholicism. Pre-selection of suitable breeding candidates would, he affirmed in a book called “Eugenesia of the Hispanic People and Regeneration of the Race,” restore “nobility”.
The final conclusions of his study may have helped justify the firing squads that dispatched between 30,000 and 50,000 republican sympathizers, but they will please most of the surviving International Brigade members. Despite the pressures of jail, 85% of them refused to express regret for fighting to save the elected republican government.
“The English subjects have participated much more in the fighting than the Americans, judging by the number of wounded…The immense majority remain firmly attached to their ideas,” Dr Vallejo concluded.
Let’s be clear here, these claims about the numbers of communist sympathizers shot by Franco’s “death squads” are grossly exaggerated — just like the Holocaust body count.
As with the National Socialists, Franco’s army shot communists who were guilty of murder, rape, and other atrocities against the Spanish people — he didn’t kill them just because they were communists.
If you look up Wikipedia’s entry on “Death Squads,” you’ll find that the vast majority of “death squads” — extrajudicial killings — were committed by those in the radical Left.
You will also see in their discussion of the Spanish Civil War that the vast majority of the discussion revolves around the communist death squads — not Franco’s.
Not only did the communist death squads target the Catholic clergy and the Spanish aristocracy, they also liquidated Trotskyites within their own ranks — based on orders from Stalin’s NKVD.
All that aside, what this article, predictably, fails to mention is that the International Brigade was top heavy with Jews — like Carl Geiser — from all over the world — especially Jews already steeped in the blood of millions of Russian Christians genocided during the Bolshevik Revolution.
And like the National Socialists, Antonio Vallego-Nájera rightly believed that biology was destiny — that Jewish Bolsheviks were racial degenerates and psychopaths who were drawn to Marxism because it justified their bloodlust — and gave them a political ideology that satisfied their desire to commit mass murder of those who disagreed with their worldview.
But it’s not just “fascists” who are saying this — a top rabbi admitted he feared that genetic tests would reveal that Jews do, in fact, “carry genes that are polluting the world” — his words, not ours.
And it’s an established fact — admitted to by Jewish psychiatric researchers — that Jews do, in fact, suffer from much higher levels of schizophrenia and other mental disorders — along with rare genetic disorders — than the general population — which confirms that Vallego-Nájera’s research findings on communist prisoners cannot be dismissed because of “right wing” ideological confirmation bias.
This Jewish psychopathic bloodlust was described in detail by the Russian Jew, Aron Simanovich:
“We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny and not a white one. We mean the word ‘red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s funeral, and we shall became a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall show what real power is. By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence.”
–From the ‘Memoirs of Aron Simanovich’, quoted in The Nature of Zionism by Vladimir Stepin, Moscow, 1993, and translated from Russian into English by Clive Lindhurst.
And Vallejo was not wrong when he observed that the Catholic Church’s policy to allow mass Jewish conversion had led to a degradation of the Spanish bloodline.
In a previous article, we showed how converso Jews within the Church had fought hard to undermine and ultimately abolish the traditional “purity of blood” doctrine of Old Christians in Spain.
Spain was originally founded by the Visigoths and Ibero-Celts — along with Phoenicians and original unmixed Israelites — and they looked no different from their Germanic cousins or the Gaelic Irish and Cymry/Cymru in Wales.
We have also previously written about how during the Arab-Moorish conquest of Spain — the so-called “Convivencia” — the Muslims and Jews worked together to dominate the native Spanish population — which included a robust White slave trade with the Arabs in North Africa — a practice that did not end until the 17th century.
After the Reconquista — when the Christians retook Spain and drove the Muslims out — the Catholic Church — which had already become infested with converso Jews — made the disastrous decision to enforce the mass conversion of both Jews and any Muslims that remained in Spain — after Ferdinand and Isabella issued the Alhambra Decree which ordered their expulsion.
