(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Confirming what we have reported before, leaders of the Freemason movement in Paris urged members not to attend events organized by France’s Jewish communities because of their support for Israel, which they said increases antisemitism:
The circular issued this week by the Grand Orient of France received attention in the French media partly because of how anti-Semites and conspiracy theorists there often target Freemasons as a branch of world Jewry.
The reference to Israel appeared in a draft resolution circulated during this week’s congress of the Grand Orient in Rouen, Le Parisien reported Tuesday. It was rescinded and senior Freemasons said it had been sent out by mistake, but the original document was obtained by bloggers covering the movement, which has tens of thousands of members.
The document called CRIF, the umbrella group of French Jewish communities, “a follower of policies” promoted by Israel of “religious extreme right-wing ideology” that leads to “divisions and rise in anti-Semitism.” The draft resolution has not been adopted.
Francis Kalifat, the president of CRIF, told Le Parisien that he was “infuriated” by the text, which he called a “scandalous manifestation of far-left ideas” from the France Unbowed movement led by the communist populist politician Jean-Luc Melenchon, who is a Freemason.
In 2017, a French Freemason leader said he was assaulted on the street by a woman carrying a hammer who called him a Jew.
During the Nazi occupation of France and under the country’s pro-Nazi puppet state, Freemasonry, a rationalist and secretive movement that began in the 17th century, was banned.
Of course, this doesn’t just apply to France — Jews all over Europe are resented for the ongoing genocide of the Palestinians, and it shouldn’t take a high-level Mason to figure that one out.
And yet we are constantly admonished that claiming masonry is Jewish is just an age-old antisemitic “canard”, despite the fact that Jews, in their own writings, have admitted that masonry is, in fact, based on Judaism from top to bottom.
Here are just a few of those direct quotes proving that this isn’t just a “canard” repeated by “antisemites”:
“Masonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic ritual and what is left?”
—“The Jewish Tribune,” New York, Oct. 28, 1927, Cheshvan 2, 5688, Vol. 91, No. 18
“The spirit of Freemasonry is the spirit of Judaism in its most fundamental beliefs; it is its ideas, its language, it is mostly its organization, the hopes which enlighten and support Israel. It’s crowning will be that wonderful prayer house of which Jerusalem will be the triumphal centre and symbol.”
—“La Verite Israelite,” Jewish paper 1861, IV, page 74
“The most important duty of the Freemason must be to glorify the Jewish Race, which has preserved the unchanged divine standard of wisdom. You must rely upon the Jewish race to dissolve all frontiers.”
—“Le Symbolism,” July, 1928:
“Each Lodge is and must be a symbol of the Jewish temple; each Master in the Chair, a representative of the Jewish King; and every Mason a personification of the Jewish workman.”
—“An Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry,” Philadelphia, 1906
“The Grand Lodge Masonry of the present day is wholly Jewish.”
—“Manual of Freemasonry” by Richard Carlile, 1825
“Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.”
—Rabbi Br. Isaac Wise, in “The Israelite of America,” March 8, 1866
“At the head of all those secret societies, which form provisional governments, men of the Jewish race are to be found.”
—Benjamin Disraeli, Jewish Prime Minister of England, in “The Life of Lord George Bentick”
“I think I have proved sufficiently that Freemasonry, as what concurs symbolism, lays entirely on a formation which is essentially Jewish.”
—Bernard Stillman, Jew, in “Hebraic influences on Masonic Symbolism,” 1929, quoted “The Masonic News,” London
“The influence of the Jewish Sanhedrin is today more powerful than ever in Freemasonry.”
—O.B. Good, M.A. in The Hidden Hand of Judah, 1936
“The technical language, symbolism and rites of Freemasonry are full of Jewish ideas and terms . . . In the Scottish Rite, the dates on official documents are given according to the era and months of the Jewish calendar, and use is made of the Hebraic alphabet.”
—“Jewish Encyclopedia,” 1903, Vol, 5, page 503
“The B’nai B’rith are but a makeshift. Everywhere that Freemasonry can admit that it is Jewish in its nature as well as in its aims, the ordinary lodges are sufficient for the task.”
—”B’nai B’rith Magazine,” Vol. 13, page 8, quoting Rabbi (and mason) Magnin
“The Coat of Arms used by the Grand Lodge of England is entirely composed of Jewish symbols.”
—“Transactions Of The Jewish Historical Society,” Vol. 2, p 156
Masonry and Babylonian Judaism are one, read Ezra Nehemiah: It says a Great work – building the temple, Builders Ie Masons. Sanctification a holy segregation of those who know the truth. Disdain for Cowans and goyim. It tells you that they operated on a legal code of Persia. Once a Pursian King decreed something no future King could change it. So the UN flag reveals a masonic undertaking. UN gave permission to steal the land of Palestine. It says the wealth of tribute beyond the river was for building that temple whatever was required. So USA and Germany give and give to their little stolenland project. Operative masons in Europe were free to travel and exempt from tax impositions. Think tax fee foundations and non profits all masonically connected to design a new world order. Think also universalist globailist who destroyed Europe and America with treachery. IE JWO using ZOG and Masonic preferences for employment.
