After the coronavirus pandemic forced Fordham University to postpone its planned “Outreach 2020” Conference for so-called “LGBTQ Catholics, they instead released a pro-Gay video extolling the virtues of sodomites and their vaunted place in today’s gay-friendly Church:
“We were all ready to go,” exclaims Fr. James Martin, S.J., “with the support of Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Archbishop of New York; Fr. John Cecero, the Jesuit Provincial of the USA, Northeast Province; and Fr. Joe McShane, the president of Fordham University.”
The 43-minute video features many of the speakers who would have participated at the Jesuit-run Fordham University event.
The speakers offer one lie and false hope after another, often employing misapplications of Scripture to do so.
In particular, Psalm 139 is cited repeatedly in the video to tell homosexual and transgender Catholics that they are “fearfully, wonderfully made” by God to be homosexual and transgender.
“LGBT Catholics in many ways are like Jesus, and that’s why they are a gift to our Church,” began Ish Ruiz, a religious studies instructor at San Francisco’s Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep.
“The stone that has been rejected has become the cornerstone,” he declared. “I think of LGBT Catholics as that, as the cornerstone to our Church.”
Sister Luisa Derouen, O.P., a Dominican sister and “minister to the transgender community,” said transgender Catholics are on a “sacred journey” through whom God acts.
Archbishop John C. Wester of Santa Fe said it saddens him to think that “so many of our fellow Catholics experience isolation, loneliness, and even depression on an almost daily basis because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.”
…In the Outreach 2020 video, Wester said pro-LGBT Catholic ministers “are truly following in the footsteps of the Good Shepherd.”
…Megan Fox-Kelly, associate chaplain and director of retreats at the College of the Holy Cross in Worceter, Massachusetts, hinted that some students at her school are created by God to be homosexual and transgender and need to be affirmed in those identities.
“One of the most important parts of her work has been accompanying students in the LGBTQIA+ community … as they give voice to understanding their identity and the person that God created them to be,” said Fox-Kelly…
Another priest, Father Bryan Massingale of Fordham University, said in the video, “I’m obviously a Catholic priest, I’m obviously a black man, and not so obvious is that I’m also openly gay.”
In the wake of the George Floyd protests, Fr. Massingale asserted that gay men who “just aren’t turned on” by black gays aren’t expressing a preference; they are revealing “prejudice.”
Let’s face facts: the vast majority of priests — over 80% by recent estimates — in the Catholic Church are homosexuals.
The Church has had a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy toward gays for centuries, which is exactly what you’d expect when you defy the Gospels and don’t allow the leaders of Christian congregations to marry.
And, of course, Fordham is run by Jesuits, the Order within the Church that was founded by converso Jews, which goes far to explain its role as the vanguard revolutionary front to finalize the destruction of the Church.
But the Catholic hierarchy is merely reaping what it has sown.
They allowed Edomite Jews in the Church from its very foundations — and these conversos made sure that Church doctrine was Judaized and welcoming to these anti-Christs.
Yet real Christianity, from its very foundations, was anti-Jewish — a complete rejection of the false babylonian ‘traditions of the elders’ that had infiltrated the faith — as demonstrated in Malachai, the final book of the Old Testament.
Ultimately, this conflict would have to come to a head — either Christ or the Jews would have to go.
And the Church has chosen the Jews over Christ.
(And so have the Protestants, but that’s another story…)
But he Church was compromised long before the blatant capitulation to the Jews at Vatican II — that was merely the cherry on top of the cake.
Now they’ve replaced the myth that Peter was the ‘cornerstone’ of the Church with sodomites now filling that role.
One false myth replacing another — a house of cards that Revelations promised would be destroyed.
Is there anything left of the Church worth saving?
It is suggested that the corruption of church or churches is not new. Certainly not . All were conceived in sin or conspiracy . But the abuse of scripture to make the Sodomite the cornerstone is interesting and obviously a jewish obscenity in the sanctuary . But it should not surprise anyone. Every reform church I have visited with one exception has sanctified subtly homosexuality (Sodomy) . This is perfect opportunity for the Roman church to receive all who have not surrendered to the profanation of the church. Were they the true church. Since all (Roman and Reform) have confessed the allegiance as suzerain , the bastard state of Israel . Tel Aviv (sic) exceeds San Francisco as the resurrected Sodom and Gomorrah . How can it be otherwise ?
The entire book of Malachi is being fulfilled in these days. I wrote a song about it…
That’s a pretty intense song. Thanks!
But, yes, most Christians probably have never read Malachai, let alone truly understood it even if they have cursorily read it. And Malachai is impossible to understand unless you first understand the racial conflict going on–between the true Israelites and the Edomite infiltrators of the tribes and priesthood.
We see the full implications of this infiltration in the New Testament when Christ rebukes the Edomite Pharisees and Sadducees, the ruling priesthood in Judea, for falsely claiming to be Israelites and true sons of Abraham. It was these infiltrators who ultimately would call for the murder of Christ.