It was these converso Jews who were behind the issuance of the Papal Bull which formally established Church dogma that race would no longer be a consideration for conversion — which heralded the beginning of the end of the Catholic Church — culminating with converso Jews literally writing the capitulation documents of Vatican II.
Not only was it disastrous for the Church, this policy encouraged and legitimated mass miscegenation in Spain for the next 500 years — which resulted in the typical Spanish olive complexion and black curly hair we see today — though there still are Spaniards who retain the fair complexion of their original Visigothic/Celtic ancestors.
Of the few traditionally Catholic countries left in Europe today that have not been devastated by these pro-miscegenation policies of the Church are Ireland and Poland — and not coincidentally both countries still have the strongest traditional congregations — and have the whitest populations.
Unlike Spain, Ireland never had a significant Jewish population — ironically, many crypto-Jews who fled Spain during the Inquisition settled in Ireland as fake Huguenots among the Protestants.
And while Poland historically had the largest Jewish population in Europe, Jews there were given virtually political autonomy — Congressus Judaicus — which allowed them to resist any significant assimilation — nor was there any policy by the Catholic Church in Poland enforcing the mass conversion of Jews which happened in Spain.
Just as European nations will not survive having their original White populations replaced or miscegenated out of existence, nor can the Catholic Church survive without a White remnant to defend it against the rising tide of color — and converso Jews — within its ranks.
Though highly unlikely, perhaps a “heretical” sect like SSPX — Society of Saint Pius X — will renounce miscegenation and any further conversion of Jews — even prominent Catholic priest, Theodore Hesburgh, understood the danger of Jewish subversion in our nations when he said:
“If you let the Jews in, they take over.”
Now it’s time to apply that common sense understanding to the Church itself — or any Christian congregation for that matter — if it wants to survive.
The aphorism “biology is destiny” doesn’t apply merely to nations or races, it is also crucial to the survival of Christianity regardless of the denomination.
Detective Redacted
They are call “ Marranos” . It is also an epithet for pig. 🐖 ( equivalent with the German “Judensau “ . The true Germans/ Spaniards knew precisely what they were dealing with. I also see a lot of the Hispanics in America that have a lot of the same inbreed genetic vectors and also present in the so called “African-American” as well. ( Due to slavery) And suffer from the same neurosis, proclivities, and mental pathologies .
Daniel A. Jaimen Navarrete
Actually, population genetics of Spain do not feature any particular genes that can be associated to Jews in particular. I am a blue eyed, very White Spaniard and do not quite care for the complexion of darker Spaniard, who we have always treated with disdain.
However, that fable of Jewish blood mixed into the Spanish bloodline has no basis whatsoever, scientific, historical, or otherwise. To begin with, the population genetics of Sephardic Jews makes them basically natives that were converted at some point. Many came from Berbers or other surrounding foreign ethnic pockets; not from refugees leaving Palestine after the destruction of the Temple by Tito.
Contrary to what the article states, no Israelite ever had part in the foundation of Spain and the Phoenicians had only trading points in the coast, perhaps some factory staffed by natives. Iberians, yes. Other pre-Indoeuropean peoples, yes, such as those mysterious ones in Tartessos or the Basque.
Then came the great Celtic wave, then the Romans, then the Visigoths. The Arabs left no genetic imprint except in tiny minorities in Valencia or Córdoba. Totally negligible. With respect to the Visigoths and other Germanic invaders, around 4% of the male lineages are Germanic. About 8% of women are naturally blond to one extent or another and more women have light brown hair than black hair.
Yes, Marxism is a mental illness and a form of Satanic cult.
Genetic studies of Sephardic Jews show that they do not have the same DNA background as the native European populations, so they could not have been white native converts to Judaism as you suggest.