Modus Operandi. Tracing board to use a divider on black and white squares. Twin pillars of civilization are Democrates and Republican. One is black dark the other is traditional and light.
Labour and Tories ect. A house divide against itself cannot stand. In masonry that is how it is if the divider compass is in the hands of the master mason and Great architect. Yes divide and rule and build one house for their God.
Acts 4:11
‘The stone that you builders rejected
has now become the cornerstone.
Why is the apostle declaring them builders by the Holy Spirit?
Because there is nothing concealed that was not revealed.
Masonic Jews and goy traitors are building an invisible temple and rejected the Livingstone of Christ. They instead use mystery religion to parasite and possess the host of Christianity.
Selective readings from Bible are used to create authenticity and pseudo legitimacy in ritual and deception. Thus they have perverted the best of the Goy to their cause. Jesus said upon this rock the fact that He is the Christ He built his church. Masons reject that truth and so are of the antiChrist trying to supplant the truth for a lie. Mystery religion is like the alien movie it eats its host to survive and promulgate pure Satanisim with blessings and false charity. Fear not for Jesus has overcome the world and the rules of this age will once again bow.
I am being persecuted horribly in Australia for saying the same things. You left one major fact.
Masonry is based on a pun Masse Onnico the Latin Black Masse. It is Satanism pure and simple.
The Rothschild/Bauers were all in the same circle ( kikel kike just means circle in Yiddish) as Jacob Frank forever remembered for Frankist Satanism and pimping out his daughter and wife. Himself an outgrowth of the Donmeh Founder Sabbathai Sevi who pretended to convert to Islam where they quickly realised their duplicitous spite function much more effectively and virus like. They claim all these virtues themselves. I have no need to slander these monsters with lies.
The Knesset question time is full of screams to kill the Goy and AMAKEK with even Jewish Masons saying the will wipe out the Goy masons once they have been bled dry ( Herzl)
Please if anyone can help me escape Canberra Australia where I am being persecuted extremely for Christian values like these I will be forever grateful and toil incessantly to repatriate any aid.
I was driven into Public housing in Canberra ACT after my trade was made redundant by robot technology.
Canberra public Housing proved too hard Drug ghettos where I was surrounded by drug dealing parasites. When I complained to Housing about this the persecution started and eventually the Government Department told the dealers I was an informer. Basically and exaggeration; I just said stop the drug dealing or move me neither of which they did so I called them what they were Drug propagating criminals making literal Concentration camps where people get so depressed at living in such squalid hellholes many become addicts. Now the gave told the dealers I am an informant I nightly have people walk by my bedroom windows screaming abuse and threats to my life. I an a very healthy 63 year man Christian with classical training in the arts and my trade as a sign painter is still viable in the USA as they had a far more sophisticated adaption of the technology that ruined the trade in Australia.
I honestly fear for my life here as the Police and Politicians are as bent as Pretzels. In fact Canberra has a culture of spiteful dishonesty and they are literally slowly killing me with depression. I am too scared to shop or even take the rubbish out.
Charities here fear the Satare Government most not even replying to plaintive cries of sincere distress, as the town is Masonic with all the accompanying gangster style spite against honest men. Colin Winchester chief police officer but honest murdered over the Bungendore Dope crop. Donald Mackay basically similar to me also murdered.
Im in real trouble guys, and a true and loyal man. I have courage but a different voice screaming for your death every 5 minutes gets depressing. I don’t know what else to say, but that I try to sleep as much as possible as I fear waking up, to this vipers of men and women beyond any reasonable approach.
For the love of God do not lose the 2nd amnendnent. It is just what the enemy wants and you will be in my predicament of Government that turns off the hot water for a year now. Waking up to dog feces on your door step. Fake blood squirted over your window and another Prime minister that pretends he is honest yet allows this with full knowledge of the details. Another Mason shill and traitor to his own.
A man who pregnant unwed mother was given free housing to raise Anthony Albanese but who in turn betrays the country that gave to him so by acting dishonestly and as a proxy for Central bank scam federalism. A complete Ponzi Scheme financed with Drug money and thus Government drug dealing on a massive scale.
I still contend that this modern jewish concept of “Freemasonry” is yet another white institution that was hijacked for jewish purposes. I believe the ‘secrets of the stone masons’ were kept in a much different fashion and was only prevalent thousands of years ago, with only residual secrets remaining with our people after the time of Christ, and probably kept via some paganistic form that the jews discovered and corrupted for their own nefarious purposes.