Funny how you mention Jews in the church from the beginning (which is partially true, especially the texts Jerome was given to translate from) but ignore Martin Luther, who also worked with Jews and even followed THEIR Bible canon over the true Christian one of the Catholic and Orthodox churches. Luther divided Europe RIGHT when it needed unity vs. the mongrel, heathen Turks.
Yes the modern Catholic Church is evil and corrupt, but so is everything else. You rarely mention that Catholics saved Europe from Arabs and Turks, regularly expelled Jews and punished homosexuals. What did Protestants do? Some Lutherans and other Protestants helped free Vienna from Turks, but Calvinists tried to ally with the Ottomans and invade Spain (which thankfully never occurred). Anglicans are the worst though, letting the Jews and Freemasons completely take over their nation, and also arming Muslims pirates! Compare the great Catholics of England like Alfred of Wessex, Richard I and Edward I to Judeo-Protestant devils like Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, Benjamin Disraeli and Winston Churchill.
And to top it all off, you include the age old Protestant BS that the Church is “Babylon”. Actually, Babylon is the globalist system led and financed by Judeo-Protestant nations. This is definitely the last time I visit this site, which I thought was for ALL knowledgeable Christians, but in reality is just conspiracy-tier nonsense (“conversos” in the early Church? LMAO talk about historical illiteracy).
Christians For Truth
Enkidu, you have very poor reading comprehension skills. Nowhere in our commentary on this article did we claim that the Catholic Church is “Mystery Babylon”. Where did we say that? We believe Mystery Babylon is indeed the international system of Jewish finance. And, no, we are NOT Protestants.
And if you read the article carefully, you’ll see that we mentioned that the Protestants have a lot of problems, too–that it’s not just the Catholics. Nor did we say that the Catholic Church didn’t do anything good for Europe or its people–you obviously think that anyone who criticizes the Church is a dyed in the wool Protestant. We are none of that. And, yes, Martin Luther repeated a lot of the lies of the Catholic Church–and made up some his own.
The proof that there were Jewish conversos in the early Church is by the Jewish doctrine that it embraced. Read Alexander Hislop’s “The Two Babylons” and you will see overwhelming evidence of occult babylonian doctrine in the Church’s foundational doctrines–those ideas came from Jews, clearly.
In your version of Church history, when did the Catholic Church first start allowing converso Jews in?
Don’t kid yourself. Apparently you haven’t visited the site much. I don’t disagree with any of your ‘facts’, and neither does this site, in my estimation. In fact, if you actually search the site, I’m sure you can find these ‘facts’ already established in articles AND comments. Why you accuse otherwise, I am not sure. As for your ‘Babylon’ statement (I’m assuming ‘Mystery Babylon’), I’m not sure where that is coming from either, especially when that is mentioned nowhere in the article. That seems to be a universal agreement here too. Maybe all the truth here is too much for your ego. Maybe you do need to go somewhere where you can be put on a pedestal…
Hendrick Lamb
“Enkidu”, after working with the Jews, Martin Luther completely renounced them after discovering what the Talmud really said about Christ and Christians. He wrote “On The Jews and Their Lies”, which you conveniently failed to mention.
Luther’s real problem was that he could not reconcile the Jews as “God’s chosen” with who they really were. He never could reject them for the Israelite imposters that they are. You cannot understand the Bible if you do not understand that the Jews are not Judahites or Israelites but imposters who subvert and destroy.
Christ called them out on that issue but Luther obviously maintained the Catholic lies that Jesus was one of these Jews who wrote the Talmud, that Jews can be converted, and that Christ came for “everyone”.
This is news. ALways catholic clergy are suspects. I am surprised the two Belgian nuns , who sang a popular semi-profane song about St. Dominique were not featured . This was in the 60’s when these same nuns would commit suicide instead of penitence because evil conventions that made unnatural affections perverse. The sisters were allegedly Sodomite. The story was either censored by the church or the media would not expose this scandal within the church at that time. But alas the Reform and Roman church are united.
Today , the desire of the one church ecumenical movement indeed will be inclusive except for Christ Jesus himself , whom they relegated to infinity long ago. And they have surpassed even the Scofield bible in giving free license to distortion and blasphemous interpretation. But the final judgment is the same : God , the Creator has erred and we must recreate the world in the image of Satan .
There is only one true Church, and it consists only of those who have been given as a gift by God Faith to look to Christ for their true identity, because it is only thru Christ can we know God. Christ in us is our only hope of glory and it is God who reveals that to us. Christ took away the veil so God could reveal what Christ is in us. By knowing what Christ is in us we know God, because Christ in us is the experiencing of what is Sovereign and First Cause of all that is. The things that are seen are not made of things which do appear. God is those things that do not appear nevertheless cause all to exist. We know God by the experiencing of those things continuously, (The same yesterday, today and forever) which is Christ in us. Thus we know God and have Life which is eternal.