Second, you are ignoring the vast number of Muslim converts to Christianity, the “Moriscos”, following the Reconquista:
The Israelite presence in Iberia goes back to at least 1,000 BC, pre-dating the Visgoths, Romans, and Celts who arrived later:
DNA population studies are notoriously unreliable. For example, we know the Muslims invaded Sicily, but DNA studies don’t show Arab admixture in many southern Italians, which is absurd, as even many Italians know this is true.
Same with Greece, which was conquered by the Muslims, but again DNA doesn’t show Arab admixture. Why not? Because it’s the way they construct their arbitrary DNA profiles.
Another example is Turkey. We know Turkey, or ancient Anatolia was originally White, the seat of the Byzantine Empire and earlier of ancient Troy. Why don’t DNA studies of Turks show them to have a substantial White European admixture? The Turks imported so many White slaves into the Ottoman Empire and absorbed them into the population, yet no European DNA in their profiles? Makes no sense.
Daniel A. Jaimen Navarrete
True history, honest history, is misleading in the sense that makes readers assume propositions on genetics that are often proven false by a field study. If population genetic studies are unreliable, well, nothing else is more reliable than that. I guess that’s what makes them “unreliable” in the sense that they do not confirm expectations.
What I really miss in population genetics studies is data being stratified by social class, not just by location. In the case of Turkey, for example, most likely, as it happens in Ibero-America, the ruling class is more closely related in physical terms to the ethnic group that founded the nation. What’s important, very important, to know is that, domination, in the past, did not entailed always large movements of populations or migrations. In the Roman Empire, yes. Many soldiers turned to become colonists. In the case of Islamic Spain, no. It didn’t happen. Notice how the Islamic Civilization flourished in the world in non-Arab areas with a well established farming base and previous cultural achievements by the locals. Another case of genes related to social class would be samurais being more and more caucasian looking as the toms examined are older and older.
The Muslims that dominated Greece were not Arabs, but Turks, and even then, they were Anatolians under Turkic domination. Nothing would have changed, as Anatolians and Greeks share the same genetic background, even if that domination would have entailed migration.
The Israelite presence is Spain is as old as merely testimonial. A weak people for ages and obsessed with their insignificance -a people that failed to obtain the abundant descendants promised to them by their holy books- is always on the look out for archeological confirmation bias. It’s the PCR of history. The genetic history of Jews makes them a weird family, but not a race in any possible sense of the expression and much less by contrast among the people they live next to. Perhaps only after the expulsion from Spain and their migration to Northern Europe we can see some contrast. Also Italians Jews had been settling in Germany for centuries to eventually produce a German Jewry.
Most of the Muslims were descendants of converts who wanted to avoid specific taxes for dhimmies and being left alone. Some times it was even a matter of political power. Many notable Muslim families were actually Visigoths,, line the Banu Qasim. The summer raids looking for fair skinned women in Northern Spain to be kidnapped was intended to keep their good looks and features. Besides internecine struggles among the Visigoths, many of these rejected the Catholic trinity and saw in Islam a revolt against it. Conversions happen on both sides at one point or another.
Do not believe the otherwise abundant literature in English on Spain because it’s highly ideological and has a bad English nationalistic agenda behind. True neutral historical accounts on Spain can not come from historical enemies of Spain.
One of the hugest problems this world has is baby circumcision, as it ALTERS the child’s brain irrevocably for the rest of his life. My body was circumcised via IGNORANT parents as MOST Whites are.
Whomever thought of this anti-Nature practice is well NOT a “GOD”. For if Nature is not a small/lesser part of the Creator then the Creator(s) don’t exist.
I see in a uncircumcised relative a much different being as this poor young lad has NOT been tampered with.
I also work with a probable “jew” who is a hard worker, i refuse to let him know he shows many jewish physical characteristics as imho it is better he stay ignorant of the probable fact.
