Eric Zemmour, an Algerian Jew and political journalist in France, has come out with a serious critique of the unrestricted Third World invasion, laying the blame at the feet of ‘Christian universalists“:
There also the same way, you know very well that in all the traditional civilizations the demographics, the births, are God’s gift, and power is supported by the power of numbers. Well, there we are. And we have today, simply, a civilization which is at war with us, a civilizational war, by three means, which I call the triptych: Invasion, Colonization, Conflagration.
The Invasion, simply, you have still before your astounded eyes, those who are being euphemistically called “migrants”. “Migrants”, or “refugees” or… voilà. From the moment that there are millions of people who want to come in our country without asking us our opinion, it’s called INVASION, it’s not called MIGRATION.
In French it has a name: invasion. Meaning that today we are countries, European countries, which have — in a very excessive way — opened their doors, opened their borders. We no longer have any borders, we have “sieve-borders”, we have an ideology which forbids borders, which forbids… which — in the name of economic progress, in the name of the freedom of exchange — forbids and considerably limits the borders.
Well, we have a huge population that is storming our borders. In order to give you an idea of what’s at stake demographically: In Africa there were 500 million inhabitants, in the ’60s. Now there are a billion. And in 2050, meaning tomorrow, there will be two billion. So, it suffices that ten percent of those two billion arrive in our country and it’s an unheard-of demographic tilt.
You see, it’s nothing. That is what you call the balance of power. So you need to understand that from the moment when you have, within our countries, elites that organize the unremitting arrival of so-called “migrants”, we have elites that are ORGANIZING the invasion. And you need to understand why.
It’s very simple: For the reasons — at the same time — philosophical, ideological, and economic. For ideological reasons in the name of a sort of adulterated universalism, you know the famous quote from Chesterton: “The [modern] world is full of [the old] Christian virtues gone mad.” There you have it.
Christian universalism has gone completely rogue, by a universalism gone mad, which thinks that every human is an individual with no roots, and that man is reduced to the condition of consumer. So he can be from any culture of any race, any origin; it doesn’t matter, as long as he is consuming Nike. Voilà.
This is the universalism of consumers. And then you have the economic interest, meaning that today the economic organization of the world relies on large cities, large metropolises where the winners of globalism live. And those winners of globalism, who are connected to the world, need servants. Voilà: they need servants to deliver the sushi, to bring them pizza, to babysit their children, to work in the restaurants, to work everywhere in the large cities.
And the servants, you know, the old European peoples: French, English, they don’t want to. They don’t want to; they decide that they don’t feel like working in this profession, they consider that they aren’t paid enough and so on. Therefore there has been an entire organized action, for the last twenty years, for the purpose of getting rid of those original peoples, who don’t want to perform the job they are asked to do, and to replace them with a population arriving from the south, and which is dreaming to do just that.
And the number making the link, you understand that starting for a certain moment in the French ghettos, English ghettos, in the even Italian ghettos the numbers make the balance of power tilt. And the ethnic French and English are forced to leave the place where they were, because they have been flooded by the numbers. They are flooded by the numbers, because the numbers cause their way of life to change.
You know, I like very much quoting a sentence of Engels, a great friend of Marx, who said that after a certain number the quantity becomes quality. This sentence is absolutely splendid, and I say it without sarcasm, because it’s exactly what is happening to us. In the French banlieues, from a certain number, quantity became quality. Meaning that the assimilation happened INVERSELY.
So this is what I call the second part, meaning the colonization. From a certain point, you have in the neighborhoods, districts, in the cities a civilizational tilt, which is happening totally naturally by the numbers. Starting at a certain point you assimilate to the more numerous, stronger group, or else you leave. Or you leave, you go further, it’s the famous “peripheral France”.
Zemmour appears to have the jewish knack for sounding “intellectual” without saying anything of substance at all. Jews are replacing White Europeans, and Zemmour, who up until recently was staunchly pro-immigration, is blaming the victim.
What a sad day it is when the French people sit idly by while an Algerian Jew has to explain to them that their country is being invaded and destroyed. But if a French person were to say what Zemmour said, they’d be called a “racist” and “xenophobe” — and charged with a “hate crime”.
Jews like Zemmour can say whatever they want because they are a protected minority.