That is very likely correct. The Freemasons appear to be evolved from the old architectural guilds, and as we all know Jews are not fond of manual labor. Like most things, they are good only for corrupting and perverting.
“Freemasonry” is formed by suffixing “-ry” / “-ary”, which means “place for“, “quantity of“ and “art of“ to “Freemason“ which is derived from “Free“, whose exact origin (-s) is disputed and “Mason“, which means “one who dresses, lays or carves a stone“.
So, “Freemasonry“ means “art of one, who dresses, lays or carves a stone“ since the freemasons used to dress, lay or carve a stone.
That is certainly true in Germany 100%. Weishaupt said it outright as did Theodore Herzl the Zionist psychotic. But it was an outgrowth of Templarism started by 9 Marranos crypto Jews with Bernhard of Clairvaux taking the 30 pieces of silver.
The Templars were castle builders that went underground after being banned by Phillip IV for Homosexuality trampling and Spitting on the Cross and Worshiping a Goat just like Jews and Masons. Everything Phillip said was true they were guilty, thus yielding Masonry and the Templars fleet became Pirates and is why so many Pirates have the same Masonic spite like the Black spot etc.
Masonry just allowed Templarism to rise again and the little boy sexual abuse continues with Masonic lodges holding wedding ceremonies where fat Nason pedophiles marry littles boys in veils no less. I’m sure you have seen to 16mm film impossible to photo shop on Bitchute?
“Masonic lodges are established all over the world to help us achieve our independence. Those pigs, the non-Jewish Masons, will never understand the final objects of Masonry.” – Theodor Herzel, Founder of Modern Zionism, 1897
A New Zealand site has an interesting way of viewing the Christchurch flag attack, and links that to NZ Freemasons and jew Sayanims.
This is worth chasing down. NZ is small enough that it should be possible to map out the entire network. Patriots in NZ should get on this and start figuring out who is who.
The time for sitting back is long since passed. Pedophiles in particular should be hunted down….we all know what Jesus said about delivering judgment.
Hi. – Did you just get that alleged Herzl quote from the series: “Europa The Last Battle (2017)” ?
Because I have not been able to ascertain where it came from. – E.g. – in what year did he say it? In what piece of writing from Herzl does it come from ? In no citing of it that I’ve found on the Net, has anyone of those posters of it, provided the original source. – Gotta say, – I’m starting to smell rat . . .
Look harder – I found it I one search.
I’m starting to smell a rat, too.
You have heard of Operation T4lpi0t . The. Back door in your CPU thanks to M0334D ( if I don’t write like that there scanners will pick the words the documentary about this vicious Jewish betrayal of trust has vanished on over 70 sites at once I knew off 40.
Hi Dear Brothers of the Light kindly please help me and I join the light because am very ready and interested to join the light
There is no formal group here to join. If you want to change your life and follow Christ, open your Bible and start reading.
You’re already there, Rob.
Just the sincere aspiration to be true is enough. God is the Truth.
I came to Christ and the True light of God via the Dialogues of Plato. I became dedicated to serving the Truth fanatically like Socrates. After that the Dominos tumble toward the one truth. But be warned you will be hated for His name’s sake. I am being dreadfully mistreated in Canberra a Mason dominated city.
Their spiteful and criminal persecutions just substantiate and ossify the Philosophers Stone of the undeniable truth. They are Satanic.
The name of the jewish game…
What a scam: the ADL, which is an offshoot of the judeo-masonic B’nai B’rith, claims that Jews do nothing to create antisemitism, and yet the Masonic Lodge in France admits that the behavior of Jews in Israel causes antisemitism in France. Somebody didn’t get the memo….
Well, it was a private memo from the Lodge.
In public the official story is that anti-semitism is a disease. In private they know that Jewish behaviour causes people to hate them.
There is no doubt Brother no matter how much the Bnai Brith poisons the well either changing Prytyn to Britain to imply a Jewish Island in degrees from Brutus or the outright lie Jews do nothing to cause the hatred for their evil acts. Lord Rothschild and a conga line of the finest men in History murdered to consolidate a Global usury scam and his Reuters accomplices that slandered great gentile men.
Did anyone read JFKs research and outcome of it into Hitler? Once all the lies of Hollowcaust propaganda are silenced, there stands a great man. I was astonished having believed the entire lie about Germany since Childhood by outright brainwashing from Hollywood, Britain’s Jewish Royalty.
David Irving was considered one of Europe’s finest Historians until he discovered the truth I in turn did. The Germans were betrayed by the Jewish WARBURG banking Cartel 100% and what more the Jews told them so to goad them into the Zionist plan of WWII and the Balfour affair.
The evidence is undeniable. Just as Christ said Rabbinic Talmudism is the Synagogue of Satan.
We must get courageously organized or literally be wiped out by these vile vipers of creatures.