He though has done much lsd and other drugs, It would NOT surprise me if circumcision plays a part in making bodies weak to “temptation”, as it is KNOWN fact circumcised men have a bigger sex drive and harder time “controlling it”
Mark Griffin
Honestly I find this hard to believe, I have myself a Jewish (non-practising) man in my neighborhood and he doesn’t seem like a bad person, I don’t see how he is contributing to the current state of things in this world, just by existing? then Jews are right about anti-Semites, my neighbour is just living his life, working (a manual job) and by talking with him about everyday stuff I surely don’t get the idea that he is trying to genocide the white race or that he is a degenerate as you keep claiming.
The thing is that only a small fraction of jews are against us, over 99,9% of them are good people.
We shouldn’t hate jews because one of them can have a son and that son oppose us, by the same logic we should hate whites because some of them can give birth to serial killers every once in a while who apart from being all white also give us more trouble and pain that the average jew who is nothing more than a good person.
Also it’s totally idiotic to hate someone that doesn’t have anything to do with jews just because 300 years ago they had a jewish ancestor, you see how ridicolous does that look?
“I hate you because 400 years ago among your family tree you had a Jewish man that converted”.
Mark, who said anything about “hating” Jews simply for being born Jews? You imposed that on this story, because you’ve been programmed by the Jewish media to believe that anyone who criticizes Jews is motivated by “hate”, not for what is really about, which is love for your own. Antisemitism is healthy reaction against “judaizers”.
And even so-called “good” Jews are judaizers if you just sit down with them, scratch the surface, and hear the liberal policies that most of them support, such as open immigration from the Third World, racial pluralism, COVID vaccines, abortion, LGBT “rights”, and most “normal” Jews support the holocaust myth which is a blood libel against all White people, not just “Nazis”.
They have been kicked out Christian nations and states in Europe at least 109 times, yet you seem to believe that this is all just a coincidence? That they were “scapegoated”? That they “didn’t do anything”? Christians and Jews are like oil and water, and forcing them to live together always has resulted in tensions.
Daniel A. Jaimen Navarrete
The problem in today’s society is not “antisemitism” (¿what?), a misnomer, anyway. The problem is goyimophobia and anti-Gentilism. Antisemitic (¿what?) used to be used to refer to those who hated the Jews in spite of Jews being only one among several Semitic peoples. Today, however, “antisemitic” refers to those the Jews hate. Big difference.
Run of the mill Jews are ok people. The problem comes with their internal solidarity and tribal ethics beyond good and evil and how, as a result of it, close ranks with a criminal oligarchy. Also many of them found that being formally a Jew is not a religion but a ticket and a club that entails privileges and secret preferences at the expense of naïve mainstream society.
from “Jews and the British Empire” 1935
“The financial Jewish power had been transferred from Amsterdam to London under William III (of Orange) and the chief financiers there were the Sephardim Jews, the Mendez da Costas, Abudientes, Salvadors, Lopezes, Fonsecas and Seixas-all Marranos. On no account was France to be allowed to develop an Empire and become an independent rival, so England was used to wrest from her her Colonies in India, America, West Indies, Canada. The more Britain expanded, the greater grew the Jewish power and control in the economic and financial realm. A Kaleidoscopic look at the main events of British history from the early part of the 17th century will show the rapid expansion of Britain and her changing political control passing from her own hands into those of men alien to her faith, race and nation.” p.7
The kind of Jewish genetic pollution of the population attributed to Spain has also taken place in England…though it lags behind Spain’s by about 200 years.
People who have studied the issue have remarked that today, there is virtually no English noble family that doesn’t have significant Jew admixture by this point.
In the 1700s, and especially by the 1800s, it was very common for noble families to be experiencing diminishing fortunes, sometimes even to the point of losing it all, so they would deliberately enter their families into marriage with wealthy jews who for their part, were seeking the social status (and business opportunities that brought) which they otherwise couldn’t attain as jewish outsiders.
Same thing happened in Portugal, but the Portuguese also allowed black slaves to be “integrated” into their society through miscegenation, which explains why Portugal has the worst economy in Europe, totally dependent on tourism.