And now that the Jews have flooded France with Arab antisemites, it’s time to roll out the “conservative” Jews to lead the “anti-immigration” pushback and make sure blame is never laid at the feet of the Jews.
Sure, so-called “universalist Christians” certainly have not been much help in stemming the flow of migrants into Europe, but Zemmour fails to mention that it was leftist Jews like himself who infiltrated the Christian churches and pushed open borders.
In Soviet parlance, the Christian pastors became “useful idiots” who promoted the jewish agenda, thinking it was “Christian” to do so.
And Christianity was infected with Judaizing universalists from its beginnings.
But at the end of the day, it was the Jews in Europe who have been pushing for open borders, and now, it seems, they are leading the charge to close the borders, blame the goyim, and “save” Europe.
Well this is the weakness in Christianity that all one need do is accept Christ as the Messiah, and the rest will include you in the fold, even Jews, and despite your background or political motives.
No, that is the weakness of “judaeo-christianity”. That is the weakness of the “traditions of men”.
True Christianity, or The Way, as taught by Christ and witnessed to in the New Testament, has no weakness. It applies ONLY to the true-born children of God of the House of Israel – which is manifest in the remaining white/European population of today.
I would agree that Universalism is evil and gives rise to more evil, and is against true Christianity, but we all know the “emancipated white-skinned” mongrel sect which now desires to push for it against everyone else, to the extent of infiltrating and allying in all types of ways to spread it through global “immigration”. They [the jews of the global Kehillah] have even arranged for the “legal” prosecution of those who oppose it. Zemmour is merely another of the jewish cogs in their controlled opposition dialecticals intended to influence or control all public avenues of thought.
“How has a sect been able to keep people, distributed around the globe, in the clutch of a primitive tribalism during twenty-five centuries?”
Always remember one thing. The main strategy of the jew is to control BOTH sides of the argument. He works towards that end with infinite patience.
Look into his eyes. That is his purpose. Be careful in your praise.
If the Churchs have been corrupted, it is not “the Church”, but only a facsimile. Catholic Christians and protestants have not been immune from subversion.
And to my friend who thinks Catholic is not Christian, which of the 32,000 protestant “churchs” and their myriad of beliefs IS Christian?
This is heartening – Lynda, Ottify and Chesterton all understand. maybe I’m NOT alone out here…
No, you are far from alone 😉
Agree, even blaming the churches for the invasions is misleading. They have just been sympathizing, they have not even got the power to manage such a feat of war.
That said, i think it is very important and interesting to expose the corruption of the church.
Please get informed e.g. about the catholic Caritas International, the most powerful nation-wrecking outfit ever.
Already in the 15th century the Portuguese were in West Africa, even deep in the Congo basin converting the natives. The churches’s strategy in Africa was to gain the local elites by convincing them of the new faith and sending the more inteligent natives to Europe to get them indoctrinated.
The Christian churches as institutions have been from day one internationalist; they can’t be redempted!
wrong, see Stein59 above and remember that catholicism is NOT Christian!
Sry Carl, but the Christian ecclesia CAN be redeemed! Christianity is a WHITE institution, if you want to call it an institution. It is the inherent nature of the white, adamic race put into writing, then put into action. It is that way because our Father CREATED it that way. But we should all understand the moral of this story by now…that when white man is left to his own devices, he achieves success because of his very nature, but forgets WHAT his very nature is by neglecting the One responsible – God, our Father. When we forget where we came from, we lose our identity. When you lose your identity, you forget who you are. When you forget who you are, you tend to look to others around you to get an idea…which is exactly why our race is reduced to the likes of ‘hunter/gatherers’, producing nothing, just looking for the next opportunity to fill our bellies. There is nothing CHRISTIAN about that! Our lack of respect for our Father has filled every white institution with corruption and depravity…just as the Word of God proclaims!
Get real Carl. You are referring to South of Zambezi right? Mozambique and Angola, the Portuguese colonies in Africa since the 16th century. Caritas was founded 1897 ; it later became the the umbrella of all Catholic Charities: Caritas Internationalis (some 165 charities) for relief , social development and service in Catholic territories, nations and in the colonies of Catholic nations. The original idea here is to build infrastructure for missions. Caritas would have been in the Portuguese colonies in the twentieth century. And I do not doubt that after the Communist Revolution took over the hierarchy of the Catholic Church 1963, Caritas was busy helping the Communist Revolution. For example Rhodesia had to fight against the Communist Revolution 1965-1979. And Bishop Donal Lamont of Umtali (big Caritas supporter) was getting AK47s from the ports of Mozambique into Rhodesia. I am sure you would be in favour of that. But 90% of the Blacks in Rhodesia were fighting against the Communist Revolution.