Paul Kurt
Quote from Dr. Nagera that: “Judish Bolscheviks were psychopathic and a racial degenerates that used ideology to satisfy their blood lust and justify mass murder and genocide … ”
This is at first a cogent testimony of today antifa and jew revolutionary (remember the bombing of sixties) and Bill Clinton generation with Students for a Democratic Society . But in last a human error which will be fatal.
The Jew himself is unique and uses deception before assassination and sabotage. All are psychopathic in the host culture. They will destroy opposition or dissidence because they own or control the air. But the good and trusted jew is preferred and exalted strategically by our leaders and personalities who do not know them . Their evil is beyond our natural comprehension .
But Dr. Nagera is a disciple of national socialism and errs – that jew is another race. Since many jews were in the Third Reich in high places and probably with General Franco also . Consider this text is exposing the enemy amongst us . Goebbels would concede , with Der Fuehrer “, ja , wir haben unsere beliebte Juden.” “Yes, we all have our favourite jews.”
In early Spain with Isabelle of Castile , which is arguable the apogee of Christian culture simply because they eliminated most jews, arabs – and asserted their culture ; or the ultimate war to establish jew domination , when miscegenation was uncovered as the racial weapon against the European race and the reaction, eugenics to restore the Spanish or German was absolutely correct.
Jews are all genetically unique and must have a host since through endogamy have become infertile. They use any race – negro to enhance themself – also German, Spanish to make their horrible phenotype less conspicuous and themselves not above “converting” to their false idolatry – religion of a “jew” they claim they had not murdered.
All seminaries today are jew indoctrination. All jews possess this “degenerate” need and purpose to destroy a pure race since they are not a race but a convoluted mongrel .
Prussians were first to accept this novel non-discrimination. Bismarck would provide the jew equal rights. Hitler would cause disastrous error allowing German officers , many generals (may have had no choice) with jew heritage. It cost him the war.
And today America is their ultimate victim. The church is intellectualized (judaisiert) and pure confession and conversion (Holy Spirit) an anachronism. Miscegenation a preferred method of penance.
Richard Nixon would resolve too late to solve the jew problem. He would rely to his trusted confidant and advisor, the eternal Henry Kissinger, who would plan Watergate, an obscene abuse of language for invented crime of vicious jew subterfuge and destroying another antisemite, who foolishly discriminated and trusted him.
But it does not end here. It goes on and on. We have not learned from our forefathers errors.
Daniel A. Jaimen Navarrete
Very good.
Very good article.
There was another huge damage caused by the magical thinking of converting Jews that we still live with…turning the Americas into one vast slave economy. The slave system in the New World that is associated with the Spanish and Portuguese was really created by ethnic Jews from those two countries (slavery is the genetic Jew’s instinct). It was they who polluted the New World with millions of Africans, a species of hominid incapable of getting here on their own.
And today, so much of the damage being done by “Hispanics” in our midst, are really Sephardic Jews. Virtually all of the high-functioning subversives that rise out of the racial cesspools of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Colombia, etc. are significantly Jewish genetically.
To show you how worthless home DNA tests are, I bet if your average olive skinned Spaniard took the test, it wouldn’t show any Sephardic or Ashkenazi DNA results. That’s because how they arbitrarily define certain genomes. Do not trust those tests, worthless.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
Many of these ancestry DNA testing companies are fronts to harvest your DNA to put on database much like those COVID swab tests were harvesting your DNA to put on database. CFT has an article about these ancestry companies.
Chris Maley
Mordechai Levi better known as “Karl Marx”, – the son of 2 Rabbis no less, became a “catholic” to get into England at the turn of the Industrial Revolution.
Robert Mugabe the self proclaimed Marxist and “Freedom Fighter” was also a “catholic”, initially “programmed” by Jesuit missionaries. Nkrumah his mentor was another.
CFT You mean congenital no ?
Jare Curson
Many Jews in the 19th century “converted” to Christianity in order to cynically get ahead socially. Jewish Composer Felix Mendelssohn is another example.
That’s what the Inquisition was about, superficial conversion but remaining a Jew. But the Inquisition was orchestrated by converso Jews judging other converso Jews, which is why it was a train wreck.
Jews forcing other Jews to be Christian using torture, same way bolshevik Jews forced gentiles to be communists under the threat of death. That’s the Jewish mentality.
Al S. Heimers
Joe Biden grew up as a Catholic. All of his children married Jews. All of his grandchildren are Jews:
Biden said if he weren’t Catholic, he’d convert to Judaism:
Piarist Calasanz
But then other Catholics will claim that Biden isn’t a “real” Catholic. Maybe not, but “real” Catholics still allow Jews to convert and marry Catholics.
Biden is an imposter Catholic to deceive and get Catholic votes and be entitled to Catholic pageantry with cardinals and bishops.
There are many Catholic imposter priests like this communist became an imposter priest to destroy the Catholic Church from within: The Memoirs of an Anti-Apostle https://ia801604.us.archive.org/8/items/Aa-1025TheMemoirsOfAnAnti-apostle/Aa-1025TheMemoirsOfAnAnti-apostle.pdf (free ebook)
And most of all, Vatican II Council was infested with faux converts who were imposter priests who infiltrated to destroy the Church from within by changing the Mass and doctrines of the Church http://holywar.org/txt/pinay/default.htm (free ebook)
Biden is a faux Catholic as Putin is an Orthodox — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWPJPx4OYWw
The Word Jew Is NOT In The Bible . https://biblicisminstitute.wordpress.com/2014/08/29/the-word-jew-is-not-in-the-bible/
Jesus Was Not A Jew https://biblicisminstitute.wordpress.com/2014/07/27/jesus-was-not-a-jew/
Ga ….
What is a real Catholic and how do they help bring the Truth of Jesus Christ and our Identity as White Israelites to the rest of the non-believing White world?
And by the way …………….. stop promoting biblicisminstitute. They are heretics! And his article is no better than the one here —
Are you slow? Were you not aware that this ENTIRE website is about proving that Jesus was not a jew? Do you come here and actually read articles, or just promote other websites?
Why would you promote something we already believe, from a person who thinks we are crazy for believing such?
What’s with many coming here and promoting this biblicisminstitute?!!! This is not the first time. It keeps happening. I suspect now it’s part of a campaign to disrupt CFT.
biblicisminstititute is not our Brother in Faith. It is an enemy.
This book The Plot Against the Church http://holywar.org/txt/pinay/default.htm (free ebook) answers your question especially “What is a real Catholic…”
My comment was meant to respond to Al S. Heimers who said that “Biden grew up as Catholic” and to Piarist Calasanz who said, “but “real” Catholics still allow Jews to convert and marry Catholics.” Who are they to speak on behalf of Catholics? They look very ignorant about “real Catholics”. Obliviously they have no idea that the Catholic Church forbade Jews to convert to Catholicism for centuries but Jews are clever like their father the serpent in the Garden of Eden and they are chameleons and they have managed to sneaked into the Catholic Church and takeover the Vatican through the Vatican II Council which they have been planning for over a century. Hence I gave the link written by a team of Catholic scholars and historians, The Plot Against the Church, http://holywar.org/txt/pinay/default.htm (free ebook) This books gives the history of the Catholic Church and the Jews. This book was sent to ALL the bishops worldwide BEFORE they went to attend the Vatican Council to forewarn them of the wolves in sheep’s clothing awaiting them at the council.
Chapter Three, Curses of God Upon the Jews, says,
“In order to save Christianity from this danger, Holy Church had to take refuge in the most extreme methods, whose justification is already proven solely through the circumstance that the misfortune, which now threatens mankind, was delayed by several centuries. In their thousand-year long struggle against the Church of Christ the Jews used, as their principal weapon of battle, the “Fifth Column”, which arose as thousands and thousands of Jews all over the world were converted in a hypocritical manner to Christianity.