But the Church, itself ( not the Communist counterfeit of modern times was )in the Portuguese colonies since the sixteenth century. It was building missions for the civilisation of Africa – the kind of social development that the 90% Black enlistment of neighbouring Rhodesia supported. And for centuries, the Church supported the Portuguese government in putting a stop to tribal warfare of slave raiding and trading (which was the sole base of the African economy). Frankly who wants this? Portugal was blocking the transport of slaves captured in the interior from being sold to Arab slavers and traders in Zanzibar and Daar es Salaam for transport to Arabia.
Your explanation was top: The Catholic church has indeed helped the Blacks in all ways, and continue to do so.
Catholicism: 100% poison and the main enemy of Nationalism!
Who cares what the -ism is! The institutions are NOT responsible, much like the gun or tool used to perpetrate a malicious act. The PERSONS INVOLVED in the subversion of said institution, tool, or gun are responsible for it’s MISUSE. Stop demonizing the white institutions and start looking into the REAL PROBLEM. That’s like a liberal screaming for gun control everytime a ‘bad’ person misuses one and causes senseless violence. That’s like saying killing all the white people will solve the parasitism of the non-white races! Are you sure you’re on the ‘right’ side here, Carl?
In my 100% poison outfit – we are over 95% White and all with large families (6 + children) who are either home schooled or in attendance at our parish school. We are for the Christian heritage of our European heritage and its institutions – not against. Everyone I know is going to register for the new political party which is calling for an end to all non-European migration and a return to the White Australia policy of the early 1960s. These are the people you insist upon alienating within the nationalist cause.
You are right in a historic perspective, but the last 2 centuries the churches have had lesser roles in shaping world events EXCEPT the Catholic church and their spearhead, the Jesuits.
The Caritas are quite new in this picture, here is an article which shows how they are diverting from the known Catholicism. My French friend complains often about the Catholic project called Opus Dei.
This lying Jew should be made to drink his own bile. Historically the Church has been the greatest champion of the nation state and ethnic rights within the nation state. (Yes even the right of Jews to be Jews and have their separate laws and culture (such as it is) within a host Christian nation.) On the Italian peninsula alone, existed one of the greatest ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversities that has ever existed on the entire planet – right up until Garabaldi and Mazzini unified Italy in the typical Communist bloodbath. For over a thousand years, Italy was patchwork of city states, little kingdoms and estates based upon ethnicity: Lombardy, Montovia, Genovese, Calabrian, Napolitano. These are not just names – they are distinct ethnic populations with their own language and customs and usually self government. They could live in discrete unity with larger and more powerful neighbours because the greater polity – namely the Church- provided the stability and the right to such existence. How different to Africa of immemorial tribal warfare where the weak tribes are endlessly raided for cattle and women and slaves to be shipped off to the harems of the Caliphate. How different to nations taken over by the Jewish Communist Revolution where ethnic cleansing, population transfers and genocides are the order of the day. Universal Church does not mean everybody in one place like Babylon. It means that the mission of the Church is to every nation. It recognises nation as a natural , organic unity , a going concern – not something to be extinguished.
This is yet another textbook case of jewish deflection – blaming the white man/Christian for the contrivances of the jew.
This jew is being truthful (only just enough) about ‘what’ is going on in order to deflect the ‘why’, which always leads to ‘by whom’. It was only a matter of time before we were somehow blamed for the Great Brown Flood. It should come as no surprise, since this smells suspiciously of the same recipe used to guilt whites into believing that we are responsible for the Great African Slave Trade…
That’s right. We are free to blame all our social ills on Whites and Christians, but not on Jews, because that would be antisemitic. Which explains why this Jew can blame what other Jews have done on White Christians.
The greatest mistake the French ever made was emancipating the Jews and giving them equal rights under French law. Ever since then, jewish “intellectuals” have been telling French people how to think like Jews.