“The already mentioned Jewish historian Cecil Roth confirms in his previously quoted work “Storia del Popolo Ebraico”, page 229, Milan 1962, that “… naturally the conversions were for the most part a pretence…” They were baptised and remained nevertheless just as much Jews in secret as before, although they have given themselves Christian names, went to Mass and frivolously received the sacraments. They then used their new position as seeming Christians to set up false teachings, which developed into underground movements. This would have brought about the dissolution of Christianity and secured the rule by Jewry over all peoples, as will be elaborated on later with irrefutable proofs.”
The Catholic Church is infested with bad priests who are faux converts as the book explains. The ‘outside enemies’ of the Church are not what is dangerous to her but the ‘inside enemies’ those Jewish infiltrators. Caiaphas was not as dangerous as Judas Iscariot. Without Judas, Caiaphas would not have caught Jesus. So the Church is now infested with Judas Iscariots and Judas goats and faux priests and Catholic pretenders like Biden and Nancy Pelosi who are all making mockeries of Catholic Scripture and Tradition.
I just saw the articles of Biblicism Institute that “Jesus was not a Jew” and that “The word Jew is NOT in the Bible” recently, and have been studying all its Scriptural verses and proofs. That is why I shared them. If they are heretics, tell me more about it. I’m not here to promote any website because most are half-truths and are under Jewish mammon payroll.
Ga ………………..
If your intentions are pure, I hope you come to CFT and read articles.
The biblicsminstitute makes a mockery of the Teachings here at CFT.
How did you find that site? I just found it interesting that lately there have been a few people promoting that site. I didn’t think it was a coincidence.
But like I said, above, I hope your intentions are pure and I hope you stick and around to study and learn.
There are too many articles to recommend, but this one would be a good place to start — https://christiansfortruth.com/the-error-of-christian-dispensationalists-did-israel-reject-jesus/
Do you believe yourself to be a Christian?
same as trump
If you at CFT and Biblicism are proving that Jesus was NOT a Jew, are you not both the same Christians and have the same common enemy the Jews?
Can you send links that “The biblicsminstitute makes a mockery of the Teachings here at CFT? ”
How are you different kinds of Christians based on what? using different Bibles… or having different what?
Ga ……………..
Start here — https://biblicisminstitute.wordpress.com/2014/09/18/the-hebrew-disease/
Here is a comment where the author of the site then makes a mockery of the commenter — https://biblicisminstitute.wordpress.com/2014/09/18/the-hebrew-disease/#comment-3013
You’ll notice at the bottom that “Comments are Closed”.
He/she closed the comments because that article was inundated with articles/documentation that YES INDEED the White Peoples of the World are the Israelites of Scripture.
It got ugly. Whoever runs that site is a very unfriendly person. It was Ad Hominem attacks, condescension, patronization …………. you name it. It was never allowed to be an Intellectual Discussion/Debate.
James Smith
Allowing Judeo-genetic disorders into the blood pool sounds like the most Catholic thing ever.
It’s typically convenient and predictable that the jews, atheists and agnostics over at good ol’ wikipedia have deemed “scientific racism” to have been ‘officially debunked’ and that (only) since the mid 20th century the “scientific community” has deemed that scientific racism, also called racialism, race realism and race science, is “no longer considered scientific.” LOL.
Of course not. How else could the marxist (((jews))) ever have replaced reality with their multiculturalism (…Thanks, Barbara Lerner Spectre. Thanks again, jews!…), DIE-versity, equity and (((inclusion)))? Now, they have replaced real science with their fake sciences , which are too many too count.
I have learned that any hispanics/ latinos that have the ‘EZ’ on the end of their name , and also others, ALL have the jew mongrelization. Here in Texas we have millions upon millions of (((them))). And still the hideous jew media marches out every day talking about “Oye vaye, we are a tiny little 2% minority.” Yeah, Right.
Tuesday's Gone
The article accuses Vallejo of ideological based science, but it was the communists who invented that concept.
In the USSR all scientific studies had to conform to the communist ideology, and we see that exact same thing today in the West. Racial denialism is an example of that.
Here’s just such an example:
“Tenured Professor Bryan J. Pesta Sues For Being Fired For His Breakthrough Study Of The Causes Of The Racial Gap In Average IQ”:
I have always seen Spanish women as a difference race from me and had no interest in them.
Rolly …..
I’m sure this is not new to you — but I wouldn’t use the word “Spanish”. Spain and Spaniards were once us — White Adamic Peoples.
I’d call them Mestizos. Mesrizos = Whites who mixed their seed with Red Aboriginals.
Queen Isabella of Spain was an Israelite. At that time, some may have referred to her as “Spanish”.
You are not attracted to “Mestizos”.
I’ll bet if you found a pure White Spanish girl, you’d have a different opinion. 🙂
I recently read that famous football player Tom Brady grew up in a Catholic family. One of his sisters had two children with a black man, and another sister adopted a black child with her white husband.
I thought these kind of franken-families were a Protestant evangelical thing, but now I can see why the Catholics encourage it too.
Wilfred John
This is one of the most intriguing headlines from CFT I’ve read so far. Fascinating article.
Amazing how conversion can destroy a race of people, while the Catholic Church gaslights its followers to still believe that a bunch of crypto-Jews in fancy robes slinging incense can show white Catholics the way to God.
It’s time for any racially conscious Catholics (I know there are many because I’ve met some) to stand up and say they aren’t going to take it anymore. Before it’s too late.
History repeating itself, especially here in the United States!
It’s often hard to tell anymore what ethnicity a person here is anymore.
I shop Whole Foods in a once majority White enclave of Atlanta Georgia and I swear I’m inside the United Nations Building.
I’ll hear 4 different dialects and not one of them is English.
But hey …… we got curry now!
Nothing makes for feeling cultured like eating ethnic foods. Occidental gastronomy is often so lacking. For all our domesticated animals, hunting quarry, crops, recipes, techniques, preserves, botanicals and distillations, it can be just the loxist kick one needs to bite down on an angry spice from the land of a people so terribly persecuted. Such cultural treasure!
A. Clifton
and don’t forget the…..
Dig this chutzpah…..”Passover begins by cleaning the house and ….
making sure all leavened foods are removed from the home including the attic
and basement, and any outbuildings.
The highlight of the {{{ “JEWISH” }}} holiday is the Seder,
which is a ” ritual banquet ” – conducted on both the first and
second evenings of Passover, where curiously enough there were
no…. {{{{Jews}}} present. At all.
The primary feature of the Seder is the reading of the Haggadah,
which tells the story of the Exodus from Egypt. Again there were
no proselytes to Talmudic Judaism from the land of Gog & Magog
around anywheah in the vicinity.
Seder Plate:
Baytzah (roasted egg) Zeroa (shankbone)
Maror (horseradish or endive) Charoset (mixture of apples, nuts and wine)
Karpas (lettuce, parsley or celery) Matzos and Matzo Cover Haggadah
Manischewitz Wine Kiddush Cup Elijah’s Cup
Bowl of salt water and towels, Pillows and Candles
to recap : – non-Israelite, non-Hebraic,
Ashkenazic-Khazarian Zionists – {{{ TERRORISTS }}} –
These land thieves – who lost their homeland Khazaria and were in
search of a new land – were markedly portraying themselves as
Dig This Chutzpah – “Hebrews”….. “rightfully”…. returning home….
when in fact they were not.
See Jews are NOT the Hebrews of the Bible.
“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and
land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold
more the child of hell than yourselves.” – Matthew 